2016-02-14 08:39:12 +11:00

612 lines
18 KiB

** **
** Neversoft Entertainment **
** **
** Copyright (C) 1999 - All Rights Reserved **
** **
** **
** Project: GEL (Game Engine Library) **
** **
** Module: Net (OBJ) **
** **
** File name: netclnt.cpp **
** **
** Created: 01/29/01 - spg **
** **
** Description: Network client code **
** **
** Includes **
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <core/defines.h>
#include <sys/timer.h>
#include <gel/net/net.h>
#include <gel/net/client/netclnt.h>
** Externals **
** Defines **
** DBG Defines **
namespace Net
** Private Types **
** Private Data **
** Public Data **
** Private Prototypes **
** Private Functions **
bool Client::init( void )
#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
Dbg_MsgAssert(Mem::SameContext(this,Mem::Manager::sHandle().NetworkHeap()),("Client not on network heap"));
#endif // __PLAT_NGPS__
m_connected = false;
m_Timestamp = 0;
if( App::init() == false )
return false;
m_Dispatcher.AddHandler( MSG_ID_CONNECTION_ACCEPTED, handle_connection_accepted,
m_Dispatcher.AddHandler( MSG_ID_CONNECTION_REFUSED, handle_connection_refusal, mHANDLE_LATE );
m_Dispatcher.AddHandler( MSG_ID_CONNECTION_TERMINATED, handle_connection_refusal, mHANDLE_LATE );
m_Dispatcher.AddHandler( MSG_ID_TIMESTAMP, handle_timestamp, mHANDLE_LATE | mHANDLE_FOREIGN );
return true;
/* */
/* */
void Client::deinit( void )
** Public Functions **
/* Connect (socket-level) to a server at a given IP/Port */
/* */
bool Client::ConnectToServer( int ip, unsigned short port )
int result;
bool connected;
memset( &m_server_address, 0, sizeof(m_server_address));
m_server_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
m_server_address.sin_port = htons( port );
m_server_address.sin_addr.s_addr = ip;
#ifdef __PLAT_NGC__
m_server_address.len = sizeof( sockaddr_in );
memset ( &m_server_address.sin_zero, 0, 8 );
Dbg_Printf( "%s Connecting to server\n", GetName());
connected = false;
if(( result = connect( m_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&m_server_address,
sizeof( m_server_address ))) == SOCKET_ERROR )
#if defined( __PLAT_WN32__ ) || defined( __PLAT_XBOX__ )
if( WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK )
#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
if( sn_errno( m_socket ) != EWOULDBLOCK )
return false;
connected = true;
} while( !connected );
// "Connecting" to INADDR_ANY disassociates our socket from all addresses
if( ip == INADDR_ANY )
m_connected = false;
m_connected = true;
return true;
/* Client's send function. */
/* */
void Client::SendEnqueuedMessages( Conn* conn )
int buf_len;
MsgPacketStamp msg;
bool buffer_full;
// Should we send this frame?
if( ShouldSendThisFrame( conn ) == false )
buffer_full = false;
while( !buffer_full && MessagesToSend( conn ) && !BandwidthExceeded( conn ))
// Tack on a timestamp (for acking) if we are sending important
// messages in this packet
if( ImportantMessagesToSend( conn ))
MsgDesc msg_desc;
#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
SignalSema( m_send_semaphore_id );
msg.m_Packetstamp = (unsigned short) conn->m_latest_sent_packet_stamp;
//msg.m_Handle = conn->GetHandle();
msg_desc.m_Data = &msg;
msg_desc.m_Length = sizeof( MsgPacketStamp );
msg_desc.m_Id = MSG_ID_TIMESTAMP;
msg_desc.m_Priority = HIGHEST_PRIORITY;
EnqueueMessage( conn->GetHandle(), &msg_desc );
#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
WaitSema( m_send_semaphore_id );
// Send Latency Tests/Responses if applicable
if( ( conn->IsRemote()) &&
( conn->IsForeign() == false ) &&
( m_flags.TestMask( App::mDYNAMIC_RESEND )))
MsgDesc msg_desc;
MsgTimestamp latency_msg;
unsigned int cur_time;
cur_time = m_Timestamp;
latency_msg.m_Timestamp = cur_time;
// send out a new latency test, keeping track of the time at which
// we sent it
if( ( conn->m_latency_test.m_SendTime == 0 ) ||
