743 lines
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743 lines
30 KiB
import sqlite3
import logging
import logging.handlers
import random
from time import sleep
from config import config
import irc
bold = '\x02'
italic = '\x1D'
underline = '\x1F'
reverse = '\x16'
reset = '\x0f'
white = '00'
black = '01'
blue = '02'
green = '03'
red = '04'
brown = '05'
purple = '06'
orange = '07'
yellow = '08'
light_green = '09'
cyan = '10'
light_cyan = '11'
light_blue = '12'
pink = '13'
grey = '14'
light_grey = '15'
def createtable():
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE if not exists users (
name text unique,
level integer,
experience integer,
health integer,
attack integer,
defense integer,
money integer,
healthmax integer
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE if not exists weapons (
name text unique,
weaponheld integer,
clip integer,
ammunition integer,
expire integer
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE if not exists items (
name text unique,
bandages integer
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE if not exists stats (
name text unique,
kills integer,
deaths integer
def color(msg: str, foreground: str, background: str='') -> str:
Color a string with the specified foreground and background colors.
:param msg: The string to color.
:param foreground: The foreground color to use.
:param background: The background color to use.
return f'\x03{foreground},{background}{msg}{reset}' if background else f'\x03{foreground}{msg}{reset}'
class Users:
def __init__(self, name, level, experience, health, attack, defense, money, healthmax):
self.name = name
self.level = level
self.experience = experience
self.health = health
self.attack = attack
self.defense = defense
self.money = money
self.healthmax = healthmax
class Weapons:
def __init__(self, name, weaponheld, clip, ammunition):
self.name = name
self.weaponheld = weaponheld
self.clip = clip
self.ammunition = ammunition
self.expire = 0
class Items:
def __init__(self, name, bandages):
self.name = name
self.bandages = bandages
conn = sqlite3.connect('data.db')
c = conn.cursor()
async def checkexist(player):
c.execute(f"SELECT rowid FROM users WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': player})
if data is None:
return f'Invalid Player: %s'%player
return True
async def addkillstat(name):
c.execute(f'SELECT rowid FROM stats WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': name})
if checkrow == None:
kills = 1
deaths = 0
c.execute(f'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO stats VALUES (:name, :kills, :deaths)', {'name': name, 'kills': kills, 'deaths': deaths})
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Player {color(name, light_green)} has a total of {color(kills, red)} kills!]')
c.execute(f'SELECT * FROM stats WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': name})
for retrieve in getkills:
kills = retrieve[1] + 1
c.execute(f'UPDATE stats SET KILLS = (:kills) WHERE name=(:name)', {'kills': kills, 'name': name})
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Player {color(name, light_green)} has a total of {color(kills, red)} kills!]')
async def adddeathstat(name):
c.execute(f'SELECT rowid FROM stats WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': name})
if checkrow == None:
kills = 0
deaths = 1
c.execute(f'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO stats VALUES (:name, :kills, :deaths)', {'name': name, 'kills': kills, 'deaths': deaths})
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Opponent Player {color(name, red)} has died {color(deaths, red)} times!]')
c.execute(f'SELECT * FROM stats WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': name})
for retrieve in getkills:
kills = retrieve[1]
deaths = retrieve[2] + 1
c.execute(f'UPDATE stats SET DEATHS = (:deaths) WHERE name=(:name)', {'deaths': deaths, 'name': name})
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Player {color(name, red)} has died {color(deaths, red)} times!]')
