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#include <core/defines.h>
#include <core/debug.h>
#include <xgraphics.h>
#include "nx_init.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "screenfx.h"
// A filter sample holds a subpixel offset and a filter value
// to be multiplied by a source texture to compute an arbitrary
// filter. See filter_copy for more details.
struct FilterSample
FLOAT fValue; // Coefficient
FLOAT fOffsetX, fOffsetY; // Subpixel offsets of supersamples in destination coordinates
// The depth-mapping pixel shader attempts to do higher precision
// math with eight-bit color registers. The _x4 instruction modifier
// is used twice to get a 16x range of values.
FLOAT g_fPixelShaderScale = 16.0f; // to get into the right range, we scale up the value in the pixel shader
FLOAT m_fDepth0 = 0.900f;
FLOAT m_fDepth1 = 0.997f;
D3DTexture* m_pTextureFocusRange = NULL; // Lookup table for range of z values to use
// Enumeration of blur filters available in this sample to compare the speed and quality of different types of blur filters for
// the out-of-focus parts of the scene.
namespace NxXbox
void draw_rain( void )
static float table_x[512];
static float table_y[512];
static bool table_set = false;
static int table_index = 0;
if( !table_set )
table_set = true;
for( int i = 0; i < 512; ++i )
table_x[i] = ((float)( rand() - ( RAND_MAX / 2 )) * 32.0f ) / (float)RAND_MAX;
table_y[i] = ((float)rand() * 12.0f ) / (float)RAND_MAX;
static float radius = 24.0f;
// Distance of the drip from the camera.
static float distance = 10.0f * 12.0f;
// Drip vector.
static Mth::Vector offset( 0.0f, -1.0f * radius, 0.0f );
static Mth::Vector offset_target( 0.0f, -1.0f * radius, 0.0f );
static int num_drops = 1000;
if(( rand() & 63 ) == 1 )
offset_target[X] = ( radius * 0.25f * ( rand() - ( RAND_MAX / 2 ))) / RAND_MAX;
offset_target[Y] = ( radius * -1.0f * rand() ) / RAND_MAX;
offset_target[Z] = ( radius * 0.25f * ( rand() - ( RAND_MAX / 2 ))) / RAND_MAX;
offset_target.Normalize( radius );
offset += ( offset_target - offset ) * 0.2f;
offset.Normalize( radius );
D3DXVECTOR4 or( EngineGlobals.cam_position.x + ( distance * EngineGlobals.cam_at.x ),
EngineGlobals.cam_position.y + ( distance * EngineGlobals.cam_at.y ),
EngineGlobals.cam_position.z + ( distance * EngineGlobals.cam_at.z ),
1.0f );
D3DXVECTOR4 of( or.x + offset[X], or.y + offset[Y], or.z + offset[Z], 1.0f );
D3DXVec4Transform( &or, &or, (D3DXMATRIX*)&EngineGlobals.view_matrix );
D3DXVec4Transform( &of, &of, (D3DXMATRIX*)&EngineGlobals.view_matrix );
D3DXVec4Transform( &or, &or, (D3DXMATRIX*)&EngineGlobals.projection_matrix );
D3DXVec4Transform( &of, &of, (D3DXMATRIX*)&EngineGlobals.projection_matrix );
or.x /= or.w;
or.y /= or.w;
of.x /= of.w;
of.y /= of.w;
of.y = -of.y;
// printf( "(%.2f %.2f) (%.2f %.2f)\n", or.x, or.y, of.x, of.y );
// Obtain push buffer lock.
DWORD *p_push;
DWORD dwords_per_particle = 10;
DWORD dword_count = dwords_per_particle * num_drops;
// Submit particle material.
// mp_engine_particle->mp_material->Submit();
NxXbox::set_blend_mode( vBLEND_MODE_BLEND );
// Set up correct vertex and pixel shader.
NxXbox::set_vertex_shader( D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE );
NxXbox::set_pixel_shader( PixelShader5 );
// The additional number (+5 is minimum) is to reserve enough overhead for the encoding parameters. It can safely be more, but no less.
p_push = D3DDevice_BeginPush( dword_count + 32 );
// Note that p_push is returned as a pointer to write-combined memory. Writes to write-combined memory should be
// consecutive and in increasing order. Reads should be avoided. Additionally, any CPU reads from memory or the
// L2 cache can force expensive partial flushes of the 32-byte write-combine cache.
p_push[1] = D3DPT_LINELIST;
p_push += 2;
// Set up loop variables here, since we be potentially entering the loop more than once.
int lp = 0;
while( dword_count > 0 )
int dwords_written = 0;
// NOTE: A maximum of 2047 DWORDs can be specified to D3DPUSH_ENCODE. If there is more than 2047 DWORDs of vertex
// data, simply split the data into multiple D3DPUSH_ENCODE( D3DPUSH_INLINE_ARRAY ) sections.
p_push[0] = D3DPUSH_ENCODE( D3DPUSH_NOINCREMENT_FLAG | D3DPUSH_INLINE_ARRAY, ( dword_count > 2047 ) ? ((int)( 2047 / dwords_per_particle )) * dwords_per_particle: dword_count );
for( ; lp < num_drops; lp++ )
// Check to see if writing another particle will take us over the edge.
