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// Config Manager stuff. KSH 20 Mar 2002
#include <sys/config/config.h>
namespace Config
ETerritory gTerritory=TERRITORY_UNDEFINED;
bool gGotExtraMemory=false;
bool gCD=false;
bool gBootstrap=false;
bool gSonyBootstrap=false;
float gMasterVolume = 100.0f; // precentage at which we play the overall volume
char gReturnTo[128]; // full path of executable we return to from a demo (second argument if first is "bootstrap")
char gReturnString[128]; // string that we return for demo
EDisplayType gDisplayType=DISPLAY_TYPE_NTSC;
int gFPS=60;
const char *gpMemCardHeader="";
// Returns true if p_string starts with p_prefix. Non-case-sensitive.
// (don't want to use strstr cos it is case sensitive)
static bool sIsPrefixedWith(const char *p_string, const char *p_prefix)
if (!p_string || !p_prefix) return false;
int string_len=strlen(p_string);
int prefix_len=strlen(p_prefix);
if (prefix_len>string_len)
// Can't be prefixed if shorter than the prefix.
return false;
char p_buf[100];
Dbg_MsgAssert(string_len<100,("String too long for buffer"));
if (stricmp(p_buf,p_prefix)==0)
return true;
return false;
// If p_name is found to be followed by an equals in the command line, then this function
// will return the word following the equals.
// If p_name is not found, or equals blank, it will return NULL.
const char *GetCommandLineParam(const char *p_name, sint argc, char** argv)
const char *p_found=NULL;
for (int i=0; i<argc; ++i)
if (sIsPrefixedWith(argv[i],p_name))
// p_name matches the start of argv[i]
// Now see if it is followed by an equals.
int len=strlen(p_name);
char *p_next_char=argv[i]+len;
if (*p_next_char=='=')
// It is followed by an equals.
if (*p_next_char)
// There is something after the equals, so use that.
// Use the next word, if there is one.
if (i<argc-1)
else if (*p_next_char==0)
// p_name matches argv[i] exactly.
// So see if argv[i+1] starts with an equals.
if (i<argc-1 && argv[i+1][0]=='=')
if (argv[i+1][1]==0)
// argv[i+1] is just '=', so use the next string.
if (i<argc-2)
// There is a word following the initial '=' in argv[i+1],
// so use that word.
return p_found;
// Returns true if the command line contains the word p_name anywhere. Not case sensitive.
bool CommandLineContainsFlag(const char *p_name, sint argc, char** argv)
if (!p_name) return false;
for (int i=0; i<argc; ++i)
if (stricmp(argv[i],p_name)==0)
return true;
return false;
// This function is the first thing called from main()
// It fills in all the globals in the Config namespace.
// It calls the platform specific Plat_Init() first.
// The idea is that the Plat_Init() function will do its best to fill in as many of the globals
// as it can.
// Then, the rest of the Init() function will fill in any that are missing, or override some
// based on the command line parameters.
// For example, the PS2 Plat_Init will look at the executable name to derive the territory.
// However, if the executable name is just skate5.elf it contains no territory info.
// So the Init() function, on seeing that the territory is undefined, will derive the territory
// from the language and whether it is PAL.
void Init(sint argc, char** argv)
// Override the gCD flag if CD or NotCD are present on the command line.
if (CommandLineContainsFlag("CD",argc,argv))
if (CommandLineContainsFlag("NotCD",argc,argv))
if (CommandLineContainsFlag("Bootstrap",argc,argv))
if (argc > 2)
if (argc > 3)
printf ("This bootstrap demo will return to %s passing back: %s\n",gReturnTo,gReturnString);
if (CommandLineContainsFlag("NotBootstrap",argc,argv))
if (CommandLineContainsFlag("Pal",argc,argv))
if (CommandLineContainsFlag("NTSC",argc,argv))
const char *p_frame_rate=GetCommandLineParam("FrameRate",argc,argv);
if (p_frame_rate)
if (strcmp(p_frame_rate,"50")==0)
if (strcmp(p_frame_rate,"60")==0)
const char* GetMemCardHeader()
return gpMemCardHeader;
// Return the string for the directory we are running in
// generally this will be the root
// but when making a demo disk, then it will be the "THPS4" directory
const char* GetDirectory()
if (Bootstrap())
return "THPS4\\"; // generally a subdirectory off the root
return ""; // nothing needed it it is the root
const char* GetLanguageName()
switch (gLanguage)
case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: return "English"; break;
case LANGUAGE_FRENCH: return "French"; break;
case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return "German"; break;
case LANGUAGE_JAPANESE: return "Japanese"; break;
case LANGUAGE_SPANISH: return "Spanish"; break;
case LANGUAGE_ITALIAN: return "Italian"; break;
case LANGUAGE_DUTCH: return "Dutch"; break;
case LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE: return "Portuguese"; break;
default: return "Unknown language"; break;
const char* GetTerritoryName()
switch (gTerritory)
case TERRITORY_EUROPE: return "Europe"; break;
case TERRITORY_US: return "US"; break;
case TERRITORY_ASIA: return "Asia"; break;
default: return "Unknown territory"; break;
const char* GetHardwareName()
switch (gHardware)
case HARDWARE_PS2: return "PS2"; break;
case HARDWARE_PS2_PROVIEW: return "PS2 ProView"; break;
case HARDWARE_PS2_DEVSYSTEM: return "PS2 Dev System"; break;
case HARDWARE_XBOX: return "XBox"; break;
case HARDWARE_NGC: return "GameCube"; break;
case HARDWARE_WIN32: return "Win32"; break;
default: return "Unknown platform"; break;
const char* GetDisplayTypeName()
switch (gDisplayType)
case DISPLAY_TYPE_PAL: return "PAL"; break;
case DISPLAY_TYPE_NTSC: return "NTSC"; break;
default: return "Unknown display type"; break;
} // namespace Config