alias.conf update

This commit is contained in:
wowaname 2016-10-16 12:50:37 +00:00
parent 2c8e09fd8e
commit 4a700c7e9b
1 changed files with 6 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ a = "play"
aaway = "away -all"
acow = "exec -o cat ascii/*/"$3-" | cow$1 -nf$2"
action = "msg * \x01ACTION $*\x01"
agrep = "play -find *$**"
akill = "kloeri akill"
aop = "kloeri autoop"
aoper = "eval /oper $1 ${${server}_oper}"
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ ext = "exec -o /home/wowaname/"
fakelag = "exec -pipe /say figlet -Fborder -Fgay -fterm Please disable Fakelag, $1!\;echo\;echo "Some clients limit commands sent at once so they don't get disconnected."\;echo 'This is often undesired as Good IRC Networks can handle flooding.'\;echo 'Certain clients allow easy removal of fakelag:'\;echo 'irssi :: /set cmd_queue_speed 0msec'\;echo '  /set cmds_max_at_once 0'\;echo '  /reconnect'\;echo 'WeeChat :: /set irc.server_default.anti_flood_prio_high 0'\;echo '  /save'\;echo 'HexChat :: /set net_throttle 0'\;echo 'ChatZilla :: /evals CIRCServer.prototype.MS_BETWEEN_SENDS = 0'\;echo 'ZNC :: /msg *controlpanel setnetwork floodburst $me $network 0'\;echo '  /msg *controlpanel setnetwork floodrate $me $network 0'"
figfonts = "exec -n ls /usr/share/figlet"
figlet = "exec -o figlet -w100 -Fcrop $*"
flashbang = "cflood -fg 0 -bg 8 FLASHBANG"
fortune = "exec -o bin/"
fuck = "mute python load;mute python load"
full = "figlet -f wideterm"
@ -64,6 +66,7 @@ gnusay = "cowsay -nfgnu < ascii/copypasta/gnulinux"
hop = "cycle"
hopflood = "exec -o sed 's@^@/part @\;s@$@\n/join@' ascii/*/"$1-""
host = "exec host"
insult = "exec -o wget -q -O- | pup div.wrap | sed -n "s/^ //\;s/&#39\;/'/g\;4p""
irssi = "input history_previous;input history_previous;input return;input history_previous;input return;exec -pipe /repeat echo "$((RANDOM%5)) say ?A""
j = "join"
jargon = "exec -o bin/"
@ -104,7 +107,7 @@ quiet = "kloeri quiet"
r-pair = "eval /set plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_pairs "${plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_pairs}\;$1=$2-""
r-word = "eval /set plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_words "${plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_words}\;$1=$2-""
ra = "play -pipe "/prism -c ` /say ` ""
rato = "play -pipe "/prism -xc ` /say `$1:" $2-"
rato = "play -pipe "/prism -c ` /say `$1:" $2-"
raw = "quote"
rc = "reconnect"
rclop = "ryiff -clops"
@ -148,6 +151,8 @@ wc = "buffer close"
webirc = "/exec -pipe "/exec host" python -c 'print ".".join(str(int("$1"[i:i+2],16)) for i in xrange(0,8,2))'"
wi = "whois"
wii = "whois $1 $1"
wiki = "exec -o LANGS=(en chr dv km glk ka he ms fa ba ru sa ta zh-yue ur hy kn ml ne war bh gu tg wuu or arc mzn lo pnb got bo as ti cr xmf tcy)\;wget -q -O- "https://${LANGS[$RANDOM % ${#LANGS[@]}]}" | pup title | sed '2!d\;s|^ \(.*\) [-–—] .*$|\1|g'"
wraith = "exec -pipe "/mode +o-b $1" echo `head -c 2 /dev/urandom | base64 | tr -d =`'!'`head -c 3 /dev/urandom | base64`'@'`head -c 16 /dev/urandom | base64`"
wv = "command core version"
ww = "whowas"
xra = "play -pipe "/prism -xc ` /say ` ""