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//* MODULE: Sk/Components
//* FILENAME: RailEditorComponent.h
//* OWNER: Kendall Harrison
//* CREATION DATE: 6/19/2003
#include <core/defines.h>
#include <core/support.h>
#include <sys/mem/poolable.h>
#include <gel/object/basecomponent.h>
#include <gfx/image/imagebasic.h>
// Replace this with the CRCD of the component you are adding
#define CRC_RAILEDITOR CRCD(0x5b509ad3,"RailEditor")
// Standard accessor macros for getting the component either from within an object, or
// given an object
#define GetRailEditorComponent() ((Obj::CRailEditorComponent*)GetComponent(CRC_RAILEDITOR))
#define GetRailEditorComponentFromObject(pObj) ((Obj::CRailEditorComponent*)(pObj)->GetComponent(CRC_RAILEDITOR))
namespace Nx
class CSector;
namespace Obj
extern Mth::Vector ZeroVector;
// Single point rails are not allowed, so the maximum possible number of rails will be half the
// number of points, since the shortest rail will have 2 points.
struct SCompressedRailPoint
// These are the original float values * 8
sint16 mX,mY,mZ;
// This is the original float height * 16
uint16 mHeight;
uint16 mHasPost;
class CEditedRailPoint : public Mem::CPoolable<CEditedRailPoint>
void WriteCompressedRailPoint(SCompressedRailPoint *p_dest);
void UpdateRailGeometry(Mth::Vector& rotateCentre=ZeroVector, Mth::Vector& newCentre=ZeroVector, float degrees=0.0f);
void UpdatePostGeometry(Mth::Vector& rotateCentre=ZeroVector, Mth::Vector& newCentre=ZeroVector, float degrees=0.0f);
void DestroyRailGeometry();
void DestroyPostGeometry();
float FindGroundY();
void AdjustY();
void InitialiseHeight();
// These enums are just to avoid passing multiple bools to Highlight()
enum EFlash
enum EEndPosts
void Highlight(EFlash flash, EEndPosts includeEndPosts);
void UnHighlight();
void SetColor(Image::RGBA rgba);
void ClearColor();
void SetSectorActiveStatus(bool active);
bool AngleIsOKToGrind();
// This class needs to be kept as small as possible since a pool of them exists.
// MEMOPT: Change pos to be 3 sint16's, would save 10K for 400 points.
// Used x(fixed)=int(9.0f*x(float)+0.5f) if x>0, x(fixed)=int(9.0f*x(float)-0.5f) if x<0
Mth::Vector mPos;
//sint16 m_x,m_y,m_z;
// MEMOPT: Change to be bitfield of flags.
bool mHasPost;
bool mHighlighted;
// The height is stored so that if the ground moves up or down, mPos[Y] can be recalculated
// so as to maintain the post height.
float mHeightAboveGround;
CEditedRailPoint *mpNext;
// Don't really need the list to be doubly linked
CEditedRailPoint *mpPrevious;
// The rail geometry joining the last point to this point.
// If this is the first point of the rail, mpClonedRailSector will be NULL.
Nx::CSector *mpClonedRailSector;
// The post geometry joining this point to the ground. May be NULL, since the user chooses
// whether they want a post.
// Also, mpPostSector may be NULL even when mHasPost is true, because we don't always want
// the geometry for the rail to exist.
// For example, when loading a park off the memory card in the skateshop it will set the mPos
// and mHasPost members, but the sector pointers will remain NULL until it is time to build the park.
Nx::CSector *mpPostSector;
class CEditedRail : public Mem::CPoolable<CEditedRail>
void Clear();
CEditedRail *mpNext;
CEditedRail *mpPrevious;
CEditedRailPoint *mpRailPoints;
uint32 mId;
CEditedRailPoint *AddPoint();
void AdjustYs();
void InitialiseHeights();
void UpdateRailGeometry(Mth::Vector& rotateCentre=ZeroVector, Mth::Vector& newCentre=ZeroVector, float degrees=0.0f);
void UpdatePostGeometry(Mth::Vector& rotateCentre=ZeroVector, Mth::Vector& newCentre=ZeroVector, float degrees=0.0f);
void DestroyRailGeometry();
void DestroyPostGeometry();
int CountPoints();
bool FindNearestRailPoint(Mth::Vector &pos,
Mth::Vector *p_nearest_pos, float *p_dist_squared, int *p_rail_point_index,
int ignore_index=-1);
int CountPointsInArea(float x0, float z0, float x1, float z1);
void DuplicateAndAddPoint(CEditedRailPoint *p_point);
CEditedRail *GenerateDuplicateRails(float x0, float z0, float x1, float z1, CEditedRail *p_head);
enum EUpdateSuperSectors
bool UpdateRailPointPosition(int rail_point_index, Mth::Vector &pos, EUpdateSuperSectors updateSuperSectors);
CEditedRailPoint *GetRailPointFromIndex(int index);
void UnHighlight();
CEditedRailPoint *DeleteRailPoint(CEditedRailPoint *p_point);
void CopyRail(CEditedRail *p_source_rail);
void RotateAndTranslate(Mth::Vector& rotateCentre, Mth::Vector& newCentre, float degrees);
SCompressedRailPoint *WriteCompressedRailPoints(SCompressedRailPoint *p_dest);
bool ThereAreRailPointsOutsideArea(float x0, float z0, float x1, float z1);
// Used by graffiti games
void ModulateRailColor(int seqIndex);
void ClearRailColor();
void SetSectorActiveStatus(bool active);
void GetDebugInfo( Script::CStruct* p_info );
class CInputComponent;
class CEditorCameraComponent;
class CRailEditorComponent : public CBaseComponent
CInputComponent *mp_input_component;
CEditorCameraComponent *mp_editor_camera_component;
void get_pointers_to_required_components();
void get_pos_from_camera_component(Mth::Vector *p_pos, float *p_height, float *p_angle);
int count_rails();
CEditedRail *mp_edited_rails;
CEditedRail *mp_current_rail;
// The mode that the cursor is in, ie FreeRoaming, RailLayout or Grab
// This is stored as a checksum rather than an enum because it will mostly
// be scripts that are doing logic based on the mode, and this way I don't
// have to define a bunch of script global integers to match the enum.
