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/* BotServ core functions
* (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team
* Contact us at team@anope.org
* Please read COPYING and README for further details.
* Based on the original code of Epona by Lara.
* Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church.
#include "module.h"
#include "modules/bs_kick.h"
#include "modules/bs_badwords.h"
static Module *me;
struct KickerDataImpl : KickerData
KickerDataImpl(Extensible *obj)
amsgs = badwords = bolds = caps = colors = flood = italics = repeat = reverses = underlines = false;
for (int16_t i = 0; i < TTB_SIZE; ++i)
ttb[i] = 0;
capsmin = capspercent = 0;
floodlines = floodsecs = 0;
repeattimes = 0;
dontkickops = dontkickvoices = false;
void Check(ChannelInfo *ci) anope_override
if (amsgs || badwords || bolds || caps || colors || flood || italics || repeat || reverses || underlines)
struct ExtensibleItem : ::ExtensibleItem<KickerDataImpl>
ExtensibleItem(Module *m, const Anope::string &ename) : ::ExtensibleItem<KickerDataImpl>(m, ename) { }
void ExtensibleSerialize(const Extensible *e, const Serializable *s, Serialize::Data &data) const anope_override
if (s->GetSerializableType()->GetName() != "ChannelInfo")
const ChannelInfo *ci = anope_dynamic_static_cast<const ChannelInfo *>(e);
KickerData *kd = this->Get(ci);
if (kd == NULL)
data["kickerdata:amsgs"] << kd->amsgs;
data["kickerdata:badwords"] << kd->badwords;
data["kickerdata:bolds"] << kd->bolds;
data["kickerdata:caps"] << kd->caps;
data["kickerdata:colors"] << kd->colors;
data["kickerdata:flood"] << kd->flood;
data["kickerdata:italics"] << kd->italics;
data["kickerdata:repeat"] << kd->repeat;
data["kickerdata:reverses"] << kd->reverses;
data["kickerdata:underlines"] << kd->underlines;
data.SetType("capsmin", Serialize::Data::DT_INT); data["capsmin"] << kd->capsmin;
data.SetType("capspercent", Serialize::Data::DT_INT); data["capspercent"] << kd->capspercent;
data.SetType("floodlines", Serialize::Data::DT_INT); data["floodlines"] << kd->floodlines;
data.SetType("floodsecs", Serialize::Data::DT_INT); data["floodsecs"] << kd->floodsecs;
data.SetType("repeattimes", Serialize::Data::DT_INT); data["repeattimes"] << kd->repeattimes;
for (int16_t i = 0; i < TTB_SIZE; ++i)
data["ttb"] << kd->ttb[i] << " ";
void ExtensibleUnserialize(Extensible *e, Serializable *s, Serialize::Data &data) anope_override
if (s->GetSerializableType()->GetName() != "ChannelInfo")
ChannelInfo *ci = anope_dynamic_static_cast<ChannelInfo *>(e);
KickerData *kd = ci->Require<KickerData>("kickerdata");
data["kickerdata:amsgs"] >> kd->amsgs;
data["kickerdata:badwords"] >> kd->badwords;
data["kickerdata:bolds"] >> kd->bolds;
data["kickerdata:caps"] >> kd->caps;
data["kickerdata:colors"] >> kd->colors;
data["kickerdata:flood"] >> kd->flood;
data["kickerdata:italics"] >> kd->italics;
data["kickerdata:repeat"] >> kd->repeat;
data["kickerdata:reverses"] >> kd->reverses;
data["kickerdata:underlines"] >> kd->underlines;
data["capsmin"] >> kd->capsmin;
data["capspercent"] >> kd->capspercent;
data["floodlines"] >> kd->floodlines;
data["floodsecs"] >> kd->floodsecs;
data["repeattimes"] >> kd->repeattimes;
Anope::string ttb, tok;
data["ttb"] >> ttb;
spacesepstream sep(ttb);
for (int i = 0; sep.GetToken(tok) && i < TTB_SIZE; ++i)
kd->ttb[i] = convertTo<int16_t>(tok);
catch (const ConvertException &) { }
class CommandBSKick : public Command
CommandBSKick(Module *creator) : Command(creator, "botserv/kick", 0)
this->SetDesc(_("Configures kickers"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037option\037 \037channel\037 {\037ON|OFF\037} [\037settings\037]"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override
this->OnSyntaxError(source, "");
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override
source.Reply(" ");
source.Reply(_("Configures bot kickers. \037option\037 can be one of:"));
Anope::string this_name = source.command;
for (CommandInfo::map::const_iterator it = source.service->commands.begin(), it_end = source.service->commands.end(); it != it_end; ++it)
const Anope::string &c_name = it->first;
const CommandInfo &info = it->second;
if (c_name.find_ci(this_name + " ") == 0)
ServiceReference<Command> command("Command", info.name);
if (command)
source.command = c_name;
source.Reply(_("Type \002%s%s HELP %s \037option\037\002 for more information\n"
"on a specific option.\n"
" \n"
"Note: access to this command is controlled by the\n"
"level SET."), Config->StrictPrivmsg.c_str(), source.service->nick.c_str(), this_name.c_str());
return true;
class CommandBSKickBase : public Command
