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//* MODULE: Gel/Components
//* FILENAME: SoundComponent.cpp
//* OWNER: Mick West
//* CREATION DATE: 10/17/2002
// start autoduck documentation
// @DOC soundcomponent.cpp
// @module soundcomponent | None
// @subindex Scripting Database
// @index script | soundcomponent
#include <gel/components/soundcomponent.h>
#include <gel/scripting/script.h>
#include <gel/scripting/struct.h>
#include <gel/scripting/component.h>
#include <gel/scripting/array.h>
#include <gel/scripting/symboltable.h>
#include <gel/scripting/checksum.h>
#include <gel/scripting/utils.h>
#include <gel/objsearch.h>
#include <gel/objman.h>
#include <gel/object/compositeobject.h>
#include <gfx/nxviewman.h>
// TODO: Refactor this -
#include <sk/modules/frontend/frontend.h>
#include <sk/objects/emitter.h>
#include <sk/objects/proxim.h>
namespace Obj
/* */
/* */
CBaseComponent * CSoundComponent::s_create()
return static_cast<CBaseComponent*>(new CSoundComponent);
/* */
/* */
CSoundComponent::CSoundComponent() : CBaseComponent()
mp_emitter = NULL;
mp_proxim_node = NULL;
/* */
/* */
// Tell the sound manager that the sond component is being removed to clean up
// any sound effects that are attached to this
Sfx::CSfxManager::Instance()->ObjectBeingRemoved( this );
/* */
/* */
void CSoundComponent::InitFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams )
uint32 proxim_node_checksum;
if (pParams->GetChecksum("ProximNode", &proxim_node_checksum))
//Dbg_Message("SoundComponent: Looking for ProximNode %s", Script::FindChecksumName(proxim_node_checksum));
mp_proxim_node = CProximManager::sGetNode(proxim_node_checksum);
//if (mp_proxim_node)
// Dbg_Message("Found ProximNode %s", Script::FindChecksumName(mp_proxim_node->m_name));
/* */
/* */
void CSoundComponent::Update()
// For tracking the position of the sound, then
// we need to update the old position and the current position
m_old_pos = m_pos;
m_pos = GetObject()->m_pos;
/* */
/* */
void CSoundComponent::Teleport()
// Garrett: Note that this doesn't update currently playing sounds. That won't happen
// until the next sound update iteration.
//Dbg_Message("SoundComponent: Teleporting to (%f, %f, %f)", m_pos[X], m_pos[Y], m_pos[Z]);
/* */
/* */
CBaseComponent::EMemberFunctionResult CSoundComponent::CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CScriptStructure *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript )
switch (Checksum)
// @script | Obj_PlaySound | Add your own enums to sfx_*.q. Up to 8 allowed (0 - 7),
// @flag Filename | name of the sound (filename without the quotes) or
// Type = [as defined in Obj_SetSound]
// @parm name | Type | the type (if this is being called from a car script, for example,
// use CARSFX_HONK, or another enum from sfx_car.q (similarly for ped: sfx_ped.q)
// @parmopt float | vol | 100 | This is the volume of the wav AFTER being modified
// by the volume (if specified) in LoadSound
// @parmopt float | pitch | 100 | range: 1 to 300 (assuming normal pitch in LoadSound)
case 0xafa20e18: // "Obj_PlaySound"
PlayScriptedSound( pParams );
return MF_TRUE;
// @script | Obj_AdjustSound | This function adjusts a looping sound
// associated with an object. If no volumeStep is specified, volume is
// adjusted immediately, same with pitchStep and pitch. If volumeStep
// or pitchStep are specified, the current volume/pitch is adjusted towards
// the target by the step, each frame (or 60 times a second, rather). So
// if the current pitch is 100, and you call: Obj_AdjustSound pitch = 40
// pitchStep = 1 It will take one second for the pitch to go from 100 to 40.
// The percent values (pitchPercent and volumePercent) modify the overall
// pitch or volume after taking into consideration the pitch specified globally
// during the LoadSound call, then specified per this object on the Obj_
// PlaySound call (see example).
// @flag Filename | name of the sound you want to adjust (no quotes)
// @parm float | VolumePercent | Percentage to adjust the volume
// @parm float | PitchPercent | Percentage to adjust the pitch
// @parmopt float | VolumeStep | 0 | Amount of time in seconds it takes to go from the current volume to new volume.
// @parmopt float | PitchStep | 0 | Amount of time in seconds it takes to go from the current pith to new pitch.
case 0x3e5e8023: // "Obj_AdjustSound"
AdjustObjectSound( pParams, pScript );
return MF_TRUE;
// @script | Obj_StopSound | Obj_StopSound doesn't take a type = parameter...
// it is used only for stopping a looping sound by checksum. If you don't
// specify the name of the sound, all sounds that were loaded with PosUpdate
// or PosUpdateWithDoppler parameters and are associated with the object
// calling this will be stopped.
// @flag Filename | name of the sound you want to stop (no quotes)
case 0x4e4132d6: // "Obj_StopSound"
uint32 soundChecksum = 0;
pParams->GetChecksum( NONAME, &soundChecksum );
Sfx::CSfxManager * sfx_manager = Sfx::CSfxManager::Instance();
sfx_manager->StopObjectSound( this, soundChecksum );
// if it's temporarily out of range, we gotta stop it too!
