
876 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import _ from "lodash";
import UAParser from "ua-parser-js";
import {v4 as uuidv4} from "uuid";
import escapeRegExp from "lodash/escapeRegExp";
import crypto from "crypto";
import colors from "chalk";
import log from "./log";
import Chan, {Channel, ChanType} from "./models/chan";
import Msg, {MessageType, UserInMessage} from "./models/msg";
import Config from "./config";
import {condensedTypes} from "../shared/irc";
import inputs from "./plugins/inputs";
import PublicClient from "./plugins/packages/publicClient";
import SqliteMessageStorage from "./plugins/messageStorage/sqlite";
import TextFileMessageStorage from "./plugins/messageStorage/text";
import Network, {IgnoreListItem, NetworkConfig, NetworkWithIrcFramework} from "./models/network";
import ClientManager from "./clientManager";
import {MessageStorage, SearchQuery, SearchResponse} from "./plugins/messageStorage/types";
type OrderItem = Chan["id"] | Network["uuid"];
type Order = OrderItem[];
const events = [
type ClientPushSubscription = {
endpoint: string;
keys: {
p256dh: string;
auth: string;
export type UserConfig = {
log: boolean;
password: string;
sessions: {
[token: string]: {
lastUse: number;
ip: string;
agent: string;
pushSubscription?: ClientPushSubscription;
clientSettings: {
[key: string]: any;
browser?: {
language?: string;
ip?: string;
hostname?: string;
isSecure?: boolean;
2023-03-15 05:49:56 -04:00
networks?: NetworkConfig[];
export type Mention = {
chanId: number;
msgId: number;
type: MessageType;
time: Date;
text: string;
from: UserInMessage;
class Client {
awayMessage!: string;
lastActiveChannel!: number;
attachedClients!: {
[socketId: string]: {token: string; openChannel: number};
2023-03-15 05:49:56 -04:00
config!: UserConfig;
id!: number;
idMsg!: number;
idChan!: number;
name!: string;
networks!: Network[];
mentions!: Mention[];
manager!: ClientManager;
messageStorage!: MessageStorage[];
highlightRegex!: RegExp | null;
highlightExceptionRegex!: RegExp | null;
messageProvider?: SqliteMessageStorage;
fileHash!: string;
2023-03-15 05:49:56 -04:00
constructor(manager: ClientManager, name?: string, config = {} as UserConfig) {
_.merge(this, {
awayMessage: "",
lastActiveChannel: -1,
attachedClients: {},
config: config,
id: uuidv4(),
idChan: 1,
idMsg: 1,
name: name,
networks: [],
mentions: [],
manager: manager,
messageStorage: [],
highlightRegex: null,
highlightExceptionRegex: null,
messageProvider: undefined,
const client = this;
client.config.log = Boolean(client.config.log);
client.config.password = String(client.config.password);
if (!Config.values.public && client.config.log) {
if (Config.values.messageStorage.includes("sqlite")) {
client.messageProvider = new SqliteMessageStorage(client.name);
if (Config.values.messageStorage.includes("text")) {
client.messageStorage.push(new TextFileMessageStorage(client.name));
for (const messageStorage of client.messageStorage) {
messageStorage.enable().catch((e) => log.error(e));
if (!_.isPlainObject(client.config.sessions)) {
client.config.sessions = {};
if (!_.isPlainObject(client.config.clientSettings)) {
client.config.clientSettings = {};
if (!_.isPlainObject(client.config.browser)) {
client.config.browser = {};
if (client.config.clientSettings.awayMessage) {
client.awayMessage = client.config.clientSettings.awayMessage;
client.config.clientSettings.searchEnabled = client.messageProvider !== undefined;
_.forOwn(client.config.sessions, (session) => {
if (session.pushSubscription) {
this.registerPushSubscription(session, session.pushSubscription, true);
connect() {
const client = this;
if (client.networks.length !== 0) {
throw new Error(`${client.name} is already connected`);
(client.config.networks || []).forEach((network) => client.connectToNetwork(network, true));
// Networks are stored directly in the client object
// We don't need to keep it in the config object
delete client.config.networks;
if (client.name) {
log.info(`User ${colors.bold(client.name)} loaded`);
// Networks are created instantly, but to reduce server load on startup
// We randomize the IRC connections and channel log loading
let delay = client.manager.clients.length * 500;
client.networks.forEach((network) => {
setTimeout(() => {
network.channels.forEach((channel) => channel.loadMessages(client, network));
if (!network.userDisconnected && network.irc) {