CommandBSKickBase(Module *creator, const Anope::string &cname, int minarg, int maxarg) : Command(creator, cname, minarg, maxarg)
virtual void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override = 0;
virtual bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override = 0;
bool CheckArguments(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms, ChannelInfo* &ci)
const Anope::string &chan = params[0];
const Anope::string &option = params[1];
ci = ChannelInfo::Find(chan);
if (Anope::ReadOnly)
source.Reply(_("Sorry, kicker configuration is temporarily disabled."));
else if (ci == NULL)
source.Reply(CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, params[0].c_str());
else if (option.empty())
this->OnSyntaxError(source, "");
else if (!option.equals_ci("ON") && !option.equals_ci("OFF"))
this->OnSyntaxError(source, "");
else if (!source.AccessFor(ci).HasPriv("SET") && !source.HasPriv("botserv/administration"))
else if (!ci->bi)
return true;
return false;
void Process(CommandSource &source, ChannelInfo *ci, const Anope::string ¶m, const Anope::string &ttb, size_t ttb_idx, const Anope::string &optname, KickerData *kd, bool &val)
if (param.equals_ci("ON"))
if (!ttb.empty())
int16_t i;
i = convertTo<int16_t>(ttb);
if (i < 0)
throw ConvertException();
catch (const ConvertException &)
source.Reply(_("\002%s\002 cannot be taken as times to ban."), ttb.c_str());
kd->ttb[ttb_idx] = i;
kd->ttb[ttb_idx] = 0;
val = true;
if (kd->ttb[ttb_idx])
source.Reply(_("Bot will now kick for \002%s\002, and will place a ban\n"
"after %d kicks for the same user."), optname.c_str(), kd->ttb[ttb_idx]);
source.Reply(_("Bot will now kick for \002%s\002."), optname.c_str());
bool override = !source.AccessFor(ci).HasPriv("SET");
Log(override ? LOG_OVERRIDE : LOG_COMMAND, source, this, ci) << "to enable the " << optname << " kicker";
else if (param.equals_ci("OFF"))
bool override = !source.AccessFor(ci).HasPriv("SET");
Log(override ? LOG_OVERRIDE : LOG_COMMAND, source, this, ci) << "to disable the " << optname << " kicker";
val = false;
source.Reply(_("Bot won't kick for \002%s\002 anymore."), optname.c_str());
this->OnSyntaxError(source, "");
class CommandBSKickAMSG : public CommandBSKickBase
CommandBSKickAMSG(Module *creator) : CommandBSKickBase(creator, "botserv/kick/amsg", 2, 3)
this->SetDesc(_("Configures AMSG kicker"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037channel\037 {\037ON|OFF\037} [\037ttb\037]"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override
ChannelInfo *ci;
if (CheckArguments(source, params, ci))
KickerData *kd = ci->Require<KickerData>("kickerdata");
Process(source, ci, params[1], params.size() > 2 ? params[2] : "", TTB_AMSGS, "AMSG", kd, kd->amsgs);
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override
source.Reply(" ");
BotInfo *bi = Config->GetClient("BotServ");
source.Reply(_("Sets the AMSG kicker on or off. When enabled, the bot will\n"
"kick users who send the same message to multiple channels\n"
"where %s bots are.\n"
" \n"
"\037ttb\037 is the number of times a user can be kicked\n"
"before they get banned. Don't give ttb to disable\n"
"the ban system once activated."), bi ? bi->nick.c_str() : "BotServ");
return true;
class CommandBSKickBadwords : public CommandBSKickBase
CommandBSKickBadwords(Module *creator) : CommandBSKickBase(creator, "botserv/kick/badwords", 2, 3)
this->SetDesc(_("Configures badwords kicker"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037channel\037 {\037ON|OFF\037} [\037ttb\037]"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override
ChannelInfo *ci;
if (CheckArguments(source, params, ci))
KickerData *kd = ci->Require<KickerData>("kickerdata");
Process(source, ci, params[1], params.size() > 2 ? params[2] : "", TTB_BADWORDS, "badwords", kd, kd->badwords);
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override
source.Reply(" ");
source.Reply(_("Sets the bad words kicker on or off. When enabled, this\n"
"option tells the bot to kick users who say certain words\n"
"on the channels.\n"
"You can define bad words for your channel using the\n"
"\002BADWORDS\002 command. Type \002%s%s HELP BADWORDS\002 for\n"
"more information.\n"
" \n"
"\037ttb\037 is the number of times a user can be kicked\n"
"before it gets banned. Don't give ttb to disable\n"
"the ban system once activated."), Config->StrictPrivmsg.c_str(), source.service->nick.c_str());
return true;
class CommandBSKickBolds : public CommandBSKickBase
CommandBSKickBolds(Module *creator) : CommandBSKickBase(creator, "botserv/kick/bolds", 2, 3)
this->SetDesc(_("Configures bolds kicker"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037channel\037 {\037ON|OFF\037} [\037ttb\037]"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override
