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"wabbers", "wabbles", "wabblers", "waddled", "waddler", "waddles", "wadiats", "wadmaal", "wadmals", "wadmels", "wadmoll", "wadmols", "wadsets", "waeness", "waftage", "wafture", "waggers", "wagging", "wagling", "wahines", "wailing", "wainage", "wainful", "waining", "wainscot", "waisted", "waister", "waiting", "waiving", "wakened", "wakener", "wakikis", "wallets", "wallies", "wallops", "wallows", "walnuts", "wamble", "wambled", "wambles", "wambly", "wamefou", "wameful", "wampums", "wandero", "wandle", "wangled", "wangler", "wangles", "wanigan", "wanking", "wannest", "wannish", "wanting", "wapitis", "wapiti", "warble", "warbled", "warbler", "warbles", "wardens", "warders", "warding", "warehou", "wareing", "warfare", "warhead", "warison", "warless", "warlike", "warling", "warlock", "warlord", "warmed", "warmers", "warmest", "warming", "warmish", "warmth", "warmths", "warners", "warning", "warpage", "warper", "warping", "warrant", "warrant", "warrant", "warranted", "warranted", "warranted", "warrens", "warring", "warrior", "warstle", "warthog", "wartier", "wartime", "wasabit", "wasatch", "washday", "washers", "washier", "washing", "washrag", "washtub", "wasps", "wasting", "wastrel", "wastril", "watchdog", "watcher", "watchfu", "watching", "waterlo", "watery", "wattage", "watters", "wattest", "wattles", "wauchle", "waucht", "waught", "wauling", "wauping", "wauring", "wausau", "wavelet", "waveoff", "wavered", "waverer", "wavering", "waxbill", "waxiest", "waxlike", "waxwing", "waxwork", "waxworm", "waybill", "wayfare", "waygate", "waylaid", "waylayer", "wayless", "wayside", "waywode", "weakens", "weakest", "weakish", "wealful", "wealthy", "weaners", "weanling", "weapone", "wearers",
"xanthic", "xanthin", "xanthoma", "xanthone", "xanthein", "xanthene", "xanthenes", "xanthine", "xanthines", "xanthins", "xanthoma", "xanthomas", "xanthones", "xebecs", "xenials", "xenogamy", "xenogeny", "xenolith", "xenomai", "xenon", "xenons", "xenopus", "xenure", "xenures", "xerarch", "xeroses", "xerosis", "xiphias", "xiphiid", "xiphiids", "xiphoids", "xylenes", "xylidin", "xylidins", "xylitol", "xylitols", "xylocarp", "xyloid", "xyloids", "xyloma", "xylomata", "xylose", "xyloses", "xylyl", "xylyls", "xystoi", "xystos", "xysts", "yabbers", "yacking", "yaffing", "yagers", "yagging", "yakitori", "yakking", "yakimes", "yakking", "yaksha", "yakshas", "yakutat", "yamalka", "yammer", "yammered", "yammerer", "yammering", "yammers", "yanking", "yanquis", "yantra", "yantras", "yapocks", "yapok", "yapons", "yapping", "yarayan", "yardage", "yardang", "yarding", "yardman", "yardmen", "yardwand", "yarely", "yarest", "yarners", "yarning", "yarrow", "yarrows", "yatagan", "yatagan", "yataghan", "yataghans", "yatagans", "yatter", "yattered", "yattering", "yatters", "yauds", "yauping", "yaupon", "yaupons", "yautia", "yautias", "yawings", "yawled", "yawling", "yawners", "yawning", "yawpers", "yawping", "yawpings", "yeaning", "yearnful", "yearning", "yeasting", "yeelins", "yelling", "yellowed", "yellowest", "yellowing", "yellowish", "yellowy", "yelping", "yenned", "yenning", "yeoman", "yeomanly", "yeomanry", "yeomen", "yessing", "yestreen", "yetlins", "yeuking", "yielden", "yielding", "yielding", "yirring", "yobbish", "yocking", "yodeled", "yodeler", "yodeling",
"03orb", "06xipu", "06croacre", "09maub", "raping"
function words(options) {
function word() {
if (options && options.maxLength > 1) {
return generateWordWithMaxLength();
} else {
return generateRandomWord();
function generateWordWithMaxLength() {
var rightSize = false;
var wordUsed;
while (!rightSize) {
wordUsed = generateRandomWord();
if(wordUsed.length <= options.maxLength) {
rightSize = true;
return wordUsed;
function generateRandomWord() {
return wordList[randInt(wordList.length)];
function randInt(lessThan) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * lessThan);
// No arguments = generate one word
if (typeof(options) === 'undefined') {
return word();
// Just a number = return that many words
if (typeof(options) === 'number') {
options = { exactly: options };
// options supported: exactly, min, max, join
if (options.exactly) {
options.min = options.exactly;
options.max = options.exactly;
// not a number = one word par string
if (typeof(options.wordsPerString) !== 'number') {
options.wordsPerString = 1;
//not a function = returns the raw word
if (typeof(options.formatter) !== 'function') {
options.formatter = (word) => word;
//not a string = separator is a space
if (typeof(options.separator) !== 'string') {
options.separator = ' ';
var total = options.min + randInt(options.max + 1 - options.min);
var results = [];
var token = '';
var relativeIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; (i < total * options.wordsPerString); i++) {
if (relativeIndex === options.wordsPerString - 1) {
token += options.formatter(word(), relativeIndex);
else {
token += options.formatter(word(), relativeIndex) + options.separator;
if ((i + 1) % options.wordsPerString === 0) {
token = '';
relativeIndex = 0;
if (typeof options.join === 'string') {
results = results.join(options.join);
return results;
module.exports = words;
// Export the word list as it is often useful
words.wordList = wordList; |