}, delay);
delay += 1000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
client.fileHash = client.manager.getDataToSave(client).newHash;
createChannel(attr: Partial<Chan>) {
const chan = new Chan(attr);
chan.id = this.idChan++;
return chan;
emit(event: string, data?: any) {
if (this.manager !== null) {
this.manager.sockets.in(this.id.toString()).emit(event, data);
find(channelId: number) {
let network: Network | null = null;
let chan: Chan | null | undefined = null;
for (const n of this.networks) {
chan = _.find(n.channels, {id: channelId});
if (chan) {
network = n;
if (network && chan) {
return {network, chan};
return false;
networkFromConfig(args: Record<string, any>): Network {
const client = this;
let channels: Chan[] = [];
if (Array.isArray(args.channels)) {
let badName = false;
args.channels.forEach((chan: Chan) => {
if (!chan.name) {
badName = true;
name: chan.name,
key: chan.key || "",
type: chan.type,
muted: chan.muted,
if (badName && client.name) {
"User '" +
client.name +
"' on network '" +
String(args.name) +
"' has an invalid channel which has been ignored"
// `join` is kept for backwards compatibility when updating from versions <2.0
// also used by the "connect" window
} else if (args.join) {
channels = args.join
.replace(/,/g, " ")
.map((chan: string) => {
if (!chan.match(/^[#&!+]/)) {
chan = `#${chan}`;
return client.createChannel({
name: chan,
// TODO; better typing for args
return new Network({
uuid: args.uuid,
name: String(
args.name || (Config.values.lockNetwork ? Config.values.defaults.name : "") || ""
host: String(args.host || ""),
port: parseInt(String(args.port), 10),
tls: !!args.tls,
userDisconnected: !!args.userDisconnected,
rejectUnauthorized: !!args.rejectUnauthorized,
password: String(args.password || ""),
nick: String(args.nick || ""),
username: String(args.username || ""),
realname: String(args.realname || ""),
leaveMessage: String(args.leaveMessage || ""),
sasl: String(args.sasl || ""),
saslAccount: String(args.saslAccount || ""),
saslPassword: String(args.saslPassword || ""),
commands: (args.commands as string[]) || [],
channels: channels,
ignoreList: args.ignoreList ? (args.ignoreList as IgnoreListItem[]) : [],
proxyEnabled: !!args.proxyEnabled,
proxyHost: String(args.proxyHost || ""),
proxyPort: parseInt(args.proxyPort, 10),
proxyUsername: String(args.proxyUsername || ""),
proxyPassword: String(args.proxyPassword || ""),
connectToNetwork(args: Record<string, any>, isStartup = false) {
const client = this;
// Get channel id for lobby before creating other channels for nicer ids
const lobbyChannelId = client.idChan++;
const network = this.networkFromConfig(args);
// Set network lobby channel id
network.getLobby().id = lobbyChannelId;
client.emit("network", {
networks: [network.getFilteredClone(this.lastActiveChannel, -1)],
if (!network.validate(client)) {
(network as NetworkWithIrcFramework).createIrcFramework(client);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises
events.forEach(async (plugin) => {
(await import(`./plugins/irc-events/${plugin}`)).default.apply(client, [
if (network.userDisconnected) {
new Msg({
text: "You have manually disconnected from this network before, use the /connect command to connect again.",
} else if (!isStartup) {
// irc is created in createIrcFramework
// TODO; fix type
if (!isStartup) {
network.channels.forEach((channel) => channel.loadMessages(client, network));
generateToken(callback: (token: string) => void) {
crypto.randomBytes(64, (err, buf) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
calculateTokenHash(token: string) {
return crypto.createHash("sha512").update(token).digest("hex");
updateSession(token: string, ip: string, request: any) {
const client = this;
const agent = UAParser(request.headers["user-agent"] || "");
let friendlyAgent = "";
if (agent.browser.name) {
friendlyAgent = `${agent.browser.name} ${agent.browser.major || ""}`;
} else {
friendlyAgent = "Unknown browser";
if (agent.os.name) {
friendlyAgent += ` on ${agent.os.name}`;
if (agent.os.version) {
friendlyAgent += ` ${agent.os.version}`;
client.config.sessions[token] = _.assign(client.config.sessions[token], {
lastUse: Date.now(),
ip: ip,
agent: friendlyAgent,
setPassword(hash: string, callback: (success: boolean) => void) {
const client = this;
const oldHash = client.config.password;
client.config.password = hash;
client.manager.saveUser(client, function (err) {
