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//* MODULE: Gel/Components
//* FILENAME: HorseComponent.cpp
//* OWNER: Dan Nelson
//* CREATION DATE: 1/31/3
#include <core/defines.h>
#include <core/math.h>
#include <core/math/slerp.h>
#include <gel/components/horsecomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/floatinglabelcomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/inputcomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/camerautil.h>
#include <gel/components/horsecameracomponent.h>
#include <gel/object/compositeobject.h>
#include <gel/object/compositeobjectmanager.h>
#include <gel/collision/collcache.h>
#include <gel/scripting/checksum.h>
#include <gel/scripting/script.h>
#include <gel/scripting/struct.h>
#include <gel/scripting/array.h>
#include <gel/scripting/vecpair.h>
#include <gel/scripting/symboltable.h>
#include <gfx/nxmodel.h>
#include <gfx/nxhierarchy.h>
#include <gfx/skeleton.h>
#include <gfx/camera.h>
#include <gfx/nxviewman.h>
#include <sk/engine/feeler.h>
#include <sk/modules/viewer/viewer.h>
#include <sk/scripting/cfuncs.h>
#include <sk/scripting/nodearray.h>
#define MESSAGE(a) { printf("M:%s:%i: %s\n", __FILE__ + 15, __LINE__, a); }
#define DUMPI(a) { printf("D:%s:%i: " #a " = %i\n", __FILE__ + 15, __LINE__, a); }
#define DUMPF(a) { printf("D:%s:%i: " #a " = %g\n", __FILE__ + 15, __LINE__, a); }
#define DUMPE(a) { printf("D:%s:%i: " #a " = %e\n", __FILE__ + 15, __LINE__, a); }
#define DUMPS(a) { printf("D:%s:%i: " #a " = %s\n", __FILE__ + 15, __LINE__, a); }
#define DUMPP(a) { printf("D:%s:%i: " #a " = %p\n", __FILE__ + 15, __LINE__, a); }
#define DUMPV(a) { printf("D:%s:%i: " #a " = %g, %g, %g\n", __FILE__ + 15, __LINE__, (a)[X], (a)[Y], (a)[Z]); }
#define DUMP4(a) { printf("D:%s:%i: " #a " = %g, %g, %g, %g\n", __FILE__ + 15, __LINE__, (a)[X], (a)[Y], (a)[Z], (a)[W]); }
#define DUMPM(a) { DUMP4(a[X]); DUMP4(a[Y]); DUMP4(a[Z]); DUMP4(a[W]); }
#define MARK { printf("K:%s:%i: %s\n", __FILE__ + 15, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
#define PERIODIC(n) for (static int p__ = 0; (p__ = ++p__ % (n)) == 0; )
// - BUG: solve negative collision depth issue for rect collisions; must project collision normal into rect plane before calculating depth (i think)
// - BUG: bad wipeout behavior; IDEAS:
// - use only line feelers
// - turn off graivty with > 2 contacts
// - sleep like a rigidbody
// - compare algorithm with rigidbody
// - Triggers.
// - Lock motion if very slow and there's no input.
// - Vehicle camera needs to reports its old position to get sounds' pitch correctly.
// - two center of masses (collision at zero and suspension) is an issue; actual rotation is done around zero; what sort of poor behavior does this cause
// when the car is on two wheels? what way is there to retain stable suspension behavior but use a common center of mass? perhaps simply damp rotational
// impulses due to the suspension; this may help with the "vert, linear-to-angular energy" freak-out issue as well
// - body-body collisions; treat as boxes
// - prehaps reduce wheel friction when very near vertical to prevent wall riding
// - states: ASLEEP, AWAKE (full brake; rigidbody), DRIVEN, DRONE (?)
// - vertical side rectangle feelers
// - wheel camber <sp> extracted from model
// - side slippage when stopped on hills
namespace Obj
CHorseComponent::SCollisionPoint CHorseComponent::sp_collision_points[4 * (Nx::MAX_NUM_2D_COLLISIONS_REPORTED + 1)];
/* */
/* */
CBaseComponent* CHorseComponent::s_create()
return static_cast< CBaseComponent* >( new CHorseComponent );
/* */
/* */
CHorseComponent::CHorseComponent() : CBaseComponent()
SetType( CRC_HORSE );
mp_input_component = NULL;
mp_animation_component = NULL;
mp_movable_contact_component = NULL;
mp_collision_cache = Nx::CCollCacheManager::sCreateCollCache();
m_draw_debug_lines = 0;
mp_rider = NULL;
m_vel.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
m_upward.Set( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
m_horizontal_vel.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
m_control_direction = m_horizontal_vel;
m_primary_air_direction = m_horizontal_vel;
m_uncontrollable_air_horizontal_vel = m_horizontal_vel;
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::InitFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams )
m_script_drag_factor = 1.0f;
// extract constant parameters from struct; parameters not included in the script are left unchanged
// toggles through the debug line drawing states
if (pParams->ContainsFlag(CRCD(0x935ab858, "debug")))
m_draw_debug_lines = ++m_draw_debug_lines % 3;
else if (pParams->ContainsFlag(CRCD(0x751da48b, "no_debug")))
m_draw_debug_lines = 0;
m_pos = GetObject()->GetPos();
if( pParams->ContainsComponentNamed(CRCD(0x7f261953, "pos" )))
pParams->GetVector(CRCD(0x7f261953, "pos"), &m_pos);
// Grab a pointer to the skeleton.
mp_skeleton_component = static_cast< CSkeletonComponent* >(GetObject()->GetComponent(CRC_SKELETON));
Dbg_MsgAssert(mp_skeleton_component, ("HorseComponent has no peer skeleton component."));
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::RefreshFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams )
InitFromStructure( pParams );
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::Finalize( void )
mp_model_component = GetModelComponentFromObject( GetObject());
mp_input_component = GetInputComponentFromObject( GetObject());
mp_animation_component = GetAnimationComponentFromObject( GetObject());
mp_movable_contact_component = GetMovableContactComponentFromObject( GetObject());
Dbg_Assert( mp_model_component );
Dbg_Assert( mp_input_component );
Dbg_Assert( mp_animation_component );
Dbg_Assert( mp_movable_contact_component );
// Enable blending for the Horse by default.
mp_animation_component->EnableBlending( true );
m_display_slerp_matrix = GetObject()->GetMatrix();
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::Update( void )
// zero the frame event
m_last_frame_event = m_frame_event;
m_frame_event = 0;
// get input
// extract initial state for this frame from the object
m_frame_start_pos = m_pos = GetObject()->GetPos();
m_horizontal_vel = GetObject()->GetVel();
m_horizontal_vel[Y] = 0.0f;
m_vertical_vel = GetObject()->GetVel()[Y];
// note that m_facing and m_upward will often not be orthogonal, but will always span a plan
// generally straight up, but now after a transition from skating
m_upward = GetObject()->GetMatrix()[Y];
m_facing = GetObject()->GetMatrix()[Z];
m_facing[Y] = 0.0f;
float length = m_facing.Length();
if (length < 0.001f)
// upward facing orientation matrix
m_facing = -GetObject()->GetMatrix()[Y];
m_facing[Y] = 0.0f;
// since m_upward is now in the same plan as m_facing, push m_upward up a touch
m_upward[Y] += 0.01f;
m_facing /= length;
// Set the frame length.
m_frame_length = Tmr::FrameLength();
// go to our true Y position
m_curb_float_height_adjusted = false;
m_pos[Y] -= m_curb_float_height;
// switch logic based on walking state
switch (m_state)
// go_hop_state();
// go_hang_state();
// go_ladder_state();
// go_anim_wait_state();
// the there's no curb to adjust due to, lerp down to zero
if (!m_curb_float_height_adjusted)
m_curb_float_height = Mth::Lerp(m_curb_float_height, 0.0f, s_get_param(CRCD(0x9b3388fa, "curb_float_lerp_down_rate")) * m_frame_length);
// adjust back to our curb float Y position
m_pos[Y] += m_curb_float_height;
// scripts may have restarted us / switched us to skating
// if (should_bail_from_frame()) return;
// Keep the object from falling through holes in the geometry.
if( m_state == WALKING_GROUND || m_state == WALKING_AIR )
// rotate to upright
// setup the object based on this frame's walking
// Position the rider correctly, if one exists.
// set the animation speeds
/* switch (m_anim_scale_speed)
if (m_anim_standard_speed > 0.0f)
mp_animation_component->SetAnimSpeed(m_anim_effective_speed / m_anim_standard_speed, false, false);
mp_animation_component->SetAnimSpeed(m_anim_effective_speed / s_get_param(CRCD(0xd77ee881, "hang_move_speed")), false, false);
mp_animation_component->SetAnimSpeed(m_anim_effective_speed / s_get_param(CRCD(0xab2db54, "ladder_move_speed")), false, false);
// camera controls
// NOTE: script parameters
switch (m_frame_event)
case CRCC(0xf41aba21, "Hop"):
mp_camera_component->SetOverrides(m_facing, 0.05f);
case CRCC(0x2d9815c3, "HangMoveLeft"):
Mth::Vector facing = m_facing;
mp_camera_component->SetOverrides(facing, 0.05f);
case CRCC(0x279b1f0b, "HangMoveRight"):
Mth::Vector facing = m_facing;
mp_camera_component->SetOverrides(facing, 0.05f);
case CRCC(0x4194ecca, "Hang"):
mp_camera_component->SetOverrides(m_facing, 0.05f);
case CRCC(0xc84243da, "Ladder"):
case CRCC(0xaf5abc82, "LadderMoveUp"):
case CRCC(0xfec9dded, "LadderMoveDown"):
mp_camera_component->SetOverrides(m_facing, 0.05f);
case CRCC(0x4fe6069c, "AnimWait"):
if (m_anim_wait_camera_mode == AWC_CURRENT)
mp_camera_component->SetOverrides(m_facing, 0.05f);
mp_camera_component->SetOverrides(m_drift_goal_facing, 0.05f);
/* */
/* */
CBaseComponent::EMemberFunctionResult CHorseComponent::CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams, Script::CScript* pScript )
switch ( Checksum )
// @script | Walk_Ground |
case CRCC( 0x893213e5, "Walk_Ground" ):
return m_state == WALKING_GROUND ? CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE : CBaseComponent::MF_FALSE;
case CRCC( 0x88bd4924, "Horse_GetSpeedScale" ):
uint32 checksum;
if( m_anim_effective_speed < s_get_param( CRCD(0xf3649996, "max_slow_walk_speed")))
checksum = CRCD(0x20c5a299,"HORSE_WALK");
else if( m_anim_effective_speed < s_get_param( CRCD(0x6a5805d8, "max_fast_walk_speed")))
checksum = CRCD(0x8a354e68,"HORSE_TROT");
else if( m_anim_effective_speed < s_get_param( CRCD(0x1c94cc9c, "max_slow_run_speed")))
checksum = CRCD(0x1bee30eb,"HORSE_CANTER");
checksum = CRCD(0x2ca2c118,"HORSE_GALLOP");
pScript->GetParams()->AddChecksum( CRCD( 0x92c388f, "SpeedScale" ), checksum );
// @script | Horse_Jump |
case CRCC( 0xae7deda, "Horse_Jump" ):
// Jump strength scales with the length the jump button has been held.
jump( Mth::Lerp( s_get_param( CRCD( 0x246d0bf3, "min_jump_factor" )), 1.0f, Mth::ClampMax( mp_input_component->GetControlPad().m_x.GetPressedTime() / s_get_param( CRCD( 0x12333ebd, "hold_time_for_max_jump" )), 1.0f )));
// @script | Vehicle_Kick | kicks the vehicle with a force and torque
case CRCC(0x93b713a6, "Vehicle_Kick"):
// @script : Vehicle_Reset | reset any parameters of the vehicle
case CRCC(0xcdcdc05e, "Vehicle_Reset"):
// @script : Vehicle_MoveToRestart | teleport the vehicle to the restart node
case CRCC(0x4b0b27dd, "Vehicle_MoveToRestart"):
uint32 node_name_checksum;
pParams->GetChecksum(NO_NAME, &node_name_checksum, Script::ASSERT);
MoveToNode(SkateScript::GetNode(SkateScript::FindNamedNode(node_name_checksum, Script::ASSERT)));
// @script : Vehicle_PlaceBeforeCamera | moves the object before the active camera
case CRCC(0xc33608e4, "Vehicle_PlaceBeforeCamera"):
Gfx::Camera* camera = Nx::CViewportManager::sGetActiveCamera(0);
if (camera)
Mth::Vector& cam_pos = camera->GetPos();
Mth::Matrix& cam_mat = camera->GetMatrix();
m_pos = cam_pos;
m_pos += cam_mat[Y] * 12.0f * 12.0f;
m_pos -= cam_mat[Z] * 12.0f * 12.0f;
m_orientation_matrix[X] = -cam_mat[X];
m_orientation_matrix[Y] = cam_mat[Y];
m_orientation_matrix[Z] = -cam_mat[Z];
GetObject()->SetMatrix( m_orientation_matrix );
return CBaseComponent::MF_NOT_EXECUTED;
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::GetDebugInfo ( Script::CStruct *p_info )
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_info, ("NULL p_info sent to CHorseComponent::GetDebugInfo"));
// we call the base component's GetDebugInfo, so we can add info from the common base component
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::MoveToNode( Script::CStruct* p_node )
// move to the position relative to the given node that a ped car would be at
Mth::Vector restart_pos;
SkateScript::GetPosition(p_node, &restart_pos);
Mth::Vector restart_angles;
SkateScript::GetAngles( p_node, &restart_angles );
Mth::Matrix restart_matrix;
restart_matrix.SetFromAngles( restart_angles );
// find ground hieght
CFeeler feeler( restart_pos + Mth::Vector( 0.0f, 24.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), restart_pos + Mth::Vector( 0.0f, -800.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ));
if (feeler.GetCollision())
restart_pos[Y] = feeler.GetPoint()[Y];
// move the car to the restart position and allow it to settle on its suspension
m_pos = restart_pos;
/* */
/* */
uint32 CHorseComponent::GetAnimation( void )
return mp_animation_component->GetCurrentSequence();
/* */
/* */
bool CHorseComponent::AcceptRiderMount( CCompositeObject* p_rider )
// This is where we want to enable the associated camera.
CHorseCameraComponent* p_cam_component = GetHorseCameraComponentFromObject( GetObject());
if( p_cam_component )
p_cam_component->Suspend( false );
// Also want to set the horse camera as active.
Script::RunScript( CRCD( 0xb08469a2, "MountHorse" ));
mp_rider = p_rider;
return true;
/* */
/* */
bool CHorseComponent::ShouldUpdateCamera( void )
if( mp_rider )
return true;
return false;
/* */
/* */
bool CHorseComponent::AcceptRiderDismount( CCompositeObject* p_rider )
// This is where we want to disable the associated camera.
CHorseCameraComponent* p_cam_component = GetHorseCameraComponentFromObject( GetObject());
if( p_cam_component )
p_cam_component->Suspend( true );
// Also want to set the horse camera as inactive.
Script::RunScript( CRCD( 0x400b95f5, "DismountHorse" ));
mp_rider = NULL;
return true;
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::draw_debug_rendering ( ) const
if (m_draw_debug_lines)
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::account_for_movable_contact( void )
if (!mp_movable_contact_component->UpdateContact(m_pos))
m_pos += mp_movable_contact_component->GetContact()->GetMovement();
if (mp_movable_contact_component->GetContact()->IsRotated())
m_facing = mp_movable_contact_component->GetContact()->GetRotation().Rotate(m_facing);
if (m_facing[Y] != 0.0f)
m_facing[Y] = 0.0f;
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::jump( float strength )
// switch to air state and give the object an upwards velocity
// if we're jumping from the ground, trip the ground's triggers
if (m_state == WALKING_GROUND && m_last_ground_feeler_valid)
// mp_trigger_component->CheckFeelerForTrigger(TRIGGER_JUMP_OFF, m_last_ground_feeler);
// if (should_bail_from_frame()) return;
m_primary_air_direction = m_facing;
// Called by script from outside of the component update, so m_vertical_vel is not used.
