mirror of git://git.acid.vegas/anope.git synced 2025-02-20 18:09:03 +00:00
2023-05-07 13:44:21 -04:00

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/* NickServ core functions
* (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team
* Contact us at team@anope.org
* Please read COPYING and README for further details.
* Based on the original code of Epona by Lara.
* Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church.
#include "module.h"
#include "modules/ns_cert.h"
static ServiceReference<NickServService> nickserv("NickServService", "NickServ");
typedef std::map<Anope::string, ChannelStatus> NSRecoverInfo;
class NSRecoverSvsnick
Reference<User> from;
Anope::string to;
class NSRecoverRequest : public IdentifyRequest
CommandSource source;
Command *cmd;
Anope::string user;
NSRecoverRequest(Module *o, CommandSource &src, Command *c, const Anope::string &nick, const Anope::string &pass) : IdentifyRequest(o, nick, pass), source(src), cmd(c), user(nick) { }
void OnSuccess() anope_override
User *u = User::Find(user, true);
if (!source.GetUser() || !source.service)
NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(user);
if (!na)
Log(LOG_COMMAND, source, cmd) << "for " << na->nick;
/* Nick is being held by us, release it */
if (na->HasExt("HELD"))
source.Reply(_("Service's hold on \002%s\002 has been released."), na->nick.c_str());
else if (!u)
source.Reply(_("No one is using your nick, and services are not holding it."));
// If the user being recovered is identified for the account of the nick then the user is the
// same person that is executing the command, so kill them off (old GHOST command).
else if (u->Account() == na->nc)
if (!source.GetAccount() && na->nc->HasExt("NS_SECURE"))
Log(LOG_COMMAND, source, cmd) << "and was automatically identified to " << u->Account()->display;
if (Config->GetModule("ns_recover")->Get<bool>("restoreonrecover"))
if (!u->chans.empty())
NSRecoverInfo *ei = source.GetUser()->Extend<NSRecoverInfo>("recover");
for (User::ChanUserList::iterator it = u->chans.begin(), it_end = u->chans.end(); it != it_end; ++it)
(*ei)[it->first->name] = it->second->status;
u->SendMessage(source.service, _("This nickname has been recovered by %s. If you did not do\n"
"this then %s may have your password, and you should change it."),
source.GetNick().c_str(), source.GetNick().c_str());
Anope::string buf = source.command.upper() + " command used by " + source.GetNick();
u->Kill(*source.service, buf);
source.Reply(_("Ghost with your nick has been killed."));
if (IRCD->CanSVSNick)
IRCD->SendForceNickChange(source.GetUser(), GetAccount(), Anope::CurTime);
/* User is not identified or not identified to the same account as the person using this command */
if (!source.GetAccount() && na->nc->HasExt("NS_SECURE"))
source.GetUser()->Login(na->nc); // Identify the user using the command if they arent identified
Log(LOG_COMMAND, source, cmd) << "and was automatically identified to " << na->nick << " (" << na->nc->display << ")";
source.Reply(_("You have been logged in as \002%s\002."), na->nc->display.c_str());
u->SendMessage(source.service, _("This nickname has been recovered by %s."), source.GetNick().c_str());
if (IRCD->CanSVSNick)
NSRecoverSvsnick *svs = u->Extend<NSRecoverSvsnick>("svsnick");
svs->from = source.GetUser();
svs->to = u->nick;
if (nickserv)
nickserv->Collide(u, na);
if (IRCD->CanSVSNick)
/* If we can svsnick then release our hold and svsnick the user using the command */
if (nickserv)
source.Reply(_("You have regained control of \002%s\002."), u->nick.c_str());
source.Reply(_("The user with your nick has been removed. Use this command again\n"
"to release services's hold on your nick."));
void OnFail() anope_override
if (NickAlias::Find(GetAccount()) != NULL)