ChannelInfo *ci;
if (CheckArguments(source, params, ci))
KickerData *kd = ci->Require<KickerData>("kickerdata");
Process(source, ci, params[1], params.size() > 2 ? params[2] : "", TTB_BOLDS, "bolds", kd, kd->bolds);
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override
source.Reply(" ");
source.Reply(_("Sets the bolds kicker on or off. When enabled, this\n"
"option tells the bot to kick users who use bolds.\n"
" \n"
"\037ttb\037 is the number of times a user can be kicked\n"
"before it gets banned. Don't give ttb to disable\n"
"the ban system once activated."));
return true;
class CommandBSKickCaps : public CommandBSKickBase
CommandBSKickCaps(Module *creator) : CommandBSKickBase(creator, "botserv/kick/caps", 2, 5)
this->SetDesc(_("Configures caps kicker"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037channel\037 {\037ON|OFF\037} [\037ttb\037 [\037min\037 [\037percent\037]]]\002"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override
ChannelInfo *ci;
if (!CheckArguments(source, params, ci))
KickerData *kd = ci->Require<KickerData>("kickerdata");
if (params[1].equals_ci("ON"))
const Anope::string &ttb = params.size() > 2 ? params[2] : "",
&min = params.size() > 3 ? params[3] : "",
&percent = params.size() > 4 ? params[4] : "";
if (!ttb.empty())
kd->ttb[TTB_CAPS] = convertTo<int16_t>(ttb);
if (kd->ttb[TTB_CAPS] < 0)
throw ConvertException();
catch (const ConvertException &)
kd->ttb[TTB_CAPS] = 0;
source.Reply(_("\002%s\002 cannot be taken as times to ban."), ttb.c_str());
kd->ttb[TTB_CAPS] = 0;
kd->capsmin = 10;
kd->capsmin = convertTo<int16_t>(min);
catch (const ConvertException &) { }
if (kd->capsmin < 1)
kd->capsmin = 10;
kd->capspercent = 25;
kd->capspercent = convertTo<int16_t>(percent);
catch (const ConvertException &) { }
if (kd->capspercent < 1 || kd->capspercent > 100)
kd->capspercent = 25;
kd->caps = true;
if (kd->ttb[TTB_CAPS])
source.Reply(_("Bot will now kick for \002caps\002 (they must constitute at least\n"
"%d characters and %d%% of the entire message), and will\n"
"place a ban after %d kicks for the same user."), kd->capsmin, kd->capspercent, kd->ttb[TTB_CAPS]);
source.Reply(_("Bot will now kick for \002caps\002 (they must constitute at least\n"
"%d characters and %d%% of the entire message)."), kd->capsmin, kd->capspercent);
kd->caps = false;
source.Reply(_("Bot won't kick for \002caps\002 anymore."));
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override
source.Reply(" ");
source.Reply(_("Sets the caps kicker on or off. When enabled, this\n"
"option tells the bot to kick users who are talking in\n"
"The bot kicks only if there are at least \002min\002 caps\n"
"and they constitute at least \002percent\002%% of the total\n"
"text line (if not given, it defaults to 10 characters\n"
"and 25%%).\n"
" \n"
"\037ttb\037 is the number of times a user can be kicked\n"
"before it gets banned. Don't give ttb to disable\n"
"the ban system once activated."));
return true;
class CommandBSKickColors : public CommandBSKickBase
CommandBSKickColors(Module *creator) : CommandBSKickBase(creator, "botserv/kick/colors", 2, 3)
this->SetDesc(_("Configures color kicker"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037channel\037 {\037ON|OFF\037} [\037ttb\037]"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override
ChannelInfo *ci;
if (CheckArguments(source, params, ci))
KickerData *kd = ci->Require<KickerData>("kickerdata");
Process(source, ci, params[1], params.size() > 2 ? params[2] : "", TTB_COLORS, "colors", kd, kd->colors);
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override
source.Reply(" ");
source.Reply(_("Sets the colors kicker on or off. When enabled, this\n"
"option tells the bot to kick users who use colors.\n"
" \n"
"\037ttb\037 is the number of times a user can be kicked\n"
"before it gets banned. Don't give ttb to disable\n"
"the ban system once activated."));
return true;
class CommandBSKickFlood : public CommandBSKickBase
CommandBSKickFlood(Module *creator) : CommandBSKickBase(creator, "botserv/kick/flood", 2, 5)
this->SetDesc(_("Configures flood kicker"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037channel\037 {\037ON|OFF\037} [\037ttb\037 [\037ln\037 [\037secs\037]]]\002"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override
ChannelInfo *ci;
if (!CheckArguments(source, params, ci))
KickerData *kd = ci->Require<KickerData>("kickerdata");
if (params[1].equals_ci("ON"))
const Anope::string &ttb = params.size() > 2 ? params[2] : "",
&lines = params.size() > 3 ? params[3] : "",
