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//* MODULE: Gel/Components
//* FILENAME: PedLogicComponent.cpp
//* OWNER: Brad Bulkley
//* CREATION DATE: 1/9/03
// start autoduck documentation
// @DOC pedlogiccomponent
// @module pedlogiccomponent | None
// @subindex Scripting Database
// @index script | pedlogiccomponent
#include <sk/components/skaterloopingsoundcomponent.h>
#include <sk/components/skatersoundcomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/pedlogiccomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/animationcomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/motioncomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/avoidcomponent.h>
#include <gel/environment/terrain.h>
#include <gel/object/compositeobject.h>
#include <gel/scripting/checksum.h>
#include <gel/scripting/script.h>
#include <gel/scripting/struct.h>
#include <gel/scripting/utils.h>
#include <gel/scripting/symboltable.h>
#include <sk/objects/skater.h>
#include <sk/objects/pathob.h>
#include <sk/objects/pathman.h>
#include <sk/objects/skaterflags.h>
#include <sk/engine/feeler.h>
#include <sk/modules/skate/skate.h>
#include <sk/scripting/nodearray.h>
#include <gfx/debuggfx.h>
namespace Obj
#define vDEFAULT_RANGE (10.0f)
/* */
/* */
CBaseComponent* CPedLogicComponent::s_create()
return static_cast< CBaseComponent* >( new CPedLogicComponent );
/* */
/* */
CPedLogicComponent::CPedLogicComponent() : CBaseComponent()
// reset whiskers
for ( int i = 0; i < vNUM_WHISKERS; i++ )
m_whiskers[i] = 0.0;
m_turn_frames = 0;
m_max_turn_frames = 0; // Script::GetInteger( CRCD( 0x793535f5, "ped_turn_frames" ), Script::ASSERT );
mp_path_object_tracker = NULL;
m_col_dist_above = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x379d93d2, "ped_skater_stick_dist_above" ), Script::ASSERT );
m_col_dist_below = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x8715b7b2, "ped_skater_stick_dist_below" ), Script::ASSERT );
m_flags = 0;
m_original_max_vel = 0.0f;
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::InitFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams )
// ** Add code to parse the structure, and initialize the component
// m_state = CRCD( 0x23db4aea, "Idle" );s
pParams->GetInteger( CRCD( 0xe50d6573, "nodeIndex" ), &m_node_from, Script::ASSERT );
// printf("m_node_from = %i\n", m_node_from);
SkateScript::GetPosition( m_node_from, &m_wp_from );
m_normal_lerp = 0.0f;
m_display_normal = m_last_display_normal = m_current_normal = GetObject()->m_matrix[Y];
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD( 0x367c4a1b, "StickToGroundDistAbove" ), &m_col_dist_above );
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD( 0x86f46e7b, "StickToGroundDistBelow" ), &m_col_dist_below );
m_current_display_matrix = GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix();
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::Update()
m_time = Tmr::FrameLength();
// BB - Switch on the state and call the appropriate update function.
// This step could be removed by having the logic for each state in
// this function, but this will make it easier to split the component
// if need be. Plus it just looks cleaner.
switch ( m_state )
case CRCC( 0x69b05e2c, "generic" ):
case CRCC( 0xa85af587, "generic_skater" ):
case CRCC(0x6367167b,"lip_trick"):
case CRCC( 0x82b45a67, "generic_standing" ):
// this is currently handled in script
// Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "PedLogicComponent has unknown state %s", Script::FindChecksumName( m_state ) ) );
// Gfx::AddDebugArrow( GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix()[X] + GetObject()->m_pos, GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix()[X] * 48 + GetObject()->m_pos, MAKE_RGB( 0, 0, 128 ), MAKE_RGB( 0, 0, 128 ), 1 );
// Gfx::AddDebugArrow( GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix()[Y] + GetObject()->m_pos, GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix()[Y] * 48 + GetObject()->m_pos, MAKE_RGB( 0, 128, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 0, 0, 128 ), 1 );
// Gfx::AddDebugArrow( GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix()[Z] + GetObject()->m_pos, GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix()[Z] * 48 + GetObject()->m_pos, MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 0, 0, 128 ), 1 );
/* */
/* */
CBaseComponent::EMemberFunctionResult CPedLogicComponent::CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams, Script::CScript* pScript )
switch ( Checksum )
// @script | Ped_SetLogicState | set the current state of the ped
// @uparm name | state - eg, generic, generic_skater, etc.
case CRCC( 0x3685b765, "Ped_SetLogicState" ):
pParams->GetChecksum( NONAME, &m_state, Script::ASSERT );
// @script | Ped_InitPath | initializes the ped on his linked path and starts movement
case CRCC( 0xe9906815, "Ped_InitPath" ):
Script::CStruct* pNodeData = SkateScript::GetNode( m_node_from );
// m_node_to = SkateScript::GetLink( pNodeData, Mth::Rnd( SkateScript::GetNumLinks( pNodeData ) ) );
#ifdef __NOPT_ASSERT__
int numLinks = SkateScript::GetNumLinks( m_node_from );
Dbg_MsgAssert( numLinks, ( "Ped_InitPath called on %s, but path node %i has no links!", Script::FindChecksumName( GetObject()->GetID() ), m_node_from ) );
m_node_to = SkateScript::GetLink( pNodeData, 0 );
SkateScript::GetPosition( m_node_to, &m_wp_to );
mp_path_object_tracker = Obj::CPathMan::Instance()->TrackPed( GetObject(), m_node_to );
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_Assert( pMotionComp );
pMotionComp->m_movingobj_status |= MOVINGOBJ_STATUS_ON_PATH;
// turn the ped to face the right direction
Mth::Vector heading = ( m_wp_to - m_wp_from ).Normalize();
Mth::Matrix display_matrix = GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix();
display_matrix[Z] = heading;
display_matrix.OrthoNormalizeAbout( Z );
GetObject()->SetDisplayMatrix( display_matrix );
m_current_display_matrix = display_matrix;
Mth::Vector current_pos = GetObject()->m_pos;
for ( int i = 0; i < vPOS_HISTORY_SIZE; i++ )
m_pos_history[i] = current_pos;
// @script | Ped_StartMoving | start moving on path
case CRCC( 0xd711542, "Ped_StartMoving" ):
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_STOPPED )
Script::CScript* pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0xbed339d4, "ped_skater_start_moving" ) );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
// @script | Ped_StopMoving | stop moving on path
case CRCC( 0xcc85adfe, "Ped_StopMoving" ):
// @script | Ped_IsMoving | returns true if the ped is moving on the path
case CRCC(0x68d298b0,"Ped_IsMoving"):
return m_flags & PEDLOGIC_MOVING_ON_PATH ? CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE : CBaseComponent::MF_FALSE;
// @script | Ped_SetStickToGroundDist | Set the distances the ped uses to check for ground
// when sticking. This check is not performed straight up and down, but at whatever
// angle the ped is currently standing (his Y vector).
// @parmopt float | StickToGroundDistAbove | | distance to check above the ped
// @parmopt float | StickToGroundDistBelow | | distance to check below the ped
case CRCC( 0x2cc086dd, "Ped_SetStickToGroundDist" ):
pParams->GetFloat( "distAbove", &m_col_dist_above );
pParams->GetFloat( "distBelow", &m_col_dist_below );
printf("StickToGround distances set to %f (above), %f (below)\n", m_col_dist_above, m_col_dist_below);
// @script | Ped_SetIsGrinding | used for manually setting the grind state on and off
// @uparm 0 | 0 for off, anything else for on
case CRCC( 0xc643e8f5, "Ped_SetIsGrinding" ):
int is_grinding = 0;
pParams->GetInteger( NONAME, &is_grinding, Script::ASSERT );
if ( is_grinding != 0 )
// @script | Ped_GetCurrentVelocity | returns variable named velocity...
// @flag max | get the maximum velocity, rather than the currnt velocity.
