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577 lines
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//* MODULE: Sk/Objects
//* FILENAME: car.cpp
//* OWNER: Gary Jesdanun
//* CREATION DATE: 10/24/2000
MD: The car is just a moving object with a special ground collision
function, and the functionality to rotate wheels based on the car's
velocity and turn the wheels based on the change in the car's direction.
** Includes **
#include <sk/objects/car.h>
#include <gel/mainloop.h>
#include <gel/objman.h>
#include <gel/objsearch.h>
#include <gel/scripting/checksum.h>
#include <gel/scripting/script.h>
#include <gel/scripting/struct.h>
#include <gel/scripting/symboltable.h>
#include <gel/components/carphysicscomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/collisioncomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/modelcomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/motioncomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/skeletoncomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/suspendcomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/nodearraycomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/railmanagercomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/objecthookmanagercomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/skitchcomponent.h>
#include <gfx/debuggfx.h>
#include <gfx/gfxutils.h>
#include <gfx/nx.h>
#include <gfx/nxgeom.h>
#include <gfx/nxhierarchy.h>
#include <gfx/nxmodel.h>
#include <gfx/skeleton.h>
#include <sk/engine/feeler.h>
#include <sk/modules/skate/skate.h>
#include <sk/objects/pathob.h>
#include <sk/objects/skater.h>
#include <sk/scripting/nodearray.h>
#include <sys/profiler.h>
** DBG Information **
namespace Obj
** Private Data **
#define DEFAULT_CAR_MAX_VEL 30.0f
#define DEFAULT_CAR_MIN_STOP_VEL 4.0f //mph at which the brakes overpower momentum.
#define DEFAULT_CAR_STOP_DIST_SPEED_MULT 1.0f //stopping distance required depends on speed*this
#define MAX_CAR_SPEED 85
#define MAX_WHEEL_Y_ROT ( 70.0f )
#define MAX_CAR_X_ROT ( 5.0f )
#define MIN_CAR_X_ROT ( -5.0f )
#define STEP_CAR_X_ROT ( 0.125f )
#define ACCEL_TO_CAR_ROT_FACTOR ( 3.0f )
** Public Data **
** Private Prototypes **
** Private Functions **
/* */
/* */
void CCar::update_wheels()
#if 1
// rotate based on forward speed
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_wheelRotationX += ( ( Tmr::FrameRatio() ) * ( GetMotionComponent()->m_vel_z * 90.0f ) / ( MPH_TO_IPS( MAX_CAR_SPEED ) ) );
// rotate at constant rate
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_wheelRotationX += ( 2.0f * Tmr::FrameRatio() );
// make sure it's within bounds
while ( GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_wheelRotationX > 360.0f )
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_wheelRotationX -= 360.0f;
while ( GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_wheelRotationX < 0.0f )
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_wheelRotationX += 360.0f;
if ( GetMotionComponent()->GetPathOb() )
if ( GetMotionComponent()->GetPathOb()->m_y_rot )
Mth::Vector radiusVec = GetMotionComponent()->GetPathOb()->m_nav_pos - GetMotionComponent()->GetPathOb()->m_circle_center;
float turningRadius = radiusVec.Length();
#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
float ang = asinf( GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_distanceBetweenTires / turningRadius );
float a_ang = GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_distanceBetweenTires / turningRadius;
if ( a_ang > 1.0f ) a_ang = 1.0f;
if ( a_ang < -1.0f ) a_ang = -1.0f;
float ang = asinf( a_ang );
#endif // __PLAT_NGPS__
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_targetWheelRotationY = Mth::RadToDeg(-ang);
if ( GetMotionComponent()->GetPathOb()->m_y_rot < 0.0f )
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_targetWheelRotationY = -GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_targetWheelRotationY;
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_targetWheelRotationY = 0.0f;
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_wheelRotationY = Mth::FRunFilter( GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_targetWheelRotationY, GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_wheelRotationY, Tmr::FrameRatio() );
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_wheelRotationY = 0.0f;
float deltaZ = GetMotionComponent()->m_vel_z - GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_old_vel_z;
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_old_vel_z = GetMotionComponent()->m_vel_z;
if ( Script::GetInt( CRCD(0x4cf13d8f,"car_debug"), Script::NO_ASSERT ) )
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_minCarRot = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0x877db8da,"accelCarRot"), Script::ASSERT );
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_maxCarRot = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0xfb3464df,"decelCarRot"), Script::ASSERT );
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_stepCarRot = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0xfd8bc8d6,"speedCarRot"), Script::ASSERT );
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_accelToCarRotFactor = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0xb2c7447b,"accelCarRotFactor"), Script::ASSERT );
// GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_enter_turn_dist = Script::GetFloat( "turnDist", Script::ASSERT );
// that happens to look good, but it can be tweaked
// later if necessary (or moved into script on a
// per-car basis).
