Reto Brunner fade6a8d2e network: add getLobby accessor
This documents what we actually want and allows us to shift the
logic to the network
2023-02-27 18:30:33 +01:00

29 lines
664 B

import {IrcEventHandler} from "../../client";
import Msg, {MessageType} from "../../models/msg";
export default <IrcEventHandler>function (irc, network) {
const client = this;
irc.on("loggedin", (data) => {
const lobby = network.getLobby();
const msg = new Msg({
type: MessageType.LOGIN,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands
text: "Logged in as: " + data.account,
lobby.pushMessage(client, msg, true);
irc.on("loggedout", () => {
const lobby = network.getLobby();
const msg = new Msg({
type: MessageType.LOGOUT,
text: "Logged out",
lobby.pushMessage(client, msg, true);