
595 lines
24 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# efknockr (internet relay chat beacon) - developed by acidvegas in python (https://git.acid.vegas/efknockr)
import asyncio
import ipaddress
import os
import random
import re
import ssl
import sys
import time
import urllib.request
class settings:
chan_first = False # Finish knocking channels before sending private messages
confuse = True # Use unicode confusables in messages to avoid spamfilters
daemon = False # Run in daemon mode (24/7 throttled knocking)
errors = True # Show errors in console
errors_conn = False # Show connection errors in console
exploits = False # Use a exploit payloads
mass_hl = True # Hilite all the users in a channel before parting
part_msg = 'Smell ya l8r' # Send a custom part message when leaving channels
proxies = False # Connect with proxies
proxies_only = False # Only connect with proxies
proxies_scan = False # Scan for new proxies
proxies_local = False # Use proxies from proxies.txt
register = True # Register with NickServ before joining channels
register_chan = '#EFKnockr' # Set to None to disable channel registrations
register_chan_topic = 'EFK' # Topic to set for the registered channel
class throttle:
channels = 3 if not settings.daemon else 2 # Maximum number of channels to knock at once
connect = 15 if not settings.daemon else 60 # Delay between each connection attempt on a diffferent port
delay = 300 if not settings.daemon else 600 # Delay before registering nick (if enabled) & sending /LIST
jdelay = 3 if not settings.daemon else 10 # Delay before messaging a channel
join = 10 if not settings.daemon else 30 # Delay between channel JOINs
message = 1.5 if not settings.daemon else 3 # Delay between each message sent
nick = 300 if not settings.daemon else 600 # Delay between every random NICK change
nicks = 5 if not settings.daemon else 15 # Delay between each nick private messaged
private = 5 if not settings.daemon else 15 # Delay between private messages
pthreads = 500 if not settings.daemon else 300 # Maximum number of threads for proxy checking
ptimeout = 15 if not settings.daemon else 30 # Timeout for all sockets
seconds = 300 if not settings.daemon else 600 # Maximum seconds to wait when throttled for JOIN or PM
users = 10 if not settings.daemon else 5 # Minimum number of users in a channel to knock
threads = 500 if not settings.daemon else 50 # Maximum number of threads running
timeout = 30 if not settings.daemon else 60 # Timeout for all sockets
ztimeout = 200 if not settings.daemon else 300 # Timeout for zero data from server ;) ;) ;)
messages = (
'This message has been brought to you by EFknockr!',
'WHAT IS UP PORT 6667!?',
['cant',' stop',' me','cause',' im a',' pumper'],
'b i g a c i d v e g a s h a s u'
class bad:
donotscan = (
'irc.terahertz.net', '', '2001:728:1808::25',
'irc.dronebl.org', 'irc.alphachat.net',
'', '', '', '',
'2001:19f0:6001:1dc::1', '2001:19f0:b001:ce3::1', '2a01:4f8:160:2501:48:164:9:5', '2001:19f0:6401:17c::1'
chan = {
'479' : 'ERR_BADCHANNAME', '480' : 'ERR_THROTTLE',
'485' : 'ERR_CHANBANREASON', '488' : 'ERR_NOSSL',
'520' : 'ERR_OPERONLY', '926' : 'ERR_BADCHANNEL'
error = {
'install identd' : 'Identd required',
'trying to reconnect too fast' : 'Throttled',
'trying to (re)connect too fast' : 'Throttled',
'reconnecting too fast' : 'Throttled',
'access denied' : 'Access denied',
'not authorized to' : 'Not authorized',
'not authorised to' : 'Not authorized',
'password mismatch' : 'Password mismatch',
'dronebl' : 'DroneBL',
'dnsbl' : 'DNSBL',
'g:lined' : 'G:Lined',
'z:lined' : 'Z:Lined',
'timeout' : 'Timeout',
'closing link' : 'Banned',
'banned' : 'Banned',
'client exited' : 'QUIT',
'quit' : 'QUIT'
# Globals
all_proxies = list()
good_proxies = list()
def confuse(data):
if settings.confuse:
chars = ''
for char in data:
if random.choice((True,False,False)):
if char == ' ':
chars += '\u00A0'
elif char.lower() in ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwyz'):
chars += char + random.choice(('\u200B','\u2060','\x0f','\x03\x0f'))
chars += char
chars += char
return ''.join(chars)
return data
def debug(data):
print('{0} \033[1;30m|\033[0m [\033[35m~\033[0m] {1}'.format(time.strftime('%I:%M:%S'), data))
def error(data, reason=None):
if settings.errors:
print('{0} \033[1;30m|\033[0m [\033[31m!\033[0m] {1} \033[1;30m({2})\033[0m'.format(time.strftime('%I:%M:%S'), data, str(reason))) if reason else print('{0} \033[1;30m|\033[0m [\033[31m!\033[0m] {1}'.format(time.strftime('%I:%M:%S'), data))
def get_proxies():
urls = (
proxies = list()
for url in urls:
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)')
source = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=10).read().decode()
proxies+= list(set([proxy for proxy in re.findall('[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+:[0-9]+', source, re.MULTILINE) if proxy not in proxies]))
except Exception as ex:
error('failed to grab new proxies!', ex)
return proxies if proxies else False
async def check_proxy(semaphore, proxy):
async with semaphore:
ip, port = proxy.split(':')
options = {
'proxy' : aiosocks.Socks5Addr(proxy.split(':')[0], int(proxy.split(':')[1])),
'proxy_auth' : None,
'dst' : ('www.google.com',80),
'limit' : 1024,
'ssl' : None,
'family' : 2
await asyncio.wait_for(aiosocks.open_connection(**options), throttle.ptimeout)
debug('\033[1;32mGOOD\033[0m \033[1;30m|\033[0m ' + proxy)
if ip not in all_proxies:
def rndnick():
prefix = random.choice(['st','sn','cr','pl','pr','fr','fl','qu','br','gr','sh','sk','tr','kl','wr','bl']+list('bcdfgklmnprstvwz'))
midfix = random.choice(('aeiou'))+random.choice(('aeiou'))+random.choice(('bcdfgklmnprstvwz'))
suffix = random.choice(['ed','est','er','le','ly','y','ies','iest','ian','ion','est','ing','led','inger']+list('abcdfgklmnprstvwz'))
return prefix+midfix+suffix
def ssl_ctx():
ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
ctx.check_hostname = False
ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
return ctx
class probe:
def __init__(self, semaphore, server, proxy=None):
self.semaphore = semaphore
self.server = server
self.proxy = proxy
self.display = server.ljust(18)+' \033[1;30m|\033[0m unknown network \033[1;30m|\033[0m '
self.nickname = rndnick()
self.channels = {'all':list(), 'current':list(), 'users':dict(), 'bad':list()}
self.nicks = {'all':list(), 'chan':dict(), 'check':list(), 'bad':list()}
self.loops = {'init':None, 'chan':None, 'nick':None, 'pm':None}
self.jthrottle = throttle.join
self.nthrottle = throttle.private
self.reader = None
self.write = None
async def sendmsg(self, target, msg):
await self.raw(f'PRIVMSG {target} :{msg}')
async def run(self):
async with self.semaphore:
await self.connect() # 6697
except Exception as ex:
if settings.errors_conn:
error(self.display + '\033[1;31mdisconnected\033[0m - failed to connect using SSL/TLS!', ex)
await asyncio.sleep(throttle.connect)
await self.connect(True) # 6667
except Exception as ex:
if settings.errors_conn:
error(self.display + '\033[1;31mdisconnected\033[0m - failed to connect!', ex)
async def raw(self, data):
self.writer.write(data[:510].encode('utf-8') + b'\r\n')
await self.writer.drain()
async def connect(self, fallback=False):
if self.proxy:
auth = self.proxy.split('@')[0].split(':') if '@' in self.proxy else None
proxy_ip, proxy_port = self.proxy.split('@')[1].split(':') if '@' in self.proxy else self.proxy.split(':')
options = {
'proxy' : aiosocks.Socks5Addr(proxy_ip, proxy_port),
'proxy_auth' : aiosocks.Socks5Auth(*auth) if auth else None,
'dst' : (self.server,6667) if fallback else (self.server,6697),
'limit' : 1024,
'ssl' : None if fallback else ssl_ctx(),
'family' : 2
self.reader, self.writer = await asyncio.wait_for(aiosocks.open_connection(**options), throttle.timeout)
options = {
'host' : self.server,
'port' : 6667 if fallback else 6697,
'limit' : 1024,
'ssl' : None if fallback else ssl_ctx(),
'family' : 2
self.reader, self.writer = await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.open_connection(**options), throttle.timeout)
del options
await self.raw('USER {0} 0 * :{1}'.format(rndnick(), rndnick()))
await self.raw('NICK ' + self.nickname)
await self.listen()
for item in self.loops:
if self.loops[item]:
debug(self.display + 'finished knocking')
async def loop_initial(self):
await asyncio.sleep(throttle.delay)
mail = rndnick() + '@' + random.choice(('gmail.com','hotmail.com','yahoo.com','outlook.com','protonmail.com','mail.com',rndnick()+random.choice(('com','org','net'))))
cmds = [f'PRIVMSG NickServ :REGISTER {rndnick()} {mail}', 'LIST']
for command in cmds:
await self.raw(command)
await asyncio.sleep(3)
if not self.channels['all']:
error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - no channels found')
await self.raw('QUIT')
except asyncio.CancelledError:
except Exception as ex:
error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - loop_initial', ex)
async def loop_channels(self):
while self.channels['all']:
while len(self.channels['current']) >= throttle.channels:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await asyncio.sleep(self.jthrottle)
chan = random.choice(self.channels['all'])
await self.raw('JOIN ' + chan)
if settings.chan_first:
self.loops['pm'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_private())
while self.nicks['check']:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await self.raw('QUIT')
except asyncio.CancelledError:
except Exception as ex:
error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - loop_channels', ex)
async def loop_nick(self):
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(throttle.nick)
self.nickname = rndnick()
await self.raw('NICK ' + self.nickname)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
except Exception as ex:
error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - loop_nick', ex)
async def loop_private(self):
while True:
if self.nicks['check']:
nick = random.choice(self.nicks['check'])
msg = random.choice(messages)
if type(msg) == list:
for i in msg:
if nick in self.nicks['bad']:
await self.sendmsg(nick, confuse(i))
await asyncio.sleep(throttle.message)
await self.sendmsg(nick, confuse(msg))
del nick
await asyncio.sleep(throttle.nicks)
await asyncio.sleep(1)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
except Exception as ex:
error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - loop_private', ex)
async def listen(self):
while True:
if self.reader.at_eof():
data = await asyncio.wait_for(self.reader.readuntil(b'\r\n'), throttle.ztimeout)
line = data.decode('utf-8').strip()
args = line.split()
event = args[1].upper()
if event in bad.chan and len(args) >= 4:
chan = args[3]
if chan in self.channels['users']:
del self.channels['users'][chan]
if chan in self.nicks['chan']:
del self.nicks['chan'][chan]
error(f'{self.display}\033[31merror\033[0m - {chan}', bad.chan[event])
elif line.startswith('ERROR :'):
check = [check for check in bad.error if check in line.lower()]
if check:
raise Exception(bad.error[check[0]])
elif args[0] == 'PING':
await self.raw('PONG ' + args[1][1:])
elif event == '001': #RPL_WELCOME
host = args[0][1:]
if len(host) > 25:
self.display = f'{self.server.ljust(18)} \033[1;30m|\033[0m {host[:22]}... \033[1;30m|\033[0m '
self.display = f'{self.server.ljust(18)} \033[1;30m|\033[0m {host.ljust(25)} \033[1;30m|\033[0m '
debug(self.display + f'\033[1;32mconnected\033[0m')
self.loops['init'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_initial())
elif event == '315' and len(args) >= 3: #RPL_ENDOFWHO
chan = args[3]
await asyncio.sleep(throttle.jdelay)
msg = random.choice(messages)
if type(msg) == list:
for i in msg:
if chan in self.channels['bad']:
await self.sendmsg(chan, confuse(i))
await asyncio.sleep(throttle.message)
await self.sendmsg(chan, confuse(msg))
if settings.exploits:
pass # TODO: add exploits
if settings.mass_hl:
self.nicks['chan'][chan] = ' '.join(self.nicks['chan'][chan])
if len(self.nicks['chan'][chan]) <= 400:
await self.sendmsg(chan, self.nicks['chan'][chan])
while len(self.nicks['chan'][chan]) > 400:
if chan in self.channels['bad']:
segment = self.nicks['chan'][chan][:400]
segment = segment[:-len(segment.split()[len(segment.split())-1])]
await self.sendmsg(chan, segment)
self.nicks['chan'][chan] = self.nicks['chan'][chan][len(segment):]
await asyncio.sleep(throttle.message)
await self.raw(f'PART {chan} :{settings.part_msg}')
del self.nicks['chan'][chan]
if chan in self.channels['bad']:
elif event == '322' and len(args) >= 4: # RPL_LIST
chan = args[3]
users = args[4]
if len(self.channels['all']) >= 20000:
error(self.display + 'LIST tarpit detected!') # Make it wuddup
error(self.display + 'LIST tarpit detected!') # stand out pi55
error(self.display + 'LIST tarpit detected!') # more n3t
self.snapshot['TARPIT'] = True
await self.raw('QUIT')
if users != '0': # no need to JOIN empty channels...
