2016-09-09 02:06:15 -05:00

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Convert ansi art to mirc art.


For reference screenshot is iTerm2 with Andale Mono font ssh'd to a linux machine attached to a tmux session running irssi.


run make and copy a2m wherever you want.


run a2m -h for a list of options


IRC Client

IRCCloud doesn't work very well. It's monospaced font is Iconsolata, served up by Google Web Fonts, which doesn't draw the block characters correctly (see below).


Don't use reverse video, just make foreground white on black background, but not bright white, there should be two different whites, bright white and grayish white, 16 unique colors in all, as shown below:

Color Regular Bold
Black #000000 (0, 0, 0) #555555 (85, 85, 85)
Red #aa0000 (170, 0, 0) #ff5555 (255, 85, 85)
Green #00aa00 (0, 170, 0) #55ff55 (85, 255, 85)
Yellow #aa5500 (170, 85, 0) #ffff55 (255, 255, 85)
Blue #0000aa (0, 0, 170) #5555ff (85, 85, 255)
Magenta #aa00aa (170, 0, 170) #ff55ff (255, 85, 255)
Cyan #00aaaa (0, 170, 170 ) #55ffff (85, 255, 255)
White #aaaaaa (170, 170, 170) #ffffff (255, 255, 255)


The font you use needs to be monospaced obviously but if its missing some of the block drawing unicode characters its going to borrow them from another font, which will probably having a different width, resulting in poor alignment and jagged edges. Andale Mono is the best I've found so far.