if(( dwords_written + dwords_per_particle ) > 2047 )
float screen_x0 = (float)(( NxXbox::EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width * rand() ) / RAND_MAX );
float screen_y0 = (float)(( NxXbox::EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height * rand() ) / RAND_MAX );
int random_length = rand();
float screen_x1 = (float)( screen_x0 + (( of.x * ( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width / 2 ) * random_length ) / RAND_MAX ));
float screen_y1 = (float)( screen_y0 + (( of.y * ( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height / 2 ) * random_length ) / RAND_MAX ));
screen_x1 += table_x[table_index];
screen_y1 += table_y[table_index];
table_index = ( table_index >= 512 ) ? 0 : ( table_index + 1 );
p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&screen_x0 );
p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&screen_y0 );
p_push[2] = 0x00000000UL;
p_push[3] = 0x00000000UL;
p_push[4] = 0xA0808080UL;
p_push += 5;
p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&screen_x1 );
p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&screen_y1 );
p_push[2] = 0x00000000UL;
p_push[3] = 0x00000000UL;
p_push[4] = 0x20808080UL;
p_push += 5;
dwords_written += dwords_per_particle;
dword_count -= dwords_per_particle;
p_push[1] = 0;
p_push += 2;
D3DDevice_EndPush( p_push );
// For mapping from the depth buffer to blend values using
// a texture map lookup. See media\shaders\depthlookup.psh
// This is more general than computing the range as in
// media\shaders\depth.psh, since the ramp can be filled in
// arbitrarily, but may be more expensive due to the extra texture
// lookup.
float FUnitMap(float fAlpha, float fBlue, float fAlphaOffset, float fAlphaSlope, float fBlueOffset, float fBlueSlope)
//return g_fPixelShaderScale * fAlphaSlope * (fAlpha - fAlphaOffset) + fBlueSlope * fBlue + fBlueOffset - 0.5f;
return g_fPixelShaderScale * fAlphaSlope * (fAlpha - fAlphaOffset) + fBlueSlope * (fBlue - fBlueOffset);
float FQuantizedDepth(float fDepth, float *pfAlpha, float *pfBlue)
float fDepth16 = fDepth * (float)(1 << 16);
DWORD dwDepth16 = (DWORD)(fDepth16 /*+ 0.5f*/);
*pfAlpha = (dwDepth16 >> 8) * (1.0f / 255.0f);
*pfBlue = (dwDepth16 & 0xff) * (1.0f / 255.0f);
return (float)dwDepth16 / (float)(1 << 16);
// Name: CalculateDepthMapping()
// Desc: Calculate offsets and slope to map given z range to 0,1 in
// the depth and focus pixel shaders.
static HRESULT calculate_depth_mapping( float fDepth0, float fDepth1, float* pfAlphaOffset, float* pfAlphaSlope, float* pfBlueOffset, float* pfBlueSlope )
// Check range of args
if( fDepth0 < 0.0f ) fDepth0 = 0.0f;
if( fDepth0 > 1.0f ) fDepth0 = 1.0f;
if( fDepth1 < 0.0f ) fDepth1 = 0.0f;
if( fDepth1 > 1.0f ) fDepth1 = 1.0f;
if( fDepth1 < fDepth0 )
// Swap depth to make fDepth0 <= fDepth1
float t = fDepth1;
fDepth1 = fDepth0;
fDepth0 = t;
// Calculate quantized values
float fAlpha0, fBlue0;
float fQuantizedDepth0 = FQuantizedDepth(fDepth0, &fAlpha0, &fBlue0);
float fAlpha1, fBlue1;
float fQuantizedDepth1 = FQuantizedDepth(fDepth1, &fAlpha1, &fBlue1);
// Calculate offset and slopes
float fScale = 1.0f / (fQuantizedDepth1 - fQuantizedDepth0);
if( fScale > g_fPixelShaderScale )
fScale = g_fPixelShaderScale; // This is the steepest slope we can handle
fDepth0 = 0.5f * (fDepth0 + fDepth1) - 0.5f / fScale; // Move start so that peak is in middle of fDepth0 and fDepth1
fDepth1 = fDepth0 + 1.0f / fScale;
fQuantizedDepth0 = FQuantizedDepth(fDepth0, &fAlpha0, &fBlue0);
fQuantizedDepth1 = FQuantizedDepth(fDepth1, &fAlpha1, &fBlue1);
(*pfAlphaOffset) = fAlpha0;
(*pfAlphaSlope) = fScale / g_fPixelShaderScale;
(*pfBlueSlope) = fScale * (1.0f/255.0f); // blue ramp adds more levels to the ramp
// Align peak of map to center by calculating the quantized alpha value
// *pfBlueOffset = 0.5f; // zero biased up by 0.5f
// float fZeroDesired = (fQuantizedDepth0 - fDepth0) / (fDepth1 - fDepth0);
// float fZero = FUnitMap(fAlpha0, fBlue0, *pfAlphaOffset, *pfAlphaSlope, *pfBlueOffset, *pfBlueSlope);
// float fOneDesired = (fQuantizedDepth1 - fDepth0) / (fDepth1 - fDepth0);
// float fOne = FUnitMap(fAlpha1, fBlue1, *pfAlphaOffset, *pfAlphaSlope, *pfBlueOffset, *pfBlueSlope);
// *pfBlueOffset = 0.5f * (fZeroDesired-fZero + fOneDesired-fOne) + 0.5f; // biased up by 0.5f
(*pfBlueOffset) = fBlue0;
return S_OK;
