
104 lines
2.9 KiB
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2016-10-02 08:24:28 +00:00
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find::Rule;
no strict 'subs';
my $SCRIPT_NAME = 'play';
my $SCRIPT_AUTHOR = 'The Krusty Krab <wowaname@volatile.ch>';
my $SCRIPT_VERSION = '1.0';
my $SCRIPT_LICENCE = 'Public domain';
my $SCRIPT_DESC = 'Play ASCII art';
our ($pipe, @queue);
weechat::hook_command('play', 'Play ASCII art',
'[-delay ms] [-find] [-pipe "command"] filename',
"-delay: delay in milliseconds between lines\n".
"-find: list matching files, don't play\n".
"-pipe: pipe output into command\n".
"filename: file to play. Supports wildcards. By default, searches ".
"subdirectories as well unless '/' is found in the filename",
'', 'cmd_play', '');
my %OPTIONS = (
delay => ['Default delay between lines', 0],
dir => ['Art directory',
weechat::info_get('weechat_dir', '').'/ascii'],
for my $option (keys %OPTIONS) {
weechat::config_set_plugin($option, $OPTIONS{$option}[1])
unless weechat::config_is_set_plugin($option);
weechat::config_set_desc_plugin($option, $OPTIONS{$option}[0]);
sub parse {
my ($input, $delay, $pipe, $find) =
(shift, weechat::config_get_plugin('delay'), '/msg *', 0);
if ($input =~ / *-delay +([0-9]+) /) {
$delay = $1;
$input =~ s/ *-delay +[0-9]+ *//;
if ($input =~ / *-find /) {
$find = 1;
$input =~ s/ *-find *//;
# greedy match within quotes so we don't need to escape quotes.
# i don't think we will be affected negatively by this
if ($input =~ / *-pipe +(".+"|[^ ]+) /) {
$pipe = $1;
$pipe =~ s/^"(.+)"$/$1/ if $pipe =~ /^".+"$/;
$input =~ s/ *-pipe +(?:".+"|[^ ]+) *//;
return ($delay, $pipe, $find, $input);
sub play {
my ($buffer, $line) = (shift, (shift @queue) =~ s/[\r\n]*$//r);
weechat::command($buffer, "$pipe \x0f$line\x0f");
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
sub cmd_play {
my $buffer = $_[1];
my ($delay, $find, $file);
($delay, $pipe, $find, $file) = parse($_[2]);
my $server = weechat::info_get($buffer, 'localvar_server');
my ($prio_s, $prio_d) = (
$delay = ($delay or 1000 * (
? weechat::config_integer($prio_d)
: weechat::config_integer($prio_s)
) or 10);
my $path = File::Find::Rule->file->name($file)
if ($find) {
weechat::print($buffer, " \t$_") while defined( $_ = $path->match );
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
if ($path and open FH, "<", (($file !~ m"/") ? $path->match :
weechat::config_get_plugin('dir')."/$file")) {
@queue = <FH>;
close FH;
weechat::hook_timer($delay, 0, scalar @queue, 'play', $buffer);
} else {
weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix('error').
"Cannot open '$file': $!");
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_ERROR;
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;