edit alias.conf

This commit is contained in:
wowaname 2016-07-26 00:29:52 +00:00
parent 3b8fb95eb8
commit eab1334375

View File

@ -3,73 +3,86 @@
# #
[cmd] [cmd]
> = "msg * 3>$1-" 1488 = "/mode -b+l-b 0,5卐5!*@*0,5 1488 5*!*@0,5卍"
a = "exec -nosw -o cat /home/wowaname/ascii/*/"$*"" a = "exec -pipe "/msg -server $server $channel " sed 's/$//' ascii/*/"$*""
AAWAY = "allserv /away" aa = "exec -o cat "ascii/$*""
aaway = "away -all"
acow = "exec -o cat ascii/*/"$3-" | cow$1 -nf$2"
action = "msg * \x01ACTION $*\x01" action = "msg * \x01ACTION $*\x01"
ame = "allchan me $* [AME]" agrep = "exec ls ascii/*/*"$*"*"
amsg = "allchan msg * $* [AMSG]" asl = "exec -o /home/wowaname/bin/asl/asl.sh"
ascii = "exec -nosw -o cat "/home/wowaname/ascii/$*"" ato = "exec -pipe "/msg -server $server $channel" sed 's,^,$1: ,\;s/$//' ascii/*/"$2-""
ascii-to = "exec -o -nosw sed 's/^/$1: /' "ascii/$2-""
asl = "exec -nosw -o /home/wowaname/bin/asl/asl.sh"
autocmd = "eval -s ${irc.server.$server.command}" autocmd = "eval -s ${irc.server.$server.command}"
b = "buffer" b = "buffer"
b64d = "exec -nosw -sh echo '$1-' | base64 -d" b64d = "exec echo '$1-' | base64 -d"
b64e = "exec -nosw -o -sh echo '$1-' | base64" b64e = "exec -o echo '$1-' | base64"
best = "say best $* in town;say best $* around" best = "say best $* in town;say best $* around"
blog = "/say Hi! It looks like you're blogging on IRC. Would you like to: 2[Add Comments] 2[e-Mail this to a Friend] 2[Digg This!] 6[Submit to Slashdot] 2[Add to del.icio.us] 5[Kill yourself because0⬉5 nobody cares]"
buttranged = "say you've just been HURT FEELINGS AND BUTT RANGED go drink ur moms bredt milk u fart commander i bet u hav a fetish FOR MEN LMAO ur just so made all the time its 2 easy 23 own u "i ilk to drinkj sperm from my sperm bottle while waring my sperm necklace" - u" buttranged = "say you've just been HURT FEELINGS AND BUTT RANGED go drink ur moms bredt milk u fart commander i bet u hav a fetish FOR MEN LMAO ur just so made all the time its 2 easy 23 own u "i ilk to drinkj sperm from my sperm bottle while waring my sperm necklace" - u"
c = "connect" c = "connect"
cake = "prism -wr and no i'm not going to dye my dammed hair pink and bake a fucking cake"
chan = "msg chanserv $1 $channel $2-" chan = "msg chanserv $1 $channel $2-"
clear = "buffer clear" clear = "buffer clear"
cnotice = "notice $channel" cnotice = "notice $channel"
cowsay = "exec -o cowsay" colourkill = "prism -xe هو ما نراه عندما تقوم الملونات بتعديل الضوء فيزيائيا بحيث تراه العين البشرية (تسمى عملية الاستجابة) ويترجم في الدماغ (تسمى عملية الإحساس التي يدرسها علم النفس). واللون هو أثر فيسيولوجي ينتج في شبكية العين، حيث يمكن للخلايا المخروطية القيام بتحليل ثلاثي اللون للمشاهد، سواء كان اللون ناتجاً عن المادة الصبغية الملونة أو عن الضوء الملون. إن ارتباط اللون مع الأشياء في لغتنا، يظهر في عبارات مثل "هذا الشيء أحمر اللون"، هو ارتباط مضلل لأنه لا يمكن إنكار أن اللون هو إحساس غير موجود إلا في الدماغ، أو الجهاز العصبي للكائنات الحية."