static HRESULT fill_focus_range_texture( bool bRamp )
static const DWORD Width = 256;
static const DWORD Height = 256;
// Create the focus range texture
if( m_pTextureFocusRange )
EngineGlobals.p_Device->CreateTexture( Width, Height, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A8, 0, &m_pTextureFocusRange );
// Fill the focus range texture
D3DLOCKED_RECT lockedRect;
hr = m_pTextureFocusRange->LockRect( 0, &lockedRect, NULL, 0L );
if( FAILED(hr) )
return hr;
DWORD dwPixelStride = 1;
Swizzler s(Width, Height, 0);
if( bRamp )
for( DWORD j = 0; j < Height; j++ )
for( DWORD i = 0; i < Width; i++ )
BYTE *p = (BYTE *)lockedRect.pBits + dwPixelStride * s.Get2D();
*p = (BYTE)i;
// float fAlphaOffset, fAlphaSlope, fBlueOffset, fBlueSlope;
// calculate_depth_mapping( m_fDepth0, m_fDepth1, &fAlphaOffset, &fAlphaSlope, &fBlueOffset, &fBlueSlope );
for( DWORD i = 0; i < Width; i++ )
float z_high = (float)i / ( Width - 1 );
for( DWORD j = 0; j < Height; j++ )
BYTE *p = (BYTE *)lockedRect.pBits + dwPixelStride * s.Get2D();
// float fAlpha = (float)i / (Width - 1);
// float fBlue = (float)j / (Height - 1);
// float fUnit = 2.0f * (FUnitMap(fAlpha, fBlue, fAlphaOffset, fAlphaSlope, fBlueOffset, fBlueSlope) - 0.5f);
// float fMap = 1.0f - fUnit * fUnit;
// if( fMap < 0.0f ) fMap = 0.0f;
// if( fMap > 1.0f ) fMap = 1.0f;
// *p = (BYTE)(255 * fMap + 0.5f);
float z_low = (float)j / ( Height - 1 );
float quantized_z = ((( z_high * 256.0f ) + z_low ) * 256.0f ) / 65536.0f;
if( quantized_z < m_fDepth0 )
*p = 0;
else if( quantized_z > m_fDepth1 )
*p = 0;
*p = 255;
m_pTextureFocusRange->UnlockRect( 0 );
return S_OK;
// Name: filter_copy()
// Desc: Filter the source texture by rendering into the destination texture
// with subpixel offsets. Does 4 filter coefficients at a time, using all
// the stages of the pixel shader.
D3DTexture* m_pBlur;
static HRESULT filter_copy( LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 pTextureDst,
DWORD dwNumSamples,
FilterSample rSample[],
DWORD dwSuperSampleX,
DWORD dwSuperSampleY )
// Set destination as render target, with no-depth buffer
pTextureDst->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &pSurface );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderTarget( pSurface, NULL );
// Get descriptions of source and destination
pTextureSrc->GetLevelDesc( 0, &descSrc );
descSrc.Width *= 2;
// Set render state for filtering
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE );
set_render_state( RS_ZWRITEENABLE, 0 );
set_render_state( RS_ZTESTENABLE, 0 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHATESTENABLE, 0 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, 0 );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_BLENDOP, D3DBLENDOP_ADD ); // Setup subsequent renderings to add to previous value
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE );
// Set texture state
for( xx = 0; xx < 4; xx++ )
set_texture( xx, pTextureSrc ); // use our source texture for all four stages
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetTextureStageState( xx, D3DTSS_TEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS, D3DTTFF_DISABLE ); // pass texture coords without transformation
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetTextureStageState( xx, D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX, xx ); // each texture has different tex coords
set_render_state( RS_UVADDRESSMODE0 + xx, 0x00010001UL );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetTextureStageState( xx, D3DTSS_ALPHAKILL, D3DTALPHAKILL_DISABLE );
// Use blur pixel shader.
set_pixel_shader( PixelShaderFocusBlur );
set_vertex_shader( D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_TEX4 );
// Prepare quadrilateral vertices
float x0 = -0.5f;
float y0 = -0.5f;
float x1 = (float)( descSrc.Width / dwSuperSampleX ) - 0.5f;
float y1 = (float)( descSrc.Height / dwSuperSampleY ) - 0.5f;
struct QUAD
float x, y, z, w1;
struct uv
float u, v;
} tex[4]; // each texture has different offset
QUAD aQuad[4] =
{ x0, y0, 1.0f, 1.0f, }, // texture coords are set below
{ x1, y0, 1.0f, 1.0f, },
{ x0, y1, 1.0f, 1.0f, },
{ x1, y1, 1.0f, 1.0f, }
// Draw a quad for each block of 4 filter coefficients
xx = 0; // current texture stage
FLOAT fOffsetScaleX, fOffsetScaleY; // convert destination coords to source texture coords
FLOAT u0, v0, u1, v1; // base source rectangle.