async def buybandages(name, amount):
if amount == 0 or amount == None:
return f'[Must specify how many bandages you want... !buy bandages <amount>]'
c.execute(f'SELECT rowid FROM items WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': name})
if checkrow == None:
bandages = 0
c.execute(f'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO items VALUES (:name, :bandages)', {'name': name, 'bandages': bandages})
shopamount = amount * 50
c.execute(f'SELECT * FROM items WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': name})
look = c.fetchall()
for band in look:
bandages = band[1]
c.execute(f'SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': name})
usermoney = c.fetchall()
for grabmoney in usermoney:
money = grabmoney[6]
if money >= shopamount:
bandages = band[1]
bandagestotal = bandages + amount
c.execute(f'UPDATE ITEMS set BANDAGES = (:bandages) WHERE NAME = (:name)', {'bandages': bandagestotal, 'name': name})
money = money - shopamount
c.execute(f'UPDATE users set MONEY = (:money) WHERE NAME = (:name)', {'money': money, 'name': name})
return f'[You have enough money [${money:,}] to purchase [{amount}] bandages! Cost is ${shopamount:,}]'
return f'[You do {color("NOT", red)} have enough funds!]'
async def heal(name):
c.execute(f'SELECT * from USERS WHERE name= (:name)', {'name': name})
for userinfo in newtest:
health = userinfo[3]
if health <= 0:
return f'[You are dead... !revive to bring yourself back]'
c.execute(f'SELECT rowid FROM items WHERE name = (:name)', {'name': name})
if havebandages == None:
return f'[You do not have any bandages... !buy bandages <amount number>]'
c.execute(f'SELECT * FROM items WHERE name = (:name)', {'name': name})
bandaids = c.fetchall()
for bandages in bandaids:
if bandages[1] <= 0:
return f'[You do not have any bandages... !buy bandages <amount number>]'
maxhealth = userinfo[7]
if health == maxhealth:
return f'[You already at FULL HEALTH]'
newhealth = health + 25
if newhealth >= maxhealth:
health = maxhealth
c.execute(f'UPDATE USERS set HEALTH = (:health) where NAME = (:name)', {'health': health, 'name': name})
return f'[Player healed {color("+25", light_green)} to MAX health {color(health, light_green)}]'
c.execute(f'UPDATE USERS set HEALTH = (:health) where NAME = (:name)', {'health': newhealth, 'name': name})
return f'[Player healed {color("+25", light_green)} to health {color(newhealth, light_green)}]'
c.execute(f'SELECT * FROM items WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': name})
for checkitems in bandaids:
bandages = checkitems[1]
bandages = bandages - 1
c.execute(f'UPDATE ITEMS set BANDAGES = (:bandages) WHERE name = (:name)', {'bandages': bandages, 'name': name})
async def testfunction(name):
c.execute(f'SELECT * FROM items WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': name})
for checkitems in bandaids:
bandages = checkitems[1]
bandages = bandages - 1
return f'[Player {color(bandages, light_green)} has a total of {color("0", red)} kills!]'
async def reload(nick):
c.execute(f"SELECT rowid FROM users WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': nick})
if data == None:
logging.debug('User is trying to reload without having an account')
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[User {nick} does not have an account]')
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': nick})
name = nick
for check in data:
hasweapon = check[1]
if hasweapon == False:
logging.debug('User does not have weapon')
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[You do not currently have a weapon.. !buy weapon]')
maxclip = 30
clip = check[2]
ammunition = check[3]
if ammunition <= 0:
return f'!buy ammo'
clipadd = 30 - clip
if ammunition >= clipadd:
ammunition = ammunition - clipadd
clip = clip + clipadd
clip = clip + ammunition
ammunition = 0
logging.debug(f'[Current clip ammunition is at {clip} rounds and backup ammunition is at {ammunition} magazine rouunds!]')
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Current clip has {clip} rounds out of {maxclip} mag ammo size and {ammunition} in the arsenal!]')
c.execute(f"UPDATE WEAPONS set CLIP = (:clip) WHERE NAME = (:name)", {'clip': clip, 'name': nick})
c.execute(f"UPDATE WEAPONS set AMMUNITION = (:ammunition) WHERE NAME = (:name)", {'ammunition': ammunition, 'name': name})
async def shoot(player, nick):
check = await checkexist(player)
if check != True:
if player == nick:
logging.debug('Player cannot attack oneself')
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Error: {1}]'.format(0,color('Cannot Attack Yourself', red)))
c.execute(f'SELECT rowid FROM weapons WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': nick})
if checkrow == None:
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Error: {color("No Weapons", red)}] - !buy weapon')
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': nick})
healthcheck = c.fetchall()
for checkalive in healthcheck:
alive = checkalive[3]
if alive <= 0:
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Error: {color("You Are Dead... !revive", red)}]')
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': player})
playerhealthcheck = c.fetchall()
for checkalive in playerhealthcheck:
health = checkalive[3]
if health <= 0:
logging.debug('Player targeted is DEAD')
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Player targeted is {color("DEAD", light_blue)}]')
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': nick})
weapons = c.fetchall()
for reg in weapons:
name = nick
weaponheld = reg[1]
expire = reg[4]
c.execute(f"SELECT rowid FROM weapons WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': name})
if weaponheld == 0:
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'You do not own a weapon!')
clip = reg[2]
ammunition = reg[3]
if clip == 0:
logging.debug('Weapon out of ammo! !buy ammo and !reload')
c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO weapons VALUES (:name, :weaponheld, :clip, :ammunition, :expire)", {'name': nick, 'weaponheld': weaponheld, 'clip': clip, 'ammunition': ammunition, 'expire': expire})
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'{color("OUT OF AMMO - !reload", red)}')
c.execute("SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': name})
for expiring in checkexpire:
expires = expiring[4]
if expires == 300:
logging.debug('User weapon has expired Weapon and Ammo Purged. !buy weapon')
c.execute('''UPDATE WEAPONS set WEAPONHELD = False,
CLIP = 0,
WHERE name = (:name)''', {'name': name})
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Player weapon has expired... purging weapon! <!buy weapon> for a new one]')
clip = clip - 3
c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO weapons VALUES (:name, :weaponheld, :clip, :ammunition, :expire)", {'name': nick, 'weaponheld': weaponheld, 'clip': clip, 'ammunition': ammunition, 'expire': expire})
shooter = c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': player})
for reg in shooter:
playerhealth = reg[3]
damage = random.randint(80, 120)
damage = min(damage, int(playerhealth))
playerhealth = int(playerhealth) - int(damage)
expire = expire + 1
c.execute("UPDATE WEAPONS set EXPIRE = (:expire) where NAME = (:name)", {'expire': expire, 'name': name})
if playerhealth <= 0:
await addmoney(nick)
playerhealth = 0
c.execute('UPDATE USERS set HEALTH = (:health) where NAME = (:name)', {'health': playerhealth, 'name': player})
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, '[Player {1} killed {2} and did {3} damage]'.format(0, color(nick, light_green), color(player, red), color(int(damage), light_green)))
await addkillstat(nick)
await adddeathstat(player)
c.execute('UPDATE USERS set HEALTH = (:health) where NAME = (:name)', {'health': playerhealth, 'name': player})
#return f'[{player} health is now {playerhealth} and took {damage} damage!]')
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, '[Character: {1}] shot at [{2}] with an M16 and did [{3}] damage!'.format(0, color(nick, light_green), color(player, red), color(int(damage), green)))
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Remaining clip magazine rounds: {clip}]')
async def shop():
logging.debug('Printing shop items!')
return f'[Shop Accessories]\r\n[!buy weapon - purchase a 3-round burst gun (note: weapon has a quality of 300 trigger limit)]\r\n[!buy ammo - buy ammunition (+60 rounds) for your weapon]\r\n[!buy bandages <amount>]\r\n'
# return f'[!buy bandages - buys bandages for health] {color("* not done yet", red)}')
async def buyammo(nick):
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE name=:name", {'name': nick})
weapons = c.fetchall()
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=:name", {'name': nick})
user = c.fetchall()
for reg in user:
name = nick
money = reg[6]
newmoney = money - 50
c.execute("UPDATE USERS set MONEY = (:money) where NAME = (:name)", {'money': newmoney, 'name': name})
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Player {name} purchased 60 rounds of ammunition!]')
for weps in weapons:
ammunition = weps[3]
weaponheld = weps[1]
clip = weps[2]
ammunition += 60
expire = weps[4]
c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO weapons VALUES (:name, :weaponheld, :clip, :ammunition, :expire)", {'name': nick, 'weaponheld': weaponheld, 'clip': clip, 'ammunition': ammunition, 'expire': expire})
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Player {nick} weapon ammunition is now {ammunition}]')
async def removeweapon(nick):
remweapon = Weapons(nick, 0, 0, 0)
c.execute("UPDATE WEAPONS set WEAPONHELD = (:weaponheld) where NAME = (:name)", {'weaponheld': 0, 'name': nick})
logging.debug('Removed weapon')
return f'[Player {nick} has been revoked of his/her weapon!]'
async def buyweapon(nick):
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE name=:name", {'name': nick})
weapons = c.fetchall()
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=:name", {'name': nick})
user = c.fetchall()
for regs in user:
name = nick
money = regs[6]
for weapon in weapons:
weaponheld = weapon[1]
if weaponheld == 1:
logging.debug('Weapon is already held, returning')
return f'[Weapon is already held, !buy ammo for more ammunition]'
clip = 30
ammunition = 60
money = money - 500
c.execute("UPDATE USERS set MONEY = (:money) where NAME = (:name)", {'money': money, 'name': nick})
logging.debug(f'Attempting to buy Weapon for {nick}')
weaponheld = True
logging.debug('Buying weapon')
expire = 0
c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO weapons VALUES (:name, :weaponheld, :clip, :ammunition, :expire)", {'name': nick, 'weaponheld': weaponheld, 'clip': clip, 'ammunition': ammunition, 'expire': expire})
return f'[Player: {nick} has purchased a gun for $500! Loaded clip of {clip} rounds!]'
async def removeuser(nick):
logging.debug(f'Removing user {nick}')
name = nick
c.execute('''DELETE FROM users WHERE name=?''',(name,))
c.execute('''DELETE FROM items WHERE name=?''',(name,))
c.execute('''DELETE FROM weapons WHERE name=?''',(name,))
c.execute('''DELETE FROM stats WHERE name=?''',(name,))
logging.debug(f'Removed user {nick}')
async def createuser(nick):
logging.debug(f'Attemping to create user {nick}')
reguser = Users(nick, 1, 500, 500, 100, 100, 5000, 500)
logging.debug(f'User {nick} added to database')
c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO users VALUES (:name, :level, :experience, :health, :attack, :defense, :money, :healthmax)", {'name': nick, 'level': reguser.level, 'experience': reguser.experience, 'health': reguser.health, 'attack': reguser.attack, 'defense': reguser.defense, 'money': reguser.money, 'healthmax': reguser.healthmax})
c.execute(f'SELECT rowid FROM stats WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': nick})
if checkrow == None:
kills = 0
deaths = 0
c.execute(f'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO stats VALUES (:name, :kills, :deaths)', {'name': nick, 'kills': kills, 'deaths': deaths})
#return f'[Player {color(name, light_green)} has a total of {color(kills, red)} kills!]')
