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442 lines
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Project: Dolphin hw Library
File: hwPad.c
Copyright 1998-2001 Nintendo. All rights reserved.
These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain
proprietary information of Nintendo of America Inc. and/or Nintendo
Company Ltd., and are protected by Federal copyright law. They may
not be disclosed to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form,
in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Nintendo.
$Log: /Dolphin/build/libraries/hw/src/hwPad.c $
10 8/09/01 9:47 Shiki
Fixed to clear pad delta status if PAD_ERR_TRANSFER is occurred.
9 01/03/27 13:21 Shiki
8 01/03/23 6:06p Yasu
Change COMMENTed code to introduce pad-queue.
7 01/03/22 21:44 Shiki
Fixed hwPadRead() to conform to GameCube controller spec.
Also refer to '/Dolphin/build/hws/padhw/src/cont.c'.
6 2/14/01 1:48a Hirose
Deleted first call check for hwPadInit( ).
Now PadInit( ) can be called more than once.
5 10/27/00 3:47p Hirose
fixed build flags
4 6/12/00 4:39p Hirose
reconstructed structure and interface
3 4/26/00 4:59p Carl
CallBack -> Callback
2 3/25/00 12:50a Hirose
added some portion from cmn-pad.c
added pad connection check
1 3/23/00 1:21a Hirose
Initial version
$NoKeywords: $
#include <dolphin.h>
#include "p_hw.h"
Global Variables
u32 hwNumValidPads;
Local Variables
extern PADStatus padData[PAD_MAX_CONTROLLERS]; // internal use only
static u32 PadChanMask[PAD_MAX_CONTROLLERS] =
Name: hwPadCopy
Description: This function copies informations of PADStatus into
hwPadStatus structure. Also attaches some extra
informations such as down/up, stick direction.
This function is internal use only.
Keeps previous state if PAD_ERR_TRANSFER is returned.
Arguments: pad : copy source. (PADStatus)
dmpad : copy destination. (hwPadStatus)
Returns: None
//static void hwPadCopy( PADStatus* pad, hwPadStatus* dmpad )
// u16 dirs;
// if ( pad->err != PAD_ERR_TRANSFER )
// {
// // Detects which direction is the stick(s) pointing.
// // This can be used when we want to use a stick as direction pad.
// dirs = 0;
// if ( pad->stickX < - hw_STICK_THRESHOLD )
// dirs |= hw_STICK_LEFT;
// if ( pad->stickX > hw_STICK_THRESHOLD )
// dirs |= hw_STICK_RIGHT;
// if ( pad->stickY < - hw_STICK_THRESHOLD )
// dirs |= hw_STICK_DOWN;
// if ( pad->stickY > hw_STICK_THRESHOLD )
// dirs |= hw_STICK_UP;
// if ( pad->substickX < - hw_STICK_THRESHOLD )
// dirs |= hw_SUBSTICK_LEFT;
// if ( pad->substickX > hw_STICK_THRESHOLD )
// dirs |= hw_SUBSTICK_RIGHT;
// if ( pad->substickY < - hw_STICK_THRESHOLD )
// dirs |= hw_SUBSTICK_DOWN;
// if ( pad->substickY > hw_STICK_THRESHOLD )
// dirs |= hw_SUBSTICK_UP;
// // Get the direction newly detected / released
// dmpad->dirsNew = PADButtonDown(dmpad->dirs, dirs);
// dmpad->dirsReleased = PADButtonUp(dmpad->dirs, dirs);
// dmpad->dirs = dirs;
// // Get DOWN/UP status of all buttons
// dmpad->buttonDown = PADButtonDown(dmpad->pst.button, pad->button);
// dmpad->buttonUp = PADButtonUp(dmpad->pst.button, pad->button);
// // Get delta of analogs
// dmpad->stickDeltaX = (s16)(pad->stickX - dmpad->pst.stickX);
// dmpad->stickDeltaY = (s16)(pad->stickY - dmpad->pst.stickY);
// dmpad->substickDeltaX = (s16)(pad->substickX - dmpad->pst.substickX);
// dmpad->substickDeltaY = (s16)(pad->substickY - dmpad->pst.substickY);
// // Copy current status into DEMOPadStatus field
// dmpad->pst = *pad;
// }
// else
// {
// // Get the direction newly detected / released
// dmpad->dirsNew = dmpad->dirsReleased = 0;
// // Get DOWN/UP status of all buttons
// dmpad->buttonDown = dmpad->buttonUp = 0;
// // Get delta of analogs
// dmpad->stickDeltaX = dmpad->stickDeltaY = 0;
// dmpad->substickDeltaX = dmpad->substickDeltaY = 0;
// }
Name: hwPadRead
Description: Calls PADRead() and perform clamping. Get information
of button down/up and sets them into extended field.
