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//** **
//** Neversoft Entertainment **
//** **
//** Copyright (C) 2000 - All Rights Reserved **
//** **
//** **
//** Project: Skate3 **
//** **
//** Module: GFX **
//** **
//** File name: p_particle.cpp **
//** **
//** Created: 08/16/2001 dc **
//** **
//** Description: NGC particle system interface **
//** **
//** Includes **
//#include <sys/ngc/p_vector.h>
//#include "p_particle.h"
//#include "p_prim.h"
//** DBG Information **
//namespace Particle
//** Externals **
//** Defines **
//#define fmin2f( a, b ) ((( a ) < ( b )) ? ( a ) : ( b ))
//** Private Types **
//** Private Data **
//static NsVector screen_right;
//static NsVector screen_up;
//static NsCamera* p_current_cam = NULL;
//** Public Data **
//** Private Prototypes **
//** Private Functions **
///* */
///* */
//void NsParticleAtomic::seedParticle( int p, float t_max )
// Dbg_Assert(( t_max >= 0.0f ) && ( t_max <= 1.0f ));
// parametric_particle* p_part = mp_particles + p;
// // Figure current parametric parameter.
// p_part->t = t_max;
// // Figure intial velocity.
// float angle_range_x = (((float)rand() / RAND_MAX ) * 2.0f ) - 1.0f;
// float angle_range_y = (((float)rand() / RAND_MAX ) * 2.0f ) - 1.0f;
// NsVector vel;
// vel.x = m_emitter_angle * angle_range_x;
// vel.y = m_emitter_angle * angle_range_y;
// vel.z = 1.0f - (( vel.x * vel.x ) + ( vel.y * vel.y ));
// float speed = m_min_speed - ( m_variation_speed * 0.5f ) + ( m_variation_speed * ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX ));
// speed *= 1.0f - fmin2f(( angle_range_x * angle_range_x ) + ( angle_range_y * angle_range_y ), -1.0f * m_damping );
// p_part->initial_velocity.scale( vel, speed );
// // Figure initial position.
// p_part->start_pos.x = -m_emitter_width + ( 2.0f * m_emitter_width * ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX ));
// p_part->start_pos.y = -m_emitter_height + ( 2.0f * m_emitter_height * ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX ));
// p_part->start_pos.z = 0.0f;
///* */
///* */
//bool NsParticleAtomic::cull( void )
// int lp;
// unsigned int code;
// unsigned int codeAND;
// f32 rx[8], ry[8], rz[8];
// f32 vp[GX_VIEWPORT_SZ];
// u32 clip_x;
// u32 clip_y;
// u32 clip_w;
// u32 clip_h;
// float clip_l;
// float clip_t;
// float clip_r;
// float clip_b;
// MtxPtr view;
// float minx, miny, minz;
// float maxx, maxy, maxz;
// GXGetProjectionv( p );
// GXGetViewportv( vp );
// GXGetScissor( &clip_x, &clip_y, &clip_w, &clip_h );
// clip_l = (float)clip_x;
// clip_t = (float)clip_y;
// clip_r = (float)( clip_x + clip_w );
// clip_b = (float)( clip_y + clip_h );
// view = (MtxPtr)( p_current_cam->getCurrent()->getRight());
// NsMatrix* p_matrix = m_frame.getModelMatrix();
// minx = m_bbox.m_min.x + p_matrix->getPosX();
// miny = m_bbox.m_min.y + p_matrix->getPosY();
// minz = m_bbox.m_min.z + p_matrix->getPosZ();
// maxx = m_bbox.m_max.x + p_matrix->getPosX();
// maxy = m_bbox.m_max.y + p_matrix->getPosY();
// maxz = m_bbox.m_max.z + p_matrix->getPosZ();
// GXProject ( minx, miny, minz, view, p, vp, &rx[0], &ry[0], &rz[0] );
// GXProject ( minx, maxy, minz, view, p, vp, &rx[1], &ry[1], &rz[1] );
// GXProject ( maxx, miny, minz, view, p, vp, &rx[2], &ry[2], &rz[2] );
// GXProject ( maxx, maxy, minz, view, p, vp, &rx[3], &ry[3], &rz[3] );
// GXProject ( minx, miny, maxz, view, p, vp, &rx[4], &ry[4], &rz[4] );
// GXProject ( minx, maxy, maxz, view, p, vp, &rx[5], &ry[5], &rz[5] );
// GXProject ( maxx, miny, maxz, view, p, vp, &rx[6], &ry[6], &rz[6] );
// GXProject ( maxx, maxy, maxz, view, p, vp, &rx[7], &ry[7], &rz[7] );
// bool visible = true;
// // Generate clip code. {page 178, Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics}
// // 1001|1000|1010
// // | |
// // ----+----+----
// // 0001|0000|0010
// // | |
// // ----+----+----
// // 0101|0100|0110
// // | |
// //
// // Addition: Bit 4 is used for z behind.