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_LOOPING_SOUNDS_PER_OBJECT; i++ )
if ( mSoundInfo[ i ].checksum == soundChecksum )
// since a sound checksum of 0 is invalid, this turns off the update:
mSoundInfo[ i ].checksum = 0;
return MF_TRUE;
// @script | Obj_SetSound | Add your own enums to sfx_*.q. Up to 8 allowed (0 - 7),
// can be increased easily. Use Obj_PlaySound (with the optional Type = * parameter
// instead of the filename) to trigger one of these sounds to be played. Don't
// trigger a looping sound! The engine loop on the car needs to be set up per car
// using this function, but the update happens in the game engine (pun regretted because
// it's confusing). Don't forget to load the sounds specified by 'filename'.
// @flag Filename | Name of the sound, no quotes
// @parm name | Type | the type (if this is being called from a car script, for example,
// use CARSFX_HONK, or another enum from sfx_car.q (similarly for ped: sfx_ped.q)
case 0xe8347171: // "Obj_SetSound"
SetSound( pParams );
return MF_TRUE;
void CSoundComponent::GetDebugInfo(Script::CStruct *p_info)
#ifdef __DEBUG_CODE__
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_info,("NULL p_info sent to CSoundComponent::GetDebugInfo"));
// we call the base component's GetDebugInfo, so we can add info from the common base component
Script::CArray *p_array=new Script::CArray;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_NUM_SOUNDFX_CHECKSUMS; ++i)
p_array=new Script::CArray;
Script::CStruct *p_struct=new Script::CStruct;
#define CHECKSUM_TYPE 0x7321a8d6 // 'type'
// Set individual soundfx for objects...
// Designers can also trigger these sounds to be played by using the Obj_PlaySound
// script command, using type = (instead of using the checksum) to define the sound.
void CSoundComponent::SetSound( Script::CScriptStructure *pParams )
int type = -1;
uint32 soundChecksum = 0;
pParams->GetInteger( CHECKSUM_TYPE, &type );
pParams->GetChecksum( NONAME, &soundChecksum );
if ( type == -1 )
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0,( "Script command Obj_SetSound used without specifying sound type." ));
if ( !soundChecksum )
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0,( "Script command Obj_SetSound used without specifying name of sound." ));
if ( ( type > MAX_NUM_SOUNDFX_CHECKSUMS ) || ( type == -1 ) )
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0,( "Matt needs to increase MAX_NUM_SOUND_CHECKSUMS (or bad type %d sent in...)", type ));
mSoundFXChecksums[ type ] = soundChecksum;
} // end of SetSound( )
void CSoundComponent::PlayScriptedSound( Script::CScriptStructure *pParams )
uint32 soundChecksum = 0;
uint32 emitterChecksum = 0;
uint32 dropoffFuncChecksum;
float volume = 100.0f;
float pitch = 100.0f;
float dropoffDist = 0.0f;
EDropoffFunc dropoffFunction = DROPOFF_FUNC_STANDARD;
bool noPosUpdate = false;
pParams->GetChecksum( NONAME, &soundChecksum );
pParams->GetFloat( 0xf6a36814, &volume ); // "vol"
pParams->GetFloat( 0xd8604126, &pitch ); // "pitch"
if (pParams->ContainsComponentNamed(CRCD(0x9e497fc6, "Percent")))
float minVol = 0.0f;
float maxVol = 100.0f;
float minPitch = 100.0f;
float maxPitch = 100.0f;
pParams->GetFloat(CRCD(0x0693daaf, "MaxVol"), &maxVol);
pParams->GetFloat(CRCD(0x4391992d, "MinVol"), &minVol);
pParams->GetFloat(CRCD(0xfa3e14c5, "MaxPitch"), &maxPitch);
pParams->GetFloat(CRCD(0x1c5ebb24, "MinPitch"), &minPitch);
float percent;
pParams->GetFloat(CRCD(0x9e497fc6, "Percent"), &percent, Script::ASSERT);
percent *= (1.0f / 100.0f);
volume = Mth::Lerp(minVol, maxVol, percent);
pitch = Mth::Lerp(minPitch, maxPitch, percent);
if ( pParams->GetFloat( 0xff2020ec, &dropoffDist ) ) // "dropoff"
dropoffDist = FEET_TO_INCHES( dropoffDist );
if ( pParams->GetChecksum( 0xc6ac50a, &dropoffFuncChecksum ) ) // "dropoff_function"
dropoffFunction = Sfx::GetDropoffFunctionFromChecksum( dropoffFuncChecksum );
if ( pParams->ContainsFlag( 0xbb39837f ) ) // "NoPosUpdate"
noPosUpdate = true;
if (pParams->GetChecksum( 0x8a7132ce, &emitterChecksum ) ) // "emitter"
mp_emitter = CEmitterManager::sGetEmitter(emitterChecksum);
mp_emitter = NULL;
if ( !soundChecksum )
// If the checksum isn't specified, the designer may be requesting
// to trigger a sound that can be individually specified per object
// using the script command Obj_SetSound...
// If that is the case, there will be a 'type = X' included, where
// X is an enum such as CARSFX_HONK.
int type = -1;
pParams->GetInteger( "Type", &type );
if ( type == -1 )
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0,( "Obj_PlaySound requires the name of the sound or a type specified (as in type = CARSFX_HONK)" ));
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0,( "Bad type (%d) sent to Obj_PlaySound", type ));
soundChecksum = mSoundFXChecksums[ type ];
if ( !soundChecksum )
Dbg_Message( "Object trying to play sound type %d, which hasn't been defined.", type );
// network stuff for higher level objects (need to add the update flag to this...)
BroadcastScriptedSound( soundChecksum, volume, pitch );
PlaySound_VolumeAndPan( soundChecksum, volume, pitch, dropoffDist, dropoffFunction, noPosUpdate );
}// end of PlayScriