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#include <sk/ParkEditor2/ParkGen.h>
#include <sk/ParkEditor2/GapManager.h>
#include <sys/mem/poolable.h>
//#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
namespace Script
class CStruct;
class CScript;
namespace Ed
class CPiece;
class CSourcePiece;
class CClonedPiece;
class CParkGenerator;
class CConcreteMetaPiece;
class CAbstractMetaPiece;
Describes how to incorporate a CPiece or hardcoded metapiece into a CMetaPiece.
The position is relative to the NW corner of the piece, in its current rotation.
Likewise, the rotation value includes the rotation of the whole metapiece.
struct SMetaDescriptor
uint8 mX;
uint8 mY;
uint8 mZ;
uint8 mRot;
uint8 mRiser; // true if a riser
The piece pointer is active within a concrete metapiece, the name in an abstract one.
In the latter case, the name refers to a metapiece.
uint32 mPieceName;
CPiece * mpPiece;
What is a metapiece?
-Wraps a group of cloned pieces that are in the park (or about to be)
-Wraps a group of cloned pieces that make up the cursor. Contains extra position,
rotation info.
-Wraps a group of cloned pieces that make up a menu item. Refers to a 3D element.
-Wraps a descriptor table that tells how to build a full metapiece.
-If metapiece is in world, positions of contained pieces are in world
-Otherwise, positions are relative to center bottom of metapiece
Other notes:
-An abstract user-created metapiece can contain hard-coded metapieces
-A concrete metapiece cannot
class CMetaPiece
friend class CParkManager;
enum EFlags
mCONCRETE_META = (1<<0),
mABSTRACT_META = (1<<1),
mIN_PARK = (1<<2),
mIS_RISER = (1<<3),
mMARK_FOR_KILL = (1<<4),
mMARK_AS_SLID = (1<<5),
mUSER_CREATED = (1<<6),
mSINGULAR = (1<<7),
mINNER_SHELL = (1<<8),
mNO_RAILS = (1<<10),
mGAP_PLACEMENT = (1<<11),
mGAP_ATTACHED = (1<<12),
mNOT_ON_GC = (1<<13), // this metapiece does not appear on Gamecube
mAREA_SELECTION = (1<<15),
mRAIL_PLACEMENT = (1<<16),
CConcreteMetaPiece * CastToConcreteMeta();
CAbstractMetaPiece * CastToAbstractMeta();
bool IsRestartOrFlag();
bool IsCompletelyWithinArea(const GridDims &area);
virtual CPiece * GetContainedPiece(int index) = 0;
void SetRot(Mth::ERot90 rot);
Mth::Vector GetRelativePosOfContainedPiece(int index);
void BuildElement3dSectorsArray(Script::CArray *pArray);
Returns cell dimensions occupied by metapiece (post-rotation). Coordinates in GridDims structure
are not valid in an abstract metapiece, only in a concrete one that's in the park.
const GridDims & GetArea() {return m_cell_area;}
uint32 GetNameChecksum() {return m_name_checksum;}
// Returns rotation of whole metapiece
Mth::ERot90 GetRot() {return Mth::ERot90(m_rot);}
bool IsInPark() {return m_flags & mIN_PARK;}
// Returns true if the WHOLE metapiece is a riser
bool IsRiser() {return m_flags & mIS_RISER;}
bool IsInnerShell() {return m_flags & mINNER_SHELL;}
bool IsSingular() {return m_flags & mSINGULAR;}
bool NoRails() {return m_flags & mNO_RAILS;}
bool IsGapPlacement() {return m_flags & mGAP_PLACEMENT;}
bool IsAreaSelection() {return m_flags & mAREA_SELECTION;}
bool IsRailPlacement() {return m_flags & mRAIL_PLACEMENT;}
bool IsConcrete() {return m_flags & mCONCRETE_META;}
void MarkAsInnerShell() {m_flags = EFlags(m_flags | mINNER_SHELL);}
void MarkLocked() {m_flags = EFlags(m_flags | mLOCK_AGAINST_DELETE);}
void MarkUnlocked() {m_flags = EFlags(m_flags & ~mLOCK_AGAINST_DELETE);}
virtual ~CMetaPiece();
void initialize_desc_table(int numEntries);
SMetaDescriptor & get_desc_at_index(int i);
Adds a CPiece to the metapiece. If the metapiece is abstract, the CPiece must be a CSourcePiece. If the metapiece is
concrete, the CPiece must be a CClonedPiece.