// codeAND = 0x001f;
// for ( lp = 0; lp < 8; lp++ ) {
// // Only check x/y if z is valid (if z is invalid, the x/y values will be garbage).
// if ( rz[lp] > 1.0f ) {
// code = (1<<4);
// } else {
// code = 0;
// if ( rx[lp] < clip_l ) code |= (1<<0);
// if ( rx[lp] > clip_r ) code |= (1<<1);
// if ( ry[lp] > clip_b ) code |= (1<<2);
// if ( ry[lp] < clip_t ) code |= (1<<3);
// }
// codeAND &= code;
// }
// // If any bits are set in the AND code, the object is invisible.
// if ( codeAND ) {
// visible = false;
// }
// return !visible;
///* */
///* */
//void NsParticleAtomic::figureBoundingBox( void )
// // Cheesy, but it works reasonably well. Pass 1 particle through the system n times, sampling it's
// // position at various intervals.
// NsMatrix* p_matrix = m_frame.getModelMatrix();
// struct parametric_particle* p_part = mp_particles;
// m_bbox.m_min.x = m_bbox.m_max.x = 0.0f;
// m_bbox.m_min.y = m_bbox.m_max.y = 0.0f;
// m_bbox.m_min.z = m_bbox.m_max.z = 0.0f;
// for( int pass = 0; pass < 16; ++pass )
// {
// for( ;; )
// {
// p_part->t += 0.11945f;
// // First deal with reseeding any particles that have exceeded their lifetime.
// if( p_part->t > 1.0f )
// {
// seedParticle( 0, p_part->t - 1.0f );
// break;
// }
// // Now figure current position.
// float time = p_part->t * m_flight_time;
// // The 0.5 multiply is already done when the force is set.
// float half_time_squared = time * time;
// NsVector pos, ut, at, temp;
// ut.scale( *p_matrix->getRight(), p_part->initial_velocity.x * time );
// temp.scale( *p_matrix->getUp(), p_part->initial_velocity.y * time );
// ut.add( temp );
// temp.scale( *p_matrix->getAt(), p_part->initial_velocity.z * time );
// ut.add( temp );
// at.scale( *p_matrix->getRight(), m_force.x * half_time_squared );
// temp.scale( *p_matrix->getUp(), m_force.y * half_time_squared );
// at.add( temp );
// temp.scale( *p_matrix->getAt(), m_force.z * half_time_squared );
// at.add( temp );
// pos.set( ut.x + at.x, ut.y + at.y, ut.z + at.z );
// if( pos.x < m_bbox.m_min.x )
// m_bbox.m_min.x = pos.x;
// else if( pos.x > m_bbox.m_max.x )
// m_bbox.m_max.x = pos.x;
// if( pos.y < m_bbox.m_min.y )
// m_bbox.m_min.y = pos.y;
// else if( pos.y > m_bbox.m_max.y )
// m_bbox.m_max.y = pos.y;
// if( pos.z < m_bbox.m_min.z )
// m_bbox.m_min.z = pos.z;
// else if( pos.z > m_bbox.m_max.z )
// m_bbox.m_max.z = pos.z;
// }
// }
//** Public Functions **
///* */
///* */
//void SetParticleAtomicCamera( NsCamera* p_cam )
// // Used to figure the right and up vectors for creating screen-aligned particle quads.
