2016-02-14 08:39:12 +11:00

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//* MODULE: Gel/Components
//* FILENAME: RigidBodyComponent.h
//* OWNER: Dan
//* CREATION DATE: 1/22/3
#include <core/defines.h>
#include <core/support.h>
#include <gel/object/basecomponent.h>
#include <gel/collision/collcache.h>
#define CRC_RIGIDBODY CRCD(0xffb39248, "RigidBody")
#define GetRigidBodyComponent() ((Obj::CRigidBodyComponent*)GetComponent(CRC_RIGIDBODY))
#define GetRigidBodyComponentFromObject(pObj) ((Obj::CRigidBodyComponent*)(pObj)->GetComponent(CRC_RIGIDBODY))
#define vRP_DEFAULT_SPRING_CONST (10.0f)
namespace Script
class CScript;
class CStruct;
namespace Obj
class CSoundComponent;
class CRigidBodyComponent : public CBaseComponent
enum ERigidBodyStateType
enum EObjectGeometryType
enum EFlagType
struct SContact
// defining element of a rigidbody contact point; position
Mth::Vector p;
// the axis of friction
Mth::Vector friction_direction;
// if friction at this contact occurs only along a single axis
char directed_friction;
struct SContactState
// offset to the contact point in world space
Mth::Vector p_world;
// normal of the surface is it colliding with
Mth::Vector normal;
// the effective mass of this contact for impulses applied along the normal
float normal_eff_mass;
// keeps track of the total impulse magnitude of the normal force in a frame; used to limit the frictional impulse
float normal_impulse_magnitude;
// depth of the contact; negative corresponds to interpenetration
float depth;
// is this contact in collision
char collision;
// false before the normal_inv_mass has been set
char normal_eff_mass_set;
// if the number of free voices is this number or less, don't play bounce sounds
static const int vRP_NUM_UNTOUCHABLE_VOICES = 12;
// maximum number of contacts allowed on a single rigidbody
static const unsigned int vRP_MAX_NUM_CONTACTS = 24;
virtual ~CRigidBodyComponent();
virtual void Update();
virtual void InitFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams );
virtual void Finalize();
virtual EMemberFunctionResult CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams, Script::CScript* pScript );
virtual void GetDebugInfo( Script::CStruct* p_info );
static CBaseComponent* s_create();
static void sToggleDrawRigidBodyDebugLines ( );
void setup_contact_states ( );
void handle_skater_collisions ( );
void update_dynamic_state ( float time_step );
void consider_sleeping ( );
void wake ( );
void sleep ( );
bool detect_collisions ( );
float calculate_effective_mass ( const Mth::Vector& direction, const SContactState& contact_state ) const;
void resolve_collisions ( );
void draw_debug_lines ( ) const;
void get_sound_setup ( uint32 sound_type_id );
void setup_contacts_as_box ( const Mth::Vector& top_half_dimensions, const Mth::Vector& bottom_half_dimensions );
void setup_contacts_as_pyramid ( float radius, float half_depth );
void setup_contacts_as_cylinder ( float top_radius, float bottom_radius, float half_depth, int edges = 6 );
void setup_contacts_as_triangle ( const Mth::Vector& half_dimensions );
void setup_contacts_from_array ( Script::CArray *pArray );
// properties:
// object's don't have masses or moments of inertia;
// instead, a single scalar is used for the moment of inertia and only the ratio of mass over moment is used;
// this ratio controls the object's relative tendency to move linearly or rotationally;
// if proper external forces are ever applied to rigidbodies, they will need a mass;
// units are inverse inches squared; should be on the order of the inverse of the square of the characteristic
// distance between the contact points and the center of mass
float m_mass_over_moment;
// object's acceleration due to constant force on its center of mass (gravity)
float m_const_acc;
// coefficient of restitution; bounce factor
float m_coeff_restitution;
// coefficient of friction
float m_coeff_friction;
// spring constant used to prevent interpenetration
float m_spring_const;
// effectively the sum of the object radius and the skater radius; when the center-to-center distance is below this, there is a collision
float m_skater_collision_radius;
// effectively the radius of the object; the impulse is applied at this distance from the object; to have reasonable rotations, m_mass_over_moment
// should on the order of the inverse of this radius squared; also used in skater collisions to check their Y-interception
float m_skater_collision_application_radius;
// sine and cosine of the angle of assent of the skater collision impulse
float m_cos_skater_collision_assent;
float m_sin_skater_collision_assent;
// factor which adjusts the magnitude of skater collision impulses; sort of like an inverse mass
float m_skater_collision_impulse_factor;
// scales the rotation the object gains from a collision with the skater
float m_skater_collision_rotation_factor;
// if the velocities are below these points, the object may go to sleep
float m_linear_velocity_sleep_point_sqr;
float m_angular_velocity_sleep_point_sqr;
// currently, we assume a box; the algorithm is general enough to do anything
SContact* mp_contacts;
unsigned short m_num_contacts;
// center of mass of the object
Mth::Vector m_center_of_mass;
// offset from the center of mass to the origin of the model
Mth::Vector m_model_offset;
// number of frames after a skater collision before we begin checking for skater collisions again
float m_ignore_skater_duration;
// callback script names
struct SScriptCallbackNames
uint32 collide;
uint32 bounce;
uint32 settle;
uint32 stuck;
} m_script_names;
// parameter structure passed to callback scripts
Script::CStruct* mp_script_params;
// sound setup
struct SSoundSetup
Script::CStruct* collide_sound;
Script::CStruct* bounce_sound;
Tmr::Time collide_mute_delay;
Tmr::Time global_collide_mute_delay;
float bounce_velocity_callback_threshold;
float bounce_velocity_full_speed;
} m_sound_setup;
// time when the next collide sound is allowed
Tmr::Time m_collide_sound_allowed_time;
// time when the any next collide sound is allowed
static Tmr::Time s_collide_sound_allowed_time;
// used to allow dynamic updating of sounds
#ifdef __NOPT_ASSERT__
uint32 m_sound_type_id;
// property flags
Flags<EFlagType> m_flags;
// position at which we were last woke
Mth::Vector m_wake_pos;
// countdown to dying; not active if set to -1.0f
float m_die_countdown;
// primary state variables:
// object's state; objects sleep when they are not active
ERigidBodyStateType m_state;
// object's center of mass position
Mth::Vector m_pos;
// object's velocity
Mth::Vector m_vel;
// object's orientation around center of mass
Mth::Quat m_orientation;
// object's angular velocity
Mth::Vector m_rotvel;
// dependent state variables:
// rotation matrix based on our orientation
Mth::Matrix m_matrix;
// number of contacts in current collision
char m_num_collisions;
// count down used to time the interval between a skater collision and the point when we begin looking for skater collisions again
float m_ignore_skater_countdown;
// work variables:
// collision cache; used to improve collision detection turn-around time; shared by all rigidbodies
static Nx::CCollCache s_collision_cache;
// longest distance between a contact point and the center of mass; used to generate the collision cache's bounding box
float m_largest_contact_extent;
// debug variables
static bool s_debug_lines_on;
static bool s_draw_skater_collision_circles;
// height of the skater; used when determining skater collisions and resulting impulse point of application
static float s_skater_head_height;
// to save memory, the rigidbodies share an array of structures which hold the state of their contacts during collision resolution
static SContactState sp_contact_states [ vRP_MAX_NUM_CONTACTS ];
#ifdef __NOPT_DEBUG__
// insures that only a single rigidbody is using sp_contact_states at a time
static bool s_contact_states_in_use;
// peer components
CSoundComponent* mp_sound_component;