
230 lines
5.8 KiB

"use strict";
const $ = require("jquery");
const socket = require("../socket");
const templates = require("../../views");
const options = require("../options");
const webpush = require("../webpush");
const connect = $("#connect");
const utils = require("../utils");
const upload = require("../upload");
const {vueApp} = require("../vue");
window.addEventListener("beforeinstallprompt", (installPromptEvent) => {
.on("click", function() {
if (installPromptEvent && installPromptEvent.prompt) {
$(this).prop("hidden", true);
.prop("hidden", false);
$("#native-app").prop("hidden", false);
socket.on("configuration", function(data) {
vueApp.isFileUploadEnabled = data.fileUpload;
if (options.initialized) {
// Likely a reconnect, request sync for possibly missed settings.
$("#settings").on("show", () => {
$("#play").on("click", () => {
const pop = new Audio();
pop.src = "audio/pop.wav";
if (data.fileUpload) {
utils.togglePasswordField("#change-password .reveal-password");
// If localStorage contains a theme that does not exist on this server, switch
// back to its default theme.
const currentTheme = data.themes.find((t) => t.name === options.settings.theme);
if (currentTheme === undefined) {
options.processSetting("theme", data.defaultTheme, true);
} else if (currentTheme.themeColor) {
document.querySelector('meta[name="theme-color"]').content = currentTheme.themeColor;
function handleFormSubmit() {
const form = $(this);
const event = form.data("event");
form.find(".btn").prop("disabled", true);
const values = {};
$.each(form.serializeArray(), function(i, obj) {
if (obj.value !== "") {
values[obj.name] = obj.value;
socket.emit(event, values);
return false;
$("#change-password form").on("submit", handleFormSubmit);
connect.on("submit", "form", handleFormSubmit);
connect.on("show", function() {
.on("focusin", function() {
// Need to set the first "lastvalue", so it can be used in the below function
const nick = $(this);
nick.data("lastvalue", nick.val());
.on("input", function() {
const nick = $(this).val();
const usernameInput = connect.find(".username");
// Because this gets called /after/ it has already changed, we need use the previous value
const lastValue = $(this).data("lastvalue");
// They were the same before the change, so update the username field
if (usernameInput.val() === lastValue) {
// Store the "previous" value, for next time
$(this).data("lastvalue", nick);
utils.togglePasswordField("#connect .reveal-password");
if ("URLSearchParams" in window) {
const params = new URLSearchParams(document.location.search);
if (params.has("uri")) {
parseIrcUri(params.get("uri") + location.hash, data);
} else if ($(document.body).hasClass("public")) {
parseOverrideParams(params, data);
function parseIrcUri(stringUri, defaults) {
const data = Object.assign({}, defaults.defaults);
try {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-butcher-irc-url-04
const uri = new URL(stringUri);
// Replace protocol with a "special protocol" (that's what it's called in WHATWG spec)
// So that the uri can be properly parsed
if (uri.protocol === "irc:") {
uri.protocol = "http:";
if (!uri.port) {
uri.port = 6667;
data.tls = false;
} else if (uri.protocol === "ircs:") {
uri.protocol = "https:";
if (!uri.port) {
uri.port = 6697;
data.tls = true;
} else {
data.host = data.name = uri.hostname;
data.port = uri.port;
data.username = window.decodeURIComponent(uri.username) || data.username;
data.password = window.decodeURIComponent(uri.password) || data.password;
let channel = (uri.pathname + uri.hash).substr(1);
const index = channel.indexOf(",");
if (index > -1) {
channel = channel.substring(0, index);
data.join = channel;
// TODO: Need to show connect window with uri params without overriding defaults
defaults.defaults = data;
} catch (e) {
// do nothing on invalid uri
function parseOverrideParams(params, data) {
for (let [key, value] of params) {
// Support `channels` as a compatibility alias with other clients
if (key === "channels") {
key = "join";
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(data.defaults, key)) {
// When the network is locked, URL overrides should not affect disabled fields
if (data.lockNetwork && ["host", "port", "tls", "rejectUnauthorized"].includes(key)) {
// When the network is not displayed, its name in the UI is not customizable
if (!data.displayNetwork && key === "name") {
if (key === "join") {
value = value
.map((chan) => {
if (!chan.match(/^[#&!+]/)) {
return `#${chan}`;
return chan;
.join(", ");
// Override server provided defaults with parameters passed in the URL if they match the data type
switch (typeof data.defaults[key]) {
case "boolean":
data.defaults[key] = value === "1" || value === "true";
case "number":
data.defaults[key] = Number(value);
case "string":
data.defaults[key] = String(value);