GetObject()->GetVel()[Y] = strength * s_get_param( CRCD( 0x63d62a21, "jump_velocity" ));
leave_movable_contact_for_air( GetObject()->GetVel(), GetObject()->GetVel()[Y] );
set_state( WALKING_AIR );
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::setup_collision_cache( void )
float horizontal_reach = 1.0f + s_get_param(CRCD(0x99978d2b, "feeler_length"));
float vertical_height = 1.0f + s_get_param(CRCD(0x9ea1974a, "walker_height"));;
float vertical_depth = 1.0f + s_get_param(CRCD(0xaf3e4251, "snap_down_height"));
Mth::CBBox bbox(
GetObject()->GetPos() - Mth::Vector(horizontal_reach, vertical_depth, horizontal_reach, 0.0f),
GetObject()->GetPos() + Mth::Vector(horizontal_reach, vertical_height, horizontal_reach, 0.0f)
/* */
/* */
float CHorseComponent::calculate_desired_speed( void )
// forced run
// adjust_control_for_forced_run();
// float walk_point = s_get_param(CRCD(0xc1528f7f, "walk_point"));
if( m_control_magnitude > 0.0f )
// Stick is in non-zero position, so adjust target speed.
// We may want two sets of these, one for speeding up, one for slowing down.
float speed_ka = 1.0f; /* Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0xcac0c1d4, "GunslingerLookaroundTiltKa" ), Script::ASSERT ); */
float speed_ea = 2.0f; /* Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x5443ec5a, "GunslingerLookaroundTiltEa" ), Script::ASSERT ); */
float speed_ks = 1.0f; /* Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x3979b09c, "GunslingerLookaroundTiltKs" ), Script::ASSERT ); */
float speed_es = 1.0f; /* Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0xa7fa9d12, "GunslingerLookaroundTiltEs" ), Script::ASSERT ); */
float target = m_control_direction[X] * m_control_magnitude;
// Calculate acceleration.
float a = speed_ka * powf( Mth::Abs( target ), speed_ea ) * (( target > 0.0f ) ? 1.0f : ( target < 0.0f ) ? -1.0f : 0.0f );
// Calculate max speed.
float s = speed_ks * powf( Mth::Abs( target ), speed_es ) * (( target > 0.0f ) ? 1.0f : ( target < 0.0f ) ? -1.0f : 0.0f );
m_target_speed_adjustment += a;
if( s == 0.0f )
m_target_speed_adjustment = 0.0f;
else if((( s > 0.0f ) && ( m_target_speed_adjustment > s )) || (( s < 0.0f ) && ( m_target_speed_adjustment < s )))
m_target_speed_adjustment = s;
m_target_speed += m_target_speed_adjustment * m_frame_length;
// Constrain to [0.0, 1.0] limits.
m_target_speed = ( m_target_speed < 0.0f ) ? 0.0f : (( m_target_speed > 1.0f ) ? 1.0f : m_target_speed );
return s_get_param( CRCD( 0xcc461b87, "run_speed" )) * m_target_speed;
float walk_point = s_get_param(CRCD(0xc1528f7f, "walk_point"));
float velocity_magnitude = m_control_direction[X] * m_control_magnitude;
if( velocity_magnitude <= walk_point )
m_run_toggle = false;
return Mth::LinearMap( 0.0f, s_get_param( CRCD( 0x79d182ad, "walk_speed" )), velocity_magnitude, 0.3f, walk_point );
m_run_toggle = true;
return Mth::LinearMap( s_get_param( CRCD( 0x79d182ad, "walk_speed" )), s_get_param( CRCD( 0xcc461b87, "run_speed" )), velocity_magnitude, walk_point, 1.0f );
/* */
/* */
float CHorseComponent::adjust_desired_speed_for_slope( float desired_speed )
// Slow velocity up and down slopes.
// skip if there is no appreciable slope
if (m_ground_normal[Y] > 0.95f) return desired_speed;
// skip if not running
if (desired_speed <= s_get_param(CRCD(0x79d182ad, "walk_speed"))) return desired_speed;
// calculate a horizontal vector up the slope
Mth::Vector up_slope = m_ground_normal;
up_slope[Y] = 0.0f;
// horizontal factor of velocity if the velocity were pointing along the slope (instead of along the horizontal)
float movement_factor = m_ground_normal[Y];
// factor of velocity pointing up the slope
float dot = Mth::Abs(Mth::DotProduct(m_facing, up_slope));
// scale the up-the-slope element of velocity based on the slope strength
return (1.0f - dot) * desired_speed + dot * movement_factor * desired_speed;
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::calculate_horizontal_speed_and_facing( float &horizontal_speed )
// calculate user's desired speed
float desired_speed = calculate_desired_speed();
// adjust speed by the script set drag factor
desired_speed *= m_script_drag_factor;
// setup frame's event
if (desired_speed <= s_get_param(CRCD(0x74e8227d, "max_stand_speed")))
m_frame_event = CRCD(0x9b46e749, "Stand");
m_frame_event = CRCD(0xaf895b3f, "Run");
bool special_acceleration = false;
// HorseComponent version.
// The required rate of turn depends on the x axis component of the control direction.
// if( horizontal_speed < s_get_param( CRCD( 0x52582d5b, "max_rotate_in_place_speed" )))
if( 1 )
// Low speed rotate to desired orientation with no speed change.
m_delta_angle = Mth::DegToRad( s_get_param( CRCD( 0xb557804b, "rotate_in_place_rate" ))) * -m_control_direction[Z] * m_control_magnitude * m_frame_length;
if( !m_run_toggle )
m_delta_angle *= s_get_param( CRCD( 0x7b446c98, "walk_rotate_factor" ));
if( m_delta_angle != 0.0f )
float cos_delta_angle = cosf( m_delta_angle );
float sin_delta_angle = sinf( m_delta_angle );
float adjusted_vel = cos_delta_angle * m_facing[X] + sin_delta_angle * m_facing[Z];
m_facing[Z] = -sin_delta_angle * m_facing[X] + cos_delta_angle * m_facing[Z];
m_facing[X] = adjusted_vel;
// check for overturn
// if (left_turn != (-m_facing[Z] * m_control_direction[X] + m_facing[X] * m_control_direction[Z] < 0.0f))
// {
// m_facing = m_control_direction;
// }
// no acceleration until we reach the desired orientation
// special_acceleration = true;
// setup the event
m_frame_event = ( m_delta_angle < 0.0f ) ? CRCD( 0xf28adbfc, "RotateLeft" ) : CRCD( 0x912220f8, "RotateRight" );
if (special_acceleration) return;
// Store desired speed for animation speed scaling.
m_anim_effective_speed = desired_speed;
// adjust desired speed for slope
desired_speed = adjust_desired_speed_for_slope( desired_speed );
// linear acceleration; exponential deceleration
if (horizontal_speed > desired_speed)
horizontal_speed = Mth::Lerp(horizontal_speed, desired_speed, s_get_param(CRCD(0xacfa4e0c, "decel_factor")) * m_frame_length);
if (desired_speed == 0.0f)
if (horizontal_speed > s_get_param(CRCD(0x79d182ad, "walk_speed")))
m_frame_event = CRCD(0x1d537eff, "Skid");
else if (m_last_frame_event == CRCD(0x1d537eff, "Skid") && horizontal_speed > s_get_param(CRCD(0x311d02b2, "stop_skidding_speed")))
m_frame_event = CRCD(0x1d537eff, "Skid");
if (m_run_toggle)
horizontal_speed += s_get_param(CRCD(0x4f47c998, "run_accel_rate")) * m_frame_length;
horizontal_speed += s_get_param(CRCD(0x6590a49b, "walk_accel_rate")) * m_frame_length;
if (horizontal_speed > desired_speed)
horizontal_speed = desired_speed;
/* */
/* */
bool CHorseComponent::adjust_horizontal_vel_for_environment( bool wall_push_active )
// We send out feeler rays to find nearby walls. We limit velocity to be flush with the first wall found. If two or more non-parallel walls
// are found, velocity is zeroed.
