Don't sort queries/users after special chans
Set all users in tests to be of type query
Add test for not inserting infront of lobby
Break after finding the index, otherwise it always adds it to the end
Add checking for lobby in first test
Fix off-by-one error on the frontend
Fix utterly idiotic issue adding a duplicate of the channel we are on rather than the new user when we query
Check that we always insert before first special chan
Add Op specific actions to contextMenu
Show context menu when left clicking user
Switch to using data attributes as selectors
remove ban as possible action
Move `isOpInChannel()` to utils.js
Capitalize strings
use CSS.escape for `ownNick`
use string interpolation
properly point to findCurrentNetworkChan
Move context menu item actions to command pattern
add icons for context menu actions
Make list in context menu always list.
remove empty lines in style.css
use info circle instead of question circle
change context menu labels.
change contextMenuActions.execute to more explicit method.
Several ES6 additions are only available in strict mode. Example:
> SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode
Strict mode was also enabled in a few of our files already, and it is a good thing to have anyway.