if chan not in ('#dronebl','#help','#opers'): # lets avoid the channels that are going to get use banned/blacklisted
self.channels['users'][chan] = users
elif event == '323': # RPL_LISTEND
if self.channels['all']:
debug(self.display + '\033[36mLIST\033[0m found \033[93m{0}\033[0m channel(s)'.format(str(len(self.channels['all']))))
self.loops['chan'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_channels())
self.loops['nick'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_nick())
if not settings.chan_first:
self.loops['pm'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_private())
elif event == '352' and len(args) >= 8: # RPL_WHORPL
chan = args[3]
nick = args[7]
if nick not in self.nicks['all']+[self.nickname,]:
elif event == '366' and len(args) >= 4: # RPL_ENDOFNAMES
chan = args[3]
self.nicks['chan'][chan] = list()
if chan in self.channels['users']:
debug('{0}\033[32mJOIN\033[0m {1} \033[1;30m(found \033[93m{2}\033[0m users)\033[0m'.format(self.display, chan, self.channels['users'][chan]))
del self.channels['users'][chan]
await self.raw('WHO ' + chan)
elif event == '404' and len(args) >= 5: # ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN
chan = args[3]
msg = ' '.join(args[4:])[1:]
error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - failed to knock ' + chan, msg)
if chan not in self.channels['bad']:
elif event == '421' and len(args) >= 3: # ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND
msg = ' '.join(args[2:])
if 'You must be connected for' in msg:
error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - delay found', msg)
elif event == '433': # ERR_NICKINUSE
self.nickname = rndnick()
await self.raw('NICK ' + self.nickname)
elif event == '439' and len(args) >= 11: # ERR_TARGETTOOFAST
target = args[3]
msg = ' '.join(args[4:])[1:]
seconds = args[10]
if target[:1] in ('#','&'):
if seconds.isdigit():
self.jthrottle = throttle.seconds if int(seconds) > throttle.seconds else int(seconds)
if seconds.isdigit():
self.nthrottle = throttle.seconds if int(seconds) > throttle.seconds else int(seconds)
error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - delay found for ' + target, msg)
elif event == '465': # ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP
check = [check for check in bad.error if check in line.lower()]
if check:
raise Exception(bad.error[check[0]])
elif event == '464': # ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH
raise Exception('Network has a password')
elif event == '487': # ERR_MSGSERVICES
if '"/msg NickServ" is no longer supported' in line: # TODO: need to do this for ChanServ aswell
await self.raw('/NickServ REGISTER {0} {1}'.format(rndnick(), f'{rndnick()}@{rndnick()}.com'))
elif args[1] in ('716','717'): # RPL_TARGUMODEG / RPL_TARGNOTIFY
nick = args[2] #TODO: verify this is the correct arguement
if nick not in self.nicks['bad']:
elif event == 'KICK' and len(args) >= 4:
chan = args[2]
kicked = args[3]
if kicked == self.nickname:
if chan in self.channels['current']:
elif event == 'KILL':
nick = args[2]
if nick == self.nickname:
raise Exception('KILL')
elif event == 'MODE' and len(args) == 4:
nick = args[2]
if nick == self.nickname:
mode = args[3][1:]
if mode == '+r':
chan = settings.register_chan + '_' + str(random.randint(10,99))
await self.raw('JOIN ' + chan)
await self.raw(f'TOPIC {chan} :' + settings.register_chan_topic)
await self.sendmsg('ChanServ', 'REGISTER ' + chan)
await self.sendmsg('ChanServ', f'SET {chan} KEEPTOPIC ON')
await self.sendmsg('ChanServ', f'SET {chan} NOEXPIRE ON')
await self.sendmsg('ChanServ', f'SET {chan} PERSIST ON')
await self.sendmsg('ChanServ', f'SET {chan} DESCRIPTION ' + settings.register_chan_topic)
await self.raw('PART ' + chan)
elif event in ('NOTICE','PRIVMSG') and len(args) >= 4:
