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// NxParticle.h
#ifndef __GFX_NXPARTICLE_H__
#define __GFX_NXPARTICLE_H__
#ifndef __CORE_DEFINES_H
#include <core/defines.h>
#include <gfx/image/imagebasic.h>
#include <gfx/nxtexture.h>
#ifndef __GEL_OBJECT_H
#include <gel/object.h>
#include <sk/objects/movingobject.h>
namespace Script
// Forward declarations
class CScript;
namespace Nx
// Forward declarations
class CParticleEntry;
// The CParticle class is the platform independent abstract base class
// of the platform specific CParticle classes
class CParticle : public Obj::CMovingObject
CParticle( uint32 checksum );
CParticle( uint32 checksum, int maxParticles );
virtual ~CParticle();
void process( float delta_time );
void render( void );
void emit( int count );
void set_pos( float x, float y, float z ) { m_pos[X] = x; m_pos[Y] = y; m_pos[Z] = z; }
void set_speed_range( float min, float max ) { m_speed_min = min; m_speed_max = max; }
void set_emit_range( float width, float height ) { m_emit_w = width; m_emit_h = height; }
void set_emit_angle_spread( float spread ) { m_emit_angle_spread = spread; }
void set_random_angle( bool random_angle ) { m_random_angle = random_angle; }
void set_circular_emit( bool circular_emit ) { m_circular_emit = circular_emit; }
void set_force( float x, float y, float z ) { m_fx = x; m_fy = y; m_fz = z; }
void set_particle_start_size( float w, float h ) { m_sw = w; m_sh = h; }
void set_particle_end_size( float w, float h ) { m_ew = w; m_eh = h; }
void set_particle_life( float min, float max ) { m_life_min = min; m_life_max = max; m_life_set = true; }
void set_emit_target( float x, float y, float z ) { m_tx = x; m_ty = y; m_tz = z; }
void set_emit_angle( float x, float y, float z ) { m_ax = x; m_ay = y; m_az = z; }
void set_emit_rate( float rate ) { m_emit_rate = rate; }
void set_checkum(uint32 checksum) {m_checksum = checksum;}
void delete_when_empty( void ) { m_delete_when_empty = true; }
bool CallMemberFunction (uint32 Checksum, Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript); // Call a member function based on the checksum of the function name
void set_emit_script( uint32 checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams );
void set_update_script( uint32 checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams );
void SetActive( bool active );
bool IsActive() { return m_active; }
void SetEmitting( bool emitting ) { m_emitting = emitting; }
bool IsEmitting() { return m_emitting; }
void SetPerm( bool perm ) { m_perm = perm; }
bool IsPerm() { return m_perm; }
void SetNumParticles( int num ) { m_num_particles = num; }
int GetNumParticles( void ) { return m_num_particles; }
void Refresh();
// Extensions for Mike's system.
float m_emit_rate; // The rate of emission - 1.0 = 1 per frame.
// Member variables (protected so the p-classes can access them)
int m_max_particles; // Maximum size of particle array.
int m_num_particles; // Current number of active particles.
float m_speed_min; // Initial Speed setting.
float m_speed_max;
float m_emit_w, m_emit_h; // Emitter dimensions.
float m_emit_angle_spread; // Angle spread from 0 to 1.
// Should be changed to a flag value...
bool m_random_angle; // true means use a random angle, regardless of the emit pos.
bool m_circular_emit; // true means emit in a circle.
float m_fx, m_fy, m_fz; // Initial Force values. fy is gravity, will not dec to 0.
float m_sw, m_sh; // Initial width & height.
float m_ew, m_eh; // Initial width & height.
float m_life_min, m_life_max; // Life min & max
float m_tx, m_ty, m_tz; // Target position.
float m_ax, m_ay, m_az; // Angle rotations.
uint32 m_checksum;
bool m_delete_when_empty; // When m_num_particles == 0, this system will self-delete.
CParticleEntry* mp_particle_array; // Pointer to array of particles.
Script::CScript* mp_emit_script;
Script::CScript* mp_update_script;
// parameters that will be passed to the emit/update scripts
// generally used for passing the ID of a moving object
Script::CStruct* mp_params;
bool m_active;
bool m_emitting;
float m_mid_time; // Time of the mid color.
bool m_life_set;
bool m_end_set;
bool m_perm; // true if not deleted between levels
// The virtual functions have a stub implementation.
virtual void plat_render( void );
virtual void plat_get_position( int entry, int list, float * x, float * y, float * z );
virtual void plat_set_position( int entry, int list, float x, float y, float z );
virtual void plat_add_position( int entry, int list, float x, float y, float z );
virtual int plat_get_num_vertex_lists( void );
virtual int plat_get_num_particle_colors( void );
virtual void plat_set_sr( int entry, uint8 value );
virtual void plat_set_sg( int entry, uint8 value );
virtual void plat_set_sb( int entry, uint8 value );
virtual void plat_set_sa( int entry, uint8 value );
virtual void plat_set_mr( int entry, uint8 value );
virtual void plat_set_mg( int entry, uint8 value );
virtual void plat_set_mb( int entry, uint8 value );
virtual void plat_set_ma( int entry, uint8 value );
virtual void plat_set_er( int entry, uint8 value );
virtual void plat_set_eg( int entry, uint8 value );
virtual void plat_set_eb( int entry, uint8 value );
virtual void plat_set_ea( int entry, uint8 value );
virtual void plat_set_active( bool active );
virtual void plat_build_path( void );
void set_defaults( void );
// Particle system entry. Does very little other than hold information. The controller does all the work.
class CParticleEntry
// float m_x, m_y, m_z; // Current x, y, z positions.
float m_vx, m_vy, m_vz; // Current velocity.
float m_fx, m_fy, m_fz; // Current force.
float m_sw, m_sh; // Start Width & Height.
float m_ew, m_eh; // EndWidth & Height.
float m_time, m_life; // Current time & life of particle.
friend CParticle;
#endif //