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Anope Version 2.0.12
Added the regex_pcre2 module
Anope Version 2.0.11
No significant changes.
Anope Version 2.0.10
No significant changes.
Anope Version 2.0.9
No significant changes.
Anope Version 2.0.8
Fix ns_register:unconfirmedexpire not being used
Anope Version 2.0.7
Add nickserv/recover permission
Add inspircd3 protocol module
Add default permission for chanstats saset chanstats command
Anope Version 2.0.6
Mark enc_md5 and enc_sha1 as deprecated. Their use has been discouraged for years, and they will be removed in a future release.
Exempt all of from m_dnsbl by default
Load m_sasl by default
Fix documentation for nickserv default option ns_keep_modes
Anope Version 2.0.5
No significant changes.
Anope Version 2.0.4
Removed m_sasl_dh-aes and m_sasl_dh-blowfish
Anope Version 2.0.3
Add operserv/chankill to default globops log
Add ns_identify:maxlogins to limit the max number of concurrent logins per account
Document ns_no_expire nickserv default
Remove default session exception expiry time
Anope Version 2.0.2
Add an operserv/oper/modify privilege, required to use oper add and oper del
Add a chanserv/access/list privilege, which allow readonly access to ChanServ access and akick lists
Changed m_dnsbl's result configuration to be more extensible
Add 'max' setting to cs_mode
Add 'nickchars' setting to networkinfo
Add 'botserv/fantasy', 'chanserv/access/list', and 'operserv/oper/modify' oper privileges
Fix 'emailchange_message' to include the proper email address
Set a default permission on operserv/defcon
Anope Version 2.0.1
Add MUTE command to BotServ fantasy configuration
Document memo_mail option in nickserv.conf
Add 'show' setting to ns_info and cs_info to control which fields are shown to non opers
Anope Version 2.0.0
options:passlen, enforceruser, enforcerhost, releasetimeout, and guestnickprefix moved to nickserv's module configuration
options:hideregisteredcommands added
m_ssl renamed to m_ssl_openssl
mail:restrict removed
Anope Version 1.9.9
There is not many config changes between 1.9.8 and 1.9.9, however many of the
options have been moved around to make more sense, too many to list here,
so get a new config.
Anope Version 1.9.8
networkinfo:chanlen added
options:user and options:group added
nickserv:modesonid added to set modes on everyone who identifies
nickserv:kill and nickserv:killquick added to configure NickServ's kill timeout
nickserv:restoreonrecover added to try to restore a user's session after a ghost
command:group added
fantasy block added
dns block has been moved to modules.conf as a part of m_dns
Anope Version 1.9.7
operserv:notifications removed in favor of log{} blocks
options:regexengine added
options:casemap added
chanserv:require added
nickserv:registration added, emailregistration removed.
nickserv:unregistered_notice added
Anope Version 1.9.6
service:channels added to join services to channels
mail block modified to allow configuring of email messages
oper:host and oper:vhost added
oper:require_oper added
options:nonicknameownership added
operserv:akillids added
nickserv/access oper privilege added
Anope Version 1.9.5
Don't even try it, get a new config and start over.
Anope Version 1.9.4
memoserv:modules added ms_ignore
chanserv:modules added cs_clone and cs_mode
nickserv:suspendexpire and nickserv:forbidexpire added
chanserv:suspendexpire and chanserv:forbidexpire added
module added cs_entrymsg
nickserv:modules added ns_ajoin, ns_cert
options:nomlock added
log:target added globops
nickserv:confirmemailchanges added
operserv:modules added os_config, os_login
operserv:notifications removed osglobal, osmode, oskick, osakill, ossnline, ossqline, osszline, osnoop, osjupe, getpass, setpass, forbid, drop
renamed nickserv:preregexpire to nickserv:unconfirmedexpire
opertype:commands removed operserv/umode
operserv:modules removed os_umode
Anope Version 1.9.3
nickserv/auspex privilege added
SSL module added for SSL support
opertype:inherits added to allow opertypes to inherit commands and privs from other opertypes
Various nickserv/saset/* and chanserv/saset/* opertype command privileges added
nickserv:modules added many new ns_set_command modules
chanserv:modules added many new cs_set_command modules
opertype:commands added nickserv/saset/* and chanserv/saset/*
options:socketengine added to choose what socket engine to use
module:cs_set_misc and module:ns_set_misc added to replace the old set url/icq/email modules
options:hideprivilegedcommands added to hide privileged commands from normal users
log block added to customize logging
dns block added to configure dns settings
m_dnsbl added
mysql configuration block added
opertype:commands changed operserv/sgline to opserv/snline
operserv:modules changed os_sgline to os_snline
operserv:modules added os_modreload
operserv:sglineexpiry changed to operserv:snlineexpiry
operserv:killonsgline changed to operserv:killonsnline
operserv:notifications ossgline changed ossnline
memoserv was made optional
moved operserv:global configuration into its own global block
chanserv was made optional
serverinfo:helpchannel removed because it has been readded in m_helpchan
networkinfo:logchannel, logbot, logusers, logmaxusers, logchannel, and options:keeplogs removed because of the log block
dumpcore because it really didn't do anything
Anope Version 1.9.2
options:enablelogchannel added to auto turn on the logchannel on startup
options:mlock added to configure the default mlock modes on new channels
options:database added for the database modules
options:botmodes added to configure modes BotServ bots should use
options:userlen added to configure maximum ident length
options:hostlen added to configure maximum hostname length
options:database added to configure what database modules to use
options:passlen added to specify the maximum length of passwords
uplink:ipv6 added to enable IPv6 connectivity
options:maxretries added to specify the number of reconnect attempts allowed
options:retrywait added to specify how long to wait between reconnect attempts
opertype command chanserv/aop/list removed as it was unnecessary, use chanserv/access/list instead
options:encryption added enc_sha256
chanserv:modules added cs_unban
nickserv:modules added ns_resetpass
nickserv:database deleted because of new database system
nickserv:prenickdatabase deleted because of new database system
chanserv:database deleted because of the new database system
botserv:database deleted because of the new database system
hostserv:database deleted because of the new database system
operserv:database deleted because of the new database system
operserv:newsdatabase deleted because of the new database system
operserv:exceptiondatabase deleted because of the new database system
hs_request:database deleted because of the new database system
os_ignore:database deleted because of the new database system
serverinfo:localport deleted
Anope Version 1.9.1
Opertypes have been added, through the opertype blocks.
Services Operators are now specified in the oper blocks.
botserv:modules no longer contains bs_fantasy* modules, fantasy is now seamless.
operserv:modules has replaced os_logonnews, os_opernews, and os_randomnews with os_news.
operserv:modules no longer contains os_admin and os_oper modules, removed in favor of oper blocks.
operserv:notifications no longer contains osraw due to removal of OS RAW.
Nick tracking has been removed as an option.
Restricting of NS GETPASS and CS GETPASS removed in favor of opertypes.
Host Setters were removed in favor of opertypes.
HelpServ has been removed entirely.
operserv:disableraw removed due to removal of OS RAW.