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#ifndef __SYS_REPLAY_H
#define __SYS_REPLAY_H
#define __USE_REPLAYS__ 0
** Includes **
#ifndef __CORE_DEFINES_H
#include <core/defines.h>
#ifndef __CORE_TASK_H
#include <core/task.h>
#include <core/math/vector.h>
#include <gfx/animcontroller.h>
#ifndef __GFX_NXMODEL_H__
#include <gfx/nxmodel.h>
#ifndef __GEL_OBJECT_H
#include <gel/object.h>
#ifndef __GEL_SOUNDFX_H
#include <gel/soundfx/soundfx.h>
#include <gel/components/vibrationcomponent.h>
#include <sk/objects/skater.h>
** Defines **
namespace Obj
class CObject;
class CSkeletonComponent;
namespace Script
class CStruct;
class CScript;
namespace Replay
class Manager : public Spt::Class
Tsk::Task< Manager > *mp_start_frame_task;
static Tsk::Task< Manager >::Code s_start_frame_code;
Tsk::Task< Manager > *mp_end_frame_task;
static Tsk::Task< Manager >::Code s_end_frame_code;
DeclareSingletonClass( Manager );
// 128 allows for a max of 4096 sectors
struct SGlobalStates
void Reset();
// Warning! If any new members get added or removed, update VERSION_REPLAY in mcfuncs.cpp
// Also update the Reset function.
bool mManualMeterStatus;
float mManualMeterValue;
bool mBalanceMeterStatus;
float mBalanceMeterValue;
int mActuatorStrength[Obj::CVibrationComponent::vVB_NUM_ACTUATORS];
uint32 mpSectorStatus[SECTOR_STATUS_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool mSkaterPaused;
struct SReplayDataHeader
uint32 mBufferStartOffset;
uint32 mBufferEndOffset;
int mNumStartStateDummies;
SGlobalStates mStartState;
// Keep the number of these <= 32
struct SSavedDummy
uint32 m_id;
int m_type;
// char mpModelName[MAX_MODEL_NAME_CHARS+1];
uint32 mSkeletonName;
uint32 mProfileName;
uint32 mAnimScriptName;
uint32 mSectorName;
uint32 mFlags;
float mScale;
Mth::Vector m_pos;
Mth::Vector m_vel;
Mth::Vector m_angles;
Mth::Vector m_ang_vel;
float m_car_rotation_x;
float m_car_rotation_x_vel;
float m_wheel_rotation_x;
float m_wheel_rotation_x_vel;
float m_wheel_rotation_y;
float m_wheel_rotation_y_vel;
Gfx::CAnimChannel m_primaryController;
Gfx::CAnimChannel m_degenerateControllers[NUM_DEGENERATE_ANIMS];
uint32 mAtomicStates;
// These only apply to the skater.
uint32 m_looping_sound_checksum;
float m_pitch_min;
float m_pitch_max;
enum EDummyList
class CDummy : public Obj::CMovingObject
CDummy(EDummyList whichList, uint32 id);
virtual ~CDummy(void);
// If any new members are added to CDummy, remember to update the following:
// CDummy constructor, initialise new member
// assignement operator, copy new member.
// CDummy::Save function, save new member, and add to SSavedDummy, and update mem card version number
// Replay::CreateDummyFromSaveData function, copy in new member.
// Update VERSION_REPLAY in memcard.q
CDummy& operator=( const CDummy& rhs );
EDummyList m_list;
CDummy *mpNext;
CDummy *mpPrevious;
void Update();
void CreateModel();
void DisplayModel();
void UpdateMutedSounds();
void UpdateLoopingSound();
void Save(SSavedDummy *p_saved_dummy);
// char mpModelName[MAX_MODEL_NAME_CHARS+1];
uint32 mSkeletonName;
uint32 mProfileName;
uint32 mAnimScriptName;
uint32 mSectorName;
bool m_is_displayed;
float mScale;
uint32 mFlags;
int mHoverPeriod;
Mth::Vector m_vel;
Mth::Vector m_angles;
Mth::Vector m_ang_vel;
float m_car_rotation_x;
float m_car_rotation_x_vel;
float m_wheel_rotation_x;
float m_wheel_rotation_x_vel;
float m_wheel_rotation_y;
float m_wheel_rotation_y_vel;
Gfx::CAnimChannel m_primaryController;
Gfx::CAnimChannel m_degenerateControllers[NUM_DEGENERATE_ANIMS];
Nx::CModel *mp_rendered_model;
Gfx::Camera *mp_skater_camera;
//Obj::CSkaterCam *mp_skater_camera;
uint32 mAtomicStates;
uint32 m_looping_sound_id;
uint32 m_looping_sound_checksum;
float m_pitch_min;
float m_pitch_max;
bool LoadSkeleton( uint32 skeletonChecksum );
Gfx::CSkeleton* GetSkeleton();
Obj::CSkeletonComponent* mp_skeletonComponent;
// The bigger this is the better, since it will speed up saving of replays to mem card.
// A static buffer of this size exists though, so don't make it too big.
// These functions have platform specific versions.
// On the GameCube for example, the buffer is in ARAM.
void AllocateBuffer();
void DeallocateBuffer();
bool BufferAllocated();
uint32 GetBufferSize();
void ReadFromBuffer(uint8 *p_dest, int bufferOffset, int numBytes);
void WriteIntoBuffer(uint8 *p_source, int bufferOffset, int numBytes);
void FillBuffer(int bufferOffset, int numBytes, uint8 value);
void WriteReplayDataHeader(SReplayDataHeader *p_header);
void ReadReplayDataHeader(const SReplayDataHeader *p_header);
void CreateDummyFromSaveData(SSavedDummy *p_saved_dummy);
CDummy *GetFirstStartStateDummy();
void ClearBuffer();
uint8 *GetTempBuffer();
void CreatePools();
void RemovePools();
void DeallocateReplayMemory();
bool ScriptDeleteDummies( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript );
bool ScriptHideGameObjects( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript );
bool ScriptShowGameObjects( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript );
bool ScriptRunningReplay( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript );
bool ScriptPauseReplay( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript );
bool ScriptUnPauseReplay( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript );
bool ScriptAllocateReplayMemory(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript);
bool ScriptDeallocateReplayMemory(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript);
bool ScriptStartRecordingAfresh(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript);
bool ScriptRememberLevelStructureNameForReplays(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript);
void SetLevelStructureName(uint32 level_structure_name);
bool ScriptGetReplayLevelStructureName(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript);
bool ScriptPlaybackReplay(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript);
bool ScriptReplayRecordSimpleScriptCall(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript);
bool ScriptRecordPanelMessage(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript);
bool ScriptSwitchToReplayRecordMode( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript );
bool ScriptSwitchToReplayIdleMode( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript );
bool ScriptClearTrickAndScoreText(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript);
void WritePadVibration(int actuator, int percent);
void WritePauseSkater();
void WriteUnPauseSkater();
void WriteScreenFlash(int viewport, Image::RGBA from, Image::RGBA to, float duration, float z, uint32 flags);
void WriteShatter(uint32 sectorName, bool on);
void WriteShatterParams(Mth::Vector& velocity, float area_test, float velocity_variance, float spread_factor, float lifetime, float bounce, float bounce_amplitude);
void WriteTextureSplat(Mth::Vector& splat_start, Mth::Vector& splat_end, float size, float lifetime, const char *p_texture_name, uint32 trail );
void WriteSectorActiveStatus(uint32 sectorName, bool active);
void WriteSectorVisibleStatus(uint32 sectorName, bool visible);
void WriteManualMeter(bool state, float value);
void WriteBalanceMeter(bool state, float value);
void WriteSparksOn();
void WriteSparksOff();
void WriteScorePotText(const char *p_text);
void WriteTrickText(const char **pp_text, int numStrings);
void WriteTrickTextPulse();
void WriteTrickTextCountdown();
void WriteTrickTextLanded();
void WriteTrickTextBail();
void WriteSetAtomicStates(uint32 id, uint32 mask);
void WritePlayStream(uint32 checksum, Sfx::sVolume *p_volume, float pitch, int priority);
void WriteStopStream(int channel);
void WritePositionalStream(uint32 dummyId, uint32 streamNameChecksum, float dropoff, float volume, float pitch, int priority, int use_pos_info);
void WritePositionalSoundEffect(uint32 dummyId, uint32 soundName, float volume, float pitch, float dropOffDist);
void WriteSkaterSoundEffect(int whichArray, int surfaceFlag, const Mth::Vector &pos,
float volPercent);
void WritePlaySound(uint32 checksum, float volL, float volR, float pitch);
void PrepareForReplayPlayback(bool hideObjects);
bool RunningReplay();
bool Paused();
void AddReplayMemCardInfo(Script::CStruct *p_struct);
void AddReplayMemCardSummaryInfo(Script::CStruct *p_struct);
SGlobalStates *GetStartState();
// These functions have platform specific versions.
// On the GameCube for example, the buffer is in ARAM.
inline void AllocateBuffer(){}
inline void DeallocateBuffer(){}
//bool BufferAllocated(){}
//uint32 GetBufferSize(){}
inline void ReadFromBuffer(uint8 *p_dest, int bufferOffset, int numBytes){}
inline void WriteIntoBuffer(uint8 *p_source, int bufferOffset, int numBytes){}
inline void FillBuffer(int bufferOffset, int numBytes, uint8 value){}
inline void WriteReplayDataHeader(SReplayDataHeader *p_header){}
inline void ReadReplayDataHeader(const SReplayDataHeader *p_header){}
inline void CreateDummyFromSaveData(SSavedDummy *p_saved_dummy){}
//CDummy *GetFirstStartStateDummy(){}
inline void ClearBuffer(){}
//uint8 *GetTempBuffer(){}
inline void CreatePools(){}
inline void RemovePools(){}
inline void DeallocateReplayMemory(){}
inline bool ScriptDeleteDummies( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript ){return true;}
inline bool ScriptHideGameObjects( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript ){return true;}
inline bool ScriptShowGameObjects( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript ){return true;}
inline bool ScriptRunningReplay( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript ){return false;}
inline bool ScriptPauseReplay( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript ){return true;}
inline bool ScriptUnPauseReplay( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript ){return true;}
inline bool ScriptAllocateReplayMemory(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript){return true;}
inline bool ScriptDeallocateReplayMemory(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript){return true;}
inline bool ScriptStartRecordingAfresh(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript){return true;}
inline bool ScriptRememberLevelStructureNameForReplays(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript){return true;}
inline void SetLevelStructureName(uint32 level_structure_name){}
inline bool ScriptGetReplayLevelStructureName(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript){return true;}
inline bool ScriptPlaybackReplay(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript){return true;}
inline bool ScriptReplayRecordSimpleScriptCall(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript){return true;}
inline bool ScriptRecordPanelMessage(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript){return true;}
inline bool ScriptSwitchToReplayRecordMode( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript ){return true;}
inline bool ScriptSwitchToReplayIdleMode( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript ){return true;}
inline bool ScriptClearTrickAndScoreText(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript){return true;}
inline void WritePadVibration(int actuator, int percent){}
inline void WritePauseSkater(){}
inline void WriteUnPauseSkater(){}
inline void WriteScreenFlash(int viewport, Image::RGBA from, Image::RGBA to, float duration, float z, uint32 flags){}
inline void WriteShatter(uint32 sectorName, bool on){}
inline void WriteShatterParams(Mth::Vector& velocity, float area_test, float velocity_variance, float spread_factor, float lifetime, float bounce, float bounce_amplitude){}
inline void WriteTextureSplat(Mth::Vector& splat_start, Mth::Vector& splat_end, float size, float lifetime, const char *p_texture_name, uint32 trail ){}
inline void WriteSectorActiveStatus(uint32 sectorName, bool active){}
inline void WriteSectorVisibleStatus(uint32 sectorName, bool visible){}
inline void WriteManualMeter(bool state, float value){}
inline void WriteBalanceMeter(bool state, float value){}
inline void WriteSparksOn(){}
inline void WriteSparksOff(){}
inline void WriteScorePotText(const char *p_text){}
inline void WriteTrickText(const char **pp_text, int numStrings){}
inline void WriteTrickTextPulse(){}
inline void WriteTrickTextCountdown(){}
inline void WriteTrickTextLanded(){}
inline void WriteTrickTextBail(){}
inline void WriteSetAtomicStates(uint32 id, uint32 mask){}
inline void WritePlayStream(uint32 checksum, Sfx::sVolume *p_volume, float pitch, int priority){}
inline void WriteStopStream(int channel){}
inline void WritePositionalStream(uint32 dummyId, uint32 streamNameChecksum, float dropoff, float volume, float pitch, int priority, int use_pos_info){}
inline void WritePositionalSoundEffect(uint32 dummyId, uint32 soundName, float volume, float pitch, float dropOffDist){}
inline void WriteSkaterSoundEffect(int whichArray, int surfaceFlag, const Mth::Vector &pos,
float volPercent){}
inline void WritePlaySound(uint32 checksum, float volL, float volR, float pitch){}
inline void PrepareForReplayPlayback(bool hideObjects){}
inline bool RunningReplay(){return false;}
inline bool Paused(){return false;}
inline void AddReplayMemCardInfo(Script::CStruct *p_struct){}
inline void AddReplayMemCardSummaryInfo(Script::CStruct *p_struct){}
//SGlobalStates *GetStartState(){}
} // namespace Replay
#endif // __SYS_REPLAY_H