cowsay = "exec -pipe "/msg -server $server $channel " cowsay"
ctopic = "topic" ctopic = "topic"
cuntpunt = "/prism -c \ /$1 $2 cuntpunt \|  ̄ヘ ̄|/_______θ☆( *o*)/" cuntpunt = "/prism -c \ /$1 $2 cuntpunt \|  ̄ヘ ̄|/_______θ☆( *o*)/"
dbad = "say http://thinkmoult.com/irc.html" dbad = "say http://thinkmoult.com/irc.html"
dc = "disconnect" dc = "disconnect"
dc_full = "exec -nosw -pipe /mode bash -c 'for i in {0..3}\; do echo $1 $2$(( i * 4 + $4 ))$3 $2$(( i * 4 + 1 + $4 ))$3 $2$(( i * 4 + 2 + $4 ))$3 $2$(( i * 4 + 3 + $4 ))$3\; done'" dc6 = "exec -pipe /mode bash -c 'h=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f)\; for i in {0..3}\; do echo $1 $2${h[(( i * 4 ))]}$3 $2${h[(( i * 4 + 1 ))]}$3 $2${h[$(( i * 4 + 2 ))]}$3 $2${h[$(( i * 4 + 3 ))]}$3\; done'"
dc_half = "exec -nosw -pipe /mode bash -c 'for i in {0..3}\; do echo $1 $2$(( i * 64 ))$3 $2$(( i * 64 + 16 ))$3 $2$(( i * 64 + 32 ))$3 $2$(( i * 64 + 48 ))$3\; done'" dc_full = "exec -pipe /mode bash -c 'for i in {0..3}\; do echo $1 $2$(( i * 4 + $4 ))$3 $2$(( i * 4 + 1 + $4 ))$3 $2$(( i * 4 + 2 + $4 ))$3 $2$(( i * 4 + 3 + $4 ))$3\; done'"
diagonal = "exec -nosw -o python -c 'import sys\;j="$*"\;[sys.stdout.write(" "*i + j[i] + "\n") for i in xrange(len(j))]'" dc_half = "exec -pipe /mode bash -c 'for i in {0..3}\; do echo $1 $2$(( i * 64 ))$3 $2$(( i * 64 + 16 ))$3 $2$(( i * 64 + 32 ))$3 $2$(( i * 64 + 48 ))$3\; done'"
diagonal = "exec -o python -c 'import sys\;j="$*"\;[sys.stdout.write(" "*i + j[i] + "\n") for i in xrange(len(j))]'"
dim = "trigger addreplace dim_$server_$1 modifier weechat_print "${tg_tag_nick} == $1 && \${server} == $server" "/(.*)/${color:4}${tg_prefix_nocolor}\t${color:12}${tg_message_nocolor}/"; print \---\t$1 is now dimmed on $server"
dongers = "say ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ" dongers = "say ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ"
dyk = "/m $channel 8(!) 1Did you know...;/m $channel 11/14=11\ ;/m $channel 11\ / $*" doritos = "/say ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ Ah Mannn! I dropped my bag of Doritos!!!"
e = "/say 14╓13 $nick@weechat;/say 14╙─╴ $ $*;/exec -nosw -sh -o $*\;EXIT=$?\;[ $EXIT != 0 ] && echo 4Exited with code $EXIT!" dyk = "say 8(!) 1Did you know...;/m $channel 11/14=11\ ;/m $channel 11\ / $*"
ext = "exec -nosw -o /home/wowaname/ext.sh" e = "say 14╓13 $nick@weechat;/say 14╙─╴ $ $*;/exec -o $*\;EXIT=$?\;[ $EXIT != 0 ] && echo 4Exited with code $EXIT!"