pPos specifies the position of the pPiece relative to the northwest corner of the metapiece.
isRiser set if pPiece is meant to act as a riser.
virtual void add_piece(CPiece *pPiece, GridDims *pPos, Mth::ERot90 rot = Mth::ROT_0, bool isRiser = false) = 0;
void set_flag(EFlags flag) {m_flags = EFlags(m_flags | flag);}
void clear_flag(EFlags flag) {m_flags = EFlags(m_flags & ~flag);}
// takes into account current rotation
GridDims m_cell_area; // 6 ( 8) + 2
EFlags m_flags; // 4 (only uses 17 bits, grr)
int m_rot; // 4 (only uses 2 bits, grr) +4 (if combined)
-See comment above SMetaDescriptor declaration for details on what descriptors are
-Most metapieces will only contain one piece, so mp_additional_desc_tab is only used if there are more
SMetaDescriptor m_first_desc_tab[USUAL_NUM_DESCRIPTORS]; // 9 (12), + 9 (12) + 6
SMetaDescriptor * mp_additional_desc_tab; // 4
uint m_total_entries; // 2 (4) + 2
uint m_num_used_entries; // 2 (4) +2
uint32 m_name_checksum; // 4
// Total
class CConcreteMetaPiece : public CMetaPiece
friend class CParkManager;
int CountContainedPieces();
CPiece * GetContainedPiece(int index);
void SetSoftRot(Mth::Vector pos, float rot);
void Highlight(bool on, bool gapHighlight = false);
void SetVisibility(bool visible);
void lock();
void get_max_min_world_coords(Mth::Vector &max, Mth::Vector &min);
bool test_for_conflict(GridDims area, bool excludeRisers);
// see comments with original declaration
virtual void add_piece(CPiece *pPiece, GridDims *pPos, Mth::ERot90 rot = Mth::ROT_0, bool isRiser = false);
class CAbstractMetaPiece : public CMetaPiece
friend class CParkManager;
CPiece * GetContainedPiece(int index);
// see comments with original declaration
virtual void add_piece(CPiece *pPiece, GridDims *pPos, Mth::ERot90 rot = Mth::ROT_0, bool isRiser = false);
void add_piece_dumb(CAbstractMetaPiece *pMeta, GridDims *pPos, Mth::ERot90 rot, bool isRiser);
SMetaDescriptor get_desc_with_expansion(int index);
int count_descriptors_expanded();
class CMapListNode : public Mem::CPoolable<CMapListNode>
friend class CParkManager;
friend class CCursor;
CMetaPiece * GetMeta();
CConcreteMetaPiece * GetConcreteMeta() {return GetMeta()->CastToConcreteMeta();}
CAbstractMetaPiece * GetAbstractMeta() {return GetMeta()->CastToAbstractMeta();}
CMapListNode * GetNext() {return mp_next;}
void DestroyList();
void VerifyIntegrity();
int mSlideAmount;
CMetaPiece * mp_meta;
CMapListNode * mp_next;
class CMapListTemp
CMapListTemp(CMapListNode *p_list);
bool IsEmpty() {return (mp_list == NULL);}
bool IsSingular() {return (mp_list->GetNext() == NULL);}
CMapListNode * GetList();
void PrintContents();
CMapListNode * mp_list;
class CParkManager
DeclareSingletonClass( CParkManager );
These next two account for the border around the whole park. Riser pieces must be added when the user
digs a hole at the edge of the park.