// This is useful in case the ped is currently accelerating or decelerating
// to achieve maximum velocity.
case CRCC( 0x13713760, "Ped_GetCurrentVelocity" ):
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_Assert( pMotionComp );
pScript->GetParams()->AddFloat( CRCD( 0x41272956, "velocity" ), pMotionComp->m_vel_z );
// @script | Ped_StoreMaxVelocity | stores the current max velocity, so you can
// change it and restore it later
case CRCC( 0xf5627596, "Ped_StoreMaxVelocity" ):
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_Assert( pMotionComp );
m_original_max_vel = pMotionComp->m_max_vel;
// @script | Ped_GetOriginalMaxVelocity | returns original_max_velocity stored when
// Ped_StoreMaxVelocity was called
case CRCC( 0xe575efa9, "Ped_GetOriginalMaxVelocity" ):
pScript->GetParams()->AddFloat( "original_max_velocity", m_original_max_vel );
// @script | Ped_Bail |
case CRCC( 0xee24a410, "Ped_Bail" ):
case CRCC( 0xc076d74, "Ped_SetIsBailing" ):
int v;
pParams->GetInteger( NONAME, &v, Script::ASSERT );
if ( pParams->ContainsFlag( CRCD( 0x255ed86f, "grind" ) ) )
if ( v == 0 )
if ( v == 0 )
case CRCC( 0xda7be9e2, "Ped_InitVertTrick" ):
// get the height and gravity
float height;
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD( 0xab21af0, "height" ), &height, Script::ASSERT );
float gravity;
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD( 0xa5e2da58, "gravity" ), &gravity, Script::ASSERT );
Dbg_MsgAssert( gravity < 0.0f, ( "Ped_InitVertTrick given positive number for gravity" ) );
Mth::Vector pt = m_wp_to - GetObject()->m_pos;
// adjust height to compensate for difference between ped height
// and height of waypoint
// height += pt[Y];
// pt[Y] = 0.0f;
// figure the time - the gravity is always expressed as negative
// acceleration, but since we're figuring the time it will take to
// fall from the top at velocity=0, we use positive
// Multiply by 2 to get time up and down
// d = vi*t + (a*t^2)/2
float time = 2 * sqrtf( 2 * -height / gravity );
// compute the inital y velocity, which equals the final y velocity when
// falling back down (vf^2 = vi^2 + 2ad)
float vi = sqrtf( 2 * gravity * -height );
Dbg_Assert( vi > 0 );
// find the horizontal distance we need to travel
float distance = pt.Length() / 2;
// bump it up a bit so we don't miss landing
distance *= Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x2b5bedba, "ped_skater_vert_jump_slop_distance" ), Script::ASSERT );
// horizontal velocity
Mth::Vector vh = ( distance / time ) * pt.Normalize();
// vertical velocity
Mth::Vector vy = vi * Mth::Vector(0, 1, 0);
// total speed and heading
// float jump_speed = ( ( vh + vy ) * time ).Length();
float jump_speed = ( vh + vy ).Length();
Mth::Vector heading = ( vh + vy ).Normalize();
pScript->GetParams()->AddVector( CRCD( 0xfd4bc03e, "heading" ), heading );
pScript->GetParams()->AddFloat( CRCD( 0x1c4c5690, "jumpSpeed" ), jump_speed );
pScript->GetParams()->AddFloat( CRCD( 0x66ced87b, "jumpTime" ), time );
// @script | Ped_HitWaypoint | force the ped to register a hit on the
// to waypoint, regardless of his position. Don't call this unless
// you know exactly why you're doing it.
case CRCC( 0x1affffb3, "Ped_HitWaypoint" ):
// @script | Ped_SetIsSkater |
// @uparm 1 | 0 if not skater, anything else for skater
case CRCC( 0x5c794c57, "Ped_SetIsSkater" ):
int is_skater;
pParams->GetInteger( NONAME, &is_skater, Script::ASSERT );
if ( is_skater == 0 )
// @script | Ped_NearVertNode | true if the next node or the to node
// is vert
case CRCC( 0x5bb23915, "Ped_NearVertNode" ):
return ( ( ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_TO_NODE_IS_VERT )
|| ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_FROM_NODE_IS_VERT ) ) ? CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE : CBaseComponent::MF_FALSE );
case CRCC( 0x56d9f55f, "Ped_PlayJumpSound" ):
//Dbg_MsgAssert( m_state == CRCD(0xa85af587,"generic_skater"), ( "%s\nPed_PlayJumpSound called on a non-skater ped %s",pScript->GetScriptInfo(),Script::FindChecksumName(GetObject()->GetID()) ) );
Obj::CSkaterSoundComponent *pSoundComponent = GetSkaterSoundComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
if ( pSoundComponent )
case CRCC( 0x749de914, "Ped_PlayLandSound" ):
Dbg_MsgAssert( m_state == CRCD(0xa85af587,"generic_skater"), ( "Ped_PlayLandSound called on a non-ped skater" ) );
Obj::CSkaterSoundComponent *pSoundComponent = GetSkaterSoundComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
if ( pSoundComponent )
case CRCC( 0x58a588b5, "Ped_GetCurrentNodeNames" ):
pScript->GetParams()->AddChecksum( CRCD( 0xd14cd5bc, "node_to" ), m_node_to );
pScript->GetParams()->AddChecksum( CRCD( 0x8141d319, "node_from" ), m_node_from );
pScript->GetParams()->AddChecksum( CRCD( 0x3c746255, "node_next" ), m_node_next );
return CBaseComponent::MF_NOT_EXECUTED;
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::GetDebugInfo(Script::CStruct *p_info)
#ifdef __DEBUG_CODE__
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_info,("NULL p_info sent to C......Component::GetDebugInfo"));
p_info->AddChecksum( "m_state", m_state );
Script::CArray* pTempArray = new Script::CArray();
for ( int i = 0; i < vNUM_WHISKERS; i++ )
pTempArray->SetFloat( i, m_whiskers[i] );
p_info->AddArray( "m_whiskers", pTempArray );
for ( int i = 0; i < vNUM_WHISKERS; i++ )
pTempArray->SetFloat( i, m_bias[i] );
p_info->AddArray( "m_bias", pTempArray );
Script::CleanUpArray( pTempArray );
delete pTempArray;
p_info->AddInteger( "moving_on_path", m_flags & PEDLOGIC_MOVING_ON_PATH );
p_info->AddInteger( "m_node_from", m_node_from );
p_info->AddInteger( "m_node_to", m_node_to );
p_info->AddInteger( "m_node_next", m_node_next );
p_info->AddVector( "m_wp_from", m_wp_from );
p_info->AddVector( "m_wp_to", m_wp_to );
p_info->AddVector( "m_wp_next", m_wp_next );
p_info->AddInteger( "m_turn_frames", m_turn_frames );
p_info->AddInteger( "m_max_turn_frames", m_max_turn_frames );
p_info->AddInteger( "m_is_grinding", m_flags & PEDLOGIC_GRINDING );
p_info->AddFloat( "m_col_dist_above", m_col_dist_above );
p_info->AddFloat( "m_col_dist_below", m_col_dist_below );
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::GenericPedUpdate()
if ( !( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_MOVING_ON_PATH ) )
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_Assert( pMotionComp );
// Obj::CPathObjectTracker* p_path_object_tracker = pMotionComp->mp_path_object_tracker;
bool is_avoiding = CheckForOtherPeds();
bool is_turning = UpdateTargetBias();
// update bias based on path following
if ( !is_turning && !is_avoiding )
// Gfx::AddDebugLine( m_wp_from, m_wp_to, MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), 1 );
// Gfx::AddDebugLine( GetObject()->m_pos, m_wp_to, MAKE_RGB( 0, 0, 128 ), MAKE_RGB( 0, 0, 128 ), 1 );
// move and decay
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::GenericSkaterUpdate()
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_Assert( pMotionComp );
float distance = m_time * pMotionComp->m_vel_z;
bool is_jumping = pMotionComp->m_movingobj_status & MOVINGOBJ_STATUS_JUMPING ? true : false;
// Gfx::AddDebugLine( m_wp_from, m_wp_to, MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), 1 );
// Gfx::AddDebugLine( GetObject()->m_pos, m_wp_to, MAKE_RGB( 0, 0, 128 ), MAKE_RGB( 0, 0, 128 ), 1 );
// Gfx::AddDebugLine( m_pos_history[vPOS_HISTORY_SIZE - 2] + Mth::Vector( 0, 5, 1 ), m_pos_history[vPOS_HISTORY_SIZE - 1] + Mth::Vector( 0, 5, 1 ), MAKE_RGB( 0, 128, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 0, 128, 0 ) );
// Gfx::AddDebugArrow( GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix()[Z] + GetObject()->m_pos, GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix()[Z] * 24 + GetObject()->m_pos, MAKE_RGB( 0, 0, 128 ), MAKE_RGB( 0, 0, 128 ), 1 );
// check for skater if we're grinding
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_GRINDING )
Mdl::Skate* skate_mod = Mdl::Skate::Instance();
Dbg_Assert( skate_mod );
Obj::CSkater* pSkater = skate_mod->GetLocalSkater();
if ( pSkater )
float d = Mth::DistanceSqr( GetObject()->m_pos, pSkater->GetPos() );
// printf("skater dist square = %f\n", d );
if ( d < Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0xbc2e678a, "ped_skater_min_square_distance_to_skater" ), Script::ASSERT ) )
// see if we've hit the waypoint
if ( ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_MOVING_ON_PATH ) || is_jumping )
Mth::Vector pt;
if ( ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_TO_NODE_IS_VERT ) || is_jumping )
pt = ( GetObject()->m_pos - m_wp_to );
Mth::Vector wp_to_no_y = m_wp_to;
wp_to_no_y[Y] = 0.0f;
Mth::Vector ped_pos_no_y = GetObject()->m_pos;
ped_pos_no_y[Y] = 0.0f;
pt = ped_pos_no_y - wp_to_no_y;
float distance_to_target_square = pt.LengthSqr();
int min_dist_square = Script::GetInteger( CRCD( 0xfb5d106f, "ped_skater_min_square_distance_to_waypoint" ), Script::ASSERT );
if ( !( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_JUMPING_TO_NODE ) )
if ( distance_to_target_square < Mth::Sqr( distance ) )
else if ( distance_to_target_square < min_dist_square )
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_JUMP_AT_TO_NODE )
int dist_to_crouch = Script::GetInteger( CRCD( 0x52ec432f, "ped_skater_min_square_distance_to_crouch_for_jump" ), Script::ASSERT );
if ( distance_to_target_square < dist_to_crouch )
// clear flag!