This function also checks whether controllers are
actually connected.
Arguments: None
Returns: None
void hwPadRead( void )
s32 i;
u32 ResetReq = 0; // for error handling
// Read current PAD status
PADRead( padData );
// Clamp analog inputs
PADClamp( padData );
hwNumValidPads = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < PAD_MAX_CONTROLLERS ; i++ )
// Connection check
if ( padData[i].err == PAD_ERR_NONE ||
padData[i].err == PAD_ERR_TRANSFER )
else if ( padData[i].err == PAD_ERR_NO_CONTROLLER )
ResetReq |= PadChanMask[i];
// hwPadCopy( &padData[i], &hwPad[i] );
// Try resetting pad channels which have been not valid
if ( ResetReq )
// Don't care return status
// If FALSE, then reset again in next hwPadRead.
PADReset( ResetReq );
Name: hwPadInit
Description: Initialize PAD library and exported status
Arguments: None
Returns: None
void hwPadInit( void )
s32 i;
// Set pad analog mode.
// Mode 3:
// stickX, stickY All 8 bits are valid.
// substickX, substickY All 8 bits are valid.
// triggerLeft, triggerRight All 8 bits are valid.
// analogA, analogB All 8 bits are invalid and set to zero.
PADSetAnalogMode( PAD_MODE_3 );
// Initialize pad interface
// Reset exported pad status
for ( i = 0 ; i < PAD_MAX_CONTROLLERS ; i++ )
hwPad[i].pst.button = 0;
hwPad[i].pst.stickX = 0;
hwPad[i].pst.stickY = 0;
hwPad[i].pst.substickX = 0;
hwPad[i].pst.substickY = 0;
hwPad[i].pst.triggerLeft = 0;
hwPad[i].pst.triggerRight = 0;
hwPad[i].pst.analogA = 0;
hwPad[i].pst.analogB = 0;
hwPad[i].pst.err = 0;
hwPad[i].buttonDown = 0;
hwPad[i].buttonUp = 0;
hwPad[i].dirs = 0;
hwPad[i].dirsNew = 0;
hwPad[i].dirsReleased = 0;
hwPad[i].stickDeltaX = 0;
hwPad[i].stickDeltaY = 0;
hwPad[i].substickDeltaX = 0;
hwPad[i].substickDeltaY = 0;
#if 0 // Currently this stuff is not used.
// This set of functions helps the game engine with constant animation
// rate.
// [Sample Code]
// BOOL isRetraced;
// while ( !gameDone )
// {
// do
// {
// isQueued = hwPadQueueRead( OS_MESSAGE_BLOCK );
// Do_animation( );
// }
// while ( isQueued );
// Do_rendering( );
// }
#define hw_PADQ_DEPTH 8
void hwPadQueueInit ( void );
BOOL hwPadQueueRead ( s32 );
void hwPadQueueFlush ( void );
static OSMessageQueue PadValidMsgQ;
static OSMessage PadValidMsg[hw_PADQ_DEPTH];
static OSMessageQueue PadEmptyMsgQ;
static OSMessage PadEmptyMsg[hw_PADQ_DEPTH];
Name: hwPadViCallback
Description: This function should be called once every frame.
Arguments: None
Returns: None
static void hwPadViCallback( u32 retraceCount )
#pragma unused (retraceCount)
PADStatus *padContainer;
#ifdef _DEBUG
static BOOL caution = FALSE;
// Get empty container.
if ( OSReceiveMessage( &PadEmptyMsgQ,
(OSMessage *)&padContainer, OS_MESSAGE_NOBLOCK ) )
// Read the latest pad status into pad container
PADRead( padContainer );
// Send result as message
if ( !OSSendMessage( &PadValidMsgQ,
(OSMessage)padContainer, OS_MESSAGE_NOBLOCK ) )
// The valid queue never be full.
ASSERTMSG( 0, "Logical Error: Valid QUEUE is full." );
#ifdef _DEBUG
caution = FALSE;
#ifdef _DEBUG
ASSERTMSG( caution, "Pad Queue is full." );
caution = TRUE;
Name: hwPadQueueRead
Description: Read gamepad state and set to hwPad[].
No need to care controller error.
(When error, PADState is set to zero in PADRead.)
Arguments: s32 flag: control block/noblock mode.
when flag == OS_MESSAGE_BLOCK,
wait next padinput if queue is empty.
when flag == OS_MESSAGE_NOBLOCK,
return immediately if queue is empty.
Returns: BOOL: FALSE if queue was empty.
TRUE if get queued data.
BOOL hwPadQueueRead( s32 flag )
PADStatus *padContainer;
BOOL isQueued;
u32 i;
// Get pad data from valid data queue
isQueued = OSReceiveMessage( &PadValidMsgQ,
(OSMessage *)&padContainer, OS_MESSAGE_NOBLOCK );
// If queue is empty, wait and sleep until coming pad input on v-retrace
if ( !isQueued )
if ( flag == OS_MESSAGE_BLOCK )
OSReceiveMessage( &PadValidMsgQ,
(OSMessage *)&padContainer, OS_MESSAGE_BLOCK );
return FALSE;
// Copy status to hwPad
for ( i = 0 ; i < PAD_MAX_CONTROLLERS ; i ++ )
hwPadCopy( &padContainer[i], &hwPad[i] );
// Release pad container
if ( !OSSendMessage( &PadEmptyMsgQ,
(OSMessage)padContainer, OS_MESSAGE_NOBLOCK ) )
// The valid queue never be full.
ASSERTMSG( 0, "Logical Error: Empty QUEUE is full." );
return isQueued;
Name: hwPadQueueFlush
Description: Flush Pad-Queue
Arguments: None
Returns: None
void hwPadQueueFlush( void )
OSMessage msg;
while ( OSReceiveMessage( &PadValidMsgQ, &msg, OS_MESSAGE_NOBLOCK ) )
OSSendMessage( &PadEmptyMsgQ, msg, OS_MESSAGE_BLOCK );
Name: hwPadQueueInit
Description: Initialize Pad-Queue utility routines
Arguments: None
Returns: None
void hwPadQueueInit( void )
u32 i;
// Initialize basic pad function
OSInitMessageQueue( &PadValidMsgQ, &PadValidMsg[0], hw_PADQ_DEPTH );
OSInitMessageQueue( &PadEmptyMsgQ, &PadEmptyMsg[0], hw_PADQ_DEPTH );
// Entry pad container
for ( i = 0; i < hw_PADQ_DEPTH; i ++ )
if ( !OSSendMessage( &PadEmptyMsgQ,
(OSMessage)&PadQueue[i][0], OS_MESSAGE_NOBLOCK ) )
ASSERTMSG( 0, "Logical Error: Send Message." );
// Reset pad queue and initialize pad HW
// Register vi Callback function
VISetPostRetraceCallback( hwPadViCallback );
#endif // 0