COMPRESSED_MAP_SIZE = 15000, // (Mick) it can acutally be bigger than this, but I've made it this size so network code won't crash
/* ======== General Functions ======== */
CParkGenerator * GetGenerator() {return mp_generator;}
void Initialize();
bool IsInitialized() {return m_state_on;}
void AccessDisk(bool save, int fileSlot);
void Destroy(CParkGenerator::EDestroyType type);
float GetClipboardProportionUsed();
void WriteCompressedMapBuffer();
uint8* GetCompressedMapBuffer(bool markSaved = false);
void SetCompressedMapBuffer(uint8* src_buffer, bool markNotSaved = false);
bool IsMapSavedLocally();
void WriteIntoStructure(Script::CStruct *p_struct);
#ifdef __PLAT_NGC__
void ReadFromStructure(Script::CStruct *p_struct, bool do_post_mem_card_load=true, bool preMadePark=false);
void ReadFromStructure(Script::CStruct *p_struct, bool do_post_mem_card_load=true);
int GetTheme();
void SetTheme(int theme);
uint32 GetShellSceneID();
const char * GetParkName();
void SetParkName(const char *pName);
uint32 GetParkChecksum();
int GetCompressedParkWidth();
int GetCompressedParkLength();
/* ======== Rebuild functions ======== */
void RebuildWholePark(bool clearPark);
bool RebuildFloor(bool firstTestMemory = false);
void RebuildNodeArray();
void RebuildInnerShell(GridDims newNearBounds);
/* ======== Abstract metapiece functions ======== */
CAbstractMetaPiece * GetAbstractMeta(uint32 type, int *pRetIndex = NULL);
CAbstractMetaPiece * GetAbstractMetaByIndex(int index);
/* ======== Concrete metapiece functions ======== */
enum EDestroyFlags
CConcreteMetaPiece * CreateConcreteMeta(CAbstractMetaPiece *pSource, bool isSoft = false);
void DestroyConcreteMeta(CConcreteMetaPiece *pMeta, EDestroyFlags flags);
uint32 DestroyMetasInArea(GridDims area, EDestroyFlags flags);
bool DestroyMetasInArea(GridDims area, bool doNotDestroyRestartsOrFlags=false, bool onlyIfWithinArea=false);
void HighlightMetasInArea(GridDims area, bool on);
//GridDims FindBoundingArea(GridDims area);
void AddMetaPieceToPark(GridDims pos, CConcreteMetaPiece *pPiece);
CConcreteMetaPiece * RelocateMetaPiece(CConcreteMetaPiece *pMeta, int changeX, int changeY, int changeZ);
CMapListNode * GetMetaPiecesAt(GridDims dims, Mth::ERot90 rot = Mth::ROT_0, CAbstractMetaPiece *pPiece = NULL, bool excludeRisers = false);
CMapListNode * GetAreaMetaPieces(GridDims dims);
CMapListNode * GetMapListNode(int x, int z);
CMapListNode * GetConcreteMetaList() {return mp_concrete_metapiece_list;}
int GetFloorHeight(int x, int z);
bool AreMetasOutsideBounds(GridDims new_dims);
bool EnoughMemoryToResize(GridDims new_dims);
int CountGeneralMetas() {return m_num_general_concrete_metapieces;}
int GetDMAPieceCount() {return m_dma_piece_count;}
/* ======== Floor height functions ======== */
int GetFloorHeight(GridDims dims, bool *pRetUniformHeight = NULL);
#if 0
void SetFloorHeight(GridDims area, int newHeight, bool justDropHighest);
void ResetFloorHeights(GridDims area);
bool SlideColumn(GridDims area, int bottom, int top, bool up, bool uneven);
void UndoSlideColumn();
bool ChangeFloorHeight(GridDims dims, int dir);
/* ======== Coordinate info functions ======== */
const GridDims & GetParkNearBounds() {return m_park_near_bounds;}
const GridDims & GetParkFarBounds() {return m_park_far_bounds;}
Mth::Vector GridCoordinatesToWorld(const GridDims &cellDims, Mth::Vector *pRetDims = NULL);
static CParkManager * sInstance();
/* ======== Piece set (group, category) functions ======== */
