itsjohncs 3e387156f7 Have Renovate bot refresh our lockfile for us.
I noticed that caniuse-lite wants to be updated regularly via
`npx browserslist@latest --update-db`. Renovate bot can do this if we
enable its `lockFileMaintenance` option

I'm not sure exactly how annoying Renovate bot will be if we enable
this option but I figure we can just try it and disable it if it's
2022-02-02 14:37:24 -08:00

17 lines
363 B

"extends": ["config:base"],
"ignorePaths": ["test/"],
"labels": ["Type: Dependencies"],
"lockFileMaintenance": {"enabled": true},
"stabilityDays": 1,
"vulnerabilityAlerts": {
"labels": ["Type: Security"]
"packageRules": [
"extends": ["schedule:monthly"],
"matchDepTypes": ["dependencies", "devDependencies"]