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// p_NxSector.cpp
#include <sys/file/filesys.h>
#include "gfx/xbox/p_NxSector.h"
#include "gfx/xbox/p_NxGeom.h"
#include "gfx/NxMiscFX.h"
#include "gfx/xbox/nx/grass.h"
#include "gfx/xbox/nx/billboard.h"
namespace Nx
/* */
/* */
//CXboxSector::CXboxSector() : mp_init_mesh_list( NULL ), m_mesh_array( NULL ), m_visible( 0xDEADBEEF )
m_pos_offset.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
#define MemoryRead( dst, size, num, src ) CopyMemory(( dst ), ( src ), (( num ) * ( size ))); \
( src ) += (( num ) * ( size ))
/* */
/* */
bool CXboxSector::LoadFromMemory( void **pp_mem )
Dbg_Assert( mp_geom );
uint8 *p_data = (uint8*)( *pp_mem );
CXboxGeom *p_geom = static_cast<CXboxGeom*>( mp_geom );
// Read sector checksum.
uint32 sector_checksum;
MemoryRead( §or_checksum, sizeof( uint32 ), 1, p_data );
SetChecksum( sector_checksum );
// Read bone index.
int bone_idx;
MemoryRead( &bone_idx, sizeof( int ), 1, p_data );
// Read sector flags.
MemoryRead( &m_flags, sizeof( int ), 1, p_data );
// Read number of meshes.
MemoryRead( &p_geom->m_num_mesh, sizeof( uint ), 1, p_data );
// Read bounding box.
float bbox[6];
MemoryRead( &bbox[0], sizeof( float ), 6, p_data );
Mth::Vector inf( bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2] );
Mth::Vector sup( bbox[3], bbox[4], bbox[5] );
p_geom->m_bbox.Set( inf, sup );
// Read bounding sphere.
float bsphere[4];
MemoryRead( &bsphere[0], sizeof( float ), 4, p_data );
// Read billboard data if present.
uint32 billboard_type;
Mth::Vector billboard_origin;
Mth::Vector billboard_pivot_pos;
Mth::Vector billboard_pivot_axis;
if( m_flags & 0x00800000UL )
MemoryRead( &billboard_type, sizeof( uint32 ), 1, p_data );
MemoryRead( &billboard_origin[X], sizeof( float ) * 3, 1, p_data );
MemoryRead( &billboard_pivot_pos[X], sizeof( float ) * 3, 1, p_data );
MemoryRead( &billboard_pivot_axis[X], sizeof( float ) * 3, 1, p_data );
billboard_origin[Z] = -billboard_origin[Z];
billboard_pivot_pos[Z] = -billboard_pivot_pos[Z];
// Read num vertices.
int num_vertices;
MemoryRead( &num_vertices, sizeof( int ), 1, p_data );
// Read vertex data stride.
int vertex_data_stride;
MemoryRead( &vertex_data_stride, sizeof( int ), 1, p_data );
// We want all the temporary buffer allocations to come off of the top down heap.
Mem::Manager::sHandle().PushContext( Mem::Manager::sHandle().TopDownHeap());
// Grab a buffer for the raw vertex data position stream, and read it.
float* p_vertex_positions = new float[num_vertices * 3];
MemoryRead( p_vertex_positions, sizeof( float ) * 3, num_vertices, p_data );
// Grab a buffer for the raw vertex data normal stream (if present), and read it.
float* p_vertex_normals = ( m_flags & 0x04 ) ? new float[num_vertices * 3] : NULL;
if( p_vertex_normals )
MemoryRead( p_vertex_normals, sizeof( float ) * 3, num_vertices, p_data );
// Grab a buffer for the raw vertex data weights stream (if present), and read it.
uint32* p_vertex_weights = ( m_flags & 0x10 ) ? new uint32[num_vertices] : NULL;
if( p_vertex_weights )
MemoryRead( p_vertex_weights, sizeof( uint32 ), num_vertices, p_data );
// Grab a buffer for the raw vertex data bone indices stream (if present), and read it.
uint16* p_vertex_bone_indices = ( m_flags & 0x10 ) ? new uint16[num_vertices * 4] : NULL;
if( p_vertex_bone_indices )
MemoryRead( p_vertex_bone_indices, sizeof( uint16 ) * 4, num_vertices, p_data );
// Grab a buffer for the raw vertex texture coordinate stream (if present), and read it.
int num_tc_sets = 0;
float* p_vertex_tex_coords = NULL;
if( m_flags & 0x01 )
MemoryRead( &num_tc_sets, sizeof( int ), 1, p_data );
if( num_tc_sets > 0 )
p_vertex_tex_coords = new float[num_vertices * 2 * num_tc_sets];
MemoryRead( p_vertex_tex_coords, sizeof( float ) * 2 * num_tc_sets, num_vertices, p_data );
// Grab a buffer for the raw vertex colors stream (if present), and read it.
DWORD* p_vertex_colors = ( m_flags & 0x02 ) ? new DWORD[num_vertices] : NULL;
if( p_vertex_colors )
MemoryRead( p_vertex_colors, sizeof( DWORD ), num_vertices, p_data );
// Grab a buffer for the vertex color wibble stream (if present), and read it.
char* p_vc_wibble_indices = ( m_flags & 0x800 ) ? new char[num_vertices] : NULL;
if( p_vc_wibble_indices )
MemoryRead( p_vc_wibble_indices, sizeof( char ), num_vertices, p_data );
// Remove TopDownHeap context.
// Preprocess verts that require cutscene scaling.
NxXbox::ApplyMeshScaling( p_vertex_positions, num_vertices );
for( uint m = 0; m < p_geom->m_num_mesh; ++m )
unsigned long material_checksum;
unsigned int flags, num_lod_index_levels;
NxXbox::sMesh* p_mesh = new NxXbox::sMesh;
// Read bounding sphere and box data.
float rad;
Mth::Vector inf, sup, cen;
MemoryRead( &cen[X], sizeof( float ), 3, p_data );
MemoryRead( &rad, sizeof( float ), 1, p_data );
MemoryRead( &inf[X], sizeof( float ), 3, p_data );
MemoryRead( &sup[X], sizeof( float ), 3, p_data );
// Read and deal with flags, including skater shadow flag.
MemoryRead( &flags, sizeof( uint32 ), 1, p_data );
if( flags & 0x400 )
p_mesh->m_flags |= NxXbox::sMesh::MESH_FLAG_NO_SKATER_SHADOW;
if( flags & NxXbox::sMesh::MESH_FLAG_UNLIT )
p_mesh->m_flags |= NxXbox::sMesh::MESH_FLAG_UNLIT;
// The material checksum for this mesh.
MemoryRead( &material_checksum, sizeof( unsigned long ), 1, p_data );
// How many levels of LOD indices? Should be at least 1!
MemoryRead( &num_lod_index_levels, sizeof( unsigned int ), 1, p_data );
// Can have up to 8 levels of LOD indices.
uint16* p_indices[8] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
int num_indices[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
for( unsigned int lod_level = 0; lod_level < num_lod_index_levels; ++lod_level )
MemoryRead( &num_indices[lod_level], sizeof( int ), 1, p_data );
// Again, we want all the temporary buffer allocations to come off of the top down heap.
Mem::Manager::sHandle().PushContext( Mem::Manager::sHandle().TopDownHeap());
p_indices[lod_level] = new uint16[num_indices[lod_level]];
MemoryRead( p_indices[lod_level], sizeof( uint16 ), num_indices[lod_level], p_data );
// Set the load order of this mesh.
p_mesh->m_load_order = m;
// Set up the mesh.
p_mesh->Initialize( num_vertices,
( flags & 0x800 ) ? p_vc_wibble_indices : NULL );
// Set the bounding data (sphere and box) for the mesh.
p_mesh->SetBoundingData( cen, rad, inf, sup );
// Add the bounding data to the scene.
