
708 B


cold hard bot for cold hard chats


  • $flood [AMOUNT] [TEXT] - Floods the channel with a specific line x amount of times
  • $ctcpflood [TARGET] [TEXT (one word)] [AMOUNT] - Sends x amount of CTCP requests to a target.
  • $sneed - Pastes the Sneed's Feed and Seed copypasta.
  • $rspam [LINES] - Spams x lines of random characters.
  • $uspam [LINES] - Spams x lines of random unicode characters of varying length.
  • $art [IMAGE URL (png/jpg)] - Creates IRC art using a source image.


  • phy1729/banter - $art uses a version of banter modified to allow URLs in place of local image files. These changes will be published upstream once refined.