fakelag = "exec -o -nosw figlet -Fborder -Fgay -fterm Please disable Fakelag, $1!\;echo\;echo "Some clients limit commands sent at once so they don't get disconnected."\;echo 'This is often undesired as Good IRC Networks can handle flooding.'\;echo 'Certain clients allow easy removal of fakelag:'\;echo 'irssi :: /set cmd_queue_speed 0msec'\;echo '  /set cmds_max_at_once 0'\;echo '  /reconnect'\;echo 'WeeChat :: /set irc.server_default.anti_flood_prio_high 0'\;echo '  /save'\;echo 'HexChat :: /set net_throttle 0'\;echo 'ChatZilla :: /evals CIRCServer.prototype.MS_BETWEEN_SENDS = 0'\;echo 'ZNC :: /msg *controlpanel setnetwork floodburst $me $network 0'\;echo '  /msg *controlpanel setnetwork floodrate $me $network 0'" ext = "exec -o /home/wowaname/ext.sh"
figfonts = "exec -nosw -n ls /usr/share/figlet" fakelag = "exec -o figlet -Fborder -Fgay -fterm Please disable Fakelag, $1!\;echo\;echo "Some clients limit commands sent at once so they don't get disconnected."\;echo 'This is often undesired as Good IRC Networks can handle flooding.'\;echo 'Certain clients allow easy removal of fakelag:'\;echo 'irssi :: /set cmd_queue_speed 0msec'\;echo '  /set cmds_max_at_once 0'\;echo '  /reconnect'\;echo 'WeeChat :: /set irc.server_default.anti_flood_prio_high 0'\;echo '  /save'\;echo 'HexChat :: /set net_throttle 0'\;echo 'ChatZilla :: /evals CIRCServer.prototype.MS_BETWEEN_SENDS = 0'\;echo 'ZNC :: /msg *controlpanel setnetwork floodburst $me $network 0'\;echo '  /msg *controlpanel setnetwork floodrate $me $network 0'"
figlet = "exec -nosw -o figlet -w100 -Fcrop $*" figfonts = "exec -n ls /usr/share/figlet"
flip = "exec -nosw -o -sh echo $* | flip" figlet = "exec -o figlet -w100 -Fcrop $*"
fuck = "python load text_replace.py;python load embellish.py" fuck = "mute python load text_replace.py;mute python load embellish.py"
fuckyou = "exec -o for i in `seq 1 $2` \; do echo "/forcejoin $1 &HYE_`date +%s%N`" \; done"
full = "figlet -f wideterm" full = "figlet -f wideterm"
ganja = "/me is away (4,4__8,8__3,3__14,1 SmOkInG ThE GaNjA 4,4__8,8__3,3__)" ganja = "me is away (4,4__8,8__3,3__1 SmOkInG ThE GaNjA 4,4__8,8__3,3__)"
geg = "exec -o python -c 'input="$*".replace(" ","1,1X")+"1,1"\;print input+("X"*(300-len(input)))'" gaykick = "k $1 4Y12O9U A8R4E 9G11A8Y"
gentoo = "exec -nosw -o -sh echo install `(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd 'a-z' | head -c 1) 2> /dev/null`entoo" gentoo = "exec -o echo install `(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd 'a-z' | head -c 1) 2> /dev/null`entoo"
gnu = "say I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as $2-, is in fact, $1/$2-, or as I've recently taken to calling it, $1 plus $2-." gnu = "say I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as $2-, is in fact, $1/$2-, or as I've recently taken to calling it, $1 plus $2-."
gnulinux = "gnu GNU Linux" gnulinux = "gnu GNU Linux"
grease = "/m $channel Grease and trolls, peace and war, is all that goes through my head. Blame me,;/m $channel I'm not clean anymore, the grease monkeys rise again, I'll have my time. My body;/m $channel starts gettin greasy, I'll have my mind, I'm going to drink grease. Clean news,;/m $channel grease food, all that flows in my heart. I dont use the bed in my dumpster, I;/m $channel dont wanna drop my guard. Clean me, I wont understand. I'm greasy, only half a;/m $channel monkey. Clean me, and I'll take your land. I'll have my time, grease monkeys;/m $channel rise again." gnusay = "cowsay -nfgnu < ascii/copypasta/gnulinux"
hop = "cycle" hop = "cycle"
image = "exec -nosw -o -sh wget -O "/home/wowaname/.cacaimage" "$2-" 2>/dev/null && img2txt -W$1 "/home/wowaname/.cacaimage"" host = "exec host"
J = "join" j = "join"
jargon = "exec -nosw -o /home/wowaname/jargon.sh" jargon = "exec -o bin/jargon.sh"
K = "kick" k = "kick"
kb = "kickban2" kb = "kickban2"
kickflood = "exec -o sed 's@^@/quote kick $channel $1 :@\;s@$@\n/forcejoin $1 $channel@' ascii/*/"$2-""
kkrop = "/masshl /mode +o-b %n 1,1!*@0Welcome1.0to1.0the1.0Krusty1.0Krab"
loljk = "say lol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JK" loljk = "say lol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JK"
M = "msg" m = "msg"
mail = "n $channel You have unread messages from another user! Type /server mail read to read them."
