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Meshtastic Firmware Hacks


  • Download & install PlatformIO

  • git clone

  • cd firmware && git submodule update --init


  • Use XMB Viewer to convert an image to XMB

  • The data from this goes in firmware/src/graphics/img/icon.xbm

You can use the provided icon.xbm for a rad GTA:SA fist to show up on boot.

Custom boot message

  • Navigate to firmware/src/graphics/Screen.cpp

  • Find & replace const char *title = ""; with your custom message.

Custom screen color

  • Navigate to src/graphics/TFTDisplay.cpp

  • Find & replace #define TFT_MESH COLOR565(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00) with your custom color. (The one shown here is for RED mode >:))

Custom alert sound (for devices with a buzzer)

  • From the mobile app, click the 3 dots on the top right, and select Radio configuration
  • Under Module configuration, select External Notification
  • Scroll down & you will see a Ringtone option that takes RTTTL formatted tones.

As far as I know, at the time of writing this, the only way to change the Ringtone is from the App. While this is not a "firmware" related thing, I included it in this file because it was difficult to find this setting...

Display RAM/PSRAM Usage

Look for these lines:

    display->drawString(x, y + FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL * 2, "SSID: " + String(wifiName));
    display->drawString(x, y + FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL * 3, "http://meshtastic.local");

And place the follow code AFTER the above lines:

// Display memory usage using the MemGet class
uint32_t freeHeap = ESP.getFreeHeap();
uint32_t totalHeap = ESP.getHeapSize();
uint32_t usedHeap = totalHeap - freeHeap;
display->drawString(x, y + FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL * 4, "Heap: " + String(usedHeap / 1024) + "/" + String(totalHeap / 1024) + " KB");

// Display PSRAM usage using the MemGet class
uint32_t freePsram = ESP.getFreePsram();
uint32_t totalPsram = ESP.getPsramSize();
uint32_t usedPsram = totalPsram - freePsram;
display->drawString(x, y + FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL * 5, "PSRAM: " + String(usedPsram / 1024) + "/" + String(totalPsram / 1024) + " KB");

Heartbeat for redraw

  • Uncomment the line that says: #define SHOW_REDRAWS

This will show a little 1x1 pixel on the top left corner anytime the screen is redraw.

Compile & flash firmware

  • Select PlatformIO: Pick Project Environment & select your board.
  • Run PLatformIO: Build to compile the firmware.
  • Place device in DFU mode & plug in to the computer
  • Do PlatformIO: Upload to send the firmware to the device
  • Press the RESET button or reboot your device.

See here for more information building & flashing custom firmware.