float feeler_length = s_get_param(CRCD(0x99978d2b, "feeler_length"));
float feeler_height = s_get_param(CRCD(0x6da7f696, "feeler_height"));
CFeeler feeler;
bool contact = false;
for (int n = 0; n < vNUM_FEELERS + 1; n++)
// setup the the feeler
if (n == vNUM_FEELERS)
// final feeler is for air state only and is at the feet; solves situations in which the feet impact with vertical surfaces which the
// wall feelers are too high to touch
if (m_state != WALKING_AIR)
mp_contacts[vNUM_FEELERS].in_collision = false;
feeler.m_start = m_pos;
feeler.m_end = m_pos + m_horizontal_vel * m_frame_length;
feeler.m_end[Y] += m_vertical_vel * m_frame_length + 0.5f * -s_get_param(CRCD(0xa5e2da58, "gravity")) * Mth::Sqr(m_frame_length);
feeler.m_start = m_pos;
feeler.m_start[Y] += feeler_height;
feeler.m_end = m_pos + feeler_length * calculate_feeler_offset_direction(n);
feeler.m_end[Y] += feeler_height;
mp_contacts[n].in_collision = feeler.GetCollision();
if (!mp_contacts[n].in_collision)
#ifdef __USER_DAN__
if (Script::GetInteger(CRCD(0xaf90c5fd, "walking_debug_lines")))
feeler.DebugLine(0, 0, 255, 1);
contact = true;
#ifdef __USER_DAN__
if (Script::GetInteger(CRCD(0xaf90c5fd, "walking_debug_lines")))
feeler.DebugLine(255, 0, 0, 1);
// grab the horizontal normal of the contacted wall
mp_contacts[n].normal = feeler.GetNormal();
mp_contacts[n].normal[Y] = 0.0f;
// grab the distance of the contact from the object
mp_contacts[n].distance = feeler.GetDist();
// if we're on the moving object, don't count its movement when doing collision detection, as the walker's velocity is already measured
// relative to its movable contact's
if (feeler.IsMovableCollision()
&& (!mp_movable_contact_component->HaveContact() || mp_movable_contact_component->GetContact()->GetObject() != feeler.GetMovingObject()))
mp_contacts[n].movement = Mth::DotProduct(feeler.GetMovingObject()->GetVel(), mp_contacts[n].normal);
mp_contacts[n].movement = 0.0f;
// check for wall push
if (m_state == WALKING_GROUND)
// if (wall_push_active && check_for_wall_push())
if (false)
// if we're wall pushing, we may decide to switch states based on our environment
if (Tmr::ElapsedTime(m_wall_push_test.test_start_time) > s_get_param(CRCD(0x928e6775, "hop_delay")))
// if (maybe_climb_up_ladder() || maybe_hop_to_hang() || maybe_jump_low_barrier()) return false;
else if (Tmr::ElapsedTime(m_wall_push_test.test_start_time) > s_get_param(CRCD(0x38d36700, "barrier_jump_delay")))
// if (maybe_climb_up_ladder() || maybe_jump_low_barrier()) return false;
// else if (mp_input_component->GetControlPad().m_R1.GetPressed() && !m_ignore_grab_button)
// {
// if (maybe_climb_up_ladder(true)) return false;
// }
if (!contact) return false;
// push away from walls
for (int n = 0; n < vNUM_FEELERS + 1; n++)
if (!mp_contacts[n].in_collision) continue;
if (mp_contacts[n].distance < s_get_param(CRCD(0xa20c43b7, "push_feeler_length")) / feeler_length)
m_pos += s_get_param(CRCD(0x4d16f37d, "push_strength")) * m_frame_length * mp_contacts[n].normal;
// from here on we ignore collisions we're moving out of
contact = false;
for (int n = 0; n < vNUM_FEELERS + 1; n++)
if (!mp_contacts[n].in_collision) continue;
// don't count collisions we're moving out of
if (Mth::DotProduct(mp_contacts[n].normal, m_horizontal_vel) >= mp_contacts[n].movement)
mp_contacts[n].in_collision = false;
contact = true;
if (!contact) return false;
// Now we calculate how our movement is effected by our collisions. The movement must have a non-negative dot product with all collision normals.
// The algorithm used should be valid for all convex environments.
// if any of the colllision normals are more than right angles to one another, no movement is possible
// NOTE: not valid with movable contacts; could cause jerky movement in corners where walls are movable
for (int n = 0; n < vNUM_FEELERS + 1; n++)
if (!mp_contacts[n].in_collision) continue;
for (int m = n + 1; m < vNUM_FEELERS + 1; m++)
if (!mp_contacts[m].in_collision) continue;
if (Mth::DotProduct(mp_contacts[n].normal, mp_contacts[m].normal) <= 0.0f)
m_anim_effective_speed = Mth::Min(s_get_param(CRCD(0xbd6a05d, "min_anim_run_speed")), m_anim_effective_speed);
return true;
// direction of proposed movement
Mth::Vector movement_direction = m_horizontal_vel;
Mth::Vector adjusted_vel = m_horizontal_vel;
// loop over the contacts (from backward to forward)
const int contact_idxs[] = { 7, 4, 3, 5, 2, 6, 1, 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < vNUM_FEELERS + 1; i++)
int n = contact_idxs[i];
if (!mp_contacts[n].in_collision) continue;
// check to see if the movement still violates this constraint
float normal_vel = Mth::DotProduct(adjusted_vel, mp_contacts[n].normal);
if (normal_vel >= mp_contacts[n].movement) continue;
// adjust the movement to the closest direction allowed by this contraint
adjusted_vel -= (normal_vel - mp_contacts[n].movement) * mp_contacts[n].normal;
// if the mvoement direction no longer points in the direction of the proposed movement, no movement occurs
if (Mth::DotProduct(adjusted_vel, m_horizontal_vel) <= 0.0f)
m_anim_effective_speed = Mth::Min(s_get_param(CRCD(0xbd6a05d, "min_anim_run_speed")), m_anim_effective_speed);
return true;
// insure that the adjusted velocity in the final direction is not larger than the projection of the initial velocity into that direction
float adjusted_speed = adjusted_vel.Length();
Mth::Vector adjusted_vel_direction = adjusted_vel;
adjusted_vel_direction *= 1.0f / adjusted_speed;
float projected_vel = Mth::DotProduct(m_horizontal_vel, adjusted_vel_direction);
if (adjusted_speed > projected_vel)
adjusted_vel = adjusted_vel_direction * projected_vel;
// only the velocity along the movement direction is retained
m_horizontal_vel = adjusted_vel;
float final_horiz_vel = m_horizontal_vel.Length();
if (m_anim_effective_speed > s_get_param(CRCD(0xbd6a05d, "min_anim_run_speed")))
m_anim_effective_speed = final_horiz_vel;
m_anim_effective_speed = Mth::Max(s_get_param(CRCD(0xbd6a05d, "min_anim_run_speed")), m_anim_effective_speed);
return true;
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::adjust_facing_for_adjusted_horizontal_vel( void )
// We adjust facing due to adjustment in horizontal velocity due to environment.
// Basically, we want to object to turn to face the velocity that the environment has forced upon it.
// IDEA: shift to basing turn amount on angle difference and not speed
float horizontal_speed = m_horizontal_vel.Length();
// the new facing is in the direction of our adjusted velocity
Mth::Vector new_facing = m_horizontal_vel;
// Smoothly transition between no wall turning to full wall turning.
float turn_ratio;
if( horizontal_speed > s_get_param( CRCD( 0xe6c1cd0d, "max_wall_turn_speed_threshold" )))
turn_ratio = s_get_param( CRCD( 0x7a583b9b, "wall_turn_factor" )) * m_frame_length;
turn_ratio = Mth::LinearMap( 0.0f,
s_get_param( CRCD( 0x7a583b9b, "wall_turn_factor")) * m_frame_length,
// s_get_param( CRCD( 0x0515a933, "wall_turn_speed_threshold")),
s_get_param( CRCD( 0xe6c1cd0d, "max_wall_turn_speed_threshold" )));
// Exponentially approach new facing.
if( turn_ratio >= 1.0f )
m_facing = new_facing;
m_facing = Mth::Lerp( m_facing, new_facing, turn_ratio );
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::go_on_ground_state( void )
// Calculate initial horizontal speed.
float horizontal_speed = m_horizontal_vel.Length();
calculate_horizontal_speed_and_facing( horizontal_speed );
// Calculate this frame's movement.
m_horizontal_vel = horizontal_speed * m_facing;
// Prevent movement into walls.
if( adjust_horizontal_vel_for_environment( true ))
// Turn to face newly adjusted velocity.