if( XGIsSwizzledFormat( descSrc.Format ))
FLOAT fWidthScale = 1.0f / (FLOAT)descSrc.Width;
FLOAT fHeightScale = 1.0f / (FLOAT)descSrc.Height;
fOffsetScaleX = (FLOAT)dwSuperSampleX * fWidthScale;
fOffsetScaleY = (FLOAT)dwSuperSampleY * fHeightScale;
u0 = 0.0f;
v0 = 0.0f;
u1 = (FLOAT)descSrc.Width * fWidthScale;
v1 = (FLOAT)descSrc.Height * fHeightScale;
fOffsetScaleX = (FLOAT)dwSuperSampleX;
fOffsetScaleY = (FLOAT)dwSuperSampleY;
u0 = 0.0f;
v0 = 0.0f;
u1 = (FLOAT)descSrc.Width;
v1 = (FLOAT)descSrc.Height;
D3DCOLOR rColor[4];
DWORD rPSInput[4];
for( DWORD dwSample = 0; dwSample < dwNumSamples; dwSample++ )
// Set filter coefficients
FLOAT fValue = rSample[dwSample].fValue;
// float rf[4] = {fValue, fValue, fValue, fValue};
// EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetPixelShaderConstant(xx, rf, 1); // positive coeff
if( fValue < 0.0f )
rColor[xx] = D3DXCOLOR(-fValue, -fValue, -fValue, -fValue);
rColor[xx] = D3DXCOLOR(fValue, fValue, fValue, fValue);
// Align supersamples with center of destination pixels
FLOAT fOffsetX = rSample[dwSample].fOffsetX * fOffsetScaleX;
FLOAT fOffsetY = rSample[dwSample].fOffsetY * fOffsetScaleY;
aQuad[0].tex[xx].u = u0 + fOffsetX;
aQuad[0].tex[xx].v = v0 + fOffsetY;
aQuad[1].tex[xx].u = u1 + fOffsetX;
aQuad[1].tex[xx].v = v0 + fOffsetY;
aQuad[2].tex[xx].u = u0 + fOffsetX;
aQuad[2].tex[xx].v = v1 + fOffsetY;
aQuad[3].tex[xx].u = u1 + fOffsetX;
aQuad[3].tex[xx].v = v1 + fOffsetY;
xx++; // Go to next stage
if( xx == 4 || dwSample == dwNumSamples - 1 ) // max texture stages or last sample
// zero out unused texture stage coefficients
// (only for last filter sample, when number of samples is not divisible by 4)
for( ; xx < 4; xx++ )
set_texture( xx, NULL );
rColor[xx] = 0;
// Set coefficients
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_PSCONSTANT0_0, rColor[0] );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_PSCONSTANT1_0, rColor[1] );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_PSCONSTANT0_1, rColor[2] );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_PSCONSTANT1_1, rColor[3] );
// Remap coefficients to proper sign
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_PSRGBINPUTS0,
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_PSALPHAINPUTS0,
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_PSRGBINPUTS1,
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_PSALPHAINPUTS1,
// Draw the quad to filter the coefficients so far
EngineGlobals.p_Device->DrawPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, aQuad, sizeof( QUAD )); // one quad blends 4 textures
// On subsequent renderings, add to what's in the render target.
set_render_state( RS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, 1 );
xx = 0;
// Clear texture stages
for( xx=0; xx<4; xx++ )
set_texture( xx, NULL );
// Restore render target, zbuffer, and state.
set_pixel_shader( NULL );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderTarget( EngineGlobals.p_RenderSurface, EngineGlobals.p_ZStencilSurface );
return S_OK;
// Name: Blur()
// Desc: Blur backbuffer and set m_pBlur to the current blur texture. Calls
// filter_copy() with different filter coefficients and offsets, based on
// the current FILTERMODE setting.
static HRESULT focus_blur( void )
D3DTexture m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture m_BlurTexture[5];
FILTERMODE filter_mode = FM_BOX2_BOX2;
int multisample_adjusted_width = EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width * 2;
XGSetTextureHeader( multisample_adjusted_width, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height, 1, 0,
EngineGlobals.backbuffer_format, 0, &m_BackBufferTexture,
multisample_adjusted_width * XGBytesPerPixelFromFormat( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_format ));
XGSetTextureHeader( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height, 1, 0,
EngineGlobals.blurbuffer_format, 0, &m_BlurTexture[0],
EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width * XGBytesPerPixelFromFormat( EngineGlobals.blurbuffer_format ));
XGSetTextureHeader( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width / 2, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height / 2, 1, 0,
EngineGlobals.blurbuffer_format, 0, &m_BlurTexture[1],
EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width / 2 * XGBytesPerPixelFromFormat( EngineGlobals.blurbuffer_format ));
XGSetTextureHeader( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width / 4, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height / 4, 1, 0,
EngineGlobals.blurbuffer_format, 0, &m_BlurTexture[2],
EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width / 4 * XGBytesPerPixelFromFormat( EngineGlobals.blurbuffer_format ));
XGSetTextureHeader( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width / 8, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height / 8, 1, 0,
EngineGlobals.blurbuffer_format, 0, &m_BlurTexture[3],
EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width / 8 * XGBytesPerPixelFromFormat( EngineGlobals.blurbuffer_format ));
// Filters align to blurriest point in supersamples, on the 0.5 boundaries.
// This takes advantage of the bilinear filtering in the texture map lookup.