p_geom->mp_scene->GetEngineScene()->m_bbox.AddPoint( inf );
p_geom->mp_scene->GetEngineScene()->m_bbox.AddPoint( sup );
// Set up as a billboard if required.
if( m_flags & 0x00800000UL )
p_mesh->SetBillboardData( billboard_type, billboard_pivot_pos, billboard_pivot_axis );
NxXbox::BillboardManager.AddEntry( p_mesh );
// Flag the mesh as being a shadow volume if applicable.
if( m_flags & 0x200000 )
p_mesh->m_flags |= NxXbox::sMesh::MESH_FLAG_SHADOW_VOLUME;
// Add the mesh to the attached CXboxGeom.
p_geom->AddMesh( p_mesh );
// Set the mesh bone index (mostly not applicable).
p_mesh->SetBoneIndex( bone_idx );
// Test code - if the mesh is mapped with a grass texture, add grass meshes.
AddGrass( p_geom, p_mesh );
// Done with the raw index data.
for( int lod_level = 0; lod_level < 8; ++lod_level )
delete[] p_indices[lod_level];
// Recount the number of meshes in case any have been added.
p_geom->m_num_mesh = p_geom->mp_init_mesh_list->CountItems();
// Done with the raw vertex data.
delete[] p_vc_wibble_indices;
delete[] p_vertex_colors;
delete[] p_vertex_tex_coords;
delete[] p_vertex_bone_indices;
delete[] p_vertex_weights;
delete[] p_vertex_normals;
delete[] p_vertex_positions;
// Set the data pointer to the new position on return.
*pp_mem = p_data;
return true;
/* */
/* */
bool CXboxSector::LoadFromFile( void* p_file )
Dbg_Assert( mp_geom );
CXboxGeom *p_geom = static_cast<CXboxGeom*>( mp_geom );
// Read sector checksum.
uint32 sector_checksum;
File::Read( §or_checksum, sizeof( uint32 ), 1, p_file );
SetChecksum( sector_checksum );
// Read bone index.
int bone_idx;
File::Read( &bone_idx, sizeof( int ), 1, p_file );
// Read sector flags.
File::Read( &m_flags, sizeof( int ), 1, p_file );
// Read number of meshes.
File::Read( &p_geom->m_num_mesh, sizeof( uint ), 1, p_file );
// Read bounding box.
float bbox[6];
File::Read( &bbox[0], sizeof( float ), 6, p_file );
Mth::Vector inf( bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2] );
Mth::Vector sup( bbox[3], bbox[4], bbox[5] );
p_geom->m_bbox.Set( inf, sup );
// Read bounding sphere.
float bsphere[4];
File::Read( &bsphere[0], sizeof( float ), 4, p_file );
// Read billboard data if present.
uint32 billboard_type;
Mth::Vector billboard_origin;
Mth::Vector billboard_pivot_pos;
Mth::Vector billboard_pivot_axis;
if( m_flags & 0x00800000UL )
File::Read( &billboard_type, sizeof( uint32 ), 1, p_file );
File::Read( &billboard_origin[X], sizeof( float ) * 3, 1, p_file );
File::Read( &billboard_pivot_pos[X], sizeof( float ) * 3, 1, p_file );
File::Read( &billboard_pivot_axis[X], sizeof( float ) * 3, 1, p_file );
billboard_origin[Z] = -billboard_origin[Z];
billboard_origin[W] = 0.0f;
billboard_pivot_pos[Z] = -billboard_pivot_pos[Z];
billboard_pivot_pos[W] = 0.0f;
billboard_pivot_axis[W] = 0.0f;
// Read num vertices.
int num_vertices;
File::Read( &num_vertices, sizeof( int ), 1, p_file );
// Read vertex data stride.
int vertex_data_stride;
File::Read( &vertex_data_stride, sizeof( int ), 1, p_file );
// We want all the temporary buffer allocations to come off of the top down heap.