// NsFrame* p_frame = p_cam->getFrame();
// NsMatrix* p_matrix = p_frame->getModelMatrix();
// NsVector up( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
// // Get the 'right' vector as the cross product of camera 'at and world 'up'.
// screen_right.cross( *p_matrix->getAt(), up );
// screen_up.cross( screen_right, *p_matrix->getAt());
// screen_right.normalize();
// screen_up.normalize();
// p_current_cam = p_cam;
///* */
///* */
//NsParticleAtomic::NsParticleAtomic( int num_particles, NsMaterial* p_material )
// m_visible = true;
// m_num_particles = num_particles;
// m_initial_num_particles = num_particles;
// mp_particles = new struct parametric_particle[num_particles];
// for( int i = 0; i < num_particles; ++i )
// {
// seedParticle( i, (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX );
// }
// // Flag to indicate the bounding box needs calculating.
///* */
///* */
// if( mp_material )
// {
// delete mp_material;
// }
// delete [] mp_particles;
///* */
///* */
//void NsParticleAtomic::SetNumParticles( int num )
// Dbg_Assert( num <= m_initial_num_particles );
// // This value can only be set to less than it was initially.
// if( num <= m_initial_num_particles )
// {
// m_num_particles = num;
// }
///* */
///* */
//void NsParticleAtomic::update( float delta_t )
// // If time since last draw is increasing, probably not being drawn currently, so
// // pointless letting it get beyond 1.0f.
// m_time_since_last_draw += delta_t;
// if( m_time_since_last_draw > m_flight_time )
// {
// m_time_since_last_draw -= m_flight_time;
// }
///* */
///* */
//void NsParticleAtomic::draw( void )
// if( m_visible )
// {
// // Reseed particles if dirty.
// if( m_flags & PARTICLE_FLAG_DIRTY )
// {
// for( int i = 0; i < m_initial_num_particles; ++i )
// {
// seedParticle( i, (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX );
// }
// m_flags &= ~PARTICLE_FLAG_DIRTY;
// }
// // Refigure bounding box if required.
// if( m_flags & PARTICLE_FLAG_BBOX_DIRTY )
// {
// figureBoundingBox();
// }
// // Test bounding box against view frustum.
// if( cull() )
// {
// return;
// }
// // Figure time since last draw as a ratio of flight time.
// float t_delta = m_time_since_last_draw * m_inv_flight_time;
// NsRender::begin();
// NsRender::setZMode( NsZMode_LessEqual, 1, 0, 0 );
// // Set current vertex descriptor to enable position and color0. Both use 8b index to access their data arrays.
// GXClearVtxDesc();
// GXSetVtxDesc( GX_VA_POS, GX_DIRECT );
// GXSetVtxDesc( GX_VA_TEX0, GX_DIRECT );
// // Upload texture if present.
// NsTexture* p_texture = ( mp_material ) ? ( mp_material->getTexture() ) : NULL;
// if( p_texture )
// {
// p_texture->upload( NsTexture_Wrap_Clamp );
// }
// NsMatrix* p_matrix = m_frame.getModelMatrix();
// Vec mat_pos = (Vec){ p_matrix->getPosX(), p_matrix->getPosY(), p_matrix->getPosZ()};
// for( int i = 0; i < m_num_particles; ++i )
// {
// struct parametric_particle* p_part = mp_particles + i;
// // First deal with reseeding any particles that have exceeded their lifetime.
// if(( p_part->t += t_delta ) > 1.0f )
// {
// seedParticle( i, p_part->t - 1.0f );
// }
// Dbg_Assert( p_part->t <= 1.0f );
// // Now figure current position.
// float time = p_part->t * m_flight_time;
// // The 0.5 multiply is already done when the force is set.