if (err) {
// If user file fails to write, reset it back
client.config.password = oldHash;
return callback(false);
return callback(true);
input(data) {
const client = this;
data.text.split("\n").forEach((line) => {
data.text = line;
inputLine(data) {
const client = this;
const target = client.find(data.target);
if (!target) {
// Sending a message to a channel is higher priority than merely opening one
// so that reloading the page will open this channel
this.lastActiveChannel = target.chan.id;
let text: string = data.text;
// This is either a normal message or a command escaped with a leading '/'
if (text.charAt(0) !== "/" || text.charAt(1) === "/") {
if (target.chan.type === ChanType.LOBBY) {
new Msg({
type: MessageType.ERROR,
text: "Messages can not be sent to lobbies.",
text = "say " + text.replace(/^\//, "");
} else {
text = text.substring(1);
const args = text.split(" ");
const cmd = args?.shift()?.toLowerCase() || "";
const irc = target.network.irc;
let connected = irc && irc.connection && irc.connection.connected;
if (inputs.userInputs.has(cmd)) {
const plugin = inputs.userInputs.get(cmd);
if (!plugin) {
// should be a no-op
throw new Error(`Plugin ${cmd} not found`);
if (typeof plugin.input === "function" && (connected || plugin.allowDisconnected)) {
connected = true;
plugin.input.apply(client, [target.network, target.chan, cmd, args]);
} else if (inputs.pluginCommands.has(cmd)) {
const plugin = inputs.pluginCommands.get(cmd);
if (typeof plugin.input === "function" && (connected || plugin.allowDisconnected)) {
connected = true;
new PublicClient(client, plugin.packageInfo),
{network: target.network, chan: target.chan},
} else if (connected) {
// TODO: fix
if (!connected) {
new Msg({
type: MessageType.ERROR,
text: "You are not connected to the IRC network, unable to send your command.",
compileCustomHighlights() {
function compileHighlightRegex(customHighlightString: string) {
if (typeof customHighlightString !== "string") {
return null;
// Ensure we don't have empty strings in the list of highlights
const highlightsTokens = customHighlightString
.map((highlight) => escapeRegExp(highlight.trim()))
.filter((highlight) => highlight.length > 0);
if (highlightsTokens.length === 0) {
return null;
return new RegExp(
`(?:^|[ .,+!?|/:<>(){}'"@&~-])(?:${highlightsTokens.join(
)})(?:$|[ .,+!?|/:<>(){}'"-])`,
this.highlightRegex = compileHighlightRegex(this.config.clientSettings.highlights);
this.highlightExceptionRegex = compileHighlightRegex(
more(data) {
const client = this;
const target = client.find(data.target);
if (!target) {
return null;
const chan = target.chan;
let messages: Msg[] = [];
let index = 0;
// If client requests -1, send last 100 messages
if (data.lastId < 0) {
index = chan.messages.length;
} else {
index = chan.messages.findIndex((val) => val.id === data.lastId);
// If requested id is not found, an empty array will be sent
if (index > 0) {
let startIndex = index;
if (data.condensed) {
// Limit to 1000 messages (that's 10x normal limit)
const indexToStop = Math.max(0, index - 1000);
let realMessagesLeft = 100;
for (let i = index - 1; i >= indexToStop; i--) {
// Do not count condensed messages towards the 100 messages
if (condensedTypes.has(chan.messages[i].type)) {
// Count up actual 100 visible messages
if (--realMessagesLeft === 0) {
} else {
startIndex = Math.max(0, index - 100);
messages = chan.messages.slice(startIndex, index);
return {
chan: chan.id,
messages: messages,
totalMessages: chan.messages.length,
clearHistory(data) {
const client = this;
const target = client.find(data.target);
if (!target) {
target.chan.messages = [];
target.chan.unread = 0;
target.chan.highlight = 0;
target.chan.firstUnread = 0;
client.emit("history:clear", {
target: target.chan.id,
if (!target.chan.isLoggable()) {
for (const messageStorage of this.messageStorage) {
messageStorage.deleteChannel(target.network, target.chan).catch((e) => log.error(e));
async search(query: SearchQuery): Promise<SearchResponse> {
if (!this.messageProvider?.isEnabled) {
return {
results: [],
return this.messageProvider.search(query);
open(socketId: string, target: number) {
// Due to how socket.io works internally, normal events may arrive later than
// the disconnect event, and because we can't control this timing precisely,
// process this event normally even if there is no attached client anymore.