Mem::Manager::sHandle().PushContext( Mem::Manager::sHandle().TopDownHeap());
// Grab a buffer for the raw vertex data position stream, and read it.
float* p_vertex_positions = new float[num_vertices * 3];
File::Read( p_vertex_positions, sizeof( float ) * 3, num_vertices, p_file );
// Grab a buffer for the raw vertex data normal stream (if present), and read it.
float* p_vertex_normals = ( m_flags & 0x04 ) ? new float[num_vertices * 3] : NULL;
if( p_vertex_normals )
File::Read( p_vertex_normals, sizeof( float ) * 3, num_vertices, p_file );
// Grab a buffer for the raw vertex data weights stream (if present), and read it.
uint32* p_vertex_weights = ( m_flags & 0x10 ) ? new uint32[num_vertices] : NULL;
if( p_vertex_weights )
File::Read( p_vertex_weights, sizeof( uint32 ), num_vertices, p_file );
// Grab a buffer for the raw vertex data bone indices stream (if present), and read it.
uint16* p_vertex_bone_indices = ( m_flags & 0x10 ) ? new uint16[num_vertices * 4] : NULL;
if( p_vertex_bone_indices )
File::Read( p_vertex_bone_indices, sizeof( uint16 ) * 4, num_vertices, p_file );
// Grab a buffer for the raw vertex texture coordinate stream (if present), and read it.
int num_tc_sets = 0;
float* p_vertex_tex_coords = NULL;
if( m_flags & 0x01 )
File::Read( &num_tc_sets, sizeof( int ), 1, p_file );
if( num_tc_sets > 0 )
p_vertex_tex_coords = new float[num_vertices * 2 * num_tc_sets];
File::Read( p_vertex_tex_coords, sizeof( float ) * 2 * num_tc_sets, num_vertices, p_file );
// Grab a buffer for the raw vertex colors stream (if present), and read it.
DWORD* p_vertex_colors = ( m_flags & 0x02 ) ? new DWORD[num_vertices] : NULL;
if( p_vertex_colors )
File::Read( p_vertex_colors, sizeof( DWORD ), num_vertices, p_file );
// Grab a buffer for the vertex color wibble stream (if present), and read it.
char* p_vc_wibble_indices = ( m_flags & 0x800 ) ? new char[num_vertices] : NULL;
if( p_vc_wibble_indices )
File::Read( p_vc_wibble_indices, sizeof( char ), num_vertices, p_file );
// Remove TopDownHeap context.
for( uint m = 0; m < p_geom->m_num_mesh; ++m )
unsigned long material_checksum;
unsigned int flags, num_lod_index_levels;
NxXbox::sMesh* p_mesh = new NxXbox::sMesh;
// Read bounding sphere and box data.
float rad;
Mth::Vector cen;
File::Read( &cen[X], sizeof( float ), 3, p_file );
File::Read( &rad, sizeof( float ), 1, p_file );
File::Read( &inf[X], sizeof( float ), 3, p_file );
File::Read( &sup[X], sizeof( float ), 3, p_file );
// Read and deal with flags, including skater shadow flag.
File::Read( &flags, sizeof( uint32 ), 1, p_file );
if( flags & 0x400 )
p_mesh->m_flags |= NxXbox::sMesh::MESH_FLAG_NO_SKATER_SHADOW;
if( flags & NxXbox::sMesh::MESH_FLAG_UNLIT )
p_mesh->m_flags |= NxXbox::sMesh::MESH_FLAG_UNLIT;
// The material checksum for this mesh.
File::Read( &material_checksum, sizeof( unsigned long ), 1, p_file );
// How many levels of LOD indices? Should be at least 1!
File::Read( &num_lod_index_levels, sizeof( unsigned int ), 1, p_file );
// Can have up to 8 levels of LOD indices.
uint16* p_indices[8] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
int num_indices[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
for( unsigned int lod_level = 0; lod_level < num_lod_index_levels; ++lod_level )
File::Read( &num_indices[lod_level], sizeof( int ), 1, p_file );
// Again, we want all the temporary buffer allocations to come off of the top down heap.