Script::CScript* pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0x9c7ab5f5, "ped_skater_crouch_for_jump" ) );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
// move
if ( ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_MOVING_ON_PATH ) && distance )
Mth::Vector original_pos = GetObject()->m_pos;
bool already_adjusted_heading = false;
if ( ShouldUseBiases() )
// use biases to update position
bool is_turning = UpdateTargetBias();
if ( !is_turning )
// refresh the display matrix if we're jumping, as
// AdjustHeading and AdjustNormal won't be called.
if ( is_jumping )
// figure the new position
Mth::Vector new_pos = original_pos + ( distance * ( m_wp_to - GetObject()->m_pos ).Normalize() );
GetObject()->m_pos = new_pos;
AdjustHeading( original_pos );
already_adjusted_heading = true;
// stick to ground if we're not grinding or jumping
if ( !( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_GRINDING )
&& !( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_GRIND_BAILING )
&& !is_jumping
// update z vector
if ( !already_adjusted_heading )
AdjustHeading( original_pos );
else // if ( !( pMotionComp->m_movingobj_status & MOVINGOBJ_STATUS_JUMPING ) )
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_TO_NODE_IS_VERT )
// AdjustHeading();
// update states for looping sounds
if ( is_jumping )
UpdateSkaterSoundStates( AIR );
else if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_GRINDING )
UpdateSkaterSoundStates( RAIL );
else if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_MOVING_ON_PATH )
UpdateSkaterSoundStates( GROUND );
else if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_DOING_LIP_TRICK )
UpdateSkaterSoundStates( LIP );
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_MOVING_ON_PATH )
m_speed_fraction = ( pMotionComp->m_vel_z / pMotionComp->m_max_vel );
m_speed_fraction = 0.0f;
Obj::CSkaterLoopingSoundComponent* pLoopingSoundComp = GetSkaterLoopingSoundComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
if ( pLoopingSoundComp )
// reset bailing flag
pLoopingSoundComp->SetIsBailing( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_GRIND_BAILING || m_flags & PEDLOGIC_BAILING );
pLoopingSoundComp->SetSpeedFraction( m_speed_fraction );
/* */
/* */
bool CPedLogicComponent::CheckForOtherPeds()
bool is_avoiding = false;
if ( mp_path_object_tracker )
const CSmtPtr<CCompositeObject>* pp_object_list = mp_path_object_tracker->GetObjectList();
Mth::Matrix display_matrix = GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix();
float range = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x7a78f471, "ped_avoid_ped_range" ) );
float avoid_ped_bias = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0xd1e6177b, "ped_avoid_ped_bias" ) );
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_Assert( pMotionComp );
for ( int i = 0; i < CPathObjectTracker::MAX_OBJECTS_PER_PATH; ++i )
if ( pp_object_list[i] )
CCompositeObject* p_ob=pp_object_list[i].Convert();
if ( p_ob != GetObject() )
// ignore peds that are too far above or below
float max_y_dist = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0x21b13ffc,"ped_max_y_distance_to_ignore"), Script::ASSERT );
if ( Mth::Abs( GetObject()->GetPos()[Y] - p_ob->GetPos()[Y] ) > max_y_dist )
// ignore peds that are facing the opposite direction and walking away
float z_dot = Mth::DotProduct( display_matrix[Z], p_ob->GetDisplayMatrix()[Z] );
if ( z_dot <= 0.0f && Mth::DotProduct( display_matrix[Z], p_ob->GetPos() - GetObject()->GetPos() ) <= 0.0f )
// printf("walking away from each other\n");
// ignore peds that are facing the same direction and going faster than us
Obj::CMotionComponent* pObMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( p_ob );
Dbg_Assert( pObMotionComp );
if ( z_dot > 0.0f && pObMotionComp->m_max_vel >= pMotionComp->m_max_vel )
// printf("he's going faster than me\n");
float d = Mth::Distance( GetObject()->GetPos(), p_ob->GetPos() );
if ( d <= range )
// adjust whisker
// find the heading
float theta = acosf( z_dot / ( display_matrix[Z].Length() * p_ob->GetDisplayMatrix()[Z].Length() ) );
// printf("theta = %f\n", theta);
// reduce to less than 2pi.
if ( theta > Mth::PI * 2 )
theta -= Mth::PI * 2 * (int)( theta / ( Mth::PI * 2 ) );
// if they're coming straight at each other, we'll have to throw in some
// sideways bias - we don't want them to stop moving or turn around
// As they start to pass each other, the offset will naturally start
// to create its own bias
if ( fabs( theta - Mth::PI ) < Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0xd2e22cec, "ped_head_on_range" ), Script::ASSERT ) )
// printf("he's coming right for me!\n");
// left by default
theta = Mth::PI / 2;
// see if we should push them right
// if ( theta > Mth::PI )
if ( ( Mth::CrossProduct( display_matrix[Z], p_ob->GetDisplayMatrix()[Z] ) )[Y] < 0 )
theta *= -1;
is_avoiding = true;
AddWhiskerBias( theta, avoid_ped_bias, d, range );
return is_avoiding;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::UpdatePathBias()
Mth::Vector wp_from_no_y = m_wp_from;
wp_from_no_y[Y] = 0.0f;
Mth::Vector wp_to_no_y = m_wp_to;
wp_to_no_y[Y] = 0.0f;
Mth::Vector ped_pos_no_y = GetObject()->m_pos;
ped_pos_no_y[Y] = 0.0f;
float max_dist_to_path = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0xa876aa2c, "ped_max_distance_to_path" ), Script::ASSERT );
Mth::Vector ft = wp_to_no_y - wp_from_no_y;
Mth::Vector fp = ped_pos_no_y - wp_from_no_y;
// need to store this vector so we can check the sign of y...
// if it's negative, we're on one side of the path, positive for the other
Mth::Vector ft_cross_fp = Mth::CrossProduct( ft, fp );
// get the direction we want to push the ped
Mth::Vector closest_pos_on_path = ( ( Mth::DotProduct( fp, ft ) / ft.LengthSqr() ) * ft ) + m_wp_from;
closest_pos_on_path[Y] = 0.0f;
Mth::Vector pos_to_path = closest_pos_on_path - ped_pos_no_y;
// Gfx::AddDebugArrow( GetObject()->m_pos, closest_pos_on_path, MAKE_RGB( 0, 128, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 0, 128, 0 ), 1 );
// Mth::Matrix ob_matrix = GetObject()->m_matrix;
Mth::Matrix display_matrix = GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix();
float angle_to_path = Mth::GetAngle( display_matrix[Z], pos_to_path );
if ( angle_to_path > 360.0f )
angle_to_path -= 360.0f * (int)( angle_to_path / 360.0f );
if ( Mth::CrossProduct( display_matrix[Z], pos_to_path )[Y] > 0 )
angle_to_path = 360.0f - angle_to_path;
// float path_length = Mth::Distance( m_wp_from, m_wp_to );
float path_length = Mth::Distance( wp_from_no_y, wp_to_no_y );
float current_distance = ft_cross_fp.Length() / path_length;
// the bias should get stronger as we get farther away, approaching 1 as we
// approach the max distance from the path
float path_bias;
if ( current_distance > max_dist_to_path )
path_bias = 1;
path_bias = 1 - ( ( max_dist_to_path - current_distance ) / max_dist_to_path );
// reset the bias to get back on the path
if ( current_distance > Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x81085734, "ped_min_distance_to_path" ) ) )
AdjustBias( Mth::DegToRad( angle_to_path ), path_bias );
/* */
/* */
bool CPedLogicComponent::UpdateTargetBias()
bool is_turning = false;
Mth::Vector wp_to_no_y = m_wp_to;
wp_to_no_y[Y] = 0.0f;
Mth::Vector ped_pos_no_y = GetObject()->m_pos;
ped_pos_no_y[Y] = 0.0f;
Mth::Vector pt = ped_pos_no_y - wp_to_no_y;
float distance_to_target_square = pt.LengthSqr();
float target_bias = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0x57342672,"ped_target_node_bias"), Script::ASSERT );
if ( m_node_next == m_node_from )
float min_square_distance_to_dead_end = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x65b46f32, "ped_walker_min_square_distance_to_dead_end" ), Script::ASSERT );
if ( distance_to_target_square <= min_square_distance_to_dead_end )
int fade_bias_max_distance_square;
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_IS_SKATER )
fade_bias_max_distance_square = Script::GetInteger( CRCD( 0x354beda1, "ped_skater_fade_target_bias_max_distance_square" ), Script::ASSERT );
fade_bias_max_distance_square = Script::GetInteger( CRCD( 0x5b21ab0e, "ped_fade_target_bias_max_distance_square" ), Script::ASSERT );
if ( m_max_turn_frames && m_turn_frames >= m_max_turn_frames )
else if ( m_node_next != -1 && distance_to_target_square < fade_bias_max_distance_square )
// do we need to reset m_max_turn_frames?