&secs = params.size() > 4 ? params[4] : "";
if (!ttb.empty())
int16_t i;
i = convertTo<int16_t>(ttb);
if (i < 0)
throw ConvertException();
catch (const ConvertException &)
source.Reply(_("\002%s\002 cannot be taken as times to ban."), ttb.c_str());
kd->ttb[TTB_FLOOD] = i;
kd->ttb[TTB_FLOOD] = 0;
kd->floodlines = 6;
kd->floodlines = convertTo<int16_t>(lines);
catch (const ConvertException &) { }
if (kd->floodlines < 2)
kd->floodlines = 6;
kd->floodsecs = 10;
kd->floodsecs = convertTo<int16_t>(secs);
catch (const ConvertException &) { }
if (kd->floodsecs < 1)
kd->floodsecs = 10;
if (kd->floodsecs > Config->GetModule(me)->Get<time_t>("keepdata"))
kd->floodsecs = Config->GetModule(me)->Get<time_t>("keepdata");
kd->flood = true;
if (kd->ttb[TTB_FLOOD])
source.Reply(_("Bot will now kick for \002flood\002 (%d lines in %d seconds\n"
"and will place a ban after %d kicks for the same user."), kd->floodlines, kd->floodsecs, kd->ttb[TTB_FLOOD]);
source.Reply(_("Bot will now kick for \002flood\002 (%d lines in %d seconds)."), kd->floodlines, kd->floodsecs);
else if (params[1].equals_ci("OFF"))
kd->flood = false;
source.Reply(_("Bot won't kick for \002flood\002 anymore."));
this->OnSyntaxError(source, params[1]);
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override
source.Reply(" ");
source.Reply(_("Sets the flood kicker on or off. When enabled, this\n"
"option tells the bot to kick users who are flooding\n"
"the channel using at least \002ln\002 lines in \002secs\002 seconds\n"
"(if not given, it defaults to 6 lines in 10 seconds).\n"
" \n"
"\037ttb\037 is the number of times a user can be kicked\n"
"before it gets banned. Don't give ttb to disable\n"
"the ban system once activated."));
return true;
class CommandBSKickItalics : public CommandBSKickBase
CommandBSKickItalics(Module *creator) : CommandBSKickBase(creator, "botserv/kick/italics", 2, 3)
this->SetDesc(_("Configures italics kicker"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037channel\037 {\037ON|OFF\037} [\037ttb\037]"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override
ChannelInfo *ci;
if (CheckArguments(source, params, ci))
KickerData *kd = ci->Require<KickerData>("kickerdata");
Process(source, ci, params[1], params.size() > 2 ? params[2] : "", TTB_ITALICS, "italics", kd, kd->italics);
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override
source.Reply(" ");
source.Reply(_("Sets the italics kicker on or off. When enabled, this\n"
"option tells the bot to kick users who use italics.\n"
" \n"
"\037ttb\037 is the number of times a user can be kicked\n"
"before it gets banned. Don't give ttb to disable\n"
"the ban system once activated."));
return true;
class CommandBSKickRepeat : public CommandBSKickBase
CommandBSKickRepeat(Module *creator) : CommandBSKickBase(creator, "botserv/kick/repeat", 2, 4)
this->SetDesc(_("Configures repeat kicker"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037channel\037 {\037ON|OFF\037} [\037ttb\037 [\037num\037]]\002"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override
ChannelInfo *ci;
if (!CheckArguments(source, params, ci))
KickerData *kd = ci->Require<KickerData>("kickerdata");
if (params[1].equals_ci("ON"))
const Anope::string &ttb = params.size() > 2 ? params[2] : "",
× = params.size() > 3 ? params[3] : "";
if (!ttb.empty())
int16_t i;
i = convertTo<int16_t>(ttb);
if (i < 0)
throw ConvertException();
catch (const ConvertException &)
source.Reply(_("\002%s\002 cannot be taken as times to ban."), ttb.c_str());
kd->ttb[TTB_REPEAT] = i;
kd->ttb[TTB_REPEAT] = 0;
kd->repeattimes = 3;
kd->repeattimes = convertTo<int16_t>(times);
catch (const ConvertException &) { }
if (kd->repeattimes < 1)
kd->repeattimes = 3;
kd->repeat = true;
if (kd->ttb[TTB_REPEAT])
if (kd->repeattimes != 1)
source.Reply(_("Bot will now kick for \002repeats\002 (users that repeat the\n"
"same message %d times), and will place a ban after %d\n"
"kicks for the same user."), kd->repeattimes, kd->ttb[TTB_REPEAT]);
source.Reply(_("Bot will now kick for \002repeats\002 (users that repeat the\n"
"same message %d time), and will place a ban after %d\n"
"kicks for the same user."), kd->repeattimes, kd->ttb[TTB_REPEAT]);
if (kd->repeattimes != 1)
source.Reply(_("Bot will now kick for \002repeats\002 (users that repeat the\n"
"same message %d times)."), kd->repeattimes);
source.Reply(_("Bot will now kick for \002repeats\002 (users that repeat the\n"
"same message %d time)."), kd->repeattimes);
else if (params[1].equals_ci("OFF"))
kd->repeat = false;
source.Reply(_("Bot won't kick for \002repeats\002 anymore."));
this->OnSyntaxError(source, params[1]);