mdeop = "deop * -yes"
mdevoice = "devoice * -yes"
merge = "buffer merge" merge = "buffer merge"
mirc = "say 0000010102020303040405050606070708080909101011111212131314141515" mirc = "say 0000010102020303040405050606070708080909101011111212131314141515"
mop = "op * -yes"
mv = "buffer move" mv = "buffer move"
mvoice = "voice * -yes"
n = "notice" n = "notice"
nctcp = "notice $1 $2-" nctcp = "notice $1 $2-"
nickmsg = "/exec -pipe /nick for i in $*\; do echo $i\; done" nickmsg = "/exec -pipe /nick for i in $*\; do echo $i\; done"
niggas = "/say niggas aint be real but that just be how it do"
offend = "msg * $1: I feel offended by your recent action(s). Please read http://stop-irc-bullying.eu/stop" offend = "msg * $1: I feel offended by your recent action(s). Please read http://stop-irc-bullying.eu/stop"
opa = "exec -o figlet -fgeorgia11 '&' | sed s/^/11/;mode +a" oldreap = "exec -o bash -c 'for i in `seq 1 $1`\; do echo -n "$(( $RANDOM % 16 )),$(( $RANDOM % 16 )) $2- "\; done'"
oph = "exec -o figlet -fgeorgia11 '%' | sed s/^/13/;mode +h"
opo = "exec -o figlet -fgeorgia11 '@' | sed s/^/09/;mode +o"
opq = "exec -o figlet -fgeorgia11 '~' | sed s/^/04/;mode +q"
opv = "exec -o figlet -fgeorgia11 '+' | sed s/^/8/;mode +v"
oslap = "me slaps $1 around a bit with $2-." oslap = "me slaps $1 around a bit with $2-."
oven = "exec -o bin/oven/oven"
p = "part" p = "part"
popart = "repeat $1 exec -nosw -o bash -c 'echo "$(( $RANDOM % 16 ))$2-"'" piespy = "/m joking hArjddDoXPve2KMXnNfq"
popart = "exec -o bash -c 'for i in `seq 1 $1`\; do echo "$(( $RANDOM % 16 ))$2-"\; done'"
pre = "$1 $2$channel $3-" pre = "$1 $2$channel $3-"
pump = "say I occasionally pump whilst I'm driving, particularly on long journeys in the car. That way, when I get into meetings, I have a HUGE bulge in my suit and like to watch everyone's eyes - guys and women!! It never fails to get some kind of reaction!!! -- MegaPumper"
Q = "query" Q = "query"
qadd = "query_blocker add" qadd = "query_blocker add"
qls = "query_blocker list" qls = "query_blocker list"
@ -77,50 +90,51 @@ qrm = "query_blocker del"
questions = "say $1 http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html$2-" questions = "say $1 http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html$2-"
r-pair = "eval /set plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_pairs "${plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_pairs}\;$1=$2-"" r-pair = "eval /set plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_pairs "${plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_pairs}\;$1=$2-""
r-word = "eval /set plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_words "${plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_words}\;$1=$2-"" r-word = "eval /set plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_words "${plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_words}\;$1=$2-""
rascii = "exec -nosw -pipe /prism sed 's/^/ /'< "ascii/$*"" ra = "exec -pipe /prism sed s/^/ / ascii/*/"$*""
rato = "exec -pipe /prism sed 's/^/$1: /' ascii/*/"$2-""
raw = "quote" raw = "quote"
rc = "reconnect" rc = "reconnect"
REDRAW = "window refresh" redraw = "color reset;window refresh"
rejoin = "exec -o for i in `seq 1 $2` \; do echo "/forcepart $1 $channel"\; echo "/forcejoin $1 $channel"\; done"
remove = "/quote remove $channel $1 :$2-" remove = "/quote remove $channel $1 :$2-"
reverse = "exec -nosw -o python -c 'print "$*"[::-1]'" reverse = "exec -o python -c 'print "$*"[::-1]'"
rot13 = "exec -nosw -o -sh echo "$*" | tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M" ri = "/repeat -interval"
rot13 = "exec -o echo "$*" | tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M"
rslap = "me slaps $1 around a bit with a large 4r7a8i3n12b2o6w 7t8r3o12u2t6." rslap = "me slaps $1 around a bit with a large 4r7a8i3n12b2o6w 7t8r3o12u2t6."
s = "buffer server.$1" s = "buffer server.$1"
sa = "eval /set irc.server.$server.addresses ${irc.server.$server.addresses},$1"
sadmac = "say سمَـَّوُوُحخ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ امارتيخ ̷̴̐خ" sadmac = "say سمَـَّوُوُحخ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ امارتيخ ̷̴̐خ"
savechan = "autojoin --run" say = "msg *"
say = "msg $channel" sc = "mute autojoin --run;mute save;print Channels and options saved"
sc = "eval /set irc.server.$server.addresses"
set_append = "/eval /set $1 "\${$1},$2-"" set_append = "/eval /set $1 "\${$1},$2-""
sj = "server jump" sj = "server jump"
slap = "me slaps $1 around a bit with a large trout." slap = "me slaps $1 around a bit with a large trout."
