2024-02-13 01:22:10 -06:00

933 B
Executable File

Running the examples

Expected Console Output:

<<< Example 1 >>>

'longitude' setting is out of valid bounds (max: 180). Value was: 1200.35
Missing 'latitude' setting in configuration file.
Cannot proceed until all mandatory settings are set.

<<< Example 2 >>>

TITLE                           AUTHOR                           PRICE   QTY
Treasure Island                 Robert Louis Stevenson          $ 29.99  5
Snow Crash                      Neal Stephenson                 $  9.99  8

<<< Example 3 >>>

'longitude' setting is out of valid bounds (max: 180). Value was: 1200.35
Missing 'latitude' setting in configuration file.
Cannot proceed until all mandatory settings are set.

Expected Config Layout:

// -- begin --
name = "<name>";
abstract = "<unknown>";
longitude = 0.0;
latitude = 0.0;
inventory =
   movies = ( );
   books = (
         title = "bookXYZ";
      } );
// --- end ---