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override
source.Reply(" ");
source.Reply(_("Sets the repeat kicker on or off. When enabled, this\n"
"option tells the bot to kick users who are repeating\n"
"themselves \002num\002 times (if num is not given, it\n"
"defaults to 3).\n"
" \n"
"\037ttb\037 is the number of times a user can be kicked\n"
"before it gets banned. Don't give ttb to disable\n"
"the ban system once activated."));
return true;
class CommandBSKickReverses : public CommandBSKickBase
CommandBSKickReverses(Module *creator) : CommandBSKickBase(creator, "botserv/kick/reverses", 2, 3)
this->SetDesc(_("Configures reverses kicker"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037channel\037 {\037ON|OFF\037} [\037ttb\037]"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override
ChannelInfo *ci;
if (CheckArguments(source, params, ci))
KickerData *kd = ci->Require<KickerData>("kickerdata");
Process(source, ci, params[1], params.size() > 2 ? params[2] : "", TTB_REVERSES, "reverses", kd, kd->reverses);
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override
source.Reply(" ");
source.Reply(_("Sets the reverses kicker on or off. When enabled, this\n"
"option tells the bot to kick users who use reverses.\n"
" \n"
"\037ttb\037 is the number of times a user can be kicked\n"
"before it gets banned. Don't give ttb to disable\n"
"the ban system once activated."));
return true;
class CommandBSKickUnderlines : public CommandBSKickBase
CommandBSKickUnderlines(Module *creator) : CommandBSKickBase(creator, "botserv/kick/underlines", 2, 3)
this->SetDesc(_("Configures underlines kicker"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037channel\037 {\037ON|OFF\037} [\037ttb\037]"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override
ChannelInfo *ci;
if (CheckArguments(source, params, ci))
KickerData *kd = ci->Require<KickerData>("kickerdata");
Process(source, ci, params[1], params.size() > 2 ? params[2] : "", TTB_UNDERLINES, "underlines", kd, kd->underlines);
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override
source.Reply(" ");
source.Reply(_("Sets the underlines kicker on or off. When enabled, this\n"
"option tells the bot to kick users who use underlines.\n"
" \n"
"\037ttb\037 is the number of times a user can be kicked\n"
"before it gets banned. Don't give ttb to disable\n"
"the ban system once activated."));
return true;
class CommandBSSetDontKickOps : public Command
CommandBSSetDontKickOps(Module *creator, const Anope::string &sname = "botserv/set/dontkickops") : Command(creator, sname, 2, 2)
this->SetDesc(_("To protect ops against bot kicks"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037channel\037 {ON | OFF}"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override
ChannelInfo *ci = ChannelInfo::Find(params[0]);
if (ci == NULL)
source.Reply(CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, params[0].c_str());
AccessGroup access = source.AccessFor(ci);
if (!source.HasPriv("botserv/administration") && !access.HasPriv("SET"))
if (Anope::ReadOnly)
source.Reply(_("Sorry, bot option setting is temporarily disabled."));
KickerData *kd = ci->Require<KickerData>("kickerdata");
if (params[1].equals_ci("ON"))
bool override = !access.HasPriv("SET");
Log(override ? LOG_OVERRIDE : LOG_COMMAND, source, this, ci) << "to enable dontkickops";
kd->dontkickops = true;
source.Reply(_("Bot \002won't kick ops\002 on channel %s."), ci->name.c_str());
else if (params[1].equals_ci("OFF"))
bool override = !access.HasPriv("SET");
Log(override ? LOG_OVERRIDE : LOG_COMMAND, source, this, ci) << "to disable dontkickops";
kd->dontkickops = false;
source.Reply(_("Bot \002will kick ops\002 on channel %s."), ci->name.c_str());
this->OnSyntaxError(source, source.command);
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &) anope_override
source.Reply(_(" \n"
"Enables or disables \002ops protection\002 mode on a channel.\n"
"When it is enabled, ops won't be kicked by the bot\n"
"even if they don't match the NOKICK level."));
return true;
class CommandBSSetDontKickVoices : public Command
CommandBSSetDontKickVoices(Module *creator, const Anope::string &sname = "botserv/set/dontkickvoices") : Command(creator, sname, 2, 2)
this->SetDesc(_("To protect voices against bot kicks"));
this->SetSyntax(_("\037channel\037 {ON | OFF}"));
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) anope_override
ChannelInfo *ci = ChannelInfo::Find(params[0]);
if (ci == NULL)
source.Reply(CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, params[0].c_str());
AccessGroup access = source.AccessFor(ci);
if (!source.HasPriv("botserv/administration") && !access.HasPriv("SET"))