sln = "ison q w e r t y u i o p { };print [ ] q w e r t y u i o p { };ison a s d f g h j k l ~ [ ];print [ ] a s d f g h j k l ~ [ ];ison z x c v b n m _ ^ ` \ |;print [ ] z x c v b n m _ ^ ` \ |" sln = "ison q w e r t y u i o p { };print [ ] q w e r t y u i o p { };ison a s d f g h j k l ~ [ ];print [ ] a s d f g h j k l ~ [ ];ison z x c v b n m _ ^ ` \ |;print [ ] z x c v b n m _ ^ ` \ |"
space = "exec -nosw -o python -c 'print " ".join("$*")'" space = "exec -o PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 python -c 'print " ".join("$*")'"
split = "/bar hide nicklist;/window splitv" split = "/bar hide nicklist;/window splitv"
spy = "eval can $server see what i do on my computer" spy = "eval can $server see what i do on my computer"
style = "/eval -s /set plugins.var.python.embellish.fgs "\${plugins.var.python.embellish.$1_fgs}"\;/set plugins.var.python.embellish.bgs "\${plugins.var.python.embellish.$1_bgs}"\;/set plugins.var.python.embellish.pre "\${plugins.var.python.embellish.$1_pre}"\;/set plugins.var.python.embellish.suf "\${plugins.var.python.embellish.$1_suf}"" style = "/eval -s /set plugins.var.python.embellish.fgs "\${plugins.var.python.embellish.$1_fgs}"\;/set plugins.var.python.embellish.bgs "\${plugins.var.python.embellish.$1_bgs}"\;/set plugins.var.python.embellish.pre "\${plugins.var.python.embellish.$1_pre}"\;/set plugins.var.python.embellish.suf "\${plugins.var.python.embellish.$1_suf}""
sv = "squery sv" styledis = "/set_append plugins.var.python.embellish.ignore_buffers $server.$channel"
t = "topic" t = "topic"
ta = "exec -pipe "/raw -server $server TOPIC $channel :" sed 's/$//' ascii/*/"$*""
think = "/me .oO( $1- )" think = "/me .oO( $1- )"
timeout = "buffer notify none; wait 60m /buffer notify reset" timeout = "buffer notify none; wait 60m /buffer notify reset"
tmyk = "say 2The 12More 6You 13Know 5=7=8=9=11=12=2=8☆" tmyk = "say 2The 12More 6You 13Know 5=7=8=9=11=12=2=8☆"
topicflood = "exec -nosw -pipe "/raw TOPIC $channel :" -sh cat "/home/wowaname/ascii/$1-""
tr = "translate"
train = "kick $1 ran over with a train 4/2[o o]3[o o]2[o o]3[o o]2[o o]3[o o]4\" train = "kick $1 ran over with a train 4/2[o o]3[o o]2[o o]3[o o]2[o o]3[o o]4\"
UB = "unban" ub = "unban"
UMODE = "mode $nick" umode = "mode $nick"
unfuck = "python unload text_replace;python unload embellish" undim = "trigger del dim_$server_$1; print \---\t$1 is no longer dimmed"
unfuck = "mute python unload text_replace;mute python unload embellish"
unsplit = "/bar show nicklist;/window merge" unsplit = "/bar show nicklist;/window merge"
urgay = "ascii-to $1 pp4l/youaregay" urgay = "ato $1 youaregay"
urslow = "exec -o head -n17 ascii/pp4l/youaregay | sed s/^/$1:\ /\; sleep 1\; head -n33 ascii/pp4l/youaregay | tail -n16 | sed s/^/$1:\ /\; sleep 1\; tail -n17 ascii/pp4l/youaregay | sed s/^/$1:\ /" urslow = "exec -o head -n17 ascii/pp4l/youaregay | sed s/^/$1:\ /\; sleep 1\; head -n33 ascii/pp4l/youaregay | tail -n16 | sed s/^/$1:\ /\; sleep 1\; tail -n17 ascii/pp4l/youaregay | sed s/^/$1:\ /"
v = "ctcp $1 version" v = "ctcp $1 version"
W = "who" w = "who"
wc = "buffer close" wc = "buffer close"
WI = "whois" wi = "whois"
WII = "whois $1 $1" wii = "whois $1 $1"
wv = "command core version" wv = "command core version"
WW = "whowas" ww = "whowas"
xra = "exec -pipe "/prism -x" sed s/^/ / ascii/*/"$*""
xyzzy = "print Nothing happens" xyzzy = "print Nothing happens"
yop = "/squery sv raw :sv mode $channel +y $nick"
[completion] [completion]