
181 lines
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2016-02-13 21:39:12 +00:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <eekernel.h>
#include <sifdev.h>
#include "gel/movies/ngps/defs.h"
#include "gel/movies/ngps/strfile.h"
#include <sys/config/config.h>
namespace Flx
int isStrFileInit = 0;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Open a file to read and check its size
// < file name conversion >
// = from HD =
// dir/file.pss -> host0:dir/file.pss
// host0:dir/file.pss -> host0:dir/file.pss
// = from CD/DVD =
// cdrom0:\dir\file.pss;1 -> cdrom0:\DIR\FILE.PSS;1
// cdrom0:/dir/file.pss;1 -> cdrom0:\DIR\FILE.PSS;1
// cdrom0:/dir/file.pss -> cdrom0:\DIR\FILE.PSS;1
int strFileOpen(StrFile *file, char *filename, int pIopBuff )
int ret;
char *body = NULL;
char fn[256];
char devname[64];
body = index(filename, ':');
if (body)
int dlen;
// copy device name
dlen = body - filename;
strncpy(devname, filename, dlen);
devname[dlen] = 0;
body += 1;
if (!strcmp(devname, "cdrom0"))
{ // CD/DVD
int i;
int len = strlen(body);
const char *tail;
file->isOnCD = 1;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (body[i] == '/')
body[i] = '\\';
body[i] = toupper(body[i]);
tail = (index(filename, ';'))? "": ";1";
sprintf(fn, "%s%s", body, tail);
{ // HD
file->isOnCD = 0;
sprintf(fn, "%s:%s", devname, body+1); // Mick: The +1 is to skip the initial \, so file names are the same off HD aas CD
{ // HD (default)
body = filename;
strcpy(devname, "host0");
file->isOnCD = 0;
sprintf(fn, "%s:%s", devname, body);
printf("file: %s\n", fn);
if (file->isOnCD)
sceCdRMode mode;
if (!Config::CD())
if (!isStrFileInit)
isStrFileInit = 1;
file->iopBuf = ( u_char * )pIopBuff; //( u_char * )sceSifAllocIopHeap((2048 * 80) + 16);
sceCdStInit(80, 5, bound((u_int)file->iopBuf, 16));
if(!sceCdSearchFile(&file->fp, fn)){
printf("Cannot open '%s'(sceCdSearchFile)\n", fn);
return 0;
file->size = file->fp.size;
mode.trycount = 0;
mode.spindlctrl = SCECdSpinStm;
mode.datapattern = SCECdSecS2048;
sceCdStStart(file->fp.lsn, &mode);
file->fd = sceOpen(fn, SCE_RDONLY);
if (file->fd < 0)
printf("Cannot open '%s'(sceOpen)\n", fn);
return 0;
file->size = sceLseek(file->fd, 0, SCE_SEEK_END);
if (file->size < 0)
printf("sceLseek() fails (%s): %d\n", fn, file->size);
return 0;
ret = sceLseek(file->fd, 0, SCE_SEEK_SET);
if (ret < 0)
printf("sceLseek() fails (%s)\n", fn);
return 0;
return 1;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Close a file
int strFileClose(StrFile *file)
if (file->isOnCD) {
// sceSifFreeIopHeap((void *)file->iopBuf);
} else {
return 1;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Read data
int strFileRead(StrFile *file, void *buff, int size)
int count;
if (file->isOnCD) {
u_int err;
count= sceCdStRead(size >> 11, (u_int *)buff, STMBLK, &err);
count <<= 11;
} else {
count = sceRead(file->fd, buff, size);
return count;