static FilterSample BoxFilter[] = // for 2x2 downsampling
{ 0.25f, -0.5f, -0.5f },
{ 0.25f, 0.5f, -0.5f },
{ 0.25f, -0.5f, 0.5f },
{ 0.25f, 0.5f, 0.5f },
static FilterSample YFilter[] = // 1221 4-tap filter in Y
{ 1.0f/6.0f, 0.0f, -1.5f },
{ 2.0f/6.0f, 0.0f, -0.5f },
{ 2.0f/6.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f },
{ 1.0f/6.0f, 0.0f, 1.5f },
static FilterSample XFilter[] = // 1221 4-tap filter in X
{ 1.0f/6.0f, -1.5f, 0.0f },
{ 2.0f/6.0f, -0.5f, 0.0f },
{ 2.0f/6.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f },
{ 1.0f/6.0f, 1.5f, 0.0f },
static FilterSample Y141Filter[] = // 141 3-tap filter in Y
{ 1.0f/6.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f },
{ 4.0f/6.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
{ 1.0f/6.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },
static FilterSample X141Filter[] = // 141 3-tap filter in X
{ 1.0f/6.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f },
{ 4.0f/6.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
{ 1.0f/6.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
static FilterSample IdentityFilter[] = // No filtering
{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
switch( filter_mode )
case FM_BOX:
// Blur from the backbuffer to the blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture* pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[0];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, BoxFilter, 1, 1 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[0];
case FM_VERT:
// Blur from the backbuffer to the blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture* pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[0];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, YFilter, 1, 1 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[0];
case FM_HORIZ:
// Blur from the backbuffer to the blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture* pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[0];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, XFilter, 1, 1 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[0];
case FM_BOX2:
// Blur from the backbuffer to the 1/2 sized blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture *pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[1];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, BoxFilter, 2, 2 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[1];
case FM_VERT2:
// Blur from the backbuffer to the 1/2 sized blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture* pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[1];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, YFilter, 2, 2 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[1];
case FM_HORIZ2:
// Blur from the backbuffer to the 1/2 sized blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture *pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[1];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, XFilter, 2, 2 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[1];
// Blur from the backbuffer to the 1/2 sized blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture* pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[1];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, YFilter, 2, 2 );
// Blur from the previous blur texture to the next blur texture
pTextureSrc = &m_BlurTexture[1];
pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[2];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, XFilter, 2, 2 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[2];
// Blur from the backbuffer to the 1/2 sized blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture* pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[1];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, XFilter, 2, 2 );
// Blur from the previous blur texture to the next blur texture
pTextureSrc = &m_BlurTexture[1];
pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[2];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, YFilter, 2, 2 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[2];
// Blur from the backbuffer to the 1/2 sized blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture* pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[1];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, YFilter, 2, 2 );
// Blur from the previous blur texture to the next blur texture
pTextureSrc = &m_BlurTexture[1];
pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[2];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 3, X141Filter, 2, 2 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[2];
// Blur from the backbuffer to the 1/2 sized blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture* pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[1];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, XFilter, 2, 2 );
// Blur from the previous blur texture to the next blur texture
pTextureSrc = &m_BlurTexture[1];
pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[2]; // destination is next blur texture
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 3, Y141Filter, 2, 2 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[2];
case FM_BOX2_BOX2:
// Blur from the backbuffer to the 1/2 sized blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture* pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[0];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, BoxFilter, 2, 1 );
// Blur from the previous blur texture to the next blur texture
pTextureSrc = &m_BlurTexture[0];
pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[1];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, BoxFilter, 2, 2 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[1];
// Blur from the backbuffer to the 1/2 sized blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture* pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[1];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, YFilter, 2, 2 );
// Blur from the previous blur texture to the next blur texture
pTextureSrc = &m_BlurTexture[1];
pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[2];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, XFilter, 2, 2 );
// Blur from the previous blur texture to the next blur texture
pTextureSrc = &m_BlurTexture[2];
pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[3];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, BoxFilter, 2, 2 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[3];
case FM_BOX2_BOX2_BOX2:
// Blur from the backbuffer to the 1/2 sized blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture* pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[1];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, BoxFilter, 2, 2 );
// Blur from the previous blur texture to the next blur texture
pTextureSrc = &m_BlurTexture[1];
pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[2];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, BoxFilter, 2, 2 );
// Blur from the previous blur texture to the next blur texture
pTextureSrc = &m_BlurTexture[2];
pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[3];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, BoxFilter, 2, 2 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[3];
// Blur from the backbuffer to the 1/2 sized blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture* pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[1];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, YFilter, 2, 2 );
// Blur from the previous blur texture to the next blur texture
pTextureSrc = &m_BlurTexture[1];
pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[2];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, XFilter, 2, 2 );
// Blur from the previous blur texture to the next blur texture
pTextureSrc = &m_BlurTexture[2];
pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[3];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, YFilter, 2, 2 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[3];
// Blur from the backbuffer to the 1/2 sized blur texture
D3DTexture* pTextureSrc = &m_BackBufferTexture;
D3DTexture* pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[1];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, XFilter, 2, 2 );
// Blur from the previous blur texture to the next blur texture
pTextureSrc = &m_BlurTexture[1];
pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[2];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, YFilter, 2, 2 );
// Blur from the previous blur texture to the next blur texture
pTextureSrc = &m_BlurTexture[2];
pTextureDst = &m_BlurTexture[3];
filter_copy( pTextureDst, pTextureSrc, 4, XFilter, 2, 2 );
m_pBlur = (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[3];
m_pBlur = NULL;
return S_OK;
static HRESULT draw_focus_effect_using_planes( void )
// Make a D3DTexture wrapper around the depth buffer surface
// D3DTexture ZBufferTexture;
// XGSetTextureHeader( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height, 1, 0,
// D3DFMT_LIN_A8B8G8R8, 0, &ZBufferTexture,
// EngineGlobals.p_ZStencilSurface->Data, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width * 4 );
// Get size of blur texture for setting texture coords of final blur
m_pBlur->GetLevelDesc( 0, &descBlur );
float fOffsetX = 0.0f;
float fOffsetY = 0.5f / (float)descBlur.Height; // vertical blur
struct VERTEX
FLOAT tu0, tv0;
} v[4];
v[0].p = D3DXVECTOR4( -0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
v[1].p = D3DXVECTOR4( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width - 0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
v[2].p = D3DXVECTOR4( -0.5f, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height - 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
v[3].p = D3DXVECTOR4( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width - 0.5f, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height - 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
v[0].tu0 = fOffsetX; v[0].tv0 = fOffsetY;
v[1].tu0 = fOffsetX + (float)descBlur.Width; v[1].tv0 = fOffsetY;
v[2].tu0 = fOffsetX; v[2].tv0 = fOffsetY + (float)descBlur.Height;
v[3].tu0 = fOffsetX + (float)descBlur.Width; v[3].tv0 = fOffsetY + (float)descBlur.Height;
// Set pixel shader state
// float fAlphaOffset, fAlphaSlope, fBlueOffset, fBlueSlope;
// calculate_depth_mapping( m_fDepth0, m_fDepth1, &fAlphaOffset, &fAlphaSlope, &fBlueOffset, &fBlueSlope );
// float Constants[] =
// {
// 0.0f, 0.0f, fBlueOffset, fAlphaOffset, // offset
// 0.0f, 0.0f, fBlueSlope, 0.0f, // 1x
// 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, // 4x
// 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, fAlphaSlope, // 16x
// };
set_pixel_shader( 0 );
// EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetPixelShaderConstant( 0, Constants, 4 );
// Set render state
set_render_state( RS_ZWRITEENABLE, 0 );
set_render_state( RS_ZTESTENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHATESTENABLE, 0 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, 0 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHACUTOFF, 0 );
// EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE );
// EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_ZERO );
// Set texture state.