async def setlevel(nick, level):
if level == '1':
experience = '500'
health = '500'
attack = '100'
defense = '100'
healthmax = '500'
c.execute(f'''UPDATE USERS set LEVEL = (:level),
EXPERIENCE = (:experience),
HEALTH = (:health),
ATTACK = (:attack),
DEFENSE = (:defense),
HEALTHMAX = (:healthmax)
where NAME = (:name)''', {'level': level, 'experience': experience, 'health': health, 'attack': attack, 'defense': defense, 'name': nick, 'healthmax': healthmax})
return f"[Player: {nick} is now level {color(level, red)}]"
elif level == '2':
experience = '1000'
health = '1000'
attack = '150'
defense = '150'
healthmax = '1000'
c.execute(f'''UPDATE USERS set LEVEL = (:level),
EXPERIENCE = (:experience),
HEALTH = (:health),
ATTACK = (:attack),
DEFENSE = (:defense),
HEALTHMAX = (:healthmax)
where NAME = (:name)''', {'level': level, 'experience': experience, 'health': health, 'attack': attack, 'defense': defense, 'name': nick, 'healthmax': healthmax})
return f"[Player: {nick} is now level {color(level, red)}]"
elif level == '3':
experience = '2000'
health = '1500'
attack = '175'
defense = '175'
healthmax = '1500'
c.execute(f'''UPDATE USERS set LEVEL = (:level),
EXPERIENCE = (:experience),
HEALTH = (:health),
ATTACK = (:attack),
DEFENSE = (:defense),
HEALTHMAX = (:healthmax)
where NAME = (:name)''', {'level': level, 'experience': experience, 'health': health, 'attack': attack, 'defense': defense, 'name': nick, 'healthmax': healthmax})
return f"[Player: {nick} is now level {color(level, red)}]"
elif level == '4':
experience = '3000'
health = '2000'
attack = '200'
defense = '200'
healthmax = '2000'
c.execute(f'''UPDATE USERS set LEVEL = (:level),
EXPERIENCE = (:experience),
HEALTH = (:health),
ATTACK = (:attack),
DEFENSE = (:defense),
HEALTHMAX = (:healthmax)
where NAME = (:name)''', {'level': level, 'experience': experience, 'health': health, 'attack': attack, 'defense': defense, 'name': nick, 'healthmax': healthmax})
return f"[Player: {nick} is now level {color(level, red)}]"
elif level == '5':
experience = '5000'
health = '3000'
attack = '225'
defense = '225'
healthmax = '3000'
c.execute(f'''UPDATE USERS set LEVEL = (:level),
EXPERIENCE = (:experience),
HEALTH = (:health),
ATTACK = (:attack),
DEFENSE = (:defense),
HEALTHMAX = (:healthmax)
where NAME = (:name)''', {'level': level, 'experience': experience, 'health': health, 'attack': attack, 'defense': defense, 'name': nick, 'healthmax': healthmax})
return f"[Player: {nick} is now level {color(level, red)}]"
elif int(level) > 5:
return "[Error: Invalid Level]"
async def closesql():
class combat:
class attacker:
name = ''
attack = ''
class defender:
name = ''
defense = ''
health = ''
async def punch(player, nick):
check = await checkexist(player)
if check is False:
for name in (nick):
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=:name", {'name': nick})
attacker = c.fetchall()
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=:name", {'name': player})
defender = c.fetchall()
if nick == player:
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, '[Error: {1}]'.format(0,color('Cannot Attack Yourself', red)))
for att in attacker:
combat.attacker.name = att[0]
combat.attacker.attack = att[4]
combat.attacker.health = att[3]
if combat.attacker.health == 0:
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, '[Error: You Are {1}!]'.format(0, color('Dead', red)))
for defend in defender:
combat.defender.name = defend[0]
combat.defender.defense = defend[5]
combat.defender.health = defend[3]
playerhealth = combat.defender.health
if combat.defender.health <= 0:
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, f'[Player targeted is {color("DEAD", light_blue)}]')
playerdef = combat.defender.defense
playerattack = combat.attacker.attack
critical_multiplier = 1.1 if random.random() < 0.10 else 1.0
effective_defense = int(playerdef) * random.uniform(0.9, 1.1)
effective_attack = int(playerattack) * random.uniform(1.0, 1.1)
damage = effective_attack * (50 / (50 + effective_defense)) * critical_multiplier
damage = min(damage, int(playerhealth))
combat.defender.health = int(playerhealth) - int(damage)