class CPieceEntry
uint32 mNameCrc;
const char * mpName;
class CPieceSet
uint32 mNameCrc;
const char * mpName;
CPieceEntry mEntryTab[MAX_ENTRIES];
int mTotalEntries;
int mSelectedEntry;
char mVisible;
char mIsClipboardSet;
MAX_SETS = 40,
CPieceSet & GetPieceSet(int setNumber, int *pMenuSetNumber = NULL);
int GetTotalNumPieceSets() {return m_total_sets;}
/* ======== Road mask functions ======== */
bool IsOccupiedByRoad(GridDims area);
bool CanPlacePiecesIn(GridDims cellDims, bool ignoreFloorHeight=false);
/* ======== Restart node functions ===== */
void SetRestartTypeId(CParkGenerator::RestartType type, uint32 id);
CParkGenerator::RestartType IsRestartPiece(uint32 id);
/* ======== Gap functions ===== */
CGapManager::GapDescriptor *GetGapDescriptor(GridDims &area, int *pHalf);
bool AddGap(CGapManager::GapDescriptor &descriptor);
void RemoveGap(CGapManager::GapDescriptor &descriptor);
void RemoveGap(CConcreteMetaPiece *pMeta);
void HighlightMetasWithGaps(bool highlightOn, CGapManager::GapDescriptor *pDesc);
//void FreeUpMemoryForPlayingPark();
void GetSummaryInfoFromBuffer(uint8 *p_buffer, int *p_numGaps, int *p_numMetas, uint16 *p_theme, uint32 *p_todScript, int *p_width, int *p_length);
#ifdef __PLAT_NGC__
void SwapMapBufferEndianness();
/* ======== Key members ======== */
CParkGenerator * mp_generator;
bool m_state_on;
bool m_park_is_valid;
/* ======== Riser/floor related functions ======== */
enum EFloorFlags
NONE = 0,
mHAS_BOTTOM = (1<<0),
mHAS_TOP = (1<<1),
mNO_COVER = (1<<2),
struct BuildFloorParams
/* for build_add_floor_piece() */
int x, y, z;
EFloorFlags flags;
int heightSlotOffset;
/* for output_riser_stack() */
int bottom;
int top;
bool simpleBuild;
bool dryRun;
int addCount; // counts metapieces
int addCount2; // counts contained pieces
void output_riser_stack(BuildFloorParams ¶ms);
void build_add_floor_piece(BuildFloorParams ¶ms);
void build_add_floor_piece_simple(BuildFloorParams ¶ms);
void apply_meta_contained_risers_to_floor(CConcreteMetaPiece *pMetaPiece, bool add);
CMapListNode * mp_column_slide_list;
int m_num_metas_killed_in_slide;
int m_num_pieces_killed_in_slide;
enum ESlideColumnFlags
mUNEVEN = (1<<0),
mUP = (1<<1),
mFIRST_RECURSE = (1<<2),
bool intersection_with_riser_containing_metas(GridDims area);
bool slide_column_part_one(GridDims area, int bottom, int top, ESlideColumnFlags flags, CMapListNode **ppMoveList);
void fix_slide_column_part_one_failure();
void slide_column_part_two(CMapListNode *pMoveList);
void kill_pieces_in_layer_under_area(GridDims area);
void finish_slide_column();
bool generate_floor_pieces_from_height_map(bool simpleBuild, bool dryRun);
void increment_meta_count(uint32 pieceChecksum);
void decrement_meta_count(uint32 pieceChecksum);
int get_dma_usage(uint32 pieceChecksum);
uint32 m_riser_piece_checksum[NUM_RISER_INFO_SLOTS][3];
struct SBuildListEntry
uint32 mType;
GridDims mPos;
int m_build_list_size;
SBuildListEntry *mp_build_list_entry;
void create_metas_in_build_list();
/* ======== metapiece management stuff ======== */
CMapListNode * mp_concrete_metapiece_list;
CMapListNode * mp_abstract_metapiece_list;
int m_num_concrete_metapieces;
int m_num_general_concrete_metapieces; // concrete metapieces not including riser, shell metapieces. Must be in park.
int m_num_abstract_metapieces;
// The DMA piece count counts pieces weighted according to their contribution to DMA usage.
// Some pieces contribute more than 1, eg the lava piece, and any piece that has wibbling.