( ( cur_time - conn->m_latency_test.m_SendTime ) > App::MAX_LATENCY ))
// If we never got a response, simulate an increased latency
if( conn->m_latency_test.m_SendTime > conn->m_latency_test.m_ReceiveTime )
unsigned int latency_value;
latency_value = conn->GetAveLatency();
latency_value += 100;
if( latency_value > App::MAX_LATENCY )
latency_value = App::MAX_LATENCY;
conn->m_latency_test.InputLatencyValue( latency_value );
conn->m_latency_test.m_SendTime = cur_time;
#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
SignalSema( m_send_semaphore_id );
msg_desc.m_Data = &latency_msg;
msg_desc.m_Id = MSG_ID_PING_TEST;
msg_desc.m_Length = sizeof( MsgTimestamp );
EnqueueMessage( conn->GetHandle(), &msg_desc );
#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
WaitSema( m_send_semaphore_id );
if( !BuildMsgStream( conn, QUEUE_DEFAULT ))
buffer_full = true;
// First, use up our bandwidth with re-sends or else they might remain un-sent
// indefinitely, causing a bad backup on the client if he's waiting on
// one particular sequence
if( !BuildMsgStream( conn, QUEUE_SEQUENCED, true ))
buffer_full = true;
if( !BuildMsgStream( conn, QUEUE_IMPORTANT, true ))
buffer_full = true;
if( !BuildMsgStream( conn, QUEUE_SEQUENCED ))
buffer_full = true;
if( !BuildMsgStream( conn, QUEUE_IMPORTANT ))
buffer_full = true;
buf_len = conn->m_write_ptr - conn->m_write_buffer;
// If there is data to send
if( ( buf_len > 0 ) &&
( conn->IsRemote()))
if( m_connected )
if( Send( conn->m_write_buffer, buf_len, 0 ))
m_TotalBytesOut += buf_len;
conn->GetOutboundMetrics()->AddPacket( buf_len + vUDP_PACKET_OVERHEAD, m_Timestamp );
conn->m_last_send_time = m_Timestamp;
conn->SetForceSendThisFrame( false );
// If it didn't send the messages properly, flag them for resend next frame
conn->FlagMessagesForResending( conn->m_latest_sent_packet_stamp );
conn->m_write_ptr = conn->m_write_buffer;
conn->m_write_ptr = conn->m_write_buffer;
if( SendTo( conn->GetIP(), conn->GetPort(), conn->m_write_buffer, buf_len, 0 ))
m_TotalBytesOut += buf_len;
conn->GetOutboundMetrics()->AddPacket( buf_len + vUDP_PACKET_OVERHEAD, m_Timestamp );
conn->m_last_send_time = m_Timestamp;
conn->SetForceSendThisFrame( false );
Dbg_Printf( "*** SendTo Error: Flagging messages for resending\n" );
// If it didn't send the messages properly, flag them for resend next frame
conn->FlagMessagesForResending( conn->m_latest_sent_packet_stamp );
conn->m_write_ptr = conn->m_write_buffer;
conn->m_write_ptr = conn->m_write_buffer;
/* Client's receive function */
/* */
void Client::ReceiveData( void )
Conn *conn;
int num_bytes, actual_data_len;
struct sockaddr from_address;
#ifdef __PLAT_NGC__
from_address.len = sizeof( sockaddr );
int addr_len = sizeof( from_address );
struct sockaddr_in *foreign_address;
// Local clients never really receive. Their data is automatically "received" when
// the local server writes its data into the client's receive buffer automatically
if( IsLocal())
// read data into local buffers
if( !m_connected )
num_bytes = recvfrom( m_socket, m_in_packet_buffer,
Manager::vMAX_PACKET_SIZE, 0, &from_address, &addr_len );
num_bytes = recv( m_socket, m_in_packet_buffer, Manager::vMAX_PACKET_SIZE, 0 );
if ( num_bytes < 0 )//== SOCKET_ERROR )
#if defined( __PLAT_WN32__ ) || defined( __PLAT_XBOX__ )
if( WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK )
#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
if( sn_errno( m_socket ) != EWOULDBLOCK )
#ifdef __PLAT_NGC__
if( num_bytes != SO_EWOULDBLOCK )
Dbg_Printf( "Client Receive Error :" );
#ifdef __PLAT_WN32__
OutputDebugString( "Client Receive Error!\n" );
#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
WaitSema( m_receive_semaphore_id );
#endif // __PLAT_NGPS__
m_TotalBytesIn += num_bytes;
if( m_flags & App::mSECURE )
actual_data_len = num_bytes - sizeof( unsigned short ); // total size - CRC size
