
165 lines
4.7 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Released into the Public Domain
"""colo: make your chats noticable"""
import random
import re
import weechat
SCRIPT_NAME = "colo"
SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "The Krusty Krab <wowaname@volatile.ch>"
SCRIPT_LICENSE = "Public domain"
SCRIPT_DESC = "Makes your chats noticable"
# script options
settings = {
"fmt": (
"%c13♥ %0%s%o %c13♥",
"Format string for text. %0 - %9 are different colours, %s is text, "
"%c %b %u %r %o are ^C ^B ^U ^R ^O respectively, and %% is a literal "
"percent sign. %0 is the primary colour that should be used with %s.",
"fgs": (
"Colour codes to cycle for the foreground. "
"Leave blank for no foreground colours.",
"bgs": (
"Colour codes to cycle for the background. "
"Leave blank for no background colours.",
"ignore_buffers": (
"List of buffers to ignore. Glob matches unless "
"you prefix the name with 're:'.",
"whitelist_buffers": (
"List of buffers to whitelist. Glob match unless "
"you prefix the name with 're:'. Useful with "
"ignore_buffers = \"*\"",
"whitelist_cmds": (
"Commands to colour.",
"profiles": (
"> greentext,! alert",
"List of prefix/profile pairs. If you type one of "
"these prefixes at the beginning of your message, "
"the options will switch to (profile)_pre, "
"(profile)_suf, (profile)_fgs, and (profile)_bgs. ",
"greentext_fmt": "%c3> %s",
"alert_fmt": "%c1,8/!\\%c8,1 %s %o%c1,8/!\\"
SCRIPT_DESC, "", ""):
for opt, val in settings.iteritems():
setting, desc = val if type(val) == tuple else (val, "")
if desc: weechat.config_set_desc_plugin(opt, desc)
if weechat.config_is_set_plugin(opt): continue
weechat.config_set_plugin(opt, setting)
weechat.hook_modifier("input_text_for_buffer", "cb_colo", "")
# prevent looping
nest = False
def glob_match (haystack, needle):
return re.search("^%s$" %
re.escape(haystack).replace(r"\?", ".").replace(r"\*", ".*?"),
def is_command (string):
return (string.startswith("/") and not string.startswith("/ ") and
string != "/" and string.split(" ", 1)[0].split("\n", 1)[0].find("/", 1)
< 0)
def cb_colo (data, mod, buf, input):
global nest
if nest:
nest = False
return input
buffer_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, "name").lower()
output = ""
profile = ""
for pattern in weechat.config_get_plugin("whitelist_buffers").lower().split(","):
if (pattern.startswith("re:") and
re.search(pattern[3:], buffer_name)) or glob_match(pattern, buffer_name):
for pattern in weechat.config_get_plugin("ignore_buffers").lower().split(","):
if (pattern.startswith("re:") and
re.search(pattern[3:], buffer_name)) or glob_match(pattern, buffer_name):
return input
if not input:
return input
if is_command(input):
for cmd in weechat.config_get_plugin("whitelist_cmds").lower().split(","):
if not input.startswith("/%s " % cmd): continue
output = "/%s " % cmd
input = input.split(" ", 1)[1] if " " in input else ""
return input.replace('\r','')
if input.startswith("//"): input = input[1:]
for profile_pairs in weechat.config_get_plugin("profiles").split(","):
prefix, name = profile_pairs.split()
if not input.startswith("%s " % prefix): continue
profile = "%s_" % name
input = input.split(" ",1)[1] if " " in input else ""
for opt in ("fmt", "fgs", "bgs"):
if weechat.config_is_set_plugin(profile + opt): continue
weechat.config_set_plugin(profile + opt, "")
fgs = weechat.config_get_plugin("%sfgs" % profile).split(",")
bgs = weechat.config_get_plugin("%sbgs" % profile).split(",")
fmt = weechat.config_get_plugin("%sfmt" % profile).split("%%")
for i in xrange(len(fmt)):
fmt[i] = fmt[i].replace("%c", "\x03").replace("%b",
"\x02").replace("%u", "\x1f").replace("%r",
"\x16").replace("%o", "\x0f")
if fgs == [""] and bgs == [""]: continue
for j in xrange(10):
base = "\x03%s%s%s" % (
"," if bgs != [""] else "",
fmt[i] = fmt[i].replace("%%%d" % j, base)
if j: continue
input = re.sub(
"\x03%s\\1" % base,
input.replace("\x0f","\x0f%s" % base))
fmt = "%".join(fmt)
nest = is_command(fmt)
l = (409 - len(fmt) -
int( weechat.info_get("irc_server_isupport_value", "%s,NICKLEN" %
weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, "localvar_server")) )
o = []
for line in input.replace("\r", "\n").split("\n"):
if not line: continue
for i in xrange(0, len(line), l):
o.append(fmt.replace("%s", line[i:i+l].rstrip()))
return output + "\n".join(o)