c.execute(f'''UPDATE USERS set HEALTH = (:health) where NAME = (:name)''', {'health': combat.defender.health, 'name': combat.defender.name})
if combat.defender.health <= 0:
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, '[Player {1} killed {2} and did {3} damage]'.format(0, color(nick, light_green), color(player, red), color(int(damage), light_green)))
await addmoney(nick)
await addkillstat(nick)
await adddeathstat(player)
combat.defender.health = 0
await irc.bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, '[Character: {1}] Punched [{2}] and did [{3}] damage!'.format(0, color(nick, light_green), color(player, red), color(int(damage), green)))
c.execute(f'''UPDATE USERS set HEALTH = (:health) where NAME = (:name)''', {'health': combat.defender.health, 'name': combat.defender.name})
async def profile(nick):
name = nick
check = await checkexist(nick)
if check != True:
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': nick})
reg = c.fetchall()
for regs in reg:
name = regs[0]
level = regs[1]
experience = regs[2]
health = regs[3]
attack = regs[4]
defense = regs[5]
money = regs[6]
healthmax = regs[7]
c.execute(f'SELECT * FROM stats WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': name})
for stats in grabstats:
kills = stats[1]
deaths = stats[2]
return f'[Player: {color(name, light_green)}] [Level: {color(level, red)}] [Experience: {color(experience, blue)}] [Health: {color(health, light_green)}/{color(healthmax, green)}] [Att/Def: {color(attack, light_green)}/{color(defense, red)}] [Money: {color(money, light_blue)}] [Kills: {color(kills, light_blue)}] [Deaths: {color(deaths, red)}]'
except Exception as ex:
print('Error {0}'.format(0, ex))
#bot.sendmsg(config.irc.channel, '[Error: No Such User]')
async def revive(nick):
check = await checkexist(nick)
if check != True:
c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': nick})
for amount in checkhealth:
health = amount[3]
max = amount[7]
if health <= 0:
c.execute("UPDATE USERS set HEALTH = (:health) WHERE NAME = (:name)", {'health': max, 'name': nick})
return f'[Player {color(nick,light_green)} has been revived!]'
return f'[You are not DEAD! No reviving the living!]'
async def getmoney(nick):
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': nick})
moneygrab = c.fetchall()
for money in moneygrab:
moneyamount = money[6]
writemoney = f'{moneyamount:,}'
return f'[Bank Balance: ${color(writemoney, light_blue)}]'
async def getbandages(nick):
name = nick
c.execute(f'SELECT rowid FROM items WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': nick})
if data is None:
bandages = 0
c.execute(f'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO items VALUES (:name, :bandages)', {'name': name, 'bandages': bandages})
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM items WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': nick})
bandages = c.fetchall()
for bandage in bandages:
bandageamount = bandage[1]
if bandageamount == None:
bandageamount = 0
writebandageamount = f'{bandageamount:,}'
return f'[Bandages: {color(writebandageamount, red)}]'
async def ammo(nick):
c.execute(f'SELECT rowid FROM users WHERE name=(:name)', {'name': nick})
exist = c.fetchone()
if exist is None:
return f'[User {nick} does not have an account!]'
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE name=(:name)", {'name': nick})
checkammo = c.fetchall()
for ammo in checkammo:
hasweapon = ammo[1]
if hasweapon == False:
return f'[You do not currently have a weapon.. !buy weapon]'
ammoclipcount = ammo[2]
ammomagcount = ammo[3]
return f"[Ammo Count] [Current Clip Holding: {ammoclipcount}] [Arsenal Magazine Rounds: {ammomagcount}]"
async def addmoney(nick):
c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=:name", {'name': nick})
moneygrab = c.fetchall()
for money in moneygrab:
moneyamount = money[6]
profit = 500
moneyamount += profit
moneyamountformat = f'{moneyamount:,}'
c.execute(f'''UPDATE USERS set MONEY = (:money) where NAME = (:name)''', {'money': moneyamount, 'name': nick})
return f'[You gained ${color(profit, blue)}!] [Bank Balance: ${color(moneyamountformat, light_blue)}]'