perp 25d668f0f0 📝 Updated command table
Updated command table for todo, working and broken.
2023-08-03 23:42:24 +01:00

137 lines
2.8 KiB

# Shogo
[![IRC](](ircs:// [![License: GPL v3](](
Shogo is a Shodan CLI made in Go
### 🎯 Features:
+ Prettier printing
+ Faster JSON parsing
+ Faster HTTP requests
+ Multiple command arguments
## 📋 Requirements
go (1.20+)
## ⚙️ Installation
git clone
cd shogo/cmd/shogo
go install .
## ❓ Commands
| Todo | Working | Broken |
| ------------ | ------- | ------ |
| convert | count | search |
| data(x) | host | domain |
| download (x) | info | |
| org (x) | myip | |
| init | stats | |
| radar (x) | alert | |
| stream (x) | scan | |
| | version | |
##### x = limited key
## ⚡️ Usage
Shodan CLI made in Go
shogo [flags]
shogo [command]
Available Commands:
count Return number of results for a search
domain Return domain information
host Return host information
info Return your account information
myip Return your IP address
search Return a search result
stats Return facet stats on a search
version Return shogo version
alert Manage your network alerts
scan Scan an IP/netblock
help Help about any command
--no-color Disable color output
-h, --help help for shogo
Use "shogo [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Return number of results for a search
shogo count [flags]
-h, --help help for count
Global Flags:
--no-color Disable color output
Return your account information
shogo info [flags]
info, information
-p, --profile Show profile information
-h, --help help for info
Global Flags:
--no-color Disable color output
Manage your network alerts
shogo alert [flags]
shogo alert [command]
Available Commands:
clear Clear all alerts
create Create an alert
delete Delete an alert
info Return alert information
list Return all the active alerts
--no-color Disable color output
-h, --help help for alert
Use "shogo alert [command] --help" for more information about a command.
### Get key information
shogo info -a -p
### Get query count
shogo count "apache" "nginx"
### Get alert list
shogo alert list
### Show alert information
shogo alert show <alert-id>
## ⚠️ License
##### Shogo is provided under the [GNU General Public License v3.0](./LICENSE)
###### Developers are not responsible for any misuse