set_texture( 0, m_pBlur );
set_texture( 1, NULL );
set_texture( 2, NULL );
set_texture( 3, NULL );
set_render_state( RS_UVADDRESSMODE0, 0x00010001UL );
set_vertex_shader( D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_TEX1 );
// Render the screen-aligned quadrilateral
for( int vx = 0; vx < 4; ++vx )
v[vx].p.z = m_fDepth1;
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZFUNC, D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->DrawPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_QUADSTRIP, 1, v, sizeof( VERTEX ));
// Render the screen-aligned quadrilateral
for( int vx = 0; vx < 4; ++vx )
v[vx].p.z = m_fDepth0;
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZFUNC, D3DCMP_GREATEREQUAL );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->DrawPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_QUADSTRIP, 1, v, sizeof( VERTEX ));
// Reset render states
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZFUNC, D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHATESTENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ZWRITEENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ZTESTENABLE, 1 );
set_pixel_shader( 0 );
set_texture( 0, NULL );
set_texture( 1, NULL );
set_texture( 2, NULL );
set_texture( 3, NULL );
return S_OK;
// Name: DrawFocusRange()
// Desc: Choose the focus range by mapping z to a focus value using pixel
// shader arithmetic. See media/shaders/focus.psh for more details.
// High focus values leave the back-buffer unchanged.
// Low focus values blend in the blurred texture computed by Blur().
static HRESULT draw_focus_effect_using_range( void )
// Make a D3DTexture wrapper around the depth buffer surface
D3DTexture ZBufferTexture;
XGSetTextureHeader( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height, 1, 0,
D3DFMT_LIN_A8B8G8R8, 0, &ZBufferTexture,
EngineGlobals.p_ZStencilSurface->Data, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width * 4 );
// Get size of blur texture for setting texture coords of final blur
m_pBlur->GetLevelDesc( 0, &descBlur );
float fOffsetX = 0.0f;
float fOffsetY = 0.5f / (float)descBlur.Height; // vertical blur
struct VERTEX
FLOAT tu0, tv0;
FLOAT tu1, tv1;
} v[4];
v[0].p = D3DXVECTOR4( -0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
v[1].p = D3DXVECTOR4( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width - 0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
v[2].p = D3DXVECTOR4( -0.5f, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height - 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
v[3].p = D3DXVECTOR4( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width - 0.5f, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height - 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
v[0].tu0 = 0.0f; v[0].tv0 = 0.0f;
v[1].tu0 = (float)EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width; v[1].tv0 = 0.0f;
v[2].tu0 = 0.0f; v[2].tv0 = (float)EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height;
v[3].tu0 = (float)EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width; v[3].tv0 = (float)EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height;
v[0].tu1 = fOffsetX; v[0].tv1 = fOffsetY;
v[1].tu1 = fOffsetX + (float)descBlur.Width; v[1].tv1 = fOffsetY;
v[2].tu1 = fOffsetX; v[2].tv1 = fOffsetY + (float)descBlur.Height;
v[3].tu1 = fOffsetX + (float)descBlur.Width; v[3].tv1 = fOffsetY + (float)descBlur.Height;
// Set pixel shader state
float fAlphaOffset, fAlphaSlope, fBlueOffset, fBlueSlope;
calculate_depth_mapping( m_fDepth0, m_fDepth1, &fAlphaOffset, &fAlphaSlope, &fBlueOffset, &fBlueSlope );
float Constants[] =
0.0f, 0.0f, fBlueOffset, fAlphaOffset, // offset
0.0f, 0.0f, fBlueSlope, 0.0f, // 1x
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, // 4x
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, fAlphaSlope, // 16x
set_pixel_shader( PixelShaderFocusIntegrate );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetPixelShaderConstant( 0, Constants, 4 );
// Set render state
set_render_state( RS_ZWRITEENABLE, 0 );
set_render_state( RS_ZTESTENABLE, 0 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHATESTENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHACUTOFF, 1 );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA );
// Set texture state.
set_texture( 0, &ZBufferTexture );
set_texture( 1, m_pBlur );
set_texture( 2, NULL );
set_texture( 3, NULL );
set_render_state( RS_UVADDRESSMODE0, 0x00010001UL );
set_render_state( RS_UVADDRESSMODE1, 0x00010001UL );
set_render_state( RS_UVADDRESSMODE2, 0x00010001UL );
set_render_state( RS_UVADDRESSMODE3, 0x00010001UL );
// Render the screen-aligned quadrilateral
set_vertex_shader( D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_TEX4 );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->DrawPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_QUADSTRIP, 1, v, sizeof( VERTEX ));
// Reset render states
set_render_state( RS_ALPHATESTENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ZWRITEENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ZTESTENABLE, 1 );
set_pixel_shader( 0 );
set_texture( 0, NULL );
set_texture( 1, NULL );
set_texture( 2, NULL );
set_texture( 3, NULL );
return S_OK;
// Name: DrawFocusLookup()
// Desc: Choose the focus range by mapping z through a lookup texture.