if (Anope::ReadOnly)
source.Reply(_("Sorry, bot option setting is temporarily disabled."));
KickerData *kd = ci->Require<KickerData>("kickerdata");
if (params[1].equals_ci("ON"))
bool override = !access.HasPriv("SET");
Log(override ? LOG_OVERRIDE : LOG_COMMAND, source, this, ci) << "to enable dontkickvoices";
kd->dontkickvoices = true;
source.Reply(_("Bot \002won't kick voices\002 on channel %s."), ci->name.c_str());
else if (params[1].equals_ci("OFF"))
bool override = !access.HasPriv("SET");
Log(override ? LOG_OVERRIDE : LOG_COMMAND, source, this, ci) << "to disable dontkickvoices";
kd->dontkickvoices = false;
source.Reply(_("Bot \002will kick voices\002 on channel %s."), ci->name.c_str());
this->OnSyntaxError(source, source.command);
bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &) anope_override
source.Reply(_(" \n"
"Enables or disables \002voices protection\002 mode on a channel.\n"
"When it is enabled, voices won't be kicked by the bot\n"
"even if they don't match the NOKICK level."));
return true;
struct BanData
struct Data
Anope::string mask;
time_t last_use;
int16_t ttb[TTB_SIZE];
last_use = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < TTB_SIZE; ++i)
this->ttb[i] = 0;
typedef Anope::map<Data> data_type;
data_type data_map;
BanData(Extensible *) { }
Data &get(const Anope::string &key)
return this->data_map[key];
bool empty() const
return this->data_map.empty();
void purge()
time_t keepdata = Config->GetModule(me)->Get<time_t>("keepdata");
for (data_type::iterator it = data_map.begin(), it_end = data_map.end(); it != it_end;)
const Anope::string &user = it->first;
Data &bd = it->second;
if (Anope::CurTime - bd.last_use > keepdata)
struct UserData
UserData(Extensible *)
last_use = last_start = Anope::CurTime;
lines = times = 0;
/* Data validity */
time_t last_use;
/* for flood kicker */
int16_t lines;
time_t last_start;
/* for repeat kicker */
Anope::string lasttarget;
int16_t times;
Anope::string lastline;
class BanDataPurger : public Timer
BanDataPurger(Module *o) : Timer(o, 300, Anope::CurTime, true) { }
void Tick(time_t) anope_override
Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "bs_main: Running bandata purger";
for (channel_map::iterator it = ChannelList.begin(), it_end = ChannelList.end(); it != it_end; ++it)
Channel *c = it->second;
BanData *bd = c->GetExt<BanData>("bandata");
if (bd != NULL)
if (bd->empty())
class BSKick : public Module
ExtensibleItem<BanData> bandata;
ExtensibleItem<UserData> userdata;
KickerDataImpl::ExtensibleItem kickerdata;
CommandBSKick commandbskick;
CommandBSKickAMSG commandbskickamsg;
CommandBSKickBadwords commandbskickbadwords;
CommandBSKickBolds commandbskickbolds;
CommandBSKickCaps commandbskickcaps;
CommandBSKickColors commandbskickcolors;
CommandBSKickFlood commandbskickflood;
CommandBSKickItalics commandbskickitalics;
CommandBSKickRepeat commandbskickrepeat;
CommandBSKickReverses commandbskickreverse;
CommandBSKickUnderlines commandbskickunderlines;
CommandBSSetDontKickOps commandbssetdontkickops;
CommandBSSetDontKickVoices commandbssetdontkickvoices;
BanDataPurger purger;
BanData::Data &GetBanData(User *u, Channel *c)
BanData *bd = bandata.Require(c);
return bd->get(u->GetMask());
UserData *GetUserData(User *u, Channel *c)
ChanUserContainer *uc = c->FindUser(u);
if (uc == NULL)
return NULL;
UserData *ud = userdata.Require(uc);
return ud;
void check_ban(ChannelInfo *ci, User *u, KickerData *kd, int ttbtype)
/* Don't ban ulines or protected users */
if (u->IsProtected())
BanData::Data &bd = this->GetBanData(u, ci->c);
if (kd->ttb[ttbtype] && bd.ttb[ttbtype] >= kd->ttb[ttbtype])
/* Should not use == here because bd.ttb[ttbtype] could possibly be > kd->ttb[ttbtype]
* if the TTB was changed after it was not set (0) before and the user had already been
* kicked a few times. Bug #1056 - Adam */
bd.ttb[ttbtype] = 0;
Anope::string mask = ci->GetIdealBan(u);
ci->c->SetMode(NULL, "BAN", mask);
FOREACH_MOD(OnBotBan, (u, ci, mask));
void bot_kick(ChannelInfo *ci, User *u, const char *message, ...)
va_list args;
char buf[1024];
if (!ci || !ci->bi || !ci->c || !u || u->IsProtected() || !ci->c->FindUser(u))
Anope::string fmt = Language::Translate(u, message);
va_start(args, message);
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt.c_str(), args);
ci->c->Kick(ci->bi, u, "%s", buf);
BSKick(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, VENDOR),
bandata(this, "bandata"),
userdata(this, "userdata"),
kickerdata(this, "kickerdata"),
commandbskickamsg(this), commandbskickbadwords(this), commandbskickbolds(this), commandbskickcaps(this),
