972 B
972 B
file upload service, with a dark side.
spawns a fully functional file uploading app that logs relevant ip and browser information on whoever visits uploaded files. very effective when paired with a convincing domain (picbin.co, filebin.org, etc).
- cloaked irc user or discord nerd says ur mom's a hoe
- you upload a pic/video/whatever file to evilcloud
- you send the person the link returned (ex. https://image-box.co/uploads/fj238as3.png), make them think it's some titties or something, get creative
- victim clicks the link, thinking it's yet another image upload site, nothing to worry about
- your console lights up with their ip and browser info paired with whatever uri was visited
- profit
don't forget to create tls keys (ex. with letsencrypt) for the domain
git clone https://git.supernets.org/delorean/evilcloud
edit the global config vars in main.go to your liking
go mod tidy
go build .