const attachedClient =
this.attachedClients[socketId] ||
({} as Record<string, typeof this.attachedClients[0]>);
// Opening a window like settings
if (target === null) {
attachedClient.openChannel = -1;
const targetNetChan = this.find(target);
if (!targetNetChan) {
targetNetChan.chan.unread = 0;
targetNetChan.chan.highlight = 0;
if (targetNetChan.chan.messages.length > 0) {
targetNetChan.chan.firstUnread =
targetNetChan.chan.messages[targetNetChan.chan.messages.length - 1].id;
attachedClient.openChannel = targetNetChan.chan.id;
this.lastActiveChannel = targetNetChan.chan.id;
this.emit("open", targetNetChan.chan.id);
sort(data: {order: Order; type: "networks" | "channels"; target: string}) {
const order = data.order;
if (!_.isArray(order)) {
switch (data.type) {
case "networks":
this.networks.sort((a, b) => order.indexOf(a.uuid) - order.indexOf(b.uuid));
// Sync order to connected clients
this.emit("sync_sort", {
order: this.networks.map((obj) => obj.uuid),
type: data.type,
case "channels": {
const network = _.find(this.networks, {uuid: data.target});
if (!network) {
network.channels.sort((a, b) => {
// Always sort lobby to the top regardless of what the client has sent
// Because there's a lot of code that presumes channels[0] is the lobby
if (a.type === ChanType.LOBBY) {
return -1;
} else if (b.type === ChanType.LOBBY) {
return 1;
return order.indexOf(a.id) - order.indexOf(b.id);
// Sync order to connected clients
this.emit("sync_sort", {
order: network.channels.map((obj) => obj.id),
type: data.type,
target: network.uuid,
names(data: {target: number}) {
const client = this;
const target = client.find(data.target);
if (!target) {
client.emit("names", {
id: target.chan.id,
users: target.chan.getSortedUsers(target.network.irc),
part(network: Network, chan: Chan) {
const client = this;
network.channels = _.without(network.channels, chan);
client.mentions = client.mentions.filter((msg) => !(msg.chanId === chan.id));
client.emit("part", {
chan: chan.id,
quit(signOut?: boolean) {
const sockets = this.manager.sockets.sockets;
const room = sockets.adapter.rooms.get(this.id.toString());
if (room) {
for (const user of room) {
const socket = sockets.sockets.get(user);
if (socket) {
if (signOut) {
this.networks.forEach((network) => {
for (const messageStorage of this.messageStorage) {
messageStorage.close().catch((e) => log.error(e));
clientAttach(socketId: string, token: string) {
const client = this;
if (client.awayMessage && _.size(client.attachedClients) === 0) {
client.networks.forEach(function (network) {
// Only remove away on client attachment if
// there is no away message on this network
if (network.irc && !network.awayMessage) {
const openChannel = client.lastActiveChannel;
client.attachedClients[socketId] = {token, openChannel};
clientDetach(socketId: string) {
const client = this;
delete this.attachedClients[socketId];
if (client.awayMessage && _.size(client.attachedClients) === 0) {
client.networks.forEach(function (network) {
// Only set away on client deattachment if
// there is no away message on this network
if (network.irc && !network.awayMessage) {
network.irc.raw("AWAY", client.awayMessage);
// TODO: type session to this.attachedClients
registerPushSubscription(session: any, subscription: ClientPushSubscription, noSave = false) {
if (
!_.isPlainObject(subscription) ||
!_.isPlainObject(subscription.keys) ||
typeof subscription.endpoint !== "string" ||
!/^https?:\/\//.test(subscription.endpoint) ||
typeof subscription.keys.p256dh !== "string" ||
typeof subscription.keys.auth !== "string"
) {
session.pushSubscription = null;
const data = {
endpoint: subscription.endpoint,
keys: {
p256dh: subscription.keys.p256dh,
auth: subscription.keys.auth,
session.pushSubscription = data;
if (!noSave) {
return data;
unregisterPushSubscription(token: string) {
this.config.sessions[token].pushSubscription = undefined;
save = _.debounce(
function SaveClient(this: Client) {
if (Config.values.public) {
const client = this;
{maxWait: 20000}
export default Client;
// TODO: this should exist elsewhere?
export type IrcEventHandler = (
this: Client,
irc: NetworkWithIrcFramework["irc"],
network: NetworkWithIrcFramework
) => void;