// If we are wall pushing, we may have decided to switch states during adjust_horizontal_vel_for_environment based on our environment.
// if (m_state != WALKING_GROUND || should_bail_from_frame())
if( m_state != WALKING_GROUND )
// Apply movement for this frame.
m_pos += m_horizontal_vel * m_frame_length;
// Snap up and down curbs and perhaps switch to air.
// if (m_state != WALKING_GROUND || should_bail_from_frame())
if( m_state != WALKING_GROUND )
// Deal with intelligent path following.
// Ensure that we do not slip through the cracks in the collision geometry which are a side-effect of moving collidable objects.
if (CCompositeObject* p_inside_object = mp_movable_contact_component->CheckInsideObjects(m_pos, m_frame_start_pos))
MESSAGE("WALKING_GROUND, within moving object");
// allow it to push us forward, causing a bit of a stumble
m_horizontal_vel = p_inside_object->GetVel();
m_horizontal_vel[Y] = 0.0f;
m_vertical_vel = 0.0f;
float speed_sqr = m_horizontal_vel.LengthSqr();
if (speed_sqr > (10.0f * 10.0f))
m_facing = m_horizontal_vel * (1.0f / sqrtf(speed_sqr));
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::go_in_air_state( void )
// default air event
m_frame_event = CRCD(0x439f4704, "Air");
// user control of horizontal velocity
// prevent movement into walls
// if (should_bail_from_frame()) return;
// check for head bonking
// apply movement and acceleration for this frame
m_pos += m_horizontal_vel * m_frame_length;
m_pos[Y] += m_vertical_vel * m_frame_length + 0.5f * -s_get_param(CRCD(0xa5e2da58, "gravity")) * Mth::Sqr(m_frame_length);
m_vertical_vel += -s_get_param(CRCD(0xa5e2da58, "gravity")) * m_frame_length;
// see if we've landed yet
check_for_landing(m_frame_start_pos, m_pos);
// if (m_state != WALKING_AIR || should_bail_from_frame()) return;
if (m_state != WALKING_AIR ) return;
// maybe grab a rail; delay regrabbing of hang rails
// if (mp_input_component->GetControlPad().m_R1.GetPressed() && !m_ignore_grab_button
// && ((m_previous_state != WALKING_HANG && m_previous_state != WALKING_LADDER) || Tmr::ElapsedTime(m_state_timestamp) > s_get_param(CRCD(0xe6e0c0a4, "rehang_delay"))))
// {
// if (m_previous_state == WALKING_LADDER)
// {
// // can't regrab ladders
// if (maybe_grab_to_hang(m_frame_start_pos, m_pos))
// {
// CFeeler::sClearDefaultCache();
// return;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// if (maybe_grab_to_hang(m_frame_start_pos, m_pos) || maybe_grab_to_ladder(m_frame_start_pos, m_pos))
// {
// CFeeler::sClearDefaultCache();
// return;
// }
// }
// }
// if (mp_input_component->GetControlPad().m_triangle.GetPressed())
// {
// if (maybe_stick_to_rail())
// {
// CFeeler::sClearDefaultCache();
// return;
// }
// }
// insure that we do not slip through the cracks in the collision geometry which are a side-effect of moving collidable objects
Mth::Vector previous_pos = m_pos;
if (CCompositeObject* p_inside_object = mp_movable_contact_component->CheckInsideObjects(m_pos, m_frame_start_pos))
MESSAGE("WALKING_AIR, within moving object");
m_vertical_vel = 0.0f;
check_for_landing(m_pos, previous_pos);
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::get_controller_input( void )
// If no rider, ignore input.
if( mp_rider == NULL )
// Set it as if we are trying to slow downn to the max.
m_control_direction[X] = -1.0f;
m_control_direction[Z] = 0.0f;
m_control_magnitude = 1.0f;
CControlPad& control_pad = mp_input_component->GetControlPad();
// Dbg_Assert(mp_camera);
// rotate controller direction into camera's frame
// Mth::Vector camera_forward = -mp_camera->m_matrix[Z];
// camera_forward[Y] = 0.0f;
// camera_forward.Normalize();
// allow a tolerance range for pressing directly forward
float angle = control_pad.m_leftAngle;
if (Mth::Abs(angle) < Mth::DegToRad(s_get_param(CRCD(0x4676a268, "forward_tolerance"))))
angle = 0.0f;
float sin_angle = sinf(angle);
float cos_angle = cosf(angle);
// m_control_direction[X] = cos_angle * camera_forward[X] - sin_angle * camera_forward[Z];
// m_control_direction[Z] = sin_angle * camera_forward[X] + cos_angle * camera_forward[Z];
m_control_direction[X] = cos_angle;
m_control_direction[Z] = sin_angle;
// different control schemes for analog stick and d-pad
# if 0
if (control_pad.m_leftX == 0.0f && control_pad.m_leftY == 0.0f)
// d-pad control
if (control_pad.m_leftLength == 0.0f)
m_control_magnitude = 0.0f;
m_control_pegged = false;
// don't reset dpad in the air
if (m_state != WALKING_AIR)
m_dpad_used_last_frame = false;
if (!m_dpad_used_last_frame)
m_dpad_use_time_stamp = Tmr::GetTime();
m_dpad_used_last_frame = true;
if (m_state == WALKING_GROUND)
// slowly ramp up to a full run
Tmr::Time elapsed_time = Tmr::ElapsedTime(m_dpad_use_time_stamp);
Tmr::Time full_run_dpad_delay = static_cast< Tmr::Time >(s_get_param(CRCD(0x1832588c, "full_run_dpad_delay")));
Tmr::Time start_run_dpad_delay = static_cast< Tmr::Time >(s_get_param(CRCD(0x2c386a43, "start_run_dpad_delay")));
if (elapsed_time < start_run_dpad_delay)
m_control_magnitude = s_get_param(CRCD(0xc1528f7f, "walk_point"));
else if (elapsed_time < full_run_dpad_delay)
m_control_magnitude = Mth::SmoothMap(
s_get_param(CRCD(0xc1528f7f, "walk_point")),
m_control_magnitude = 1.0f;
m_control_magnitude = 1.0f;
m_control_pegged = true;
// damp dpad control directions towards forward when running
if (m_state == WALKING_GROUND && Mth::Abs(angle) < Mth::DegToRad(90.0f + 5.0f) && (forced_run() || m_control_magnitude > s_get_param(CRCD(0xc1528f7f, "walk_point"))))
// if (forced_run() || m_control_magnitude == 1.0f)
// {
// m_control_direction += s_get_param(CRCD(0x3c581621, "dpad_control_damping_factor")) * camera_forward;
// }
// else
// {
// // smoothly interpolate between damping and no damping
// m_control_direction += Mth::SmoothMap(0.0f, s_get_param(CRCD(0x3c581621, "dpad_control_damping_factor")), m_control_magnitude, s_get_param(CRCD(0xc1528f7f, "walk_point")), 1.0f)
// * camera_forward;
// }
# endif
// analog stick control
m_control_magnitude = control_pad.GetScaledLeftAnalogStickMagnitude() / 0.85f;
if (m_control_magnitude >= 1.0f)
m_control_magnitude = 1.0f;
m_control_pegged = true;
m_control_pegged = false;
// during a forward control lock, ignore all input not in the forward direction
if (m_state == WALKING_GROUND && m_forward_control_lock)
m_control_magnitude = Mth::ClampMin(m_control_magnitude * Mth::DotProduct(m_control_direction, m_facing), 0.0f);
m_control_direction = m_facing;
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::uber_frig( void )
// Ensure that we don't fall to the center of the earth, even if there are holes in the geometry.
// Also, do lighting since we've got the feeler anyway.