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_targetCarRotationX = -deltaZ / GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_accelToCarRotFactor;
if ( GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_targetCarRotationX > GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_maxCarRot )
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_targetCarRotationX = GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_maxCarRot;
if ( GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_targetCarRotationX < GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_minCarRot )
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_targetCarRotationX = GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_minCarRot;
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_carRotationX = Mth::FRunFilter( GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_targetCarRotationX, GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_carRotationX, GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_stepCarRot * Tmr::FrameRatio() );
/* */
/* */
void CalculateCarHierarchyMatrices( Gfx::CSkeleton* pSkeleton,
Nx::CModel *p_renderedModel,
float carRotationX,
float wheelRotationX,
float wheelRotationY)
Dbg_Assert( p_renderedModel );
Gfx::CSkeleton* pCarSkeleton = pSkeleton;
Dbg_Assert( pCarSkeleton );
// TODO: Possibly set up the setup matrix only once,
// and then prerotate the rotation?
Nx::CHierarchyObject* pHierarchyObjects = p_renderedModel->GetHierarchy();
Mth::Matrix* pMatrices = pCarSkeleton->GetMatrices();
float carRotationXInRadians = Mth::DegToRad( carRotationX );
float wheelRotationYInRadians = Mth::DegToRad( wheelRotationY );
float wheelRotationXInRadians = Mth::DegToRad( wheelRotationX );
Nx::CHierarchyObject* pCurrentHierarchyObject = pHierarchyObjects;
for ( int i = 0; i < pCarSkeleton->GetNumBones(); i++ )
Mth::Matrix* pMatrix = pMatrices + pCurrentHierarchyObject->GetBoneIndex();
// initialize the setup matrix once per frame
*pMatrix = pCurrentHierarchyObject->GetSetupMatrix();
switch ( pCurrentHierarchyObject->GetChecksum() )
// front wheels
case 0x6e2f434e: // car_wheel01
case 0xf72612f4: // car_wheel02
// apply steering to the front tires
pMatrix->RotateZLocal( wheelRotationYInRadians );
// spin wheels
pMatrix->RotateXLocal( wheelRotationXInRadians );
// back wheels
case 0x80212262: // car_wheel03
case 0x1e45b7c1: // car_wheel04
// spin wheels
pMatrix->RotateXLocal( wheelRotationXInRadians );
// middle wheels
case 0x69428757: // car_wheel05
case 0xf04bd6ed: // car_wheel06
// spin wheels
pMatrix->RotateXLocal( wheelRotationXInRadians );
case 0x88c21962: // car
// rock the car back and forth
pMatrix->RotateXLocal( carRotationXInRadians );
case 0x92e19120: // car_shadow
// do nothing
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "Unrecognized bone name %s while animating car parts (bone %d)\nCar parts MUST be named be car_wheel01, car_wheel02, car_wheel03, car_wheel04, car_wheel05, car_wheel06, car, or car_shadow", Script::FindChecksumName(pCurrentHierarchyObject->GetChecksum() ), i) );
// get children into object space
if ( i != 0 )
*pMatrix *= *( pMatrices + pCurrentHierarchyObject->GetParentIndex() );
/* */
/* */
void CCar::display_wheels()
// scale down the shadow to nothing... must be done after all the
// children's matrices have been calculated... this also assumes
// the shadow is the first matrix... if it's not, we'd have to
// search for the correct matrix by name
if ( !GetCarPhysicsComponent()->m_shadowEnabled )
Mth::Matrix mat;
Mth::Matrix* pMatrices = GetSkeleton()->GetMatrices();
*pMatrices = mat;
#if 0
/* */
/* */
void CCar::debug_wheels()
Dbg_Assert( GetModel() );
Gfx::CSkeleton* pCarSkeleton = this->GetSkeleton();
Dbg_Assert( pCarSkeleton );
// draw skeleton
for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
Mth::Matrix objMatrix = m_matrix;
objMatrix[Mth::POS] = m_pos;
Mth::Matrix wsMatrix = *(pCarSkeleton->GetMatrices() + i) * objMatrix;
Mth::Vector pos = wsMatrix[Mth::POS];
pos[Y] += 48.0f;
wsMatrix[Mth::POS] = Mth::Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
// set up bounding box
SBBox theBox;
theBox.m_max.Set(10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f);
theBox.m_min.Set(-10.0f, -10.0f, -10.0f);
// For now, draw a bounding box
Gfx::AddDebugBox( wsMatrix, pos, &theBox, NULL, 1, NULL );
/* */
/* */
void CCar::InitCar( CGeneralManager* p_obj_man, Script::CStruct* pNodeData )
uint32 skeletonName = CRCD(0x88c21962,"car");
bool use_skeletal_cars = false;
if ( pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD(0x09794932,"skeletonName"), &skeletonName, false ) )
use_skeletal_cars = true;
if ( use_skeletal_cars )
// m_model_restoration_info.mSkeletonName=skeletonName;
// component-based
Dbg_MsgAssert( GetSkeletonComponent() == NULL, ( "Skeleton component already exists" ) );
Script::CStruct* pSkeletonStruct = new Script::CStruct;
pSkeletonStruct->AddChecksum( CRCD(0xb6015ea8,"component"), CRC_SKELETON );
pSkeletonStruct->AddChecksum( CRCD(0x222756d5,"skeleton"), skeletonName );
this->CreateComponentFromStructure(pSkeletonStruct, NULL);
delete pSkeletonStruct;
#ifdef __NOPT_ASSERT__
Gfx::CSkeleton* pSkeleton = GetSkeletonComponent()->GetSkeleton();
Dbg_Assert( pSkeleton );
Dbg_Assert( pSkeleton->GetNumBones() > 0 );
// m_model_restoration_info.mSkeletonName=0;
MovingObjectInit( pNodeData, p_obj_man );
Obj::CModelComponent* pModelComponent = new Obj::CModelComponent;
this->AddComponent( pModelComponent );
pModelComponent->InitFromStructure( pNodeData );
Dbg_Assert( GetModel() );
// set up the skeleton for this car model, if any
// needs to come after the geom is loaded (because
// that's where the hierarchy info is)
if ( use_skeletal_cars )
const char* p_model_name;
pNodeData->GetText( CRCD(0x286a8d26,"model"), &p_model_name, true );
// sanity check on number of bones in skeleton
Dbg_MsgAssert( GetModel()->GetNumObjectsInHierarchy()==GetSkeleton()->GetNumBones(),
( "Expected to find %d bones in the %s skeleton (found %d in %s - %s)",
Script::FindChecksumName( skeletonName ),
Script::FindChecksumName( GetID() ),
p_model_name ) );
if ( GetModel()->GetNumObjectsInHierarchy()!=0 )
uint32 name = 0;
pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD(0xa1dc81f9,"name"), &name, Script::ASSERT );
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "Skeletal model requires a skeleton %s", Script::FindChecksumName(name) ) );
GetCarPhysicsComponent()->InitFromStructure( pNodeData );
if ( !pNodeData->ContainsFlag( CRCD(0x0bf29bc0,"NoCollision") ) )
// GJ: collision component should be added after the model component,
// because we want the same m_pos/m_matrix that is used for displaying
// the model
Dbg_MsgAssert( GetCollisionComponent() == NULL, ( "Collision component already exists" ) );
Script::CStruct* pCollisionStruct = new Script::CStruct;
pCollisionStruct->AddChecksum( CRCD(0xb6015ea8,"component"), CRC_COLLISION );
pCollisionStruct->AddChecksum( CRCD(0x2d7e583b,"collisionMode"), CRCD(0x6aadf154,"geometry") );
this->CreateComponentFromStructure(pCollisionStruct, NULL);
delete pCollisionStruct;
// designer controlled variables:
// set defaults, to be overridden by script values if they exist:
GetMotionComponent()->m_max_vel = ( MPH_TO_INCHES_PER_SECOND ( DEFAULT_CAR_MAX_VEL ) );
GetMotionComponent()->m_acceleration = FEET_TO_INCHES( DEFAULT_CAR_ACCELERATION );
GetMotionComponent()->m_deceleration = FEET_TO_INCHES( DEFAULT_CAR_DECELERATION );
// stick to ground tests against wheels, rather than origin
// (eventually, we'll move this functionality into a custom
// sticktoground component)
GetMotionComponent()->m_point_stick_to_ground = false;
GetMotionComponent()->EnsurePathobExists( this );
GetMotionComponent()->GetPathOb()->m_enter_turn_dist = FEET_TO_INCHES( DEFAULT_CAR_TURN_DIST );
// Add a NodeArrayComponent to the Car, so it will request loading of the associated node array.