uint32 m_mode;
uint32 m_dotted_line_sector_name;
Nx::CSector *mp_dotted_line_sector;
COMPRESSED_RAILS_BUFFER_SIZE = sizeof(uint16) + // Num rails
MAX_EDITED_RAILS * sizeof(uint16) + // Num points in each rail
MAX_EDITED_RAIL_POINTS * sizeof(SCompressedRailPoint), // The rail points
uint8 mp_compressed_rails_buffer[COMPRESSED_RAILS_BUFFER_SIZE];
void generate_compressed_rails_buffer();
void clear_compressed_rails_buffer();
// Used by graffiti games
CEditedRail *get_rail_from_cluster_name(uint32 clusterChecksum);
virtual ~CRailEditorComponent();
uint8 * GetCompressedRailsBuffer();
int GetCompressedRailsBufferSize() {return COMPRESSED_RAILS_BUFFER_SIZE;}
void SetCompressedRailsBuffer(uint8 *p_buffer);
void InitUsingCompressedRailsBuffer();
void Clear();
CEditedRail * NewRail();
bool NewRail(const char *p_railName);
void DeleteRail(CEditedRail *p_rail);
CEditedRail * GetRail(uint32 id);
void RemoveEmptyAndSinglePointRails();
int GetTotalRailNodesRequired();
void SetUpRailNodes(Script::CArray *p_nodeArray, int *p_nodeNum, uint32 firstID);
void AdjustYs();
void InitialiseHeights();
void UpdateRailGeometry();
void UpdatePostGeometry();
void DestroyRailGeometry();
void DestroyPostGeometry();
void RefreshGeometry();
void UnHighlightAllRails();
bool DeleteRailPoint(CEditedRail *p_rail, CEditedRailPoint *p_point);
enum EClipType
bool ClipRail(CEditedRail *p_rail, float x0, float z0, float x1, float z1, EClipType clipType);
void ClipRails(float x0, float z0, float x1, float z1, EClipType clipType);
bool ThereAreRailPointsOutsideArea(float x0, float z0, float x1, float z1);
int CountPointsInArea(float x0, float z0, float x1, float z1);
bool AbleToCopyRails(float x0, float z0, float x1, float z1);
CEditedRail * GenerateDuplicateRails(float x0, float z0, float x1, float z1);
bool FindNearestRailPoint(Mth::Vector &pos, Mth::Vector *p_nearest_pos,
float *p_dist_squared,
uint32 *p_rail_id, int *p_rail_point_index,
uint32 ignore_rail_index=0, int ignore_rail_point_index=-1);
void DeleteDottedLine();
void DrawDottedLine(Mth::Vector& pos);
int GetNumFreePoints();
int GetNumFreeRails();
// Used by graffiti games
void ModulateRailColor(uint32 clusterChecksum, int seqIndex);
void ClearRailColor(uint32 clusterChecksum);
void SetSectorActiveStatus(bool active);
// A quick hack to allow UpdateSuperSectors not to be called when loading a new park in a net game.
// If it is called, the whole park disappears due to all the sectors having been flagged for deletion.
static bool sUpdateSuperSectorsAfterDeletingRailSectors;
// For reading/writing to memcard
void WriteIntoStructure(Script::CStruct *p_info);
void ReadFromStructure(Script::CStruct *p_info);
virtual void Finalize();
virtual void Update();
virtual void InitFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams );
virtual void RefreshFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams );
virtual EMemberFunctionResult CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams, Script::CScript* pScript );
virtual void GetDebugInfo( Script::CStruct* p_info );
virtual void Hide( bool shouldHide );
static CBaseComponent* s_create();
Obj::CRailEditorComponent *GetRailEditor();
// This will print the memory used by the rail editor component, via a compiler error.
// Need to keep it within 30K, since it exists in memory permanently.
//char p[(sizeof(CRailEditorComponent)+MAX_EDITED_RAIL_POINTS*sizeof(CEditedRailPoint)+MAX_EDITED_RAILS*sizeof(CEditedRail))/0];
} // namespace Obj