// See media/shaders/focuslookup.psh for more detail.
// This technique has lower performance than using DrawFocus(),
// but the focus values can be arbitrary, rather than the
// limited types of z-to-focus value mappings available with
// pixel shader arithmetic.
// High focus values leave the back-buffer unchanged.
// Low focus values blend in the blurred texture computed by Blur().
static HRESULT draw_focus_effect_using_lookup( void )
// Make a D3DTexture wrapper around the depth buffer surface
D3DTexture ZBufferTexture;
XGSetTextureHeader( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height, 1, 0,
D3DFMT_LIN_A8B8G8R8, 0, &ZBufferTexture,
EngineGlobals.p_ZStencilSurface->Data, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width * 4 );
// Get size of blur texture for setting texture coords of final blur
m_pBlur->GetLevelDesc( 0, &descBlur );
FLOAT fOffsetX = 0.0f;
FLOAT fOffsetY = 0.5f / (FLOAT)descBlur.Height; // vertical blur
// Define a set of vertices to draw a quad in screenspace
struct VERTEX
FLOAT tu0, tv0;
FLOAT tu1, tv1;
FLOAT tu2, tv2;
FLOAT tu3, tv3;
} v[4];
v[0].p = D3DXVECTOR4( -0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
v[1].p = D3DXVECTOR4( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width - 0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
v[2].p = D3DXVECTOR4( -0.5f, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height - 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
v[3].p = D3DXVECTOR4( EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width - 0.5f, EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height - 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
v[0].tu0 = 0.0f; v[0].tv0 = 0.0f;
v[1].tu0 = (float)EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width; v[1].tv0 = 0.0f;
v[2].tu0 = 0.0f; v[2].tv0 = (float)EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height;
v[3].tu0 = (float)EngineGlobals.backbuffer_width; v[3].tv0 = (float)EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height;
// tu1 and tv1 are ignored
// offset final set of texture coords to apply an additional blur
v[0].tu2 = -fOffsetX; v[0].tv2 = -fOffsetY;
v[1].tu2 = -fOffsetX + (FLOAT)descBlur.Width; v[1].tv2 = -fOffsetY;
v[2].tu2 = -fOffsetX; v[2].tv2 = -fOffsetY + (FLOAT)descBlur.Height;
v[3].tu2 = -fOffsetX + (FLOAT)descBlur.Width; v[3].tv2 = -fOffsetY + (FLOAT)descBlur.Height;
v[0].tu3 = fOffsetX; v[0].tv3 = fOffsetY;
v[1].tu3 = fOffsetX + (FLOAT)descBlur.Width; v[1].tv3 = fOffsetY;
v[2].tu3 = fOffsetX; v[2].tv3 = fOffsetY + (FLOAT)descBlur.Height;
v[3].tu3 = fOffsetX + (FLOAT)descBlur.Width; v[3].tv3 = fOffsetY + (FLOAT)descBlur.Height;
// Set pixel shader
set_pixel_shader( PixelShaderFocusLookupIntegrate );
// Set texture state
set_texture( 0, &ZBufferTexture );
set_texture( 1, m_pTextureFocusRange );
set_texture( 2, m_pBlur );
set_texture( 3, m_pBlur );
set_render_state( RS_UVADDRESSMODE0, 0x00010001UL );
set_render_state( RS_UVADDRESSMODE1, 0x00010001UL );
set_render_state( RS_UVADDRESSMODE2, 0x00010001UL );
set_render_state( RS_UVADDRESSMODE3, 0x00010001UL );
// Set render state
set_render_state( RS_ZWRITEENABLE, 0 );
set_render_state( RS_ZTESTENABLE, 0 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHATESTENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHACUTOFF, 1 );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA );
// Render the screen-aligned quadrilateral
set_vertex_shader( D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_TEX4 );
EngineGlobals.p_Device->DrawPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_QUADSTRIP, 1, v, sizeof( VERTEX ));
// Reset render states
set_render_state( RS_ALPHATESTENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ZWRITEENABLE, 1 );
set_render_state( RS_ZTESTENABLE, 1 );
set_pixel_shader( 0 );
set_texture( 0, NULL );
set_texture( 1, NULL );
set_texture( 2, NULL );
set_texture( 3, NULL );
return S_OK;
/* */
/* */
void set_focus_blur_focus( Mth::Vector & focal_point, float offset, float near_depth, float far_depth )
Mth::Vector diff = focal_point - Mth::Vector( EngineGlobals.cam_position[0], EngineGlobals.cam_position[1], EngineGlobals.cam_position[2] );
Mth::Vector unit_diff = diff.Normalize();
Mth::Vector p0 = focal_point + (( offset - near_depth ) * unit_diff );
Mth::Vector p1 = focal_point + (( offset + far_depth ) * unit_diff );
D3DXVECTOR4 v0( p0[X], p0[Y], p0[Z], 1.0f );
D3DXVECTOR4 v1( p1[X], p1[Y], p1[Z], 1.0f );
D3DXVec4Transform( &v0, &v0, (D3DXMATRIX*)&EngineGlobals.view_matrix );
D3DXVec4Transform( &v0, &v0, (D3DXMATRIX*)&EngineGlobals.projection_matrix );
D3DXVec4Transform( &v1, &v1, (D3DXMATRIX*)&EngineGlobals.view_matrix );
D3DXVec4Transform( &v1, &v1, (D3DXMATRIX*)&EngineGlobals.projection_matrix );
m_fDepth0 = v0.z / v0.w;
m_fDepth1 = v1.z / v1.w;
// If a z value ends up > 1.0, it is likely from intersecting the near plane, in which case just set it to 0.
