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//* MODULE: Gel/Components
//* FILENAME: SpecialItemComponent.cpp
//* OWNER: ???
#include <gel/components/specialitemcomponent.h>
#include <gel/objman.h>
#include <gel/components/lockobjcomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/modelcomponent.h>
#include <gel/net/client/netclnt.h>
#include <gel/object/compositeobject.h>
#include <gel/scripting/checksum.h>
#include <gel/scripting/script.h>
#include <gel/scripting/struct.h>
#include <gel/scripting/symboltable.h>
#include <gfx/nxmodel.h>
#include <sk/gamenet/gamenet.h>
#include <sk/objects/gameobj.h>
#include <sk/modules/skate/skate.h>
namespace Obj
/* */
/* */
// s_create is what is registered with the component factory
// object, (currently the CCompositeObjectManager)
// s_create returns a CBaseComponent*, as it is to be used
// by factor creation schemes that do not care what type of
// component is being created
// ** after you've finished creating this component, be sure to
// ** add it to the list of registered functions in the
// ** CCompositeObjectManager constructor
CBaseComponent* CSpecialItemComponent::s_create()
return static_cast< CBaseComponent* >( new CSpecialItemComponent );
/* */
/* */
// All components set their type, which is a unique 32-bit number
// (the CRC of their name), which is used to identify the component
CSpecialItemComponent::CSpecialItemComponent() : CBaseComponent()
for ( int i = 0; i < vMAX_SPECIAL_ITEMS; i++ )
mp_special_items[i] = NULL;
/* */
/* */
// Cleanup the special items
/* */
/* */
// InitFromStructure is passed a Script::CStruct that contains a
// number of parameters to initialize this component
// this currently is the contents of a node
// but you can pass in anything you like.
void CSpecialItemComponent::InitFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams )
// ** Add code to parse the structure, and initialize the component
/* */
/* */
// RefreshFromStructure is passed a Script::CStruct that contains a
// number of parameters to initialize this component
// this currently is the contents of a node
// but you can pass in anything you like.
void CSpecialItemComponent::RefreshFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams )
// Default to just calline InitFromStructure()
// but if that does not handle it, then will need to write a specific
// function here.
// The user might only want to update a single field in the structure
// and we don't want to be asserting becasue everything is missing
/* */
/* */
// The component's Update() function is called from the CCompositeObject's
// Update() function. That is called every game frame by the CCompositeObjectManager
// from the s_logic_code function that the CCompositeObjectManager registers
// with the task manger.
void CSpecialItemComponent::Update()
// Doing nothing, so tell code to do nothing next time around
/* */
/* */
// Given the "Checksum" of a script command, then possibly handle it
// if it's a command that this component will handle
CBaseComponent::EMemberFunctionResult CSpecialItemComponent::CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams, Script::CScript* pScript )
switch ( Checksum )
// @script | CreateSpecialItem | attaches a new special item to the skater in the specified slot
// @parm int | index | Index of special item to create
// @parm structure | params | Special item creation data (should look like an entry in the node array)
// @parmopt name | bone | | The bone to which the special item is attached; otherwise, it will be attached to the root
// @parmopt vector | offset | (0, 0, 0) | An additional offset to the specified bone (or root) applied to the special item's position
case 0x827c6bd1: // CreateSpecialItem
int index;
uint32 bone = 0;
pParams->GetInteger( CRCD(0x7f8c98fe,"index"), &index, true );
pParams->GetChecksum( "bone", &bone );
uint32 checksum;
pParams->GetChecksum( "params", &checksum, Script::ASSERT );
Script::CStruct* pSpecialItemParams;
pSpecialItemParams = Script::GetStructure( checksum, Script::ASSERT );
CCompositeObject* pMovingObject = CreateSpecialItem( index, pSpecialItemParams );
// special items need a lock object to work...