nick = args[0].split('!')[1:]
target = args[2]
msg = ' '.join(args[3:])[1:]
if target == self.nickname:
for i in ('proxy','proxys','proxies'):
if i in msg.lower():
check = [x for x in ('bopm','hopm') if x in line]
if check:
error(f'{self.display}\033[93m{check.upper()} detected\033[0m')
error(self.display + '\033[93mProxy Monitor detected\033[0m')
for i in ('You must have been using this nick for','You must be connected for','not connected long enough','Please wait', 'You cannot list within the first'):
if i in msg:
error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - delay found', msg)
if msg[:8] == '\001VERSION':
version = random.choice(('http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client','mIRC v6.35 Khaled Mardam-Bey','xchat 0.24.1 Linux 2.6.27-8-eeepc i686','rZNC Version 1.0 [02/01/11] - Built from ZNC','thelounge v3.0.0 -- https://thelounge.chat/'))
await self.raw(f'NOTICE {nick} \001VERSION {version}\001')
elif '!' not in args[0]:
if 'dronebl.org/lookup' in msg:
error(self.display + '\033[93mDroneBL detected\033[0m')
raise Exception('DroneBL')
if [i for i in ('You\'re banned','You are permanently banned','You are banned','You are not welcome','Temporary K-line') if i in msg]:
raise Exception('K-Lined')
except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError):
except Exception as ex:
error(self.display + '\033[1;31mdisconnected\033[0m', ex)
async def main_b(targets):
sema = asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(throttle.pthreads) # B O U N D E D S E M A P H O R E G A N G
jobs = list()
for target in targets:
jobs.append(asyncio.ensure_future(check_proxy(sema, target)))
await asyncio.gather(*jobs)
async def main_a(targets):
sema = asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(throttle.threads) # B O U N D E D S E M A P H O R E G A N G
jobs = list()
if settings.proxies:
if settings.proxies_scan:
proxies = None
del all_proxies[:len(all_proxies)]
del good_proxies[:len(good_proxies)]
while not good_proxies:
debug('scanning for fresh Socks5 proxies...')
proxies = get_proxies()
if proxies:
debug(f'testing {len(proxies):,} proxies...')
await main_b(proxies)
if not good_proxies:
await asyncio.sleep(300)
await asyncio.sleep(300)
debug(f'found {len(good_proxies):,} proxies')
elif settings.proxies_local:
with open('proxies.txt', 'r') as f:
good_proxies = [line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines() if line]
raise SystemExit('error: invalid proxy mode (must use either proxy scanning or local proxies)')
for target in targets:
error('invalid ip address', target)
if settings.proxies:
for proxy in good_proxies: # Todo: we should check if this is empty before running
jobs.append(asyncio.ensure_future(probe(sema, target, proxy).run()))
if not settings.proxies_only:
jobs.append(asyncio.ensure_future(probe(sema, target).run()))
await asyncio.gather(*jobs)
# Main
print('#{:^54}#'.format('EFknockr (internet relay chat beacon)'))
print('#{:^54}#'.format('Developed by acidvegas in Python'))
if True:
raise SystemExit('those who are not skids may figure out how to use this...') # ;) by removing this you agree to only test this on your own server(s) LOLOLOOL
if settings.proxies:
import aiosocks
except ImportError:
raise SystemExit('missing required library \'aiosocks\' (https://pypi.org/project/aiosocks/)')
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
raise SystemExit('error: invalid arguments')
targets_file = sys.argv[1]
if not os.path.isfile(targets_file):
raise SystemExit('error: invalid file path')
targets = [line.rstrip() for line in open(targets_file).readlines() if line and line not in bad.donotscan]
del targets_file
debug(f'loaded {len(targets):,} targets')
while True:
debug('EFknockr has finished knocking!!')
if not settings.daemon: