
141 lines
3.8 KiB

"use strict";
const $ = require("jquery");
const escape = require("css.escape");
const socket = require("../socket");
const webpush = require("../webpush");
const slideoutMenu = require("../slideout");
const sidebar = $("#sidebar");
const storage = require("../localStorage");
const utils = require("../utils");
const {vueApp, initChannel} = require("../vue");
socket.on("init", function(data) {
vueApp.connectionError = "Rendering…";
const previousActive = vueApp.activeChannel && vueApp.activeChannel.channel.id;
const networks = new Set(JSON.parse(storage.get("thelounge.networks.collapsed")));
for (const network of data.networks) {
network.isCollapsed = networks.has(network.uuid);
const currentNetwork = vueApp.networks.find((n) => n.uuid === network.uuid);
// If we are reconnecting, merge existing state variables because they don't exist on the server
if (!currentNetwork) {
network.isJoinChannelShown = false;
network.isJoinChannelShown = currentNetwork.isJoinChannelShown;
for (const channel of network.channels) {
const currentChannel = currentNetwork.channels.find((c) => c.id === channel.id);
if (!currentChannel) {
channel.scrolledToBottom = currentChannel.scrolledToBottom;
channel.pendingMessage = currentChannel.pendingMessage;
// Reconnection only sends new messages, so merge it on the client
if (currentChannel.messages) {
channel.messages = currentChannel.messages.concat(channel.messages);
if (currentChannel.moreHistoryAvailable) {
channel.moreHistoryAvailable = true;
vueApp.networks = data.networks;
vueApp.connected = true;
vueApp.connectionError = false;
if (!vueApp.initialized) {
vueApp.initialized = true;
if (data.token) {
storage.set("token", data.token);
webpush.configurePushNotifications(data.pushSubscription, data.applicationServerKey);
const viewport = $("#viewport");
const viewportWidth = $(window).outerWidth();
let isUserlistOpen = storage.get("thelounge.state.userlist");
if (viewportWidth > utils.mobileViewportPixels) {
slideoutMenu.toggle(storage.get("thelounge.state.sidebar") !== "false");
// If The Lounge is opened on a small screen (less than 1024px), and we don't have stored
// user list state, close it by default
if (viewportWidth >= 1024 && isUserlistOpen !== "true" && isUserlistOpen !== "false") {
isUserlistOpen = "true";
viewport.toggleClass("userlist-open", isUserlistOpen === "true");
if (window.g_LoungeErrorHandler) {
window.removeEventListener("error", window.g_LoungeErrorHandler);
window.g_LoungeErrorHandler = null;
vueApp.$nextTick(() => openCorrectChannel(previousActive, data.active));
function openCorrectChannel(clientActive, serverActive) {
let target = $();
// Open last active channel
if (clientActive > 0) {
target = sidebar.find(`.chan[data-id="${clientActive}"]`);
// Open window provided in location.hash
if (target.length === 0 && window.location.hash) {
target = $(`[data-target="${escape(window.location.hash)}"]`).first();
// Open last active channel according to the server
if (serverActive > 0 && target.length === 0) {
target = sidebar.find(`.chan[data-id="${serverActive}"]`);
// Open first available channel
if (target.length === 0) {
target = sidebar.find(".chan").first();
// If target channel is found, open it
if (target.length > 0) {
target.trigger("click", {
replaceHistory: true,
// Open the connect window
$("#footer .connect").trigger("click", {
pushState: false,