if ( !m_max_turn_frames )
// figure how long it will take to get there if we don't turn
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_Assert( pMotionComp );
Mth::Vector wp_from_no_y = m_wp_from;
wp_from_no_y[Y] = 0.0f;
Mth::Vector wp_to_no_y = m_wp_to;
wp_to_no_y[Y] = 0.0f;
Mth::Vector wp_next_no_y = m_wp_next;
wp_next_no_y[Y] = 0.0f;
Mth::Vector ft = wp_to_no_y - wp_from_no_y;
Mth::Vector tn = wp_next_no_y - wp_to_no_y;
float angle_between_waypoints = Mth::DegToRad( Mth::GetAngle( ft, tn ) );
float distance_to_waypoint_switch = sqrtf( ( 2 * distance_to_target_square ) * ( 1 + cosf( angle_between_waypoints ) ) );
int frames = (int)( ( sqrtf( distance_to_waypoint_switch ) / pMotionComp->m_max_vel ) * 60.0f );
// printf("frames = %i\n", frames);
m_max_turn_frames = frames;
if ( m_max_turn_frames <= 0 )
m_max_turn_frames = 1;
// int frames = (int)( ( sqrtf( distance_to_target_square ) / pMotionComp->m_max_vel ) * 60.0f );
// m_max_turn_frames = frames / 2;
// add bias for new waypoint and adjust current target bias
is_turning = true;
// Guard against potential division by zero here.
float target_bias_turn_percent;
if( m_max_turn_frames == 0 )
target_bias_turn_percent = 0.0f;
target_bias_turn_percent = 0.5f * ( 1 - (float)( m_max_turn_frames - m_turn_frames ) / (float)m_max_turn_frames );
AddTargetBias( m_wp_next, target_bias * target_bias_turn_percent );
target_bias -= target_bias * target_bias_turn_percent;
AddTargetBias( m_wp_to, target_bias );
return is_turning;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::UpdatePosition()
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_Assert( pMotionComp );
float x_bias = GetTotalXBias();
float z_bias = GetTotalZBias();
// printf("x_bias = %f, z_bias = %f\n", x_bias, z_bias );
Mth::Vector last_pos = GetObject()->m_pos;
float vel = pMotionComp->m_vel_z;
float distance_to_travel = vel * m_time;
float x_distance = distance_to_travel * x_bias;
float z_distance = distance_to_travel * z_bias;
/* float total_bias = x_bias + z_bias;
if ( !total_bias )
float vel = pMotionComp->m_vel_z;
float distance_to_travel = vel * m_time;
float x_distance = distance_to_travel * ( ( total_bias - x_bias ) / total_bias );
if ( x_bias < 0 )
x_distance *= -1;
float z_distance = distance_to_travel * ( ( total_bias - z_bias ) / total_bias );
if ( z_bias < 0 )
z_distance *= -1;
// printf("x_dist = %f, z_dist = %f\n", x_distance, z_distance);
// Mth::Matrix mat0 = GetObject()->m_matrix;
Mth::Matrix mat0 = GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix();
Mth::Vector z_vect = mat0[Z] * z_distance;
Mth::Vector x_vect = mat0[X] * x_distance;
// GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix()[Z] = new_heading;
// GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix().OrthoNormalizeAbout( Z );
GetObject()->m_pos += x_vect;
GetObject()->m_pos += z_vect;
// skaters do their own headings
if ( last_pos != GetObject()->m_pos && !( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_IS_SKATER ) )
AdjustHeading( last_pos );
float angle_to_new_heading = atan2( x_distance, z_distance );
if ( fabs( angle_to_new_heading ) > Script::GetFloat( "ped_max_angle_to_heading", Script::ASSERT ) )
GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix().Rotate( mat0[Y], angle_to_new_heading );
// mat0.Rotate( mat0[Y], angle_to_new_heading );
// GetObject()->m_matrix.Rotate( mat0[Y], angle_to_new_heading );
// printf( "angle_to_new_heading = %f\n", Mth::RadToDeg( angle_to_new_heading ) );
// GetObject()->SetDisplayMatrix( mat0 );
// GetObject()->m_matrix = mat0;
// GetObject()->m_pos += adjustment;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::RotatePosHistory()
for ( int i = 0; i < vPOS_HISTORY_SIZE - 1; i++ )
m_pos_history[i] = m_pos_history[i + 1];
m_pos_history[vPOS_HISTORY_SIZE - 1] = GetObject()->m_pos;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::AddTargetBias( Mth::Vector target, float target_bias )
Mth::Matrix display_matrix = GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix();
Mth::Vector ped_pos_no_y = GetObject()->m_pos;
ped_pos_no_y[Y] = 0.0f;
target[Y] = 0.0f;
// Mth::Vector pt = GetObject()->m_pos - target;
Mth::Vector pt = ped_pos_no_y - target;
float angle_to_target = Mth::GetAngle( display_matrix[Z], pt );
angle_to_target += 180.0f;
if ( angle_to_target > 360.0f )
angle_to_target -= 360.0f * (int)( angle_to_target / 360.0f );
if ( ( Mth::CrossProduct( display_matrix[Z], pt ) )[Y] > 0 )
angle_to_target = 360.0f - angle_to_target;
// printf("angle_to_target = %f\n", angle_to_target );
// add bias to get to the target - the target_bias is constant
AdjustBias( Mth::DegToRad( angle_to_target ), target_bias );
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::AddWhiskerBias( float angle, float amount, float distance, float range )
// for now, linearly decrease the bias amount within the range
amount *= ( range - distance ) / range;
float segment_arc = Mth::DegToRad( 360 / vNUM_WHISKERS );
for ( int i = 0; i < vNUM_WHISKERS; i++ )
float angle_between = ( segment_arc * i ) - angle;
// make sure this is in the right quandrant
if ( fabs ( angle_between ) >= Mth::PI / 2 && fabs( angle_between ) <= 3 * Mth::PI / 2 )
// float adjusted_amount = fabs( amount * sinf( angle_between ) );
float adjusted_amount = amount * cosf( angle_between );
// printf("adding %f to m_whiskers[%i]\n", adjusted_amount, i );
// add this bias to the whisker
m_whiskers[i] += adjusted_amount;
// cap absolute value to 1
if ( m_whiskers[i] > 1 )
m_whiskers[i] = 1;
if ( m_whiskers[i] < -1 )
m_whiskers[i] = -1;
float segment_arc = Mth::DegToRad( 360 / vNUM_WHISKERS );
for ( int i = 0; i < vNUM_WHISKERS; i++ )
float angle_between = fabs( ( segment_arc * i ) - angle );
// make sure this is less than 180 from the angle we're looking at
if ( angle_between >= Mth::PI )
// don't bother with maxed bias
if ( m_whiskers[i] == 1 )
// add this bias to the whisker
m_whiskers[i] += fabs( amount * cos( angle_between ) );
// cap to 1
if ( m_whiskers[i] > 1 )
m_whiskers[i] = 1;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::AdjustBias( float angle, float amount )
// printf("AdjustBias( %f, %f )\n", angle, amount );
// translate the bias to the whisker(s)
// makes sure the angle isn't greater than 360
// printf("angle = %f\n", Mth::RadToDeg( angle ) );
float segment_arc = Mth::DegToRad( 360 / vNUM_WHISKERS );
for ( int i = 0; i < vNUM_WHISKERS; i++ )
float angle_between = ( segment_arc * i ) - angle;
// make sure this is in the right quandrant
if ( fabs ( angle_between ) >= Mth::PI / 2 && fabs( angle_between ) <= 3 * Mth::PI / 2 )
// float adjusted_amount = fabs( amount * sinf( angle_between ) );
float adjusted_amount = amount * cosf( angle_between );
// printf("adding %f to m_bias[%i]\n", adjusted_amount, i );
// add this bias to the whisker
m_bias[i] += adjusted_amount;
// cap absolute value to 1
if ( m_bias[i] > 1 )
m_bias[i] = 1;
if ( m_bias[i] < -1 )
m_bias[i] = -1;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DecayWhiskerBiases()
// multiply each whisker by the decay factor
float decay_factor = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x98cd0c8c, "ped_whisker_decay_factor" ), Script::ASSERT );
float min_bias = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x4aba9798, "ped_min_bias" ), Script::ASSERT );
for ( int i = 0; i < vNUM_WHISKERS; i++ )
m_whiskers[i] *= decay_factor;
if ( m_whiskers[i] < min_bias )
m_whiskers[i] = 0;
/* */
/* */
float CPedLogicComponent::GetTotalXBias()
float total = 0.0f;
float segment_arc = Mth::DegToRad( 360 / vNUM_WHISKERS );
for ( int i = 0; i < vNUM_WHISKERS; i++ )
// float angle = Mth::PI - ( segment_arc * i );
float angle = segment_arc * i;
// phase shift 180
// angle += Mth::PI;
float whisker_total = m_whiskers[i] + m_bias[i];
// float whisker_total = m_whiskers[i];
// float whisker_total = m_bias[i];
if ( whisker_total > 1 )
whisker_total = 1;
total += -sinf( angle ) * whisker_total;
if ( total >= 1 )
return 1;
if ( total <= -1 )
return -1;
if ( fabs( total ) < Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x4aba9798, "ped_min_bias" ), Script::ASSERT ) )
total = 0;
// remember that we're 180 degrees out of phase
return total;
/* */
/* */
float CPedLogicComponent::GetTotalZBias()
float total = 0.0f;
float segment_arc = Mth::DegToRad( 360 / vNUM_WHISKERS );
for ( int i = 0; i < vNUM_WHISKERS; i++ )
float angle = segment_arc * i;
// phase shift 180
// angle += Mth::PI;
float whisker_total = m_whiskers[i] + m_bias[i];
// float whisker_total = m_whiskers[i];
// float whisker_total = m_bias[i];
if ( whisker_total > 1 )
whisker_total = 1;
if ( whisker_total < -1 )
whisker_total = -1;
// printf("whisker_total[%i] = %f, angle = %f\n", i, whisker_total, angle);
// 90 degree phase shift
// total += cosf( angle ) * whisker_total;
total += cosf( angle ) * whisker_total;
if ( total >= 1)
return 1;
if ( total <= -1 )
return -1;
if ( fabs( total ) < Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x4aba9798, "ped_min_bias" ), Script::ASSERT ) )
total = 0;
// return total;
return total;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::ResetBias()
for ( int i = 0; i < vNUM_WHISKERS; i++ )
m_bias[i] = 0;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::HitWaypoint()
// printf( "CPedLogicComponent::HitWaypoint\n" );
int hit_node = m_node_to;
int old_from_node = m_node_from;
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_TO_NODE_IS_VERT )
m_node_from = m_node_to;
m_node_to = m_node_next;
m_wp_from = m_wp_to;
m_wp_to = m_wp_next;
// handle dead ends for ped walkers
if ( !( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_IS_SKATER ) && old_from_node == m_node_to )
Script::CScript* pDeadEndScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0xa80f965e, "ped_walker_hit_dead_end" ) );
pDeadEndScript->mpObject = GetObject();
// update m_to_node_is_vert for distance checks
// m_to_node_is_vert = false;
Script::CStruct* pToNodeData = SkateScript::GetNode( m_node_to );
uint32 to_node_type;
if ( pToNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x17ea37fb, "PedType" ), &to_node_type, Script::NO_ASSERT )
&& to_node_type == CRCD( 0x54166acd, "skate" ) )
uint32 to_node_action;
pToNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x963dc198, "SkateAction" ), &to_node_action, Script::ASSERT );
if ( WaypointIsVert( m_node_to ) )
// m_to_node_is_vert = true;
// check for a jump next - we'll need to crouch if we're not
// already doing some action
if ( to_node_action == CRCD( 0x7d9d0008, "vert_grab" )
|| to_node_action == CRCD( 0x584cf9e9, "jump" ) )
// make sure we're not coming from an action
Script::CStruct* pFromNodeData = SkateScript::GetNode( m_node_from );
uint32 from_node_action;
if ( pFromNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x963dc198, "SkateAction" ), &from_node_action, Script::ASSERT ) )
if ( from_node_action != CRCD( 0x255ed86f, "grind" )
&& !( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_GRINDING )
&& !( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_FROM_NODE_IS_VERT ) )
if ( to_node_action == CRCD( 0x554dbd64, "vert_lip" ) )
if ( WaypointIsVert( m_node_next ) )
// we don't want to do any actions if we just came from a vert_grab node
Script::CStruct* pOldFromNodeData = SkateScript::GetNode( old_from_node );
uint32 old_skate_action;
Script::CStruct* pNodeData = SkateScript::GetNode( hit_node );
Dbg_Assert( pNodeData );
DoGenericNodeActions( pNodeData );
if ( !( pOldFromNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x963dc198, "skateAction" ), &old_skate_action )
&& old_skate_action == CRCD( 0x7d9d0008, "Vert_Grab" ) ) )
uint32 waypoint_type;
if ( pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x17ea37fb, "PedType" ), &waypoint_type, Script::NO_ASSERT ) )
switch ( waypoint_type )
case CRCC( 0x726e85aa, "walk" ):
DoWalkActions( pNodeData );
case CRCC( 0x54166acd, "skate" ):
DoSkateActions( pNodeData );
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "Waypoint has bad PedType %s", Script::FindChecksumName( waypoint_type ) ) );
m_turn_frames = m_max_turn_frames = 0;
/* */
/* */
bool CPedLogicComponent::WaypointIsVert( int waypoint )
Script::CStruct* pNodeData = SkateScript::GetNode( waypoint );
uint32 node_action;
if ( pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x963dc198, "SkateAction" ), &node_action, Script::NO_ASSERT ) )
if ( node_action == CRCD( 0x7d9d0008, "vert_grab" )
|| node_action == CRCD( 0x554dbd64, "vert_lip" )
|| node_action == CRCD( 0xe6dfaec7, "vert_grind" )
|| node_action == CRCD( 0xda0723da, "vert_land" )
|| node_action == CRCD( 0xe8f91257, "vert_flip" )
|| node_action == CRCD( 0xd5b4f014, "vert_jump" ) )
return true;
return false;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DoWalkActions( Script::CStruct* pNodeData )
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DoGenericNodeActions( Script::CStruct* pNodeData )
Dbg_Assert( pNodeData );
// check for special things we should do at this node
if ( pNodeData->ContainsFlag( CRCD( 0x74e4bba5, "AdjustSpeed" ) ) )
if ( ShouldExecuteAction( pNodeData, CRCD( 0x922c5b59, "AdjustSpeedWeight" ) ) )
float percent;
pNodeData->GetFloat( CRCD( 0xa04d16ec, "AdjustSpeedPercent" ), &percent, Script::ASSERT );
AdjustSpeed( percent );
if ( pNodeData->ContainsFlag( CRCD( 0x55d98ed7, "RunScript" ) ) )
if ( ShouldExecuteAction( pNodeData, CRCD( 0x86c9ccce, "RunScriptWeight" ) ) )
uint32 script_name;
pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x64b4cd9d, "RunScriptName" ), &script_name, Script::ASSERT );
Script::CScript* pScript = Script::SpawnScript( script_name );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DoSkateActions( Script::CStruct* pNodeData )
// we don't want to do any actions if we're bailing
if ( ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_BAILING ) || ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_GRIND_BAILING ) )
Dbg_Assert( pNodeData );
uint32 skate_action;
if ( pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x963dc198, "SkateAction" ), &skate_action, Script::NO_ASSERT ) )
switch ( skate_action )
case CRCC( 0xec1cd520, "continue" ):
case CRCC( 0x255ed86f, "grind" ):
case CRCC( 0xe6dfaec7, "vert_grind" ):
DoGrind( pNodeData );
case CRCC( 0xc870bce5, "grind_off" ):
DoGrindOff( pNodeData );
case CRCC(0xe41199af,"grind_bail"):
// ignore these nodes...we must have fallen here from a grind
case CRCC(0xba1d1e94,"flip_trick"):
DoFlipTrick( pNodeData );
case CRCC( 0xe8f91257, "vert_flip" ):
DoFlipTrick( pNodeData, true );
case CRCC( 0x12797a1b, "grab_trick" ):
DoGrab( pNodeData );
case CRCC( 0x7d9d0008, "vert_grab" ):
DoGrab( pNodeData, true );
case CRCC( 0x554dbd64, "vert_lip" ):
DoLipTrick( pNodeData );
case CRCC( 0xda0723da, "vert_land" ):
case CRCC( 0x584cf9e9, "jump" ):
DoJump( pNodeData );
case CRCC( 0xd5b4f014, "vert_jump" ):
DoJump( pNodeData, true );
case CRCC( 0x6d3144bf, "Roll_off" ):
DoRollOff( pNodeData );
case CRCC( 0xef24413b, "manual" ):
DoManual( pNodeData );
case CRCC( 0x9403a0ed, "manual_down" ):
DoManualDown( pNodeData );
case CRCC( 0x46a9e949, "stop" ):
Stop( pNodeData );
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "DoSkateActions found unknown action %s\n", Script::FindChecksumName( skate_action ) ) );
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::SelectNextWaypoint()
// are we on a grind bail path?
bool on_grind_bail_path = false;
Script::CStruct* pNode = SkateScript::GetNode( m_node_from );
uint32 skate_action;
if ( pNode->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x963dc198, "SkateAction" ), &skate_action )
&& skate_action == CRCD( 0xe41199af, "Grind_Bail" ) )
on_grind_bail_path = true;
int waypoint;
int numLinks;
numLinks = SkateScript::GetNumLinks( m_node_to );
if ( numLinks == 0 )
// turn around
waypoint = m_node_from;
else if ( numLinks == 1 ) // shortcut if there's only one link
waypoint = SkateScript::GetLink( m_node_to, 0 );
// special case for jumping straight up in a pipe...land where you started
if ( waypoint == m_node_from )
Script::CStruct* pToNodeData = SkateScript::GetNode( m_node_to );
uint32 skate_action;
if ( pToNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x963dc198, "skateAction" ), &skate_action )
&& skate_action == CRCD( 0x7d9d0008, "Vert_Grab" ) )
waypoint = m_node_to;
// sort the links by priority
Mth::Vector to_from_vector = m_wp_to - m_wp_from;
int valid_high_priority_choices[20];
int valid_low_priority_choices[20];
Dbg_MsgAssert( numLinks < 20, ( "Too many links (max is 20) from node %i\n", m_node_to ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < numLinks; i++ )
valid_high_priority_choices[i] = i;
valid_low_priority_choices[i] = i;
int num_valid_low_choices = 0;
int num_valid_high_choices = 0;
int min_inner_angle = Script::GetInteger( CRCD( 0xfe65d822, "ped_min_inner_path_angle" ), Script::ASSERT );
// store the max angle, so we can return the best choice if we don't find any good ones
float max_angle = 0.0f;
int max_angle_index = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < numLinks; i++ )
int test_node = SkateScript::GetLink( m_node_to, i );
if ( test_node != m_node_from )
Script::CStruct* pNodeData = SkateScript::GetNode( test_node );
// ignore nodes that aren't PedAI waypoints
uint32 class_type = 0;
uint32 waypoint_type = 0;
pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x12b4e660, "class" ), &class_type );
pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x7321a8d6, "Type" ), &waypoint_type );
if ( class_type != CRCD( 0x4c23a77e, "Waypoint" ) || waypoint_type != CRCD( 0xcba10ffa, "PedAI" ) )
// ignore Grind_Bail nodes unless we're already on a grind_bail path
if ( !on_grind_bail_path )
uint32 skate_action;
if ( pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x963dc198, "SkateAction" ), &skate_action )
&& skate_action == CRCD( 0xe41199af, "Grind_Bail" ) )
Mth::Vector test_node_position;
SkateScript::GetPosition( test_node, &test_node_position );
Mth::Vector to_test_vector = m_wp_to - test_node_position;
float angle = Mth::GetAngle( to_from_vector, to_test_vector );
if ( angle > 360.0f )
angle -= 360.0f * (int)( angle / 360.0f );
// update max angle
if ( angle > max_angle )
max_angle = angle;
max_angle_index = i;
if ( angle >= min_inner_angle )
// sort nodes by priority
uint32 priority;
pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x9d5923d8, "priority" ), &priority, Script::ASSERT );
switch ( priority )
case CRCC( 0xde7a971b, "normal" ):
valid_high_priority_choices[num_valid_high_choices] = i;
case CRCC(0x6d77875e,"low"):
valid_low_priority_choices[num_valid_low_choices] = i;
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "Ped node has invalid priority" ) );
// if there weren't any good choices, pick the best one
if ( !( num_valid_high_choices || num_valid_low_choices ) )
waypoint = SkateScript::GetLink( m_node_to, max_angle_index );
bool find_low_priority = false;
// decide if we should pick from a low priority or high priority node
if ( num_valid_high_choices && num_valid_low_choices )
float low_priority_probability = Script::GetFloat( "ped_low_priority_waypoint_probability", Script::ASSERT );
Dbg_MsgAssert( low_priority_probability < 1, ( "ped_low_priority_waypoint_probability is %f", low_priority_probability ) );
if ( Mth::Rnd( 100 ) <= ( low_priority_probability * 100 ) )
find_low_priority = true;
else if ( num_valid_low_choices )
find_low_priority = true;
// select random index from valid choices
if ( find_low_priority )
waypoint = SkateScript::GetLink( m_node_to, valid_low_priority_choices[Mth::Rnd( num_valid_low_choices )] );
waypoint = SkateScript::GetLink( m_node_to, valid_high_priority_choices[Mth::Rnd( num_valid_high_choices )] );
// make sure we got something
if ( waypoint == -1 )
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "SelectNextWaypoint couldn't find a valid waypoint" ) );
m_node_next = waypoint;
SkateScript::GetPosition( m_node_next, &m_wp_next );
/* */
/* */
bool CPedLogicComponent::ShouldExecuteAction( Script::CStruct* pNodeData, uint32 weight_name )
float weight;
pNodeData->GetFloat( weight_name, &weight, Script::ASSERT );
Dbg_MsgAssert( weight > 0 && weight <= 1, ( "Waypoint %s has a bad action weight of %f\n", Script::FindChecksumName( GetObject()->GetID() ), weight ) );
if ( weight > 0.99f )
return true;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::AdjustSpeed( float percent )
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
pMotionComp->m_max_vel *= percent;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::AdjustNormal()
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_Assert( pMotionComp );
if ( pMotionComp )
Obj::STriangle last_triangle = pMotionComp->m_last_triangle;
Mth::Vector v1 = last_triangle.mpVertices[1] - last_triangle.mpVertices[0];
Mth::Vector v2 = last_triangle.mpVertices[2] - last_triangle.mpVertices[0];
Mth::Vector normal = ( Mth::CrossProduct( v1, v2 ) ).Normalize();
if ( normal[Y] < 0.0f )
normal = -normal;
if ( normal != m_current_normal )
m_current_normal = normal; // remember this, for detecting if it changes
m_last_display_normal = m_display_normal; // remember start position for lerping
m_normal_lerp = 1.0f; // set lerp counter
// if m_normal_lerp is 0.0, then we don't need to do anything, as
// we should already be there
if ( m_normal_lerp != 0.0f ) // if lerping
// If the last display normal is the same as the current normal
// then we can't interpolate between them
if ( m_last_display_normal == m_current_normal )
m_normal_lerp = 0.0f;
// adjust lerp at constant speed from 1.0 to 0.0, accounting for framerate
// m_normal_lerp -= NORMAL_LERP_SPEED * (mp_physics->m_time * 60.0f);
m_normal_lerp -= 0.1f * m_time * 60.0f;
// if gone all the way, then clear lerping values
// and set m_display_normal to be the current face normal
if (m_normal_lerp <= 0.0f)
m_normal_lerp = 0.0f;
m_display_normal = m_current_normal;
// Still between old and current normal, so
// calculate intermediate normal
m_display_normal = Mth::Lerp( m_current_normal, m_last_display_normal, m_normal_lerp );
m_display_normal.Normalize(); // Must be normalized...
// Now update the orientation matrix.
// We need our up (Y) vector to be this vector
// if it changes, rotate the X and Z vectors to match
Mth::Matrix display_matrix = GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix();
if ( display_matrix[Y] != m_display_normal )
display_matrix[Y] = m_display_normal;
display_matrix.OrthoNormalizeAbout( Y );
GetObject()->SetDisplayMatrix( display_matrix );
m_current_display_matrix = display_matrix;
/* */
/* */
// testing out positional history
void CPedLogicComponent::AdjustHeading()
AdjustHeading( m_pos_history[0] );
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::AdjustHeading( Mth::Vector original_pos )
Mth::Matrix mat0 = GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix();
Mth::Vector new_pos = GetObject()->m_pos;
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_TO_NODE_IS_LIP )
original_pos = m_wp_from;
new_pos = m_wp_to;
// Gfx::AddDebugLine( original_pos, new_pos, MAKE_RGB( 0, 128, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 0, 128, 0 ) );
// change z vector
mat0[Z] = ( new_pos - original_pos ).Normalize();
// get new X and Y vectors
mat0[X] = Mth::CrossProduct( mat0[Y], mat0[Z] );
mat0[Y] = Mth::CrossProduct( mat0[Z], mat0[X] );
GetObject()->SetDisplayMatrix( mat0 );
m_current_display_matrix = mat0;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::RefreshDisplayMatrix()
GetObject()->SetDisplayMatrix( m_current_display_matrix );
/* */
/* */
bool CPedLogicComponent::do_collision_check( Mth::Vector *p_v0, Mth::Vector *p_v1, Mth::Vector *p_collisionPoint,
Obj::STriangle *p_lastTriangle )
// First, see if there is a collision with the last triangle, and if there is, use that.
CFeeler feeler;
if ( feeler.GetCollision( *p_v0, *p_v1, false ) )
Nx::CCollObj* p_col_obj=feeler.GetSector();
Dbg_MsgAssert( p_col_obj->IsTriangleCollision(), ( "Not triangle collision !!!" ) );
Nx::CCollObjTriData* p_tri_data=p_col_obj->GetGeometry();
Dbg_MsgAssert( p_tri_data, ( "NULL p_tri_data" ) );
int face_index=feeler.GetFaceIndex();
p_lastTriangle->mpVertices[0]=p_col_obj->GetVertexPos(p_tri_data->GetFaceVertIndex(face_index, 0));
p_lastTriangle->mpVertices[1]=p_col_obj->GetVertexPos(p_tri_data->GetFaceVertIndex(face_index, 1));
p_lastTriangle->mpVertices[2]=p_col_obj->GetVertexPos(p_tri_data->GetFaceVertIndex(face_index, 2));
// if there is a collision, then snap to it
*p_collisionPoint = feeler.GetPoint();
UpdateSkaterSoundTerrain( feeler.GetTerrain() );
return true;
return false;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::StickToGround()
// stick to ground modified from the motion component...uses
// the ped's normal instead of the world's Y
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_Assert( pMotionComp );
Mth::Vector v0, v1;
// make sure our X vector is correct (got Z from the nav matrix...)