if (!GetPassword().empty())
Log(LOG_COMMAND, source, cmd) << "with an invalid password for " << GetAccount();
if (source.GetUser())
source.Reply(NICK_X_NOT_REGISTERED, GetAccount().c_str());
class CommandNSRecover : public Command
CommandNSRecover(Module *creator) : Command(creator, "nickserv/recover", 1, 2)
this->SetDesc(_("Regains control of your nick"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037nickname\037 [\037password\037]"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) anope_override
const Anope::string &nick = params[0];
const Anope::string &pass = params.size() > 1 ? params[1] : "";
User *user = User::Find(nick, true);
if (user && source.GetUser() == user)
source.Reply(_("You can't %s yourself!"), source.command.lower().c_str());
const NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(nick);
if (!na)
source.Reply(NICK_X_NOT_REGISTERED, nick.c_str());
else if (na->nc->HasExt("NS_SUSPENDED"))
source.Reply(NICK_X_SUSPENDED, na->nick.c_str());
bool ok = false;
if (source.GetAccount() == na->nc)
ok = true;
else if (!na->nc->HasExt("NS_SECURE") && source.GetUser() && na->nc->IsOnAccess(source.GetUser()))
ok = true;
NSCertList *cl = na->nc->GetExt<NSCertList>("certificates");
if (source.GetUser() && !source.GetUser()->fingerprint.empty() && cl && cl->FindCert(source.GetUser()->fingerprint))
ok = true;
if (source.HasPriv("nickserv/recover"))
ok = true;
if (ok == false && !pass.empty())
NSRecoverRequest *req = new NSRecoverRequest(owner, source, this, na->nick, pass);
FOREACH_MOD(OnCheckAuthentication, (source.GetUser(), req));
NSRecoverRequest req(owner, source, this, na->nick, pass);
if (ok)
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override
source.Reply(" ");
source.Reply(_("Recovers your nick from another user or from services.\n"
"If services are currently holding your nick, the hold\n"
"will be released. If another user is holding your nick\n"
"and is identified they will be killed (similar to the old\n"
"GHOST command). If they are not identified they will be\n"
"forced off of the nick."));
return true;
class NSRecover : public Module
CommandNSRecover commandnsrecover;
PrimitiveExtensibleItem<NSRecoverInfo> recover;
PrimitiveExtensibleItem<NSRecoverSvsnick> svsnick;
NSRecover(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, VENDOR),
commandnsrecover(this), recover(this, "recover"), svsnick(this, "svsnick")
if (Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get<bool>("nonicknameownership"))
throw ModuleException(modname + " can not be used with options:nonicknameownership enabled");
void OnUserNickChange(User *u, const Anope::string &oldnick) anope_override
if (Config->GetModule(this)->Get<bool>("restoreonrecover"))
NSRecoverInfo *ei = recover.Get(u);
BotInfo *NickServ = Config->GetClient("NickServ");
if (ei != NULL && NickServ != NULL)
for (NSRecoverInfo::iterator it = ei->begin(), it_end = ei->end(); it != it_end;)
Channel *c = Channel::Find(it->first);
const Anope::string &cname = it->first;
/* User might already be on the channel */
if (u->FindChannel(c))
this->OnJoinChannel(u, c);
else if (IRCD->CanSVSJoin)
IRCD->SendSVSJoin(NickServ, u, cname, "");
NSRecoverSvsnick *svs = svsnick.Get(u);
if (svs)
if (svs->from)
// svsnick from to to
IRCD->SendForceNickChange(svs->from, svs->to, Anope::CurTime);
void OnJoinChannel(User *u, Channel *c) anope_override
if (Config->GetModule(this)->Get<bool>("restoreonrecover"))
NSRecoverInfo *ei = recover.Get(u);
if (ei != NULL)
NSRecoverInfo::iterator it = ei->find(c->name);
if (it != ei->end())
for (size_t i = 0; i < it->second.Modes().length(); ++i)
c->SetMode(c->ci->WhoSends(), ModeManager::FindChannelModeByChar(it->second.Modes()[i]), u->GetUID());
if (ei->empty())