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<h1 align="center">LibreX</h1>
<p float="left">
<img src="" width="400">
<img src="" width="400">
<p align="center">A privacy respecting free as in freedom meta search engine</p>
# Online instances
| URL | Country | TOR | I2P |
| []( | 🇨🇭 CH | [](http://librex.prnoid54e44a4bduq5due64jkk7wcnkxcp5kv3juncm7veptjcqudgyd.onion/) | [](http://fboseyskrqpi6yjiifvz4ryuoiswjezkqsfxfkm2vmbuhehbpr7q.b32.i2p/) |
| []( | 🇬🇧 UK | ❌ | ❌ |
| []( | 🇫🇷 FR | ❌ | ❌ |🇷
<br>If you wish to get your instance added create an issue with the `new instance` label and this information:
+ the URL of your instance
+ the country where your instance is being hosted
Your request will be **rejected** if your instance:
+ contains JavaScript
+ contains ads
+ have cloudflare protection
# Features
+ Ad & JavaScript free
+ Torrent results from popular torrent sites
+ Special queries (e.g.: 2.4 btc to usd)
+ Tracking snippets from URLs are removed
+ Multiple color themes
+ Image results are converted to base64 to prevent clients from connecting to Google servers
+ Supports both POST and GET requests
+ Popular social media sites (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter etc.) are replaced with privacy friendly front-ends
+ Easy to use JSON API for developers
+ No 3rd party libs are used
+ Easy to setup
# Hosting
Install the packages:
sudo apt install php php-fpm php-dom php-curl nginx
Clone LibreX:
git clone
Make sure that the config and the opensearch file won't change when you do git pull:
cd librex
mv config.php.example config.php
mv opensearch.xml.example opensearch.xml
Change opensearch.xml to point to your domain:
sed -i 's/http:\/\/localhost/https:\/\/your.domain/g' opensearch.xml
To keep LibreX up to date enable the LibreX systemd service:
cp librex_updater.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl enable --now librex_updater # edit the service file before you enable it
Example nginx config:
server {
listen 80;
server_name your.domain;
root /var/www/html/librex;
index index.php;
location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock;
Start the php-fpm and the nginx systemd service
sudo systemctl enable --now php7.4-fpm nginx # replace the version if its needed
Now LibreX should be running!
Example API request: `.../api.php?q=gentoo&p=2&type=0` <br/><br/>
`q` is the keyword<br/>`p` is the result page (the first page is `0`)<br/>`type` is the search type (`0`=text, `1`=image, `2`=video, `3`=torrent)
The API also supports both POST and GET requests.
# Donate
### Bitcoin (BTC)
### Monero (XMR)