// float half_time_squared = time * time;
// NsVector pos;
// NsVector p, ut, at, temp;
// Vec* p_mat_right = (Vec*)p_matrix->getRight();
// Vec* p_mat_up = (Vec*)p_matrix->getUp();
// Vec* p_mat_at = (Vec*)p_matrix->getAt();
// p.scale( *p_matrix->getRight(), p_part->start_pos.x );
// temp.scale( *p_matrix->getUp(), p_part->start_pos.y );
// p.add( temp );
// VECScale( p_mat_right, (Vec*)&p, p_part->start_pos.x );
// VECScale( p_mat_up, (Vec*)&temp, p_part->start_pos.y );
// VECAdd( (Vec*)&p, (Vec*)&temp, (Vec*)&p );
// ut.scale( *p_matrix->getRight(), p_part->initial_velocity.x * time );
// temp.scale( *p_matrix->getUp(), p_part->initial_velocity.y * time );
// ut.add( temp );
// temp.scale( *p_matrix->getAt(), p_part->initial_velocity.z * time );
// ut.add( temp );
// VECScale( p_mat_right, (Vec*)&ut, p_part->initial_velocity.x * time );
// VECScale( p_mat_up, (Vec*)&temp, p_part->initial_velocity.y * time );
// VECAdd( (Vec*)&ut, (Vec*)&temp, (Vec*)&ut );
// VECScale( p_mat_at, (Vec*)&temp, p_part->initial_velocity.z * time );
// VECAdd( (Vec*)&ut, (Vec*)&temp, (Vec*)&ut );
// at.scale( *p_matrix->getRight(), m_force.x * half_time_squared );
// temp.scale( *p_matrix->getUp(), m_force.y * half_time_squared );
// at.add( temp );
// temp.scale( *p_matrix->getAt(), m_force.z * half_time_squared );
// at.add( temp );
// VECScale( p_mat_right, (Vec*)&at, m_force.x * half_time_squared );
// VECScale( p_mat_up, (Vec*)&temp, m_force.y * half_time_squared );
// VECAdd( (Vec*)&at, (Vec*)&temp, (Vec*)&at );
// VECScale( p_mat_at, (Vec*)&temp, m_force.z * half_time_squared );
// VECAdd( (Vec*)&at, (Vec*)&temp, (Vec*)&at );
// pos.set( p_matrix->getPosX() + p.x + ut.x + at.x, p_matrix->getPosY() + p.y + ut.y + at.y, p_matrix->getPosZ() + p.z + ut.z + at.z );
// VECAdd((Vec*)&p, (Vec*)&ut, (Vec*)&pos );
// VECAdd((Vec*)&pos, (Vec*)&mat_pos, (Vec*)&pos );
// VECAdd((Vec*)&pos, (Vec*)&at, (Vec*)&pos );
// // Deal with color change.
// GXColor color;
// color.r = (int)( m_gx_start_color_r + ( m_gx_delta_color_r * p_part->t ));
// color.g = (int)( m_gx_start_color_g + ( m_gx_delta_color_g * p_part->t ));
// color.b = (int)( m_gx_start_color_b + ( m_gx_delta_color_b * p_part->t ));
// color.a = ((int)( m_gx_start_color_a + ( m_gx_delta_color_a * p_part->t ))) / 2;
// if( mp_material )
// {
// NsRender::setBlendMode( mp_material->getBlendMode(), p_texture, color.a );
// }
// // Deal with particle growth.
// float width = ( m_size + ( m_size * m_growth * p_part->t )) * 0.5f;
// float height = width * m_aspect_ratio;
// NsVector ss_right, ss_up, ss_pos;
// ss_right.scale( screen_right, width );
// ss_up.scale( screen_up, height );
// VECScale((Vec*)&screen_right, (Vec*)&ss_right, width );
// VECScale((Vec*)&screen_up, (Vec*)&ss_up, height );
// // Set material color.
// GX::SetChanMatColor( GX_COLOR0A0, color );
// // Send coordinates.