// Needed so that the gauge can take into account DMA usage and not allow DMA overflow.
int m_dma_piece_count;
CMapListNode * mp_bucket_list[FLOOR_MAX_WIDTH][FLOOR_MAX_LENGTH];
void add_metapiece_to_node_list(CMetaPiece *pPieceToAdd, CMapListNode **ppList);
void remove_metapiece_from_node_list(CMetaPiece *pPieceToRemove, CMapListNode **ppList);
void bucketify_metapiece(CConcreteMetaPiece *pPiece);
void debucketify_metapiece(CConcreteMetaPiece *pPiece);
void create_abstract_metapieces();
void destroy_concrete_metapieces(CParkGenerator::EDestroyType type);
/* ======== Floor map/park bounds stuff ======== */
int m_theme;
Within the 256X256 "super map"
X and Z are positive -- must subtract 128 to get true world cell coordinates
GridDims m_park_near_bounds;
GridDims m_park_far_bounds;
TYPE_FLOOR_BLOCK = 0xaec511eb,
TYPE_WALL_BLOCK = 0x304bd5f7,
struct FloorHeightEntry
int mHeight;
Bit 0 = -16Y, 31 = 15Y
Each bit set true of corresponding riser is part of metapiece at that position.
uint32 mEnclosedFloor;
bool mMarkAsSlid;
int mSlideAmount;
FloorHeightEntry ** m_floor_height_map;
/* ======== piece set stuff ======== */
CPieceSet m_palette_set[MAX_SETS];
int m_total_sets;
/* ======== map buffer access stuff ======== */
struct CompressedMapHeader
uint32 mChecksum; // CRC of every byte in file except these 4
uint16 mSizeInBytes;
uint16 mVersion;
uint16 mTheme;
uint16 mParkSize;
uint8 mX;
uint8 mZ;
uint8 mW;
uint8 mL;
uint16 mNumMetas;
uint16 mNumGaps;
uint8 mMaxPlayers;
uint32 mTODScript;
char mParkName[64];
struct CompressedMapHeaderOld
uint32 mChecksum; // CRC of every byte in file except these 4
uint16 mSizeInBytes;
uint16 mVersion;
uint16 mTheme;
uint16 mParkSize;
uint8 mX;
uint8 mZ;
uint8 mW;
uint8 mL;
uint16 mNumMetas;
uint16 mNumGaps;
char mParkName[64];
struct CompressedFloorEntry
sint8 mHeight;
// K: To allow loading of older parks that do not have gap cancel-flag info
struct CompressedGapOld
uint8 x[2];
uint8 y[2];
uint8 z[2];
// bits 0-3 left extent, 4-7 right
uint8 extent[2];
// bits 0-3 first rot, 4-7 second
uint8 rot;
uint8 flags;
char text[32];
uint16 score;
struct CompressedGap
uint8 x[2];
uint8 y[2];
uint8 z[2];
// bits 0-3 left extent, 4-7 right
uint8 extent[2];
// bits 0-3 first rot, 4-7 second
uint8 rot;
uint8 flags;
char text[32];
uint16 score;
uint32 mCancelFlags;
VERSION = 20004,
uint8 * mp_compressed_map_buffer;
enum ECompressedMapFlags
mNO_FLAGS = 0,
mIN_SYNC_WITH_PARK = (1<<0), // cleared if park hasn't been built yet
mIS_VALID = (1<<1),
mIS_NEWER_THAN_PARK = (1<<2), // also set if park hasn't been built yet
mNOT_SAVED_LOCAL = (1<<3),
ECompressedMapFlags m_compressed_map_flags;
void fake_compressed_map_buffer();
void write_compressed_map_buffer();
void read_from_compressed_map_buffer();
void read_from_compressed_map_buffer_old();
void setup_default_dimensions();
char mp_park_name[64];
/* ======== Road mask section ======== */
GridDims m_road_mask_tab[NUM_ROAD_PIECES];
uint m_road_mask_tab_size;
void setup_road_mask();
/* ======== Restart Node section ======= */
uint32 m_restartPieceIdTab[CParkGenerator::vNUM_RESTART_TYPES]; // Table of checksums of the names of restart pieces
/* ======== Lights Section ============= */
void setup_lighting();
/* ======== Gap Section ============= */
CGapManager * mp_gap_manager;
static CParkManager * sp_instance;