delthas 4bcfeae5a6
Fill all fields of the service user prefix
On some IRC clients, NOTICE messages from a user which does not have a
user or host in its prefix (and therefore only have a Name, and look
like prefixes of servers), are treated as server notices rather than
user notices, and are treated differently. (For that matter, soju also
considers NOTICE messages from users with only a Name in their prefix as
special server messages). On most of these clients, NOTICE messages from
a user are formatted differently and stand out from the large flow of
incoming misceallenous server messages.

This fills the service user with fake User and Host values so that
NOTICE messages from it correctly appear as coming from a user. This
is particularly useful in the context of connection and disconnect
errors NOTICE messages that are broadcast from the service user to all
relevant downstreams.
2020-04-04 17:34:30 +02:00

252 lines
5.7 KiB

package soju
import (
const serviceNick = "BouncerServ"
var servicePrefix = &irc.Prefix{
Name: serviceNick,
User: serviceNick,
Host: serviceNick,
type serviceCommandSet map[string]*serviceCommand
type serviceCommand struct {
usage string
desc string
handle func(dc *downstreamConn, params []string) error
children serviceCommandSet
func sendServiceNOTICE(dc *downstreamConn, text string) {
Prefix: servicePrefix,
Command: "NOTICE",
Params: []string{dc.nick, text},
func sendServicePRIVMSG(dc *downstreamConn, text string) {
Prefix: servicePrefix,
Command: "PRIVMSG",
Params: []string{dc.nick, text},
func handleServicePRIVMSG(dc *downstreamConn, text string) {
words, err := shlex.Split(text)
if err != nil {
sendServicePRIVMSG(dc, fmt.Sprintf("error: failed to parse command: %v", err))
cmd, params, err := serviceCommands.Get(words)
if err != nil {
sendServicePRIVMSG(dc, fmt.Sprintf(`error: %v (type "help" for a list of commands)`, err))
if err := cmd.handle(dc, params); err != nil {
sendServicePRIVMSG(dc, fmt.Sprintf("error: %v", err))
func (cmds serviceCommandSet) Get(params []string) (*serviceCommand, []string, error) {
if len(params) == 0 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no command specified")
name := params[0]
params = params[1:]
cmd, ok := cmds[name]
if !ok {
for k := range cmds {
if !strings.HasPrefix(k, name) {
if cmd != nil {
return nil, params, fmt.Errorf("command %q is ambiguous", name)
cmd = cmds[k]
if cmd == nil {
return nil, params, fmt.Errorf("command %q not found", name)
if len(params) == 0 || len(cmd.children) == 0 {
return cmd, params, nil
return cmd.children.Get(params)
var serviceCommands serviceCommandSet
func init() {
serviceCommands = serviceCommandSet{
"help": {
usage: "[command]",
desc: "print help message",
handle: handleServiceHelp,
"network": {
children: serviceCommandSet{
"create": {
usage: "-addr <addr> [-name name] [-username username] [-pass pass] [-realname realname] [-nick nick]",
desc: "add a new network",
handle: handleServiceCreateNetwork,
"status": {
desc: "show a list of saved networks and their current status",
handle: handleServiceNetworkStatus,
"delete": {
usage: "<name>",
desc: "delete a network",
handle: handleServiceNetworkDelete,
func appendServiceCommandSetHelp(cmds serviceCommandSet, prefix []string, l *[]string) {
for name, cmd := range cmds {
words := append(prefix, name)
if len(cmd.children) == 0 {
s := strings.Join(words, " ")
*l = append(*l, s)
} else {
appendServiceCommandSetHelp(cmd.children, words, l)
func handleServiceHelp(dc *downstreamConn, params []string) error {
if len(params) > 0 {
cmd, rest, err := serviceCommands.Get(params)
if err != nil {
return err
words := params[:len(params)-len(rest)]
if len(cmd.children) > 0 {
var l []string
appendServiceCommandSetHelp(cmd.children, words, &l)
sendServicePRIVMSG(dc, "available commands: "+strings.Join(l, ", "))
} else {
text := strings.Join(words, " ")
if cmd.usage != "" {
text += " " + cmd.usage
text += ": " + cmd.desc
sendServicePRIVMSG(dc, text)
} else {
var l []string
appendServiceCommandSetHelp(serviceCommands, nil, &l)
sendServicePRIVMSG(dc, "available commands: "+strings.Join(l, ", "))
return nil
func newFlagSet() *flag.FlagSet {
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
return fs
func handleServiceCreateNetwork(dc *downstreamConn, params []string) error {
fs := newFlagSet()
addr := fs.String("addr", "", "")
name := fs.String("name", "", "")
username := fs.String("username", "", "")
pass := fs.String("pass", "", "")
realname := fs.String("realname", "", "")
nick := fs.String("nick", "", "")
if err := fs.Parse(params); err != nil {
return err
if *addr == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("flag -addr is required")
if *nick == "" {
*nick = dc.nick
var err error
network, err := dc.user.createNetwork(&Network{
Addr: *addr,
Name: *name,
Username: *username,
Pass: *pass,
Realname: *realname,
Nick: *nick,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not create network: %v", err)
sendServicePRIVMSG(dc, fmt.Sprintf("created network %q", network.GetName()))
return nil
func handleServiceNetworkStatus(dc *downstreamConn, params []string) error {
dc.user.forEachNetwork(func(net *network) {
var statuses []string
var details string
if uc := net.upstream(); uc != nil {
statuses = append(statuses, "connected as "+uc.nick)
details = fmt.Sprintf("%v channels", len(uc.channels))
} else {
statuses = append(statuses, "disconnected")
if net.lastError != nil {
details = net.lastError.Error()
if net == {
statuses = append(statuses, "current")
s := fmt.Sprintf("%v (%v) [%v]", net.GetName(), net.Addr, strings.Join(statuses, ", "))
if details != "" {
s += ": " + details
sendServicePRIVMSG(dc, s)
return nil
func handleServiceNetworkDelete(dc *downstreamConn, params []string) error {
if len(params) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("expected exactly one argument")
net := dc.user.getNetwork(params[0])
if net == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown network %q", params[0])
if err := dc.user.deleteNetwork(net.ID); err != nil {
return err
sendServicePRIVMSG(dc, fmt.Sprintf("deleted network %q", net.GetName()))
return nil