CFeeler feeler;
feeler.m_start = m_pos;
feeler.m_start[Y] += 1.0f;
feeler.m_end = m_pos;
feeler.m_end[Y] -= FEET(400);
if( feeler.GetCollision())
mp_model_component->ApplyLightingFromCollision( feeler );
// Teleport us back to our position at the frame's start; not pretty, but this isn't supposed to be.
m_pos = m_frame_start_pos;
// Zero our velocity too.
m_vertical_vel = 0.0f;
// Set our state to ground
set_state( WALKING_GROUND );
m_last_ground_feeler_valid = false;
m_ground_normal.Set(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
// Reset our script state.
m_frame_event = CRCD(0x57ff2a27, "Land");
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::lerp_upright( void )
// if (m_upward[Y] == 1.0f) return;
// if (m_upward[Y] > 0.999f)
// {
// m_upward.Set(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
// return;
// }
// m_upward = Mth::Lerp(m_upward, Mth::Vector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), s_get_param(CRCD(0xf22c135, "lerp_upright_rate")) * Tmr::FrameLength());
// m_upward.Normalize();
m_upward = m_ground_normal;
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::copy_state_into_object( void )
// Build the object's matrix based on our facing.
Mth::Matrix matrix;
// A horse requires special consideration, since it will necessarily tilt to match it's environment along it's long axis,
// but will need to remain upright (or very nearly so) along it's shortest axis, since otherwise given it's high center
// of gravity, it would topple over when standing sideways on a steep slope.
matrix[X] = Mth::CrossProduct( m_upward, m_facing );
matrix[X][Y] = 0.0f;
matrix[Y] = m_upward;
matrix[Z] = Mth::CrossProduct( matrix[X], matrix[Y] );
matrix[Y] = Mth::CrossProduct( matrix[Z], matrix[X] );
matrix[W].Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
GetObject()->SetPos( m_pos );
GetObject()->SetMatrix( matrix );
// The display matrix is slerped towards the current matrix.
Mth::SlerpInterpolator slerper( &m_display_slerp_matrix, &matrix );
// Apply the slerping.
slerper.getMatrix( &m_display_slerp_matrix, GetTimeAdjustedSlerp( 0.1f, m_frame_length ));
GetObject()->SetDisplayMatrix( m_display_slerp_matrix );
// Construct the object's velocity.
GetObject()->SetVel( m_horizontal_vel );
GetObject()->GetVel()[Y] = m_vertical_vel;
/* */
/* */
Mth::Vector CHorseComponent::calculate_feeler_offset_direction( int contact )
float angle = contact * (2.0f * Mth::PI / vNUM_FEELERS);
float cos_angle = cosf(angle);
float sin_angle = sinf(angle);
Mth::Vector end_offset_direction;
end_offset_direction[X] = cos_angle * m_facing[X] - sin_angle * m_facing[Z];
end_offset_direction[Y] = 0.0f;
end_offset_direction[Z] = sin_angle * m_facing[X] + cos_angle * m_facing[Z];
end_offset_direction[W] = 0.0f;
return end_offset_direction;
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::adjust_curb_float_height( void )
// adjust m_curb_float_height to smooth out moving up stairs
// When facing a curb, we smoothly increase m_curb_float_height to the height of the curb. When we snap up the curb, m_curb_float_height is then
// reduced by an amount equal to the snap distance.
// When we snap down a curb, m_curb_float_height is increased by the snap distance. We then drop m_curb_float_height smoothly to zero.
// determine appropriate direction to search for a curb
Mth::Vector feeler_direction = m_facing;
feeler_direction[Y] = Mth::ClampMin(feeler_direction[Y], 0.0f);
// look for a curb
CFeeler feeler;
feeler.m_start = m_pos;
feeler.m_start[Y] += 0.5f;
feeler.m_end = m_pos + s_get_param(CRCD(0x11edcc52, "curb_float_feeler_length")) * feeler_direction;
feeler.m_end[Y] += 0.5f;
#ifdef __USER_DAN__
if (Script::GetInteger(CRCD(0xaf90c5fd, "walking_debug_lines")))
feeler.DebugLine(0, 255, 0, 1);
if (feeler.GetCollision())
// grab the distance to the curb
float distance_to_curb = feeler.GetDist();
// look up from the curb to find the curb height
feeler.m_end = feeler.GetPoint() + 0.5f * feeler_direction;
feeler.m_start = feeler.m_end;
feeler.m_start[Y] = m_pos[Y] + s_get_param(CRCD(0xcee3a3e1, "snap_up_height"));
#ifdef __USER_DAN__
if (Script::GetInteger(CRCD(0xaf90c5fd, "walking_debug_lines")))
feeler.DebugLine(0, 255, 255, 1);
if (feeler.GetCollision())
// calculate the m_curb_float_height we should have based on the curb height and distance
float appropriate_curb_float_height = (1.0f - distance_to_curb) * (feeler.GetPoint()[Y] - m_pos[Y]);
if (Mth::Abs(m_curb_float_height) < 0.01f && m_control_magnitude == 0.0f && m_horizontal_vel.LengthSqr() < Mth::Sqr(s_get_param(CRCD(0x227d72ee, "min_curb_height_adjust_vel"))))
// don't update the curb height if we're on the ground and standing still; this is mostly to prevent snapping up right after landing a jump
// lerp to the appropriate height
m_curb_float_height = Mth::Lerp(m_curb_float_height, appropriate_curb_float_height, s_get_param(CRCD(0x856a80d3, "curb_float_lerp_up_rate")) * m_frame_length);
m_curb_float_height_adjusted = true;
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::respond_to_ground( void )
// Reset ground normal to straight up.
m_ground_normal.Set( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
// Look for the ground below us. If we find it, snap to it. If not, go to air state.
CFeeler feeler;
feeler.m_start = m_pos;
feeler.m_start[Y] += s_get_param(CRCD(0xcee3a3e1, "snap_up_height"));
feeler.m_end = m_pos;
feeler.m_end[Y] -= s_get_param(CRCD(0xaf3e4251, "snap_down_height"));
if (!feeler.GetCollision())
// no ground
// if (m_last_ground_feeler_valid)
// {
// mp_trigger_component->CheckFeelerForTrigger(TRIGGER_SKATE_OFF_EDGE, m_last_ground_feeler);
// if (should_bail_from_frame()) return;
// }
// go to air state
m_primary_air_direction = m_facing;
leave_movable_contact_for_air(m_horizontal_vel, m_vertical_vel);
m_frame_event = CRCD(0xabf1f6ac, "WalkOffEdge");
float snap_distance = feeler.GetPoint()[Y] - m_pos[Y];
// no not send event for very small snaps
if (Mth::Abs(snap_distance) > s_get_param(CRCD(0xd3193d8e, "max_unnoticed_ground_snap")))
GetObject()->SelfEvent(snap_distance > 0.0f ? CRCD(0x93fcf3ed, "SnapUpEdge") : CRCD(0x56e21153, "SnapDownEdge"));
// snap position to the ground
m_pos[Y] = feeler.GetPoint()[Y];
// adjust stair float distance
m_curb_float_height = Mth::ClampMin(m_curb_float_height - snap_distance, 0.0f);
// see if we've changed sectors
if (m_last_ground_feeler.GetSector() != feeler.GetSector())
// if (m_last_ground_feeler_valid)
// {
// mp_trigger_component->CheckFeelerForTrigger(TRIGGER_SKATE_OFF, m_last_ground_feeler);
// if (should_bail_from_frame()) return;
// }
// mp_trigger_component->CheckFeelerForTrigger(TRIGGER_SKATE_ONTO, feeler);
// if (should_bail_from_frame()) return;
// stash the ground feeler so that we can trip the group's triggers at a later time
m_last_ground_feeler = feeler;
m_last_ground_feeler_valid = true;
// set the ground normal for next frame's velocity slope adjustment
m_ground_normal = feeler.GetNormal();
// NOTE: need to repeat this code anywhere we enter the ground state
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::leave_movable_contact_for_air( Mth::Vector& horizontal_vel, float& vertical_vel )
// use movement from the latest movable contact update call
if (mp_movable_contact_component->HaveContact())
// keep track of the horizontal velocity due to our old contact
m_uncontrollable_air_horizontal_vel = mp_movable_contact_component->GetContact()->GetObject()->GetVel();
if (Mth::DotProduct(m_uncontrollable_air_horizontal_vel, horizontal_vel) > 0.0f)
// extra kicker; dangerous as there's no collision detection; without this slight extra movement, when we walk off the front of a movable object,
// the object will move back under us before our next frame, and we will clip its edge and land on it
m_pos += m_uncontrollable_air_horizontal_vel * m_frame_length;
// add movable contact's velocity into our launch velocity
vertical_vel += m_uncontrollable_air_horizontal_vel[Y];
m_uncontrollable_air_horizontal_vel[Y] = 0.0f;
horizontal_vel += m_uncontrollable_air_horizontal_vel;
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::control_horizontal_vel( void )
// We allow user control over the object's in air velocity. The algorithm is complicated by the fact that the forward velocity of the jump needs
// to be accounted for when allowing for velocity adjustment. It is assumed that the jump direction is the same as the facing.