actual_data_len = num_bytes;
conn = GetConnectionByAddress( m_server_address.sin_addr.s_addr,
ntohs( m_server_address.sin_port ));
if( conn )
if(( conn->m_read_ptr + actual_data_len ) < ( conn->m_read_buffer + Conn::vREAD_BUFFER_LENGTH ))
Tmr::Time cur_time;
cur_time = Tmr::GetTime();
if( !validate_and_copy_stream( m_in_packet_buffer, conn->m_read_ptr, num_bytes ))
#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
SignalSema( m_receive_semaphore_id );
#endif // __PLAT_NGPS__
// If the game would like to handle this foreign data, allow it to do so now
if( m_foreign_handler )
m_foreign_handler( m_in_packet_buffer, num_bytes, &from_address );
conn->m_read_ptr += actual_data_len;
conn->GetInboundMetrics()->AddPacket( num_bytes + vUDP_PACKET_OVERHEAD, m_Timestamp );
if( cur_time > conn->m_last_comm_time )
conn->m_last_comm_time = cur_time;
#ifdef __PLAT_WN32__
char message[1024];
sprintf( message, "****** %d: Dropped Packet\n", m_Timestamp );
OutputDebugString( message );
#endif // __PLAT_WN32__
else if( !m_connected )
Conn* foreign_conn;
foreign_address = (struct sockaddr_in*) &from_address;
// Foreign connection. Create temporary connection to process this foreign message
foreign_conn = NewConnection( foreign_address->sin_addr.s_addr,
ntohs( foreign_address->sin_port ),
Conn::mREMOTE |
Conn::mFOREIGN );
if( foreign_conn )
foreign_conn->m_app = this;
//memcpy( foreign_conn->m_read_buffer, m_read_buffer, actual_data_len );
if( !validate_and_copy_stream( m_in_packet_buffer, foreign_conn->m_read_ptr, num_bytes ))
#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
SignalSema( m_receive_semaphore_id );
#endif // __PLAT_NGPS__
// If the game would like to handle this foreign data, allow it to do so now
if( m_foreign_handler )
m_foreign_handler( m_in_packet_buffer, num_bytes, &from_address );
delete foreign_conn;
foreign_conn->m_read_ptr = foreign_conn->m_read_buffer + actual_data_len;
#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
SignalSema( m_receive_semaphore_id );
#endif // __PLAT_NGPS__
} while( num_bytes > 0 );
/* */
/* */
void Client::ClearAliasTable( void )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < vNUM_ALIASES; i++ )
m_alias_table[i].m_Id = 0;
m_alias_table[i].m_Expiration = -1;
/* */
/* */
unsigned char Client::GetObjectAlias( int obj_id, int cur_time )
int hash, i;
bool quit;
hash = obj_id & 0xff; // mask off all but lowest byte and use as a hash into the table
hash %= vNUM_ALIASES;
quit = false;
i = hash;
if( m_alias_table[i].m_Id == obj_id )
if( cur_time > m_alias_table[i].m_Expiration )
return (unsigned char) vNO_ALIAS;
return i;
i = ( i + 1 ) % vNUM_ALIASES;
if( i == hash ) // complete revolution
} while( !quit );
return (unsigned char) vNO_ALIAS;
/* */
/* */
unsigned char Client::NewObjectAlias( int obj_id, int cur_time, bool expires )
int hash, i;
bool quit;
hash = obj_id & 0xff; // mask off all but lowest byte and use as a hash into the table
hash %= vNUM_ALIASES;
quit = false;
i = hash;
if( m_alias_table[i].m_Id == obj_id )
m_alias_table[i].m_Expiration = cur_time + vALIAS_DURATION;
return (unsigned char) i;
else if(( cur_time - m_alias_table[i].m_Expiration ) > vALIAS_DURATION )
m_alias_table[i].m_Id = obj_id;
m_alias_table[i].m_Expiration = cur_time + vALIAS_DURATION;
return (unsigned char) i;
i = ( i + 1 ) % vNUM_ALIASES;
if( i == hash ) // complete revolution
} while( !quit );
// no free aliases
return (unsigned char) vNO_ALIAS;
/* */
/* */
int Client::GetObjectId( unsigned char alias )
//Dbg_MsgAssert(( m_LatestPacketStamp <= m_alias_table[ alias ].m_Expiration ), "Server using expired alias\n" );
return m_alias_table[ alias ].m_Id;
/* */
/* */
Client::Client( int flags )
: App( flags )
m_send_network_data_task = new Tsk::Task< App > ( send_network_data, *this,
/* */
/* */
} // namespace Net