Co-authored-by: Eric Nemchik <eric@nemchik.com> Co-authored-by: Pavel Djundik <xPaw@users.noreply.github.com>
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200 lines
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import {nextTick} from "vue";
import socket from "../socket";
import storage from "../localStorage";
import {router, switchToChannel, navigate} from "../router";
import {store} from "../store";
import parseIrcUri from "../helpers/parseIrcUri";
import {ClientNetwork, InitClientChan} from "../types";
socket.on("init", async function (data) {
store.commit("networks", mergeNetworkData(data.networks));
store.commit("isConnected", true);
store.commit("currentUserVisibleError", null);
if (data.token) {
storage.set("token", data.token);
if (!store.state.appLoaded) {
try {
await router.isReady();
} catch (e: any) {
// if the router throws an error, it means the route isn't matched,
// so we can continue on.
if (window.g_TheLoungeRemoveLoading) {
const handledQuery = await handleQueryParams();
// If we handled query parameters like irc:// links or just general
// connect parameters in public mode, then nothing to do here
if (!handledQuery) {
// If we are on an unknown route or still on SignIn component
// then we can open last known channel on server, or Connect window if none
if (
!router.currentRoute?.value?.name ||
router.currentRoute?.value?.name === "SignIn"
) {
const channel = store.getters.findChannel(data.active);
if (channel) {
} else if (store.state.networks.length > 0) {
// Server is telling us to open a channel that does not exist
// For example, it can be unset if you first open the page after server start
} else {
await navigate("Connect");
function mergeNetworkData(newNetworks: ClientNetwork[]) {
const stored = storage.get("thelounge.networks.collapsed");
const collapsedNetworks = stored ? new Set(JSON.parse(stored)) : new Set();
for (let n = 0; n < newNetworks.length; n++) {
const network = newNetworks[n];
const currentNetwork = store.getters.findNetwork(network.uuid);
// If this network is new, set some default variables and initalize channel variables
if (!currentNetwork) {
network.isJoinChannelShown = false;
network.isCollapsed = collapsedNetworks.has(network.uuid);
// Merge received network object into existing network object on the client
// so the object reference stays the same (e.g. for currentChannel state)
for (const key in network) {
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(network, key)) {
// Channels require extra care to be merged correctly
if (key === "channels") {
currentNetwork.channels = mergeChannelData(
network.channels as InitClientChan[]
} else {
currentNetwork[key] = network[key];
newNetworks[n] = currentNetwork;
return newNetworks;
function mergeChannelData(oldChannels: InitClientChan[], newChannels: InitClientChan[]) {
for (let c = 0; c < newChannels.length; c++) {
const channel = newChannels[c];
const currentChannel = oldChannels.find((chan) => chan.id === channel.id);
// This is a new channel that was joined while client was disconnected, initialize it
if (!currentChannel) {
// Merge received channel object into existing currentChannel
// so the object references are exactly the same (e.g. in store.state.activeChannel)
for (const key in channel) {
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(channel, key)) {
// Server sends an empty users array, client requests it whenever needed
if (key === "users") {
if (channel.type === "channel") {
if (
store.state.activeChannel &&
store.state.activeChannel.channel === currentChannel
) {
// For currently open channel, request the user list straight away
socket.emit("names", {
target: channel.id,
} else {
// For all other channels, mark the user list as outdated
// so an update will be requested whenever user switches to these channels
currentChannel.usersOutdated = true;
// Server sends total count of messages in memory, we compare it to amount of messages
// on the client, and decide whether theres more messages to load from server
if (key === "totalMessages") {
currentChannel.moreHistoryAvailable =
channel.totalMessages! > currentChannel.messages.length;
// Reconnection only sends new messages, so merge it on the client
// Only concat if server sent us less than 100 messages so we don't introduce gaps
if (key === "messages" && currentChannel.messages && channel.messages.length < 100) {
currentChannel.messages = currentChannel.messages.concat(channel.messages);
} else {
currentChannel[key] = channel[key];
newChannels[c] = currentChannel;
return newChannels;
async function handleQueryParams() {
if (!("URLSearchParams" in window)) {
return false;
const params = new URLSearchParams(document.location.search);
const cleanParams = () => {
// Remove query parameters from url without reloading the page
const cleanUri = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + window.location.hash;
window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, cleanUri);
if (params.has("uri")) {
// Set default connection settings from IRC protocol links
const uri = params.get("uri");
const queryParams = parseIrcUri(String(uri));
await router.push({name: "Connect", query: queryParams});
return true;
} else if (document.body.classList.contains("public") && document.location.search) {
// Set default connection settings from url params
const queryParams = Object.fromEntries(params.entries());
await router.push({name: "Connect", query: queryParams});
return true;
return false;