Mem::Manager::sHandle().PushContext( Mem::Manager::sHandle().TopDownHeap());
p_indices[lod_level] = new uint16[num_indices[lod_level]];
File::Read( p_indices[lod_level], sizeof( uint16 ), num_indices[lod_level], p_file );
// Set the load order of this mesh.
p_mesh->m_load_order = m;
// Set up the mesh.
p_mesh->Initialize( num_vertices,
( m_flags & 0x00800000UL ) ? NULL : p_vertex_normals, // No normals allowed for billboards.
( flags & 0x800 ) ? p_vc_wibble_indices : NULL );
// Set the bounding data (sphere and box) for the mesh.
p_mesh->SetBoundingData( cen, rad, inf, sup );
// Add the bounding data to the scene.
p_geom->mp_scene->GetEngineScene()->m_bbox.AddPoint( inf );
p_geom->mp_scene->GetEngineScene()->m_bbox.AddPoint( sup );
// Set up as a billboard if required.
if( m_flags & 0x00800000UL )
p_mesh->SetBillboardData( billboard_type, billboard_pivot_pos, billboard_pivot_axis );
NxXbox::BillboardManager.AddEntry( p_mesh );
// Flag the mesh as being a shadow volume if applicable.
if( m_flags & 0x200000 )
p_mesh->m_flags |= NxXbox::sMesh::MESH_FLAG_SHADOW_VOLUME;
// Add the mesh to the attached CXboxGeom.
p_geom->AddMesh( p_mesh );
// Set the mesh bone index (mostly not applicable).
p_mesh->SetBoneIndex( bone_idx );
// Test code - if the mesh is mapped with a grass texture, add grass meshes.
AddGrass( p_geom, p_mesh );
// Done with the raw index data.
for( int lod_level = 0; lod_level < 8; ++lod_level )
delete[] p_indices[lod_level];
// Recount the number of meshes in case any have been added.
p_geom->m_num_mesh = p_geom->mp_init_mesh_list->CountItems();
// Test code for creating imposters.
# if 0
if( p_vertex_weights == NULL )
char *p_ok_sectors[] = { "NJ_Houses_North_09",
"NJ_Houses_North_10" };
char *p_ok_sectors[] = { "CP_telephonepole43",
"NJ_Telepole_32" };
for( int s = 0; s < ( sizeof( p_ok_sectors ) / sizeof( char* )); ++s )
uint32 checksum = Crc::GenerateCRCFromString( p_ok_sectors[s] );
if( checksum == m_checksum )
// Nx::CEngine::sGetImposterManager()->AddGeomToImposter( checksum, p_geom );
Nx::CEngine::sGetImposterManager()->AddGeomToImposter( 0xb88905d6UL, p_geom );
# endif
// Done with the raw vertex data.
delete[] p_vc_wibble_indices;
delete[] p_vertex_colors;
delete[] p_vertex_tex_coords;
delete[] p_vertex_bone_indices;
delete[] p_vertex_weights;
delete[] p_vertex_normals;
delete[] p_vertex_positions;
return true;
// Private classes
// Here's a machine specific implementation of the CSector
// and we will also have a CXboxSector, CNgcSector, even a CPcSector
// maybe in the future we will have a CPS3Sector?
/* */
/* */
void CXboxSector::plat_set_visibility(uint32 mask)
// Set values
m_visible = mask;
if( m_mesh_array )
for( uint m = 0; m < m_num_mesh; ++m )
NxXbox::sMesh *p_mesh = m_mesh_array[m];
p_mesh->SetVisibility( mask );
/* */
/* */
void CXboxSector::plat_set_active( bool on )
// Set values
m_active = on;
if( m_mesh_array )
for( uint m = 0; m < m_num_mesh; ++m )
NxXbox::sMesh *p_mesh = m_mesh_array[m];
p_mesh->SetActive( on );
/* */
/* */
void CXboxSector::plat_set_color( Image::RGBA rgba )
if( m_mesh_array == NULL )
for( uint32 i = 0; i < m_num_mesh; ++i )
NxXbox::sMesh *p_mesh = m_mesh_array[i];
p_mesh->m_flags |= NxXbox::sMesh::MESH_FLAG_MATERIAL_COLOR_OVERRIDE;
p_mesh->m_material_color_override[0] = (float)rgba.r / 255.0f;
p_mesh->m_material_color_override[1] = (float)rgba.g / 255.0f;
p_mesh->m_material_color_override[2] = (float)rgba.b / 255.0f;
/* */
/* */
void CXboxSector::plat_clear_color( void )
if( m_mesh_array == NULL )
for( uint32 i = 0; i < m_num_mesh; ++i )
NxXbox::sMesh *p_mesh = m_mesh_array[i];
p_mesh->m_flags &= ~NxXbox::sMesh::MESH_FLAG_MATERIAL_COLOR_OVERRIDE;
/* */
/* */
void CXboxSector::plat_set_world_position( const Mth::Vector& pos )
Mth::Vector new_offset = pos - m_pos_offset;
// Go through and adjust the individual meshes.
