2016-02-14 08:39:12 +11:00

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** **
** Neversoft Entertainment. **
** **
** Copyright (C) 2000 - All Rights Reserved **
** **
** **
** Project: skate5 **
** **
** Module: Gfx **
** **
** File name: NxNewParticle.cpp **
** **
** Created by: 3/24/03 - SPG **
** **
** Description: New parametric particle system **
** **
** Includes **
#include <core/defines.h>
#include <gfx/NxNewParticle.h>
** DBG Information **
namespace Nx
** Externals **
** Defines **
** Private Types **
** Private Data **
** Public Data **
** Private Prototypes **
** Private Functions **
/* */
/* */
static Mth::Vector extrema( Mth::Vector p0, Mth::Vector p1, Mth::Vector p2, float t1, float t2 )
Mth::Vector e1, e2, u, a, p;
float q;
e1 = t1 * ( p2 - p0 );
e2 = t2 * ( p1 - p0 );
q = 1.0f / ( t1 * t2 * ( t2 - t1 ));
u = ( t2 * e2 - t1 * e1 ) * q; // Intitial velocity.
a = ( e1 - e2 ) * q; // Twice initial acceleration.
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
float t = -0.5f * u[i] / a[i]; // Time of extremum for given coordinate.
p[i] = p0[i] + u[i] * t + a[i] * t * t; // Value of coordinate at time t.
p[3] = 0.0f;
return p;
/* */
/* */
static Mth::Vector componentwise_min( Mth::Vector& p0, Mth::Vector& p1 )
Mth::Vector r = p0;
if( p1[X] < p0[X] )
r[X] = p1[X];
if( p1[Y] < p0[Y] )
r[Y] = p1[Y];
if( p1[Z] < p0[Z] )
r[Z] = p1[Z];
if( p1[W] < p0[W] )
r[W] = p1[W];
return r;
/* */
/* */
static Mth::Vector componentwise_max( Mth::Vector& p0, Mth::Vector& p1 )
Mth::Vector r = p0;
if( p1[X] > p0[X] )
r[X] = p1[X];
if( p1[Y] > p0[Y] )
r[Y] = p1[Y];
if( p1[Z] > p0[Z] )
r[Z] = p1[Z];
if( p1[W] > p0[W] )
r[W] = p1[W];
return r;
** Public Functions **
CParticleParams::CParticleParams( void )
int i;
m_Type = CRCD(0xdedfc057,"NEWFLAT");
m_UseMidpoint = true;
m_LocalCoord = false;
for( i = 0; i < vNUM_BOXES; i++ )
m_Radius[i] = 1.0f;
m_RadiusSpread[i] = 0.0f;
m_BoxPos[i][X] = 0.0f;
m_BoxPos[i][Y] = 0.0f;
m_BoxPos[i][Z] = 0.0f;
m_BoxPos[i][W] = 0.0f;
m_BoxDims[i][X] = 20.0f;
m_BoxDims[i][Y] = 20.0f;
m_BoxDims[i][Z] = 20.0f;
m_BoxDims[i][W] = 0.0f;
m_LocalBoxPos[i][X] = 0.0f;
m_LocalBoxPos[i][Y] = 0.0f;
m_LocalBoxPos[i][Z] = 0.0f;
m_LocalBoxPos[i][W] = 0.0f;
m_Color[i].r = 128;
m_Color[i].g = 128;
m_Color[i].b = 128;
m_Color[i].a = 128;
m_MaxStreams = 2;
m_EmitRate = 300.0f;
m_Lifetime = 4.0f;
m_MidpointPct = 50.0f;
m_UseMidcolor = false;
m_ColorMidpointPct = 50.0f;
m_BlendMode = CRCD(0xa86285a1,"FixAdd");
m_AlphaCutoff = 1;
m_Texture = 0;
m_FixedAlpha = 0;
m_LODDistance1 = 400;
m_LODDistance2 = 401;
m_SuspendDistance = 0;
m_Hidden = false;
m_Suspended = false;
/* */
/* */
CNewParticle::CNewParticle( void )
/* */
/* */
CNewParticle::~CNewParticle( void )
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::CalculateBoundingVolumes( void )
// Calculate the bounding box.
