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//* MODULE: Gel/Components
//* FILENAME: SkeletonComponent.cpp
//* OWNER: Gary Jesdanun
//* CREATION DATE: 10/22/2002
#include <gel/components/skeletoncomponent.h>
#include <gel/assman/assman.h>
#include <gel/object/compositeobject.h>
#include <gel/object/compositeobjectmanager.h>
#include <gel/scripting/checksum.h>
#include <gel/scripting/script.h>
#include <gel/scripting/struct.h>
#include <gel/scripting/symboltable.h>
#include <gfx/skeleton.h>
// TODO: These won't be needed after the initial
// matrix data gets moved to the SKE file
#include <core/crc.h>
#include <core/math.h>
#include <gfx/nxanimcache.h>
#include <gfx/bonedanim.h>
#include <gfx/nxmiscfx.h>
// GJ: CSkeletonComponent is supposed to be a wrapper
// around the Gfx::CSkeleton, which contains a skeletal
// object's final, post-blend matrix buffer. It should
// be pretty dumb; neither the CSkeletonComponent nor
// the Gfx::CSkeleton should contain any blending or
// procedural anim data or functionality. Furthermore,
// it shouldn't know anything about animation flipping
// or skateboard rotation.
namespace Obj
/* */
/* */
// This static function is what is registered with the component factory
// object, (currently the CCompositeObjectManager)
CBaseComponent* CSkeletonComponent::s_create()
return static_cast< CBaseComponent* >( new CSkeletonComponent );
/* */
/* */
void CSkeletonComponent::init_skeleton( uint32 skeleton_name )
Dbg_MsgAssert( mp_skeleton == NULL, ( "Component already has skeleton." ) );
Gfx::CSkeletonData* pSkeletonData = (Gfx::CSkeletonData*)Ass::CAssMan::Instance()->GetAsset( skeleton_name, false );
if ( !pSkeletonData )
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ("Unrecognized skeleton %s. (Is skeleton.q up to date?)", Script::FindChecksumName(skeleton_name)) );
mp_skeleton = new Gfx::CSkeleton( pSkeletonData );
Dbg_MsgAssert( mp_skeleton, ( "Couldn't create skeleton" ) );
Dbg_MsgAssert( mp_skeleton->GetNumBones() > 0, ( "Skeleton needs at least one bone" ) );
/* */
/* */
CSkeletonComponent::CSkeletonComponent() : CBaseComponent()
mp_skeleton = NULL;
/* */
/* */
Dbg_MsgAssert( mp_skeleton, ( "No skeleton had been initialized" ) );
if ( mp_skeleton )
delete mp_skeleton;
/* */
/* */
void CSkeletonComponent::InitFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams )
uint32 skeletonName;
if ( !pParams->GetChecksum( CRCD(0x222756d5,"skeleton"), &skeletonName, Script::NO_ASSERT ) )
pParams->GetChecksum( CRCD(0x9794932,"skeletonName"), &skeletonName, Script::ASSERT );
init_skeleton( skeletonName );
int maxBoneSkipLOD;
if(( pParams->GetInteger( CRCD(0xd3982061,"max_bone_skip_lod"), &maxBoneSkipLOD )) && mp_skeleton )
mp_skeleton->SetMaxBoneSkipLOD( maxBoneSkipLOD );
/* */
/* */
void CSkeletonComponent::Update()
// Doing nothing, so tell code to do nothing next time around
/* */
/* */
Gfx::CSkeleton* CSkeletonComponent::GetSkeleton()
return mp_skeleton;
/* */
/* */
CBaseComponent::EMemberFunctionResult CSkeletonComponent::CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams, Script::CScript* pScript )
switch (Checksum)
// @script | Obj_SetBoneActive | changes whether the bone should be updated once per frame
case 0x20f7b992: // Obj_SetBoneActive
Dbg_MsgAssert( mp_skeleton, ( "Obj_SetBoneActive on object without a skeleton" ) );
uint32 boneName;
pParams->GetChecksum( CRCD(0xcab94088,"bone"), &boneName, Script::ASSERT );
int enabled;
pParams->GetInteger( CRCD(0xb4e103fd,"active"), &enabled, Script::ASSERT );
Dbg_Assert( mp_skeleton );
mp_skeleton->SetBoneActive( boneName, enabled );
case 0xbe1c58ca: // Obj_GetBonePosition
Mth::Vector bonePos(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
uint32 boneName;
pParams->GetChecksum( CRCD(0xcab94088, "bone"), &boneName, Script::ASSERT );
bool success = GetBoneWorldPosition( boneName, &bonePos );
// make sure we have somewhere to return the data
Dbg_Assert( pScript && pScript->GetParams() );
pScript->GetParams()->AddFloat( CRCD(0x7323e97c,"x"), bonePos[X] );
pScript->GetParams()->AddFloat( CRCD(0x424d9ea,"y"), bonePos[Y] );
pScript->GetParams()->AddFloat( CRCD(0x9d2d8850,"z"), bonePos[Z] );
return success ? CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE : CBaseComponent::MF_FALSE;
// @script | TextureSplat | create a texture splat
// @parm float | size |
// @parmopt float | lifetime | 5.0 | lifetime in seconds
// @parmopt float | radius | 0.0 | radius