// remove uncontrollable velocity term
m_horizontal_vel -= m_uncontrollable_air_horizontal_vel;
// forced run still works in the air
// adjust_control_for_forced_run();
// adjust speed by the script set drag factor
float adjust_magnitude = m_control_magnitude * m_script_drag_factor;
// adjust velocity perpendicular to jump direction
// direction perpendicular to jump direction
Mth::Vector perp_direction( -m_primary_air_direction[Z], 0.0f, m_primary_air_direction[X], 0.0f );
// desired perpendicular velocity
float perp_desired_vel = s_get_param(CRCD(0x896c8888, "jump_adjust_speed")) * adjust_magnitude * Mth::DotProduct(m_control_direction, perp_direction);
// current perpendicular velocity
float perp_vel = Mth::DotProduct(m_horizontal_vel, perp_direction);
// exponentially approach desired velocity
perp_vel = Mth::Lerp(perp_vel, perp_desired_vel, s_get_param(CRCD(0xf085443b, "jump_accel_factor")) * m_frame_length);
// adjust velocity parallel to jump direction
// desired parallel velocity
float para_desired_vel = s_get_param(CRCD(0x896c8888, "jump_adjust_speed")) * adjust_magnitude * Mth::DotProduct(m_control_direction, m_primary_air_direction);
// current parallel velocity
float para_vel = Mth::DotProduct(m_horizontal_vel, m_primary_air_direction);
// if desired velocity if forward and forward velocity already exceeds adjustment velocity
if (para_desired_vel >= 0.0f && para_vel > para_desired_vel)
// do nothing; don't slow down the jump
// adjust desired velocity to center around current velocity to insure that our in air stopping ability is not too amazing
if (para_desired_vel < 0.0f && para_vel > 0.0f)
para_desired_vel += para_vel;
// expondentially approach desired velocity
para_vel = Mth::Lerp(para_vel, para_desired_vel, s_get_param(CRCD(0xf085443b, "jump_accel_factor")) * m_frame_length);
// rebuild horizontal velocity from parallel and perpendicular components
// Dave note - not sure about controlling the horse velocity in midair, so disable for now.
// m_horizontal_vel = para_vel * m_primary_air_direction + perp_vel * perp_direction;
// reinstitute uncontrollable velocity term
m_horizontal_vel += m_uncontrollable_air_horizontal_vel;
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::check_for_landing( const Mth::Vector& previous_pos, const Mth::Vector& final_pos )
// See if our feet have passed through geometry. If so, snap to it and go to ground state.
CFeeler feeler;
feeler.m_start = previous_pos;
feeler.m_end = final_pos;
if (!feeler.GetCollision()) return;
// snap to the collision point
m_pos = feeler.GetPoint();
// zero vertical velocity
m_vertical_vel = 0.0f;
// change to ground state
// stash the feeler
m_last_ground_feeler = feeler;
m_last_ground_feeler_valid = true;
// trip any land trigger
// mp_trigger_component->CheckFeelerForTrigger(TRIGGER_LAND_ON, m_last_ground_feeler);
// if (should_bail_from_frame()) return;
// setup our ground normal for next frames velocity slope adjustment
m_ground_normal = feeler.GetNormal();
// check for a moving contact
if (mp_movable_contact_component->HaveContact())
m_horizontal_vel -= mp_movable_contact_component->GetContact()->GetObject()->GetVel();
m_horizontal_vel[Y] = 0.0f;
// retain only that velocity which is parallel to our facing and forward
if (Mth::DotProduct(m_horizontal_vel, m_facing) > 0.0f)
// clear any jump requests
m_frame_event = CRCD(0x57ff2a27, "Land");
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::adjust_vertical_vel_for_ceiling( void )
// If we hit our head, zero vertical velocity
// only worry about the ceiling if we're moving upwards
if (m_vertical_vel <= 0.0f) return;
// look for a collision up through the body to the head
CFeeler feeler;
feeler.m_start = m_pos;
feeler.m_end = m_pos;
feeler.m_end[Y] += s_get_param(CRCD(0x9ea1974a, "walker_height"));
if (!feeler.GetCollision()) return;
// zero upward velocity
m_vertical_vel = 0.0f;
GetObject()->SelfEvent(CRCD(0x6e84acf3, "HitCeiling"));
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::position_rider( void )
// HACK: get player proximity checks, triggers, and the like working
// CCompositeObject* p_skater = static_cast< CCompositeObject* >(CCompositeObjectManager::Instance()->GetObjectByID( 0 ));
// p_skater->SetPos( GetObject()->GetPos());
/* */
/* */
bool get_collision( Mth::Vector& start, Mth::Vector& direction, float length, float* p_worst_length )
CFeeler feeler;
feeler.m_start = start;
feeler.m_end = start + length * direction;
// No collision as yet.
bool collision = false;
*p_worst_length = length;
Gfx::AddDebugLine( feeler.m_start, feeler.m_end, MAKE_RGB( 0, 128, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 0, 128, 0 ), 1 );
if( feeler.GetCollision())
if( Mth::Abs( feeler.GetNormal()[Y] ) < 0.2f )
collision = true;
*p_worst_length = length * feeler.GetDist();
Gfx::AddDebugLine( feeler.m_start, feeler.m_end, MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), 1 );
Mth::Vector offset( -direction[Z], 0.0f, direction[X], 0.0f );
// Try 4 inches to the left.
feeler.m_start += offset * 4.0f;
feeler.m_end += offset * 4.0f;
if( feeler.GetCollision())
if( Mth::Abs( feeler.GetNormal()[Y] ) < 0.2f )
collision = true;
if(( length * feeler.GetDist()) < *p_worst_length )
*p_worst_length = length * feeler.GetDist();
Gfx::AddDebugLine( feeler.m_start, feeler.m_end, MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), 1 );
// Try 8 inches to the left.
feeler.m_start += offset * 4.0f;
feeler.m_end += offset * 4.0f;
if( feeler.GetCollision())
if( Mth::Abs( feeler.GetNormal()[Y] ) < 0.2f )
collision = true;
if(( length * feeler.GetDist()) < *p_worst_length )
*p_worst_length = length * feeler.GetDist();
Gfx::AddDebugLine( feeler.m_start, feeler.m_end, MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), 1 );
// Try 12 inches to the left.
feeler.m_start += offset * 4.0f;
feeler.m_end += offset * 4.0f;
if( feeler.GetCollision())
if( Mth::Abs( feeler.GetNormal()[Y] ) < 0.2f )
collision = true;
if(( length * feeler.GetDist()) < *p_worst_length )
*p_worst_length = length * feeler.GetDist();
Gfx::AddDebugLine( feeler.m_start, feeler.m_end, MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), 1 );
// Try 4 inches to the right.
feeler.m_start -= offset * 16.0f;
feeler.m_end -= offset * 16.0f;
if( feeler.GetCollision())
if( Mth::Abs( feeler.GetNormal()[Y] ) < 0.2f )
collision = true;
if(( length * feeler.GetDist()) < *p_worst_length )
*p_worst_length = length * feeler.GetDist();
Gfx::AddDebugLine( feeler.m_start, feeler.m_end, MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), 1 );
// Try 8 inches to the right.
feeler.m_start -= offset * 4.0f;
feeler.m_end -= offset * 4.0f;
if( feeler.GetCollision())
if( Mth::Abs( feeler.GetNormal()[Y] ) < 0.2f )
collision = true;
if(( length * feeler.GetDist()) < *p_worst_length )
*p_worst_length = length * feeler.GetDist();
Gfx::AddDebugLine( feeler.m_start, feeler.m_end, MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), 1 );
// Try 12 inches to the right.
feeler.m_start -= offset * 4.0f;
feeler.m_end -= offset * 4.0f;
if( feeler.GetCollision())
if( Mth::Abs( feeler.GetNormal()[Y] ) < 0.2f )
collision = true;
if(( length * feeler.GetDist()) < *p_worst_length )
*p_worst_length = length * feeler.GetDist();
Gfx::AddDebugLine( feeler.m_start, feeler.m_end, MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), MAKE_RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), 1 );
return collision;
const float AVOID_COLLISION_SCORE = 1000.0f;
const float TURN_ANGLE_SCORE_MULT = 1.0f;
const float PANIC_SCORE = 900.0f;
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::do_path_following( void )
// Get the horse camera component for this horse. Messy.
