
859 B

Packaging soju


Using the Makefile is recommended. The GOFLAGS variable can be used to customize flags passed to Go. In particular, GOFLAGS="-tags=libsqlite3" can be used to link to the system's libsqlite3.

The Makefile will configure the binary with the default locations for the config file and the admin Unix socket. These can be customized via the SYSCONFDIR and RUNDIR variables.

Default configuration file

make install will set up a default configuration file which:

  • Uses a SQLite3 database in /var/lib/soju/main.db.
  • Uses a filesystem message store in /var/lib/soju/logs/.
  • Enables the admin Unix socket (required for sojuctl).

Service manager integration

soju is designed to be run as a system-wide service under a separate user account.

SIGHUP can be sent to soju to reload the configuration file.