Script::CStruct* pLockParams = new Script::CStruct;
pLockParams->AppendStructure( pParams ); // pass along any bone or offset parameters...
pLockParams->AddChecksum( "id", GetObject()->GetID() );
Obj::CLockObjComponent* pLockObjComponent = GetLockObjComponentFromObject( pMovingObject );
Dbg_MsgAssert( pLockObjComponent, ( "No lock obj component" ) );
pLockObjComponent->InitFromStructure( pLockParams );
delete pLockParams;
GameNet::Manager * gamenet_man = GameNet::Manager::Instance();
if( gamenet_man->InNetGame())
Net::Client* client;
GameNet::MsgSpecialItem msg;
Net::MsgDesc msg_desc;
client = gamenet_man->GetClient( 0 );
Dbg_Assert( client );
msg.m_ObjId = GetObject()->GetID();
msg.m_Params = checksum;
msg.m_Index = index;
msg.m_Bone = bone;
msg_desc.m_Data = &msg;
msg_desc.m_Length = sizeof( GameNet::MsgSpecialItem );
msg_desc.m_Id = GameNet::MSG_ID_CREATE_SPECIAL_ITEM;
client->EnqueueMessageToServer( &msg_desc );
// @script | DestroySpecialItem | Destroys a special item attached to the skater, if it exists
// @parm int | index | Index of special item to destroy
case 0x742188fa: // DestroySpecialItem
int index;
pParams->GetInteger( CRCD(0x7f8c98fe,"index"), &index, true );
this->DestroySpecialItem( index );
GameNet::Manager * gamenet_man = GameNet::Manager::Instance();
if( gamenet_man->InNetGame())
Net::Client* client;
GameNet::MsgSpecialItem msg;
Net::MsgDesc msg_desc;
client = gamenet_man->GetClient( 0 );
Dbg_Assert( client );
msg.m_ObjId = GetObject()->GetID();
msg.m_Index = index;
msg_desc.m_Data = &msg;
msg_desc.m_Length = sizeof( GameNet::MsgSpecialItem );
msg_desc.m_Id = GameNet::MSG_ID_DESTROY_SPECIAL_ITEM;
client->EnqueueMessageToServer( &msg_desc );
// @script | DestroyAllSpecialItems | Destroys all special items currently attached to the skater
case 0xa1baa25e: // DestroyAllSpecialItems
// @script | SpecialItemExists | Returns whether a special item exists
// @parm int | index | Index of special item to check
case 0xce887492: // SpecialItemExists
int index;
if ( pParams->GetInteger( CRCD(0x7f8c98fe,"index"), &index, false ) )
Dbg_MsgAssert( index >= 0 && index < vMAX_SPECIAL_ITEMS, ( "Special item index %d must be between 0 and %d", index, vMAX_SPECIAL_ITEMS ) );
return ( mp_special_items[index] ) ? CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE : CBaseComponent::MF_FALSE;
for ( int i = 0; i < vMAX_SPECIAL_ITEMS; i++ )
if ( mp_special_items[i] )
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
return CBaseComponent::MF_FALSE;
return CBaseComponent::MF_NOT_EXECUTED;
// the "default" case of the switch statement handles
// unrecognized functions; if we make it down here,
// that means that the component already handled it
// somehow
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
/* */
/* */
void CSpecialItemComponent::GetDebugInfo(Script::CStruct *p_info)
#ifdef __DEBUG_CODE__
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_info,("NULL p_info sent to CSpecialItemComponent::GetDebugInfo"));
// Add any script components to the p_info structure,
// and they will be displayed in the script debugger (qdebug.exe)
// you will need to add the names to debugger_names.q, if they are not existing checksums
/* Example:
// we call the base component's GetDebugInfo, so we can add info from the common base component
/* */
/* */
Obj::CCompositeObject* CSpecialItemComponent::CreateSpecialItem( int index, Script::CStruct* pNodeData )
Dbg_MsgAssert( index >= 0 && index < vMAX_SPECIAL_ITEMS, ( "Special item index %d must be between 0 and %d", index, vMAX_SPECIAL_ITEMS ) );
Dbg_MsgAssert( pNodeData, ( "Missing parameter" ) );
if ( mp_special_items[index] )
// TODO: Maybe this should just be a warning?
// Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "Special item index %d not empty", index ) );
DestroySpecialItem( index );
// Dbg_Message( "Adding special item to index %d", index );
// eventually, we'll want to create a generic composite object
// (maybe by running a script)
Mem::PushMemProfile("Game Objects");
Obj::CCompositeObject* pGameObj = Obj::CreateGameObj( Mdl::Skate::Instance()->GetObjectManager(), pNodeData );
Dbg_Assert( pGameObj );
// GJ: This is a special-case function that's used for
// replays... I'm not bothering to move it over to the
// CCompositeObject stuff, because we've already made the
// decision not to make the replay backwards-compatible.
// pGameObj->FlagAsSpecialItem();
mp_special_items[index] = pGameObj;
// add the skater's id to the object's tags
// so that the object knows which skater it's tied to
Script::CStruct* pTempStructure;
pTempStructure = new Script::CStruct;
pTempStructure->AddChecksum( "parentId", GetObject()->GetID() );
uint32 cleanupScript;
if ( pNodeData->GetChecksum( CRCD(0x40764820,"CleanupScript"), &cleanupScript ) )
pTempStructure->AddChecksum( CRCD(0x40764820,"CleanupScript"), cleanupScript );
mp_special_items[index]->SetTagsFromScript( pTempStructure );
delete pTempStructure;
// in case there's any scaling applied to the model,
// apply that to the special item's model as well...
Obj::CModelComponent* pModelComponent = GetModelComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Nx::CModel* pModel = NULL;
if ( pModelComponent )
pModel = pModelComponent->GetModel();
Obj::CModelComponent* pGameObjModelComponent = GetModelComponentFromObject( pGameObj );
Nx::CModel* pGameObjModel = NULL;
if ( pGameObjModelComponent )
pGameObjModel = pGameObjModelComponent->GetModel();
// (Mick) ... but only if it has a model (might be just collision)
if ( pModel && pGameObjModel )
Mth::Vector scaleVec = pModel->GetScale();
pGameObjModel->SetScale( scaleVec ); // (Mick) - see check above
return pGameObj;
/* */
/* */
void CSpecialItemComponent::DestroySpecialItem( int index )
Dbg_MsgAssert( index >= 0 && index < vMAX_SPECIAL_ITEMS, ( "Special item index %d must be between 0 and %d", index, vMAX_SPECIAL_ITEMS ) );
if ( mp_special_items[index] )
// run the cleanup script if it exists...
Script::CStruct* pStruct = new Script::CStruct;
uint32 cleanupScript;
if ( pStruct->GetChecksum( CRCD(0x40764820,"CleanupScript"), &cleanupScript, Script::NO_ASSERT ) )
// run a cleanup script if it exists
Script::RunScript( cleanupScript, NULL, mp_special_items[index] );
delete pStruct;
// don't actually delete it yet...
// instead, just mark it as dead, so
// that if any objects still refer to
// it on this frame, it won't crash...
mp_special_items[index] = NULL;
// THPS4: flushes dead objects so that we can
// recreate it on the same frame
// (theoretically, we should have been
// able to call "wait 1 gameframe",
// but it turns out that CScript::Update()
// can be called more than once per frame,
// if someone uses the MakeSkaterGoto
// command)
// THPS5: doesn't seem to be a problem any
// more, perhaps due to the subtle changes in
// order which object/component logic gets
// run. having this line in here does cause
// some issues now, in that it's possible
// for an object to indirectly delete itself from
// its update() function, which is bad. i've
// taken this line out and will fix any
// related bugs as they arise.
// Mdl::Skate::Instance()->GetObjectManager()->FlushDeadObjects();
/* */
/* */
void CSpecialItemComponent::DestroyAllSpecialItems()
// This also gets called when we switch levels...
// (from DeleteResources)
for ( int index = 0; index < vMAX_SPECIAL_ITEMS; index++ )
DestroySpecialItem( index );
/* */
/* */