Obj::CHorseCameraComponent* p_cam_component = static_cast<Obj::CHorseCameraComponent*>( Obj::CCompositeObjectManager::Instance()->GetFirstComponentByType( CRC_HORSECAMERA ));
while( p_cam_component )
if( p_cam_component->GetSubject() == this )
p_cam_component = static_cast<Obj::CHorseCameraComponent*>( p_cam_component->GetNextSameType());
if( p_cam_component )
if( p_cam_component->GetState() == CHorseCameraComponent::STATE_NORMAL )
// No path following in normal state. Cleanup if we were doing path following.
if( mp_nav_nodes )
// Did we turn this frame? If so, all bets are off...
if( m_delta_angle != 0.0f )
// Cleanup if we were doing path following.
if( mp_nav_nodes )
// Are we path following? In which case, follow the path.
if( mp_nav_nodes )
// See if we are going to hit something soon if we stay on this course.
float feeler_height = 36.0f;
float feeler_length = 50.0f * 12.0f;
float angle = 0.0f;
float cos_angle = cosf( angle );
float sin_angle = sinf( angle );
float worst_length;
Mth::Vector feeler_start;
Mth::Vector feeler_end;
Mth::Vector end_offset_direction;
end_offset_direction[X] = cos_angle * m_facing[X] - sin_angle * m_facing[Z];
end_offset_direction[Y] = 0.0f;
end_offset_direction[Z] = sin_angle * m_facing[X] + cos_angle * m_facing[Z];
end_offset_direction[W] = 0.0f;
feeler_start = Mth::Vector( m_pos[X], m_pos[Y] + feeler_height, m_pos[Z], m_pos[W] );
feeler_end = feeler_start + feeler_length * end_offset_direction;
if( get_collision( feeler_start, end_offset_direction, feeler_length, &worst_length ))
// if( feeler.GetCollision())
float dist = worst_length;
// We need to figure out if turning a few degrees will enable us to obtain a clear path for
// a significantly further distance.
feeler_length *= 2.0f;
float best_score = 0.0f;
float best_angle = Mth::DegToRad( 90.0f );
// Scan through angles from +9 degrees to -9 degrees in 3 degree steps.
float step_angle = Mth::DegToRad( -9.0f );
while( step_angle <= Mth::DegToRad( 9.0f ))
float score = 0.0f;
cos_angle = cosf( step_angle );
sin_angle = sinf( step_angle );
end_offset_direction[X] = cos_angle * m_facing[X] - sin_angle * m_facing[Z];
end_offset_direction[Y] = 0.0f;
end_offset_direction[Z] = sin_angle * m_facing[X] + cos_angle * m_facing[Z];
end_offset_direction[W] = 0.0f;
feeler_end = feeler_start + feeler_length * end_offset_direction;
// Score for avoiding collision.
bool collision = get_collision( feeler_start, end_offset_direction, feeler_length, &worst_length );
if( !collision )
// Score for minimal turn distance.
score -= Mth::Abs( step_angle ) * TURN_ANGLE_SCORE_MULT;
if( collision )
// Score for larger distances, use the percentage of this distance over the original collision distance.
float this_dist = worst_length;
if( this_dist > dist )
float pc = ( this_dist / dist ) * 100.0f;
// Score for being a turn in the same direction as last time.
// Is this the best score yet?
if( score > best_score )
best_score = score;
best_angle = step_angle;
step_angle += Mth::DegToRad( 3.0f );
// Check for being in a potentially nasty situation.
if( best_score < PANIC_SCORE )
// Increment panic counter, give a small chance to fix itself.
if( m_path_follow_panic_counter > 0 )
m_path_follow_panic_counter = 0;
// Test - Immediately snap the direction to the best alternative.
if( best_score > 0.0f )
cos_angle = cosf( best_angle );
sin_angle = sinf( best_angle );
end_offset_direction[X] = cos_angle * m_facing[X] - sin_angle * m_facing[Z];
end_offset_direction[Z] = sin_angle * m_facing[X] + cos_angle * m_facing[Z];
printf( "Changing heading by %f degrees\n", best_angle );
m_facing[X] = end_offset_direction[X];
m_facing[Z] = end_offset_direction[Z];
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::cleanup_node_based_path_following( void )
delete [] mp_nav_nodes;
mp_nav_nodes = NULL;
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::switch_to_node_based_path_following( void )
// Try various distances, the further the better.
float target_distance = FEET_TO_INCHES( 500.0f );
while( target_distance > FEET_TO_INCHES( 50.0f ))
// Generate a distant target position.
Mth::Vector start_pos = m_pos + Mth::Vector( 0.0f, 60.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
Mth::Vector target_pos = start_pos + ( m_facing * target_distance );
CFeeler feeler;
feeler.m_start = target_pos + Mth::Vector( 0.0f, 12000.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
feeler.m_end = target_pos - Mth::Vector( 0.0f, 12000.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
if( feeler.GetCollision())
// Adjust the target position to be 5 feet above ground level.
target_pos = feeler.GetPoint() + Mth::Vector( 0.0f, 60.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
// Hmm, maybe should try different distances here.
// For now, Just go with what we started with.
CNavNode* p_target_node = CalculateNodePath( start_pos, target_pos );
if( p_target_node == NULL )
// Try with a shorter distance.
target_distance -= FEET_TO_INCHES( 50.0f );
// A path was found, so set up the state accordingly. First count how many nodes on the path.
CNavNode* p_node_counter = p_target_node;
int num_nodes = 1;
while( p_node_counter->GetAStarNode()->mp_parent != NULL )
p_node_counter = p_node_counter->GetAStarNode()->mp_parent;
// Allocate memory for the path.
if( mp_nav_nodes )
delete [] mp_nav_nodes;
mp_nav_nodes = new CNavNode*[num_nodes];
// Fill in the array.
m_nav_node_index = 0;
while( p_target_node )
mp_nav_nodes[m_nav_node_index++] = p_target_node;
p_target_node = p_target_node->GetAStarNode()->mp_parent;
// mp_nav_nodes[m_nav_node_index] now points to the first node we need to visit.
/* */
/* */
void CHorseComponent::do_node_based_path_following( void )
// Are we within a reasonable distance of our current node?
Mth::Vector target_node_pos = mp_nav_nodes[m_nav_node_index]->GetPos() + Mth::Vector( 0.0f, 36.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
float dist = Mth::Distance( m_pos, target_node_pos );
if( dist < ( 12.0f * 6.0f ))
// Yes we are. Exit if no more nodes.
if( m_nav_node_index == 0 )
// Switch to the next node.
for( int l = m_nav_node_index; l >= 0; --l )
Gfx::AddDebugStar( mp_nav_nodes[l]->GetPos(), 12.0f, MAKE_RGB( 255, 200, 0 ), 1 );
if( l > 0 )
Gfx::AddDebugLine( mp_nav_nodes[l]->GetPos(), mp_nav_nodes[l - 1]->GetPos(), MAKE_RGB( 255, 255, 255 ), MAKE_RGB( 255, 255, 255 ), 1 );
// Head to the next node.
Mth::Vector heading = mp_nav_nodes[m_nav_node_index]->GetPos() - m_pos;
heading[Y] = 0.0f;
heading[W] = 0.0f;
m_facing[X] = heading[X];
m_facing[Z] = heading[Z];