commandbskickcolors(this), commandbskickflood(this), commandbskickitalics(this), commandbskickrepeat(this),
commandbskickreverse(this), commandbskickunderlines(this),
commandbssetdontkickops(this), commandbssetdontkickvoices(this),
me = this;
void OnBotInfo(CommandSource &source, BotInfo *bi, ChannelInfo *ci, InfoFormatter &info) anope_override
if (!ci)
Anope::string enabled = Language::Translate(source.nc, _("Enabled"));
Anope::string disabled = Language::Translate(source.nc, _("Disabled"));
KickerData *kd = kickerdata.Get(ci);
if (kd && kd->badwords)
if (kd->ttb[TTB_BADWORDS])
info[_("Bad words kicker")] = Anope::printf("%s (%d kick(s) to ban)", enabled.c_str(), kd->ttb[TTB_BADWORDS]);
info[_("Bad words kicker")] = enabled;
info[_("Bad words kicker")] = disabled;
if (kd && kd->bolds)
if (kd->ttb[TTB_BOLDS])
info[_("Bolds kicker")] = Anope::printf("%s (%d kick(s) to ban)", enabled.c_str(), kd->ttb[TTB_BOLDS]);
info[_("Bolds kicker")] = enabled;
info[_("Bolds kicker")] = disabled;
if (kd && kd->caps)
if (kd->ttb[TTB_CAPS])
info[_("Caps kicker")] = Anope::printf(_("%s (%d kick(s) to ban; minimum %d/%d%%)"), enabled.c_str(), kd->ttb[TTB_CAPS], kd->capsmin, kd->capspercent);
info[_("Caps kicker")] = Anope::printf(_("%s (minimum %d/%d%%)"), enabled.c_str(), kd->capsmin, kd->capspercent);
info[_("Caps kicker")] = disabled;
if (kd && kd->colors)
if (kd->ttb[TTB_COLORS])
info[_("Colors kicker")] = Anope::printf(_("%s (%d kick(s) to ban)"), enabled.c_str(), kd->ttb[TTB_COLORS]);
info[_("Colors kicker")] = enabled;
info[_("Colors kicker")] = disabled;
if (kd && kd->flood)
if (kd->ttb[TTB_FLOOD])
info[_("Flood kicker")] = Anope::printf(_("%s (%d kick(s) to ban; %d lines in %ds)"), enabled.c_str(), kd->ttb[TTB_FLOOD], kd->floodlines, kd->floodsecs);
info[_("Flood kicker")] = Anope::printf(_("%s (%d lines in %ds)"), enabled.c_str(), kd->floodlines, kd->floodsecs);
info[_("Flood kicker")] = disabled;
if (kd && kd->repeat)
if (kd->ttb[TTB_REPEAT])
info[_("Repeat kicker")] = Anope::printf(_("%s (%d kick(s) to ban; %d times)"), enabled.c_str(), kd->ttb[TTB_REPEAT], kd->repeattimes);
info[_("Repeat kicker")] = Anope::printf(_("%s (%d times)"), enabled.c_str(), kd->repeattimes);
info[_("Repeat kicker")] = disabled;
if (kd && kd->reverses)
if (kd->ttb[TTB_REVERSES])
info[_("Reverses kicker")] = Anope::printf(_("%s (%d kick(s) to ban)"), enabled.c_str(), kd->ttb[TTB_REVERSES]);
info[_("Reverses kicker")] = enabled;
info[_("Reverses kicker")] = disabled;
if (kd && kd->underlines)
if (kd->ttb[TTB_UNDERLINES])
info[_("Underlines kicker")] = Anope::printf(_("%s (%d kick(s) to ban)"), enabled.c_str(), kd->ttb[TTB_UNDERLINES]);
info[_("Underlines kicker")] = enabled;
info[_("Underlines kicker")] = disabled;
if (kd && kd->italics)
if (kd->ttb[TTB_ITALICS])
info[_("Italics kicker")] = Anope::printf(_("%s (%d kick(s) to ban)"), enabled.c_str(), kd->ttb[TTB_ITALICS]);
info[_("Italics kicker")] = enabled;
info[_("Italics kicker")] = disabled;
if (kd && kd->amsgs)
if (kd->ttb[TTB_AMSGS])
info[_("AMSG kicker")] = Anope::printf(_("%s (%d kick(s) to ban)"), enabled.c_str(), kd->ttb[TTB_AMSGS]);
info[_("AMSG kicker")] = enabled;
info[_("AMSG kicker")] = disabled;
if (kd && kd->dontkickops)
info.AddOption(_("Ops protection"));
if (kd && kd->dontkickvoices)
info.AddOption(_("Voices protection"));
void OnPrivmsg(User *u, Channel *c, Anope::string &msg) anope_override
/* Now we can make kicker stuff. We try to order the checks
* from the fastest one to the slowest one, since there's
* no need to process other kickers if a user is kicked before
* the last kicker check.
* But FIRST we check whether the user is protected in any
* way.
ChannelInfo *ci = c->ci;
if (ci == NULL)
KickerData *kd = kickerdata.Get(ci);
if (kd == NULL)
if (ci->AccessFor(u).HasPriv("NOKICK"))
else if (kd->dontkickops && (c->HasUserStatus(u, "HALFOP") || c->HasUserStatus(u, "OP") || c->HasUserStatus(u, "PROTECT") || c->HasUserStatus(u, "OWNER")))
else if (kd->dontkickvoices && c->HasUserStatus(u, "VOICE"))
Anope::string realbuf = msg;
/* If it's a /me, cut the CTCP part because the ACTION will cause
* problems with the caps or badwords kicker
if (realbuf.substr(0, 8).equals_ci("\1ACTION ") && realbuf[realbuf.length() - 1] == '\1')
realbuf.erase(0, 8);
realbuf.erase(realbuf.length() - 1);
if (realbuf.empty())
/* Bolds kicker */
if (kd->bolds && realbuf.find(2) != Anope::string::npos)
check_ban(ci, u, kd, TTB_BOLDS);
bot_kick(ci, u, _("Don't use bolds on this channel!"));
/* Color kicker */
if (kd->colors && realbuf.find(3) != Anope::string::npos)
check_ban(ci, u, kd, TTB_COLORS);
bot_kick(ci, u, _("Don't use colors on this channel!"));
/* Reverses kicker */