Obj::CNodeArrayComponent *p_node_array_component = new Obj::CNodeArrayComponent;
this->AddComponent( p_node_array_component );
p_node_array_component->InitFromStructure( pNodeData );
if ( !pNodeData->ContainsFlag( CRCD(0x1fb9e477,"NoRail") ) )
// Add a RailManagerComponent to the Car, so it can be used for grinding etc.
Obj::CRailManagerComponent *p_rail_manager_component = new Obj::CRailManagerComponent;
this->AddComponent( p_rail_manager_component );
p_rail_manager_component->InitFromStructure( pNodeData );
if ( !pNodeData->ContainsFlag( CRCD(0x59793e2b,"NoSkitch") ) )
// Add an ObjectHookManagerComponent to the Car, for use by the SkitchComponent.
Obj::CObjectHookManagerComponent *p_object_hook_manager_component = new Obj::CObjectHookManagerComponent;
this->AddComponent( p_object_hook_manager_component );
p_object_hook_manager_component->InitFromStructure( pNodeData );
// Add a SkitchComponent to the Car, so it can be used for skitching etc.
Obj::CSkitchComponent *p_skitch_component = new Obj::CSkitchComponent;
this->AddComponent( p_skitch_component );
p_skitch_component->InitFromStructure( pNodeData );
// Finalize the object, saying we've added all the components
// need to synchronize rendered model's position to initial world position
SetProfileColor(0xc0c000); // cyan = car
/* */
/* */
void CCar::DoGameLogic()
Dbg_MsgLog(("DoGameLogic for car '%s'",Script::FindChecksumName(GetID())));
if ( GetSuspendComponent()->SkipLogic( ) )
if ( IsDead() )
// Don't update the wheels if we should not animate
// (and this cunningly lets the SuspendComponment actually work, by clearing the initial_animations
if (GetSuspendComponent()->should_animate( ))
// check to see if it's got a hierarchy
// if it does, then update the wheels
Gfx::CSkeleton* pCarSkeleton = this->GetSkeleton();
if ( pCarSkeleton )
// debug_wheels();
/* */
/* */
bool CCar::CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CScriptStructure *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript )
return CMovingObject::CallMemberFunction( Checksum, pParams, pScript );
/* */
/* */
CCar::CCar ( void )
m_type = SKATE_TYPE_CAR;
Obj::CCarPhysicsComponent* pCarPhysicsComponent = new Obj::CCarPhysicsComponent;
AddComponent( pCarPhysicsComponent );
/* */
/* */
CCar::~CCar ( void )
/* */
/* */
void CreateCar(CGeneralManager* p_obj_man, Script::CStruct* pNodeData)
CCar* pCar = new CCar;
Dbg_MsgAssert(pCar, ("Failed to create car."));
// get position, from the node that created us:
SkateScript::GetPosition( pNodeData, &pCar->m_pos );
pCar->InitCar(p_obj_man, pNodeData);
/* */
/* */
void CreateCar(CGeneralManager* p_obj_man, int nodeNumber)
Script::CStruct* pNodeData = SkateScript::GetNode(nodeNumber);
CreateCar(p_obj_man, pNodeData);
/* */
/* */
} // namespace Obj