if( m_fDepth0 > 1.0f )
m_fDepth0 = 0.0f;
// printf( "%.4f %.4f\n", m_fDepth0, m_fDepth1 );
// If the two values are sufficiently close, it will cause problems since they have
// to get quantized down. We have to ensure that ( 1 / ( d1 - d0 )) < 16, that is ( d1 - d0 ) > ( 1 / 16 ).
// m_fDepth0 = m_fDepth1 - 0.0625f;
/* */
/* */
void start_focus_blur( void )
D3DDevice_SetRenderTarget( NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_RenderSurface, NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_ZStencilSurface );
/* */
/* */
void finish_focus_blur( void )
// If the focus blur is active, we want to render into a the blur buffer, otherwise into the regular frame buffer.
if(( EngineGlobals.focus_blur > 0 ) && ( EngineGlobals.focus_blur_duration > 1 ))
// Store and reset the min filter for each stage.
DWORD min_filter[4];
for( int s = 0; s < 4; ++s )
D3DDevice_GetTextureStageState( s, D3DTSS_MINFILTER, &min_filter[s] );
D3DDevice_SetTextureStageState( s, D3DTSS_MINFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR );
// First step is to render the back buffer into the blur texture.
// fill_focus_range_texture( false );
// draw_focus_effect_using_range();
// draw_focus_effect_using_lookup();
// Restore the min filter for each stage.
for( int s = 0; s < 4; ++s )
D3DDevice_SetTextureStageState( s, D3DTSS_MINFILTER, min_filter[s] );
/* */
/* */
void start_screen_blur( void )
// If the screen blur is active, we want to render into a the blur buffer, otherwise into the regular frame buffer.
if(( EngineGlobals.screen_blur > 0 ) && ( EngineGlobals.screen_blur_duration > 1 ))
D3DDevice_SetRenderTarget( NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[0], NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_ZStencilSurface );
D3DDevice_SetRenderTarget( NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_RenderSurface, NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_ZStencilSurface );
/* */
/* */
void finish_screen_blur( void )
// If the screen blur is active, we want to render into a the blur buffer, otherwise into the regular frame buffer.
if(( EngineGlobals.screen_blur > 0 ) && ( EngineGlobals.screen_blur_duration > 1 ))
// Now that everything has been drawn, set the backbuffer as the rendertarget, and draw the poly on top of it.
D3DDevice_SetRenderTarget( NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_RenderSurface, NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_ZStencilSurface );
NxXbox::set_blend_mode( NxXbox::vBLEND_MODE_BLEND );
// Turn on clamping so that the linear textures work
NxXbox::set_render_state( RS_UVADDRESSMODE0, 0x00010001UL );
// Use a default vertex and pixel shader
NxXbox::set_vertex_shader( D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_TEX1 );
NxXbox::set_pixel_shader( PixelShader4 );
// Select the texture (flush first, since the blur texture is linear).
NxXbox::set_texture( 0, NULL );
NxXbox::set_texture( 0, (IDirect3DTexture8*)NxXbox::EngineGlobals.p_BlurSurface[0] );
// Setup up the vertices.
struct sBlurVert
float sx,sy,sz;
float rhw;
uint32 color;
float tu,tv;
sBlurVert vertices[4];
uint32 alpha = ( 0xFF - EngineGlobals.screen_blur ) / 2;
alpha = ( alpha < 0x20 ) ? 0x20 : alpha;
vertices[0].sx = 0;
vertices[0].sy = 0;
vertices[0].sz = 0.0f;
vertices[0].rhw = 1.0f;
vertices[0].color = ( alpha << 24 ) | 0x808080;
vertices[0].tu = 0.0f;
vertices[0].tv = 0.0f;
vertices[1] = vertices[0];
vertices[1].sx = 640;
vertices[1].tu = 640.0f;
vertices[2] = vertices[0];
vertices[2].sy = 480;
vertices[2].tv = 480.0f;
vertices[3] = vertices[1];
vertices[3].sy = vertices[2].sy;
vertices[3].tv = vertices[2].tv;
// Adjust if we are in letterbox mode.
if( NxXbox::EngineGlobals.letterbox_active )
vertices[0].sy += NxXbox::EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height / 8;
vertices[1].sy += NxXbox::EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height / 8;
vertices[0].tv += (float)( NxXbox::EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height / 8 );
vertices[1].tv += (float)( NxXbox::EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height / 8 );
vertices[2].sy -= NxXbox::EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height / 8;
vertices[3].sy -= NxXbox::EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height / 8;
vertices[2].tv -= (float)( NxXbox::EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height / 8 );
vertices[3].tv -= (float)( NxXbox::EngineGlobals.backbuffer_height / 8 );
// Draw the vertices.
set_render_state( RS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE );
set_render_state( RS_ZWRITEENABLE, 0 );
set_render_state( RS_ZTESTENABLE, 0 );
D3DDevice_DrawVerticesUP( D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 4, vertices, sizeof( sBlurVert ));
// Reflush linear texture.
NxXbox::set_texture( 0, NULL );
} // namespace NxXbox