
197 lines
8.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# hateserv irc bot - developed by acidvegas in python (
import re
import socket
import ssl
import time
import urllib.request
import commands
# Config
admin = 'acidvegas!~stillfree@most.dangerous.motherfuck'
server = ''
channel = '#dev'
nickname = '[dev]HateServ'
username = 'H'
realname = 'SuperNETs HATE Services'
nickserv_password = 'simps0nsfan22'
operator_password = 'EatMYsh0rts39'
# Colors & Control Characters
bold = '\x02'
underline = '\x1F'
reset = '\x0f'
white = '00'
black = '01'
blue = '02'
green = '03'
red = '04'
brown = '05'
purple = '06'
orange = '07'
yellow = '08'
light_green = '09'
cyan = '10'
light_cyan = '11'
light_blue = '12'
pink = '13'
grey = '14'
light_grey = '15'
def color(msg, foreground, background=None):
return f'\x03{foreground},{background}{msg}{reset}' if background else f'\x03{foreground}{msg}{reset}'
def debug(data):
print('{0} | [~] - {1}'.format(time.strftime('%I:%M:%S'), data))
def error(data, reason=None):
print('{0} | [!] - {1} ({2})'.format(time.strftime('%I:%M:%S'), data, str(reason))) if reason else print('{0} | [!] - {1}'.format(time.strftime('%I:%M:%S'), data))
def irc_error(chan, data, reason=None):
sendmsg(chan, '[{0}] {1}'.format(color('error', red), data, color(f'({reason})', grey))) if reason else sendmsg(chan, '[{0}] {1}'.format(color('error', red), data))
def raw(msg):
msg = msg.replace('\r\n',' ')
sock.send(bytes(msg[:510] + '\r\n', 'utf-8'))
def sendmsg(target, msg):
raw(f'PRIVMSG {target} :{msg}')
def trim(data, max_length):
return data[:max_length] + '...' if len(data) > max_length else data
def urlcheck(msg):
url = re.compile('(?:http[s]?:\/\/|http[s]?:\/\/www.)(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', re.IGNORECASE).findall(msg)
if url:
url = url[0]
if (check := re.match('^.*?\/([0-9A-Za-z]+\/[0-9A-Za-z]+).*?', url, re.IGNORECASE)):
data = commands.github('repo',
if data:
if not data['description']:
data['description'] = 'no description available'
sendmsg(channel, '{0} {1} {2} [{3}:{4}|{5}:{6}|{7}:{8}]'.format(color(' GitHub ', black, grey), data['full_name'], color('('+data['description']+')', grey), color('Stars', purple), data['stargazers_count'], color('Watch', purple), data['watchers'], color('Forks', purple), data['forks']))
elif (check := re.match('^.*?\/([0-9A-Za-z]+)', url, re.IGNORECASE)):
data = commands.github('user',
if data:
data['bio'] = data['bio'].replace('\r\n','') if data['bio'] else ''
sendmsg(channel, '{0} {1} {2} {3} [{4}:{5}|{6}:{7}]'.format(color(' GitHub ', black, grey), data['login'], color('('+data['name']+')', grey), data['bio'], color('Repos', purple), data['public_repos'], color('Followers', purple), data['followers']))
elif (check := re.match('^.*?\/r\/(.*?)\/comments\/([0-9A-Za-z]+).*$', url, re.IGNORECASE)):
data = commands.reddit('post',,
sendmsg(channel, '[{0}] - {1} [{2}/{3}|{4}]'.format(color('reddit', cyan), color(trim(data['title'], 300), white), color('+' + str(data['ups']), green), color('-' + str(data['downs']), red), color(str(data['num_comments']), white)))
elif (check := re.match('^.*?youtu(be)?\.([a-z])+\/(watch(.*?)(\?|\&)v=)?(.*?)(&(.)*)*$', url, re.IGNORECASE)):
source = urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=10)
title = re.compile(r'<title.*?>(.+?)</title>', re.I | re.M | re.S | re.U).search('utf-8'))
if title:
title ='\n',' ')
if len(title) > 100:
title = title[:100] + '...'
type =
sendmsg(channel, f'[{type}] {title}')
except Exception as ex:
error('failed to get parse url title', ex)
def event_message(chan, nick, ident, msg):
args = msg.split()
if not msg.startswith('.'):
if msg == '@hateserv':
sendmsg(channel, 'hateserv irc bot for supernets - developed by acidvegas in python (')
elif msg in ('melp','.melp','melp?','.melp?'):
sendmsg(chan, '\x01ACTION explodes\x01')
if ident == admin:
if msg == '.massjoin':
raw('WHO * n%nc')
if args[0] in ('.g','.s'):
query = ' '.join(args[1:])
results = commands.librex(query)
if results:
for item in results:
sendmsg(chan, '[{0}] {1}'.format(color(str(results.index(item)+1).zfill(2), pink), trim(item['title'], 300)))
sendmsg(chan, ' '*5 + underline + color(item['link'], light_blue))
irc_error(chan, 'no results found')
elif args[0] == '.cve':
data = commands.cve_search(' '.join(args[1:]))
for item in data['vulnerabilities']:
id = item['cve']['id']
desc = item['cve']['descriptions'][0]['value']
sendmsg(chan, '[{0}] {1} - {2}'.format(color(str(data['vulnerabilities'].index(item)+1).zfill(2), pink), color(id, cyan), trim(desc, 300)))
elif args[0] == '.ip':
data = commands.geoip(args[1])
location = '{0}, {1}, {2}'.format(data['location']['city'], data['location']['state'], data['location']['country_code'])
asn = 'AS{0} ({1})'.format(data['asn']['asn'], data['asn']['descr'])
sendmsg(chan, '[{0}] {1} under {2} controlled by {3}'.format(color('geoip', light_blue), color(location, yellow), color(asn, cyan), color(data['rir'], pink)))
elif args[0] == '.gh':
query = ' '.join(args[1:]).replace(' ','%20')
results = commands.github('search',query)
if results:
for item in results:
if not item['description']:
item['description'] = 'no description'
sendmsg(chan, '[{0}] {1}/{2}{3}{4} {5}'.format(color(str(results.index(item)+1).zfill(2), pink), item['owner']['login'], bold, item['name'], reset, color('('+item['description']+')', grey)))
sendmsg(chan, ' '*5 + underline + color(item['html_url'], light_blue))
elif args[0] == '.r' and len(args) == 2:
query = args[1]
results = commands.reddit('subreddit', query)
if results:
for item in results:
sendmsg(chan, '[{0}] {1} [{2}/{3}|{4}]'.format(color(str(results.index(item)+1).zfill(2), pink), trim(item['title'], 300), color('+' + str(item['ups']), green), color('-' + str(item['downs']), red), color(item['num_comments'], white)))
sendmsg(chan, ' '*5 + underline + color(item['url'], light_blue))
irc_error(chan, 'no results found')
while True:
#sock = ssl.wrap_socket(socket.socket())
sock = socket.socket()
sock.connect((server, 6667))
raw(f'USER {username} 0 * :{realname}')
raw('NICK ' + nickname)
while True:
data = sock.recv(1024).decode('utf-8')
for line in (line for line in data.split('\r\n') if len(line.split()) >= 2):
args = line.split()
if line.startswith('ERROR :Closing Link:'):
raise Exception('Connection has closed.')
elif args[0] == 'PING':
raw('PONG ' + args[1][1:])
elif args[1] == '001': #RPL_WELCOME
raw(f'MODE {nickname} +B')
raw(f'PRIVMSG NickServ IDENTIFY {nickname} {nickserv_password}')
raw(f'OPER hates {operator_password}')
raw('JOIN ' + channel)
last = 5
elif args[1] == '354' and len(args) == 5: #RPL_WHOSPCRPL
nick = args[4]
if nick not in (nickname,'AI','BLACKHOLE','BotServ','ChanServ','EliManning','fraud','Global','HostServ','IRCCEX','NickServ','OperServ','THEGAME'):
raw(f'SAJOIN {nick} {channel}')
elif args[1] == 'JOIN' and len(args) == 3:
nick = args[0].split('!')[0][1:]
chan = args[2][1:]
elif args[1] == 'PRIVMSG' and len(args) >= 4:
ident = args[0][1:]
chan = args[2]
nick = args[0].split('!')[0][1:].lower()
msg = ' '.join(args[3:])[1:]
if chan == channel:
event_message(chan, nick, ident, msg)
#except Exception as ex:
# irc_error(chan, 'unknown error occured', ex)
elif chan == nickname and ident == admin and msg.startswith('.raw '):
except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError):
#except Exception as ex:
# error('fatal error occured', ex)
# sock.close()
# time.sleep(15)