// @parmopt float | dropdown_length | 3.0 | dropdown length in feet
// @parmopt float | forward | | distance forward of the origin that this spat goes, assuming no bone specififed
// @parmopt string | bone || bone name
// @parmopt string | name || texture name
// @parmopt string | trail || indicates that this splat should start or join a trail
case CRCC(0xb244c9cf,"TextureSplat"):
// @script | Skeleton_SpawnTextureSplat | create a texture splat
// @parm float | size |
// @parmopt float | lifetime | 5.0 | lifetime in seconds
// @parmopt float | radius | 0.0 | radius
// @parmopt float | dropdown_length | 3.0 | dropdown length in feet
// @parmopt float | forward | | distance forward of the origin that this spat goes, assuming no bone specififed
// @parmopt string | bone || bone name
// @parmopt string | name || texture name
// @parmopt string | trail || indicates that this splat should start or join a trail
case CRCC(0xc51ce359, "Skeleton_SpawnTextureSplat"):
float size;
float radius = 0.0f;
float lifetime = 5.0f;
float dropdown_length = 3.0f;
float forward = 0.0f;
bool trail = pParams->ContainsFlag( 0x4d977a70 /*"trail"*/ );
bool dropdown_vertical = pParams->ContainsFlag( 0x7ee6c892 /*"dropdown_vertical"*/ );
uint32 bone_name_checksum = 0;
const char* p_texture_name;
Mth::Vector pos;
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD(0x83fdb95,"size"), &size );
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD(0xc48391a5,"radius"), &radius );
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD(0xc218cf77,"lifetime"), &lifetime );
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD(0x12c62572,"dropdown_length"), &dropdown_length );
if( !( pParams->GetText( "name", &p_texture_name )))
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ("%s\nTextureSplat requires a texture name"));
if( !(pParams->GetChecksumOrStringChecksum( "bone", &bone_name_checksum )))
if (!pParams->GetFloat( CRCD(0x186ed079,"forward"), &forward ))
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ("%s\nTextureSplat requires a bone name"));
pos = GetObject()->GetPos();
pos += forward * GetObject()->GetMatrix()[Z];
SpawnTextureSplat( pos, bone_name_checksum, size, radius, lifetime, dropdown_length, p_texture_name, trail, dropdown_vertical );
// @script | Skeleton_SpawnCompositeObject | creates a rigidbody at the specified bone's position and orientation
// finish autoducking
case CRCC(0xf99f9faf, "Skeleton_SpawnCompositeObject"):
uint32 bone_name;
pParams->GetChecksum(CRCD(0xcab94088, "bone"), &bone_name, Script::ASSERT);
Mth::Vector offset;
pParams->GetVector(CRCD(0xa6f5352f, "offset"), &offset);
Script::CArray* p_component_array;
pParams->GetArray(CRCD(0x11b70a02, "components"), &p_component_array, Script::ASSERT);
Script::CStruct* p_params;
pParams->GetStructure(CRCD(0x7031f10c, "params"), &p_params, Script::ASSERT);
Mth::Vector relative_vel;
pParams->GetVector(CRCD(0xc4c809e, "vel"), &relative_vel, Script::ASSERT);
Mth::Vector relative_rotvel;
pParams->GetVector(CRCD(0xfb1a83b2, "rotvel"), &relative_rotvel, Script::ASSERT);
float object_vel_factor = 1.0f;
pParams->GetFloat(CRCD(0x8c6a6e08, "object_vel_factor"), &object_vel_factor);
SpawnCompositeObject(bone_name, p_component_array, p_params, object_vel_factor, relative_vel, relative_rotvel, offset);
return CBaseComponent::MF_NOT_EXECUTED;
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
/* */
/* */
bool CSkeletonComponent::GetBonePosition( uint32 boneName, Mth::Vector* pBonePos )
return mp_skeleton->GetBonePosition(boneName, pBonePos);
/* */
/* */
bool CSkeletonComponent::GetBoneWorldPosition( uint32 boneName, Mth::Vector* pBonePos )
if ( !mp_skeleton->GetBonePosition( boneName, pBonePos ) )
pBonePos->Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
// now tranform it by the position of the object
Mth::Matrix rootMatrix;
rootMatrix = GetObject()->GetMatrix();
rootMatrix[Mth::POS] = GetObject()->GetPos();
rootMatrix[Mth::POS][W] = 1.0f;
Mth::Vector vec = rootMatrix.Transform(* pBonePos );
(*pBonePos) = vec;
return false;
/* */
/* */
void CSkeletonComponent::SpawnTextureSplat( Mth::Vector& pos, uint32 bone_name_checksum, float size, float radius, float lifetime, float dropdown_length, const char *p_texture_name, bool trail, bool dropdown_vertical )
Mth::Vector bone_pos;
if (!bone_name_checksum)
bone_pos = pos;
GetBoneWorldPosition( bone_name_checksum, &bone_pos );
// Convert dropdown_length from feet to inches.
