Includes known aliases for AdminServ (/as), BotServ (/bs), ChanServ
(/cs), HelpServ (/hs), HostServ (/hs; /ho on some IRCds), MemoServ
(/ms), NickServ (/ns), OperServ (/os), and RootServ (/rs).
Not all IRCds will have all of these services available, but it's not
trivial to filter out the ones that don't exist on a particular network.
- Separate messages by one more pixel: the recent font changes make multiline messages rather hard to differentite from one another. I believe adding 2px looked better, but I knew that would cause riots so I went for a middle ground 😅
- Make previews the same size than messages themselves, and adapt the thumbnail height accordingly
- Make the message input font size same as message size
It is currently impossible to edit the nick text after pressing the edit button on Safari for iOS and Mac because user-select is set to None on Safari by default. This fixes that issue. Tested that it is not editable when it shouldn't be and that it doesn't break anything on Chrome or Firefox.
This could be reproduced on tablet or large phone (as long as portrait mode shows a collapsible menu and landscape mode shows normal menu) or when resizing the browser on desktop.
- Close button and badge are now positioned using the same method. Previously one was float and the other was absolutely positioned.
- Increase the close button size to match 2.4.0, as it was made smaller when moving to the native font stack.
- Removed link margins on left/right of the channel links, and the `1px` gap between links.
- Removed hack/fix for drag-and-drop now made unnecessary
Since the introduction of infinite scrolling, `/clear` is now broken. As far as I can tell, there is no way to reproduce something decent (and working!) without drastically changing its behavior from "hide the messages in current channel" to "permanently destroy all messages in memory in the current channel", which is not a great change to introduce sneakily 😂.
The code for this was very trivial, so removing it now until there is a better way to do so, if this is ever possible.
Also, `/clear` was not even autocompleted, sooo...