Mth::Vector p0, p1, p2; // box centres
Mth::Vector s0, s1, s2; // box dimensions
Mth::Vector p0_lo, p1_lo, p2_lo; // corresponding minimum possible coords
Mth::Vector p0_hi, p1_hi, p2_hi; // corresponding maximum possible coords
Mth::Vector AABB_min, AABB_max; // AABB corners
Mth::Vector one( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
p0 = m_params.m_BoxPos[0];
p1 = m_params.m_BoxPos[1];
p2 = m_params.m_BoxPos[2];
p0[W] = m_params.m_Radius[0];
p1[W] = m_params.m_Radius[1];
p2[W] = m_params.m_Radius[2];
s0 = 0.5f * m_params.m_BoxDims[0];
s1 = 0.5f * m_params.m_BoxDims[1];
s2 = 0.5f * m_params.m_BoxDims[2];
s0[W] = 0.5f * m_params.m_RadiusSpread[0];
s1[W] = 0.5f * m_params.m_RadiusSpread[1];
s2[W] = 0.5f * m_params.m_RadiusSpread[2];
p0_lo = p0 - s0 - p0[W]*one - s0[W]*one;
p1_lo = p1 - s1 - p1[W]*one - s1[W]*one;
p2_lo = p2 - s2 - p2[W]*one - s2[W]*one;
p0_hi = p0 + s0 + p0[W]*one + s0[W]*one;
p1_hi = p1 + s1 + p1[W]*one + s1[W]*one;
p2_hi = p2 + s2 + p2[W]*one + s2[W]*one;
AABB_min = componentwise_min( p0_lo, p2_lo );
AABB_max = componentwise_max( p0_hi, p2_hi );
if( m_params.m_UseMidpoint )
Mth::Vector p;
p = extrema( p0_lo, p1_lo, p2_lo,
m_params.m_Lifetime * m_params.m_MidpointPct * 0.01f,
m_params.m_Lifetime );
AABB_min = componentwise_min( AABB_min, p );
p = extrema( p0_hi, p1_hi, p2_hi,
m_params.m_Lifetime * m_params.m_MidpointPct * 0.01f,
m_params.m_Lifetime );
AABB_max = componentwise_max( AABB_max, p );
// Set the bounding box.
m_bbox.Set( AABB_min, AABB_max );
// Now calculate the bounding sphere.
Mth::Vector diag = ( AABB_max - AABB_min ) * 0.5f;
diag[W] = 0.0f;
m_bsphere = AABB_min + diag;
m_bsphere[W] = diag.Length();
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::Initialize( CParticleParams* params )
m_params = *params;
/* */
/* */
CParticleParams* CNewParticle::GetParameters( void )
return &m_params;
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::Render( void )
if (!m_params.m_Hidden && !m_params.m_Suspended )
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::Update( void )
if (!m_params.m_Hidden && !m_params.m_Suspended)
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::Destroy( void )
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::Hide( bool should_hide )
if (m_params.m_Hidden != should_hide)
m_params.m_Hidden = should_hide;
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::Suspend( bool should_suspend )
if (m_params.m_Suspended != should_suspend)
// if we were not hidden, then hide/unhide based on the value of the suspend flag
if (!m_params.m_Hidden)
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::SetEmitRate( float emit_rate )
m_params.m_EmitRate = emit_rate;
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::SetLifetime( float lifetime )
m_params.m_Lifetime = lifetime;
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::SetMidpointPct( float midpoint_pct )
m_params.m_MidpointPct = midpoint_pct;
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::SetRadius( int which, float radius )
Dbg_Assert( which < vNUM_BOXES );
m_params.m_Radius[which] = radius;
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::SetBoxPos( int which, Mth::Vector* pos )
Dbg_Assert( pos );
Dbg_Assert( which < vNUM_BOXES );
m_params.m_BoxPos[which] = *pos;
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::SetBoxDims( int which, Mth::Vector* dims )
Dbg_Assert( dims );
Dbg_Assert( which < vNUM_BOXES );
m_params.m_BoxDims[which] = *dims;
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::SetColor( int which, Image::RGBA* color )
Dbg_Assert( which < vNUM_BOXES );
Dbg_Assert( color );
m_params.m_Color[which] = *color;
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::SetMidpointColorPct( float midpoint_pct )
m_params.m_ColorMidpointPct = midpoint_pct;
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::plat_render( void )
Dbg_Printf( "STUB: plat_render\n" );
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::plat_update( void )
Dbg_Printf( "STUB: plat_update\n" );
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::plat_build( void )
Dbg_Printf( "STUB: plat_build\n" );
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::plat_destroy( void )
Dbg_Printf( "STUB: plat_destroy\n" );
/* */
/* */
void CNewParticle::plat_hide( bool should_hide )
Dbg_Printf( "STUB: plat_destroy\n" );
/* */
/* */
} // namespace Nx