dropdown_length *= 12.0f;
// Calculate the end position by dropping down 3 feet along the skater's up vector, or 'world up',
// depending on the dropdown_vertical flag.
Mth::Vector end;
if( dropdown_vertical )
end = bone_pos - ( Mth::Vector( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) * dropdown_length );
end = bone_pos - ( GetObject()->GetMatrix().GetUp() * dropdown_length );
// In some cases, the bone can be beneath geometry (trucks during a revert), so move the start position up slightly.
bone_pos += ( GetObject()->GetMatrix().GetUp() * 12.0f );
// Calculate radial offset for end position.
if( radius > 0.0f )
float x_offset = -radius + (( radius * 2.0f ) * (float)rand() / RAND_MAX );
float z_offset = -radius + (( radius * 2.0f ) * (float)rand() / RAND_MAX );
end += ( GetObject()->GetMatrix().GetRight() * x_offset );
end += ( GetObject()->GetMatrix().GetAt() * z_offset );
Nx::TextureSplat( bone_pos, end, size, lifetime, p_texture_name, trail ? bone_name_checksum : 0 );
/* */
/* */
void CSkeletonComponent::SpawnCompositeObject ( uint32 bone_name, Script::CArray* pArray, Script::CStruct* pParams,
float object_vel_factor, Mth::Vector& relative_vel, Mth::Vector& relative_rotvel, Mth::Vector& offset )
CSkeletonComponent* p_skeleton_component = GetSkeletonComponentFromObject(GetObject());
// get the bone's matrix
Mth::Matrix bone_matrix;
p_skeleton_component->GetSkeleton()->GetBoneMatrix(bone_name, &bone_matrix);
// build the object's matrix
Mth::Matrix object_matrix = GetObject()->GetMatrix();
object_matrix[W] = GetObject()->GetPos();
object_matrix[X][W] = 0.0f;
object_matrix[Y][W] = 0.0f;
object_matrix[Z][W] = 0.0f;
// NOTE: gludge to fix skater board model's coordinate system to match board bone's system
Mth::Vector temp;
temp = bone_matrix[Y];
bone_matrix[Y] = bone_matrix[Z];
bone_matrix[Z] = -temp;
offset[W] = 0.0f;
bone_matrix[W] += offset;
// map the bone to world space
bone_matrix *= object_matrix;
// write the bone state into the composite object parameters
pParams->AddVector(CRCD(0x7f261953, "pos"), bone_matrix[W]);
Mth::Quat orientation(bone_matrix);
if (orientation.GetScalar() > 0.0f)
pParams->AddVector(CRCD(0xc97f3aa9, "orientation"), orientation.GetVector());
pParams->AddVector(CRCD(0xc97f3aa9, "orientation"), -orientation.GetVector());
// setup rigidbody's initial velocity
Mth::Vector vel = object_vel_factor * GetObject()->GetVel() + GetObject()->GetMatrix().Rotate(relative_vel);
pParams->AddVector(CRCD(0xc4c809e, "vel"), vel);
// setup rigidbody's initial rotational velocity
Mth::Vector rotvel = GetObject()->GetMatrix().Rotate(relative_rotvel);
pParams->AddVector(CRCD(0xfb1a83b2, "rotvel"), rotvel);
CCompositeObjectManager::Instance()->CreateCompositeObjectFromNode(pArray, pParams);