for( uint32 i = 0; i < m_num_mesh; ++i )
NxXbox::sMesh *p_mesh = m_mesh_array[i];
p_mesh->Move( new_offset );
/* */
/* */
const Mth::CBBox &CXboxSector::plat_get_bounding_box( void ) const
static Mth::CBBox dummy;
// return m_bbox;
return dummy;
/* */
/* */
const Mth::Vector &CXboxSector::plat_get_world_position( void ) const
return m_pos_offset;
/* */
/* */
void CXboxSector::plat_set_shatter( bool on )
if( on && mp_geom )
Shatter( mp_geom );
/* */
/* */
CSector *CXboxSector::plat_clone( bool instance, CScene *p_dest_scene )
CXboxSector *p_xbox_sector = new CXboxSector();
// Copies over much of the standard stuff, individual stuff will be overwritten later.
CopyMemory( p_xbox_sector, this, sizeof( CXboxSector ));
if( instance )
Dbg_Assert( 0 );
// Need to create a new set of meshes. First create the mesh pointer array...
p_xbox_sector->m_mesh_array = new NxXbox::sMesh*[m_num_mesh];
// ...then clone the meshes themselves.
for( uint32 i = 0; i < m_num_mesh; ++i )
p_xbox_sector->m_mesh_array[i] = m_mesh_array[i]->Clone();
// Grab a temporary workspace buffer.
NxXbox::sScene *p_scene = ( static_cast<CXboxScene*>( p_dest_scene ))->GetEngineScene();
NxXbox::sMesh **p_temp_opaque_mesh_buffer = new NxXbox::sMesh*[p_scene->m_num_opaque_entries];
NxXbox::sMesh **p_temp_semitransparent_mesh_buffer = new NxXbox::sMesh*[p_scene->m_num_semitransparent_entries];
// Copy meshes over into the temporary workspace buffer.
for( int i = 0; i < p_scene->m_num_opaque_entries; ++i )
p_temp_opaque_mesh_buffer[i] = p_scene->m_opaque_meshes[i];
for( int i = 0; i < p_scene->m_num_semitransparent_entries; ++i )
p_temp_semitransparent_mesh_buffer[i] = p_scene->m_semitransparent_meshes[i];
// Delete current mesh arrays.
delete [] p_scene->m_opaque_meshes;
delete [] p_scene->m_semitransparent_meshes;
// Include new meshes in count.
p_scene->CountMeshes( p_xbox_sector->m_num_mesh, p_xbox_sector->m_mesh_array );
// Allocate new mesh arrays.
// Copy old mesh data back in.
for( int i = 0; i < p_scene->m_num_opaque_entries; ++i )
p_scene->m_opaque_meshes[i] = p_temp_opaque_mesh_buffer[i];
for( int i = 0; i < p_scene->m_num_semitransparent_entries; ++i )
p_scene->m_semitransparent_meshes[i] = p_temp_semitransparent_mesh_buffer[i];
// Add new meshes.
p_scene->AddMeshes( p_xbox_sector->m_num_mesh, p_xbox_sector->m_mesh_array );
// Sort the meshes.
return p_xbox_sector;
} // Namespace Nx