// GXBegin( GX_QUADS, GX_VTXFMT3, 4 );
// ss_pos.sub( pos, ss_right );
// ss_pos.sub( ss_up );
// VECSubtract((Vec*)&pos, (Vec*)&ss_right, (Vec*)&ss_pos );
// VECSubtract((Vec*)&ss_pos, (Vec*)&ss_up, (Vec*)&ss_pos );
// GXPosition3f32( ss_pos.x, ss_pos.y, ss_pos.z );
// GXTexCoord2f32( 0.0f, 0.0f );
// ss_pos.add( pos, ss_right );
// ss_pos.sub( ss_up );
// VECAdd((Vec*)&pos, (Vec*)&ss_right, (Vec*)&ss_pos );
// VECSubtract((Vec*)&ss_pos, (Vec*)&ss_up, (Vec*)&ss_pos );
// GXPosition3f32( ss_pos.x, ss_pos.y, ss_pos.z );
// GXTexCoord2f32( 1.0f, 0.0f);
// ss_pos.add( pos, ss_right );
// ss_pos.add( ss_up );
// VECAdd((Vec*)&pos, (Vec*)&ss_right, (Vec*)&ss_pos );
// VECAdd((Vec*)&ss_pos, (Vec*)&ss_up, (Vec*)&ss_pos );
// GXPosition3f32( ss_pos.x, ss_pos.y, ss_pos.z );
// GXTexCoord2f32( 1.0f, 1.0f);
// ss_pos.sub( pos, ss_right );
// ss_pos.add( ss_up );
// VECSubtract((Vec*)&pos, (Vec*)&ss_right, (Vec*)&ss_pos );
// VECAdd((Vec*)&ss_pos, (Vec*)&ss_up, (Vec*)&ss_pos );
// GXPosition3f32( ss_pos.x, ss_pos.y, ss_pos.z );
// GXTexCoord2f32( 0.0f, 1.0f);
// GXEnd();
// }
// NsRender::end();
// }
// m_time_since_last_draw = 0.0f;
///* */
///* */
//void NsParticleAtomic::setMaterial( NsMaterial* p_material )
// if( mp_material )
// {
// delete mp_material;
// }
// mp_material = new NsMaterial;
// memcpy( mp_material, p_material, sizeof( NsMaterial ));
///* */
///* */
//void NsParticleAtomic::SetEmitterSize( float w, float h )
// m_emitter_width = w * 0.5f;
// m_emitter_height = h * 0.5f;
///* */
///* */
//void NsParticleAtomic::SetEmitterAngle( float angle )
// // Convert to radians.
// angle *= Mth::PI / 180.0f;
// // Convert to range [0, 1].
// m_emitter_angle = angle / ( Mth::PI * 0.5f );
///* */
///* */
//void NsParticleAtomic::setParticleColors( uint32* start, uint32* end )
// m_start_color = *start;
// m_end_color = *end;
// m_gx_start_color_r = (float)((int)( m_start_color & 0xFF ));
// m_gx_start_color_g = (float)((int)(( m_start_color >> 8 ) & 0xFF ));
// m_gx_start_color_b = (float)((int)(( m_start_color >> 16 ) & 0xFF ));
// m_gx_start_color_a = (float)((int)(( m_start_color >> 24 ) & 0xFF ));
// m_gx_delta_color_r = (float)((int)( m_end_color & 0xFF )) - m_gx_start_color_r;
// m_gx_delta_color_g = (float)((int)(( m_end_color >> 8 ) & 0xFF )) - m_gx_start_color_g;
// m_gx_delta_color_b = (float)((int)(( m_end_color >> 16 ) & 0xFF )) - m_gx_start_color_b;
// m_gx_delta_color_a = (float)((int)(( m_end_color >> 24 ) & 0xFF )) - m_gx_start_color_a;
///* */
///* */
//uint32 NsParticleAtomic::getParticleColors( uint32 index )
// if( index == 0 )
// return m_start_color;
// else
// return m_end_color;
///* */
///* */
//void NsParticleAtomic::setParticleSpeed( float min, float max, float damping )
// m_min_speed = ( min + max ) * 0.5f;
// m_variation_speed = max - m_min_speed;
// m_damping = -damping;
///* */
///* */
//void NsParticleAtomic::setParticleFlightTime( float t )
// m_flight_time = t;
// m_inv_flight_time = 1.0f / t;
///* */
///* */
//void NsParticleAtomic::setParticleForce( NsVector& f )
// // Scaled here for the 1/2at^2 calc.
// m_force.scale( f, 0.5f );
///* */
///* */
//void NsParticleAtomic::setParticleSize( float size, float growth, float aspect_ratio )
// m_size = size;
// m_growth = growth;
// m_aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio;
//} // namespace NsParticle