GetObject()->m_matrix[X] = Mth::CrossProduct( GetObject()->m_matrix[Y], GetObject()->m_matrix[Z] );
Mth::Matrix display_matrix = GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix();
v0 = GetObject()->m_pos + ( display_matrix[Y] * m_col_dist_above );
v1 = GetObject()->m_pos + ( -display_matrix[Y] * m_col_dist_below );
Mth::Vector collision_point;
if ( do_collision_check( &v0, &v1, &collision_point, &( pMotionComp->m_last_triangle ) ) )
GetObject()->m_pos = collision_point;
// GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix()[Mth::POS] = collision_point;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::UpdateSkaterSoundStates( EStateType state )
Dbg_MsgAssert( m_state == CRCD( 0xa85af587, "generic_skater" ), ( "CPedLogicComponent::UpdateSkaterSoundStates called on a non-skater ped" ) );
Obj::CSkaterLoopingSoundComponent *pLoopingSoundComponent = GetSkaterLoopingSoundComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
if ( pLoopingSoundComponent )
pLoopingSoundComponent->SetState( state );
Obj::CSkaterSoundComponent *pSoundComponent = GetSkaterSoundComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
if ( pSoundComponent )
pSoundComponent->SetState( state );
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::UpdateSkaterSoundTerrain( ETerrainType terrain )
Dbg_MsgAssert( m_state == CRCD(0xa85af587,"generic_skater"), ( "CPedLogicComponent::UpdateSkaterSoundTerrain called on non-skater ped" ) );
// set the terrain type for looping sound
Obj::CSkaterLoopingSoundComponent* pLoopingSoundComp = GetSkaterLoopingSoundComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
if ( pLoopingSoundComp )
pLoopingSoundComp->SetTerrain( terrain );
Obj::CSkaterSoundComponent *pSoundComponent = GetSkaterSoundComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
if ( pSoundComponent )
pSoundComponent->SetTerrain( terrain );
pSoundComponent->SetLastTerrain( terrain );
/* */
/* */
bool CPedLogicComponent::ShouldUseBiases()
return ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_IS_SKATER
&& !( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_GRINDING )
&& !( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_GRIND_BAILING )
&& !( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_TO_NODE_IS_VERT )
&& !( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_FROM_NODE_IS_VERT )
&& !( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_JUMPING_TO_NODE )
/* */
/* Skate Actions! */
/* */
/* */
/* */
Script::CStruct* CPedLogicComponent::GetSkateActionParams( Script::CStruct* pNodeData )
Script::CStruct* pScriptParams = new Script::CStruct();
// give higher priority to ped skater data - should this be reversed?
pScriptParams->AppendStructure( pNodeData );
pScriptParams->AppendStructure( GetObject()->GetTags() );
return pScriptParams;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DoGrind( Script::CStruct* pNodeData )
// printf("CPedLogicComponent::DoGrind\n");
// m_is_grinding = true;
// set the terrain
uint32 terrain_checksum;
// TODO: Assert if terrain missing
if ( pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x54cf8532, "TerrainType" ), &terrain_checksum, Script::NO_ASSERT ) )
UpdateSkaterSoundTerrain( Env::CTerrainManager::sGetTerrainFromChecksum( terrain_checksum ) );
Script::CStruct* pScriptParams = GetSkateActionParams( pNodeData );
Script::CScript* pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0xb7fca430, "ped_skater_grind" ), pScriptParams );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
delete pScriptParams;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::GrindUpdate()
if ( m_grind_wobble_frames <= 0 )
printf("setting the wobble target to %f\n", m_grind_wobble_target);
// set new wobble target
Obj::CAnimationComponent* pAnimComp = GetAnimationComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_Assert( pAnimComp );
pAnimComp->SetWobbleTarget( m_grind_wobble_target, false );
m_grind_wobble_target = -m_grind_wobble_target;
m_grind_wobble_frames = Script::GetInteger( "ped_skater_grind_wobble_frames", Script::ASSERT );
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DoGrindOff( Script::CStruct* pNodeData )
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_GRINDING )
// m_is_grinding = false;
Script::CScript* pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0x84c51e26, "ped_skater_grind_off" ) );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
// delete pScriptParams;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DoJump( Script::CStruct* pNodeData, bool is_vert )
// call Obj_Jump on the object
Script::CStruct* pScriptParams;
Script::CScript* pScript;
if ( is_vert )
pScriptParams = GetJumpParams( pNodeData, is_vert );
pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0x990152d7, "ped_skater_vert_jump" ), pScriptParams );
if ( pNodeData->ContainsFlag( CRCD( 0xb02567ae, "JumpToNextNode" ) ) )
pScriptParams = GetJumpParams( pNodeData, is_vert );
pScriptParams = GetSkateActionParams( pNodeData );
pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0x28be3d25, "ped_skater_jump" ), pScriptParams );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
delete pScriptParams;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DoLipTrick( Script::CStruct* pNodeData )
// stop moving on path
Script::CStruct* pScriptParams = GetSkateActionParams( pNodeData );
Script::CScript* pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0x2fd2b4b8, "ped_skater_lip_trick" ), pScriptParams );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
delete pScriptParams;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::UpdateLipDisplayMatrix()
// set the display matrix
Mth::Matrix mat0 = GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix();
// change z vector
mat0[Z] = Mth::Vector(0, 1, 0);
mat0[Y] = m_last_display_normal.Normalize();
// get new X and Y vectors
mat0[X] = Mth::CrossProduct( mat0[Y], mat0[Z] ).Normalize();
mat0[Y] = Mth::CrossProduct( mat0[Z], mat0[X] ).Normalize();
GetObject()->SetDisplayMatrix( mat0 );
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DoManual( Script::CStruct* pNodeData )
Script::CStruct* pScriptParams = GetSkateActionParams( pNodeData );
Script::CScript* pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0x1462af22, "ped_skater_manual" ), pScriptParams );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
delete pScriptParams;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DoManualDown( Script::CStruct* pNodeData )
Script::CStruct* pScriptParams = GetSkateActionParams( pNodeData );
Script::CScript* pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0x4c0caa11, "ped_skater_manual_down" ), pScriptParams );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
delete pScriptParams;
/* */
/* */
Script::CStruct* CPedLogicComponent::GetJumpParams( Script::CStruct* pNodeData, bool is_vert )
// stop moving on path
// reset angles
m_spine_current_angle = 0.0f;
m_spine_start_angle = 0.0f;
m_rot_current_angle = 0.0f;
Script::CStruct* pScriptParams = GetSkateActionParams( pNodeData );
// figure heading and time
// get the height and gravity
float height;
pNodeData->GetFloat( CRCD( 0x838da447, "jumpHeight" ), &height, Script::ASSERT );
float gravity = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0xe224a5d3, "ped_skater_jump_gravity" ), Script::ASSERT );
float time_total;
if ( is_vert || pNodeData->ContainsFlag( CRCD( 0xb02567ae, "JumpToNextNode" ) ) )
Mth::Vector pt = m_wp_to - GetObject()->m_pos;
pt[Y] = 0.0f;
if ( GetObject()->m_pos[Y] + height < m_wp_to[Y] )
height = m_wp_to[Y] - GetObject()->m_pos[Y] + Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x23f14b13, "ped_skater_jump_to_next_node_height_slop" ), Script::ASSERT );
// Script::PrintContents( pNodeData );
// Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "JumpToNextNode selected but jumpHeight isn't enough to reach target node." ) );
// adjust height to compensate for difference between ped height
// and height of waypoint
// height += pt[Y];
// pt[Y] = 0.0f;
// figure the time to rise
// d = vi*t + (a*t^2)/2
Dbg_Assert( gravity < 0 );
float time_to_rise = sqrtf( 2 * -height / gravity );
// figure the time to fall
float time_to_fall = sqrtf( 2 * Mth::Abs( ( GetObject()->m_pos[Y] + height - m_wp_to[Y] ) / gravity ) );
// compute the inital y velocity
float vi = ( height / time_to_rise ) - ( 0.5f * gravity * time_to_rise );
Dbg_Assert( vi > 0 );
// find the horizontal distance we need to travel
float distance = pt.Length();
// horizontal velocity
time_total = time_to_rise + time_to_fall;
Mth::Vector vh = ( distance / time_total ) * pt.Normalize();
// vertical velocity
Mth::Vector vy = vi * Mth::Vector(0, 1, 0);
// total speed and heading
float jump_speed = ( vh + vy ).Length();
Mth::Vector heading = ( vh + vy ).Normalize();
pScriptParams->AddVector( CRCD( 0xfd4bc03e, "heading" ), heading );
pScriptParams->AddFloat( CRCD( 0x1c4c5690, "jumpSpeed" ), jump_speed );
pScriptParams->AddFloat( CRCD( 0x66ced87b, "jumpTime" ), time_total );
// just use the jump height
float jump_speed = sqrtf( 2 * gravity * -height );
pScriptParams->AddFloat( CRCD(0x1c4c5690,"jumpSpeed"), jump_speed );
time_total = 2 * sqrtf( 2 * -height * gravity );
// setup any rotation
int rot_angle = 0;
float rot_float;
if ( pNodeData->ContainsFlag( CRCD( 0xb4077854, "RandomSpin" ) ) )
// figure the spin angle based on the time we've got
float min_180_time = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x8b381ab1, "ped_skater_min_180_spin_time" ), Script::ASSERT );
int mult = (int)( time_total / min_180_time );
// cap the rotation to 720 degrees
if ( mult > 4 )
mult = 4;
rot_angle = 180 * Mth::Rnd( mult + 1 );
else if ( pNodeData->GetFloat( CRCD( 0x96fb50d9, "SpinAngle" ), &rot_float, Script::NO_ASSERT ) )
// cast to int but make sure it doesn't get rounded down
rot_angle = (int)( rot_float + 0.01f );
rot_angle = abs( rot_angle );
if ( rot_angle > 0 )
// figure fs or bs
uint32 spin_direction;
pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0xef0b71a0, "SpinDirection" ), &spin_direction, Script::ASSERT );
Obj::CAnimationComponent* pAnimationComponent = GetAnimationComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
bool is_flipped = pAnimationComponent->IsFlipped();
switch ( spin_direction )
case CRCC( 0x20e1c4a3, "BS" ):
if ( is_flipped )
rot_angle *= -1;
case CRCC( 0x448d01a7, "FS" ):
if ( !is_flipped )
rot_angle *= -1;
case CRCC( 0xe7390a8b, "Rand" ):
// randomly change direction
int toggle = Mth::Rnd( 2 );
if ( toggle == 1 )
rot_angle *= -1;
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "Unknown SpinDirection" ) );
m_rot_angle = rot_angle;
bool is_spine = pNodeData->ContainsFlag( CRCD( 0x4aa0cff, "SpineTransfer" ) );
if ( rot_angle % 360 == 0 )
if ( !is_spine )
pScriptParams->AddChecksum( NONAME, CRCD( 0x8868e76a, "should_flip" ) );
else if ( is_spine )
pScriptParams->AddChecksum( NONAME, CRCD( 0x8868e76a, "should_flip" ) );
// setup any spine trasnfer
if ( is_spine )
// initialize spine angle to current angle between ped and vert
Mth::Vector temp_y(0, 1, 0);
float spine_start = Mth::GetAngle( m_current_display_matrix[Z], temp_y );
m_spine_start_angle = spine_start + Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0x95e91d23,"ped_skater_spine_rotation_slop") );
m_rot_start_matrix = m_current_display_matrix;
m_rot_total_time = time_total * Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0xc1dfc97b, "ped_skater_vert_rotation_time_slop" ), Script::ASSERT );
m_rot_current_time = 0.0f;
// check if we're jumping to the next node
if ( pNodeData->ContainsFlag( CRCD( 0xb02567ae, "JumpToNextNode" ) ) )
pScriptParams->AddFloat( CRCD( 0xa1810c27, "land_height" ), m_wp_to[Y] );
return pScriptParams;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DoGrab( Script::CStruct* pNodeData, bool is_vert )
Script::CStruct* pScriptParams;
if ( is_vert )
// Obj::CAnimationComponent* pAnimComp = GetAnimationComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
// printf("flipped = %i\n", pAnimComp->IsFlipped() );
pScriptParams = GetJumpParams( pNodeData, is_vert );
pScriptParams->AddChecksum( NONAME, CRCD( 0x1615618, "is_vert" ) );
pScriptParams = GetSkateActionParams( pNodeData );
// see if we're already jumping
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
if ( pMotionComp->m_movingobj_status & MOVINGOBJ_STATUS_JUMPING )
pScriptParams->AddInteger( CRCD( 0x65b5788d, "is_jumping" ), 1 );
// figure out how long before we start to fall
float jumpSpeed = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0xf1ff758a, "ped_skater_jump_speed" ), Script::ASSERT );
float jumpGravity = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0xe224a5d3, "ped_skater_jump_gravity" ), Script::ASSERT );
float time = 2 * sqrtf( Mth::Sqr( jumpSpeed ) / Mth::Sqr( jumpGravity ) );
pScriptParams->AddInteger( CRCD( 0x66ced87b, "jumpTime" ), time );
pScriptParams->AddInteger( CRCD( 0x65b5788d, "is_jumping" ), 0 );
Script::CScript* pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0x10585cb3, "ped_skater_grab_trick" ), pScriptParams );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
delete pScriptParams;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DoRotations()
m_rot_current_time += m_time;
float percent = m_time / m_rot_total_time;
if ( percent > 1.0f )
percent = 1.0f;
float spine_target_angle = 180.0f - m_spine_start_angle;
m_rot_current_angle += percent * (float)m_rot_angle;
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_DOING_SPINE )
m_spine_current_angle += percent * spine_target_angle;
if ( m_rot_current_time >= m_rot_total_time || percent >= 1.0f )
m_rot_current_angle = (float)m_rot_angle;
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_DOING_SPINE )
m_spine_current_angle = spine_target_angle;
// cap spine angle
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_DOING_SPINE && m_spine_current_angle > spine_target_angle )
m_spine_current_angle = spine_target_angle;
Mth::Matrix temp = m_rot_start_matrix;
temp.RotateLocal( Mth::Vector( Mth::DegToRad( m_spine_current_angle ), Mth::DegToRad( m_rot_current_angle ), 0 ) );
GetObject()->SetDisplayMatrix( temp );
m_current_display_matrix = temp;
m_display_normal = m_last_display_normal = m_current_normal = temp[Y];
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::Stop( Script::CStruct* pNodeData )
Script::CStruct* pScriptParams = GetSkateActionParams( pNodeData );
Script::CScript* pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0x365b2d85, "ped_skater_stop" ), pScriptParams );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
delete pScriptParams;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::StopSkateActions()
// BB - I moved this from script because it was too damn slow!
Script::CArray* p_scripts_to_stop = Script::GetArray( CRCD( 0x2ecd9f57, "ped_skater_action_scripts" ), Script::ASSERT );
int array_size = p_scripts_to_stop->GetSize();
Obj::CObject* p_object = (Obj::CObject*)GetObject();
for ( int i = 0; i < array_size; i++ )
uint32 script_to_stop = p_scripts_to_stop->GetChecksum( i );
Script::StopScriptsUsingThisObject_Proper( p_object, script_to_stop );
// m_is_grinding = false;
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::Bail()
// kill any running bail scripts
Script::StopScriptsUsingThisObject_Proper( GetObject(), CRCD(0xe630bf07,"ped_skater_grind_bail") );
Script::StopScriptsUsingThisObject_Proper( GetObject(), CRCD(0x78131e4f,"ped_skater_generic_bail") );
// restore the max current velocity before calling this script again!
if ( m_original_max_vel > 0 )
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_Assert( pMotionComp );
pMotionComp->m_max_vel = m_original_max_vel;
Script::CScript* pScript;
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_GRINDING )
pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD(0xe630bf07,"ped_skater_grind_bail") );
pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD(0x78131e4f,"ped_skater_generic_bail") );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::GrindBail()
if ( m_flags & PEDLOGIC_GRINDING )
// select a new next node
int num_links = SkateScript::GetNumLinks( m_node_to );
// if there's only one link, we have to keep going...shitty
if ( num_links > 1 )
// find a grind_bail node!
for ( int i = 0; i < num_links; i++ )
int test_node = SkateScript::GetLink( m_node_to, i );
Script::CStruct* pNodeData = SkateScript::GetNode( test_node );
uint32 skate_action;
if ( pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD( 0x963dc198, "skateAction" ), &skate_action )
&& skate_action == CRCD( 0xe41199af, "grind_bail" ) )
m_node_next = test_node;
SkateScript::GetPosition( m_node_next, &m_wp_next );
// run script!
Script::CScript* pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0xe630bf07, "ped_skater_grind_bail" ) );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DoRollOff( Script::CStruct* pNodeData )
Script::CScript* pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0xb183d99e, "ped_skater_roll_off" ) );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
/* */
/* */
void CPedLogicComponent::DoFlipTrick( Script::CStruct* pNodeData, bool is_vert )
// jump if we need to
Obj::CMotionComponent* pMotionComp = GetMotionComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_Assert( pMotionComp );
Script::CStruct* pScriptParams = GetSkateActionParams( pNodeData );
Script::CStruct *pJumpParams = GetJumpParams( pNodeData, is_vert );
pScriptParams->AppendStructure( pJumpParams );
delete pJumpParams;
if ( is_vert )
pScriptParams->AddChecksum( NONAME, CRCD( 0x1615618, "is_vert" ) );
// check jumping state
if ( pMotionComp->m_movingobj_status & MOVINGOBJ_STATUS_JUMPING )
pScriptParams->AddInteger( CRCD( 0x65b5788d, "is_jumping" ), 1 );
pScriptParams->AddInteger( CRCD( 0x65b5788d, "is_jumping" ), 0 );
if ( pNodeData->ContainsFlag( CRCD( 0xb02567ae, "JumpToNextNode" ) ) )
Script::CScript *pScript = Script::SpawnScript( CRCD( 0xb83c383c, "ped_skater_flip_trick" ), pScriptParams );
pScript->mpObject = GetObject();
delete pScriptParams;
/* */
/* */