if (kd->reverses && realbuf.find(22) != Anope::string::npos)
check_ban(ci, u, kd, TTB_REVERSES);
bot_kick(ci, u, _("Don't use reverses on this channel!"));
/* Italics kicker */
if (kd->italics && realbuf.find(29) != Anope::string::npos)
check_ban(ci, u, kd, TTB_ITALICS);
bot_kick(ci, u, _("Don't use italics on this channel!"));
/* Underlines kicker */
if (kd->underlines && realbuf.find(31) != Anope::string::npos)
check_ban(ci, u, kd, TTB_UNDERLINES);
bot_kick(ci, u, _("Don't use underlines on this channel!"));
/* Caps kicker */
if (kd->caps && realbuf.length() >= static_cast<unsigned>(kd->capsmin))
int i = 0, l = 0;
for (unsigned j = 0, end = realbuf.length(); j < end; ++j)
if (isupper(realbuf[j]))
else if (islower(realbuf[j]))
/* i counts uppercase chars, l counts lowercase chars. Only
* alphabetic chars (so islower || isupper) qualify for the
* percentage of caps to kick for; the rest is ignored. -GD
if ((i || l) && i >= kd->capsmin && i * 100 / (i + l) >= kd->capspercent)
check_ban(ci, u, kd, TTB_CAPS);
bot_kick(ci, u, _("Turn caps lock OFF!"));
/* Bad words kicker */
if (kd->badwords)
bool mustkick = false;
BadWords *badwords = ci->GetExt<BadWords>("badwords");
/* Normalize the buffer */
Anope::string nbuf = Anope::NormalizeBuffer(realbuf);
bool casesensitive = Config->GetModule("botserv")->Get<bool>("casesensitive");
/* Normalize can return an empty string if this only contains control codes etc */
if (badwords && !nbuf.empty())
for (unsigned i = 0; i < badwords->GetBadWordCount(); ++i)
const BadWord *bw = badwords->GetBadWord(i);
if (bw->word.empty())
continue; // Shouldn't happen
if (bw->word.length() > nbuf.length())
continue; // This can't ever match
if (bw->type == BW_ANY && ((casesensitive && nbuf.find(bw->word) != Anope::string::npos) || (!casesensitive && nbuf.find_ci(bw->word) != Anope::string::npos)))
mustkick = true;
else if (bw->type == BW_SINGLE)
size_t len = bw->word.length();
if ((casesensitive && bw->word.equals_cs(nbuf)) || (!casesensitive && bw->word.equals_ci(nbuf)))
mustkick = true;
else if (nbuf.find(' ') == len && ((casesensitive && bw->word.equals_cs(nbuf.substr(0, len))) || (!casesensitive && bw->word.equals_ci(nbuf.substr(0, len)))))
mustkick = true;
if (len < nbuf.length() && nbuf.rfind(' ') == nbuf.length() - len - 1 && ((casesensitive && nbuf.find(bw->word) == nbuf.length() - len) || (!casesensitive && nbuf.find_ci(bw->word) == nbuf.length() - len)))
mustkick = true;
Anope::string wordbuf = " " + bw->word + " ";
if ((casesensitive && nbuf.find(wordbuf) != Anope::string::npos) || (!casesensitive && nbuf.find_ci(wordbuf) != Anope::string::npos))
mustkick = true;
else if (bw->type == BW_START)
size_t len = bw->word.length();
if ((casesensitive && nbuf.substr(0, len).equals_cs(bw->word)) || (!casesensitive && nbuf.substr(0, len).equals_ci(bw->word)))
mustkick = true;
Anope::string wordbuf = " " + bw->word;
if ((casesensitive && nbuf.find(wordbuf) != Anope::string::npos) || (!casesensitive && nbuf.find_ci(wordbuf) != Anope::string::npos))
mustkick = true;
else if (bw->type == BW_END)
size_t len = bw->word.length();
if ((casesensitive && nbuf.substr(nbuf.length() - len).equals_cs(bw->word)) || (!casesensitive && nbuf.substr(nbuf.length() - len).equals_ci(bw->word)))
mustkick = true;
Anope::string wordbuf = bw->word + " ";
if ((casesensitive && nbuf.find(wordbuf) != Anope::string::npos) || (!casesensitive && nbuf.find_ci(wordbuf) != Anope::string::npos))
mustkick = true;
if (mustkick)
check_ban(ci, u, kd, TTB_BADWORDS);
if (Config->GetModule(me)->Get<bool>("gentlebadwordreason"))
bot_kick(ci, u, _("Watch your language!"));
bot_kick(ci, u, _("Don't use the word \"%s\" on this channel!"), bw->word.c_str());
} /* for */
} /* if badwords */
UserData *ud = GetUserData(u, c);
if (ud)
/* Flood kicker */
if (kd->flood)
if (Anope::CurTime - ud->last_start > kd->floodsecs)
ud->last_start = Anope::CurTime;
ud->lines = 0;
if (ud->lines >= kd->floodlines)
check_ban(ci, u, kd, TTB_FLOOD);
bot_kick(ci, u, _("Stop flooding!"));
/* Repeat kicker */
if (kd->repeat)
if (!ud->lastline.equals_ci(realbuf))
ud->times = 0;
if (ud->times >= kd->repeattimes)
check_ban(ci, u, kd, TTB_REPEAT);
bot_kick(ci, u, _("Stop repeating yourself!"));
if (ud->lastline.equals_ci(realbuf) && !ud->lasttarget.empty() && !ud->lasttarget.equals_ci(ci->name))
for (User::ChanUserList::iterator it = u->chans.begin(); it != u->chans.end();)
Channel *chan = it->second->chan;
if (chan->ci && kd->amsgs && !chan->ci->AccessFor(u).HasPriv("NOKICK"))
check_ban(chan->ci, u, kd, TTB_AMSGS);
bot_kick(chan->ci, u, _("Don't use AMSGs!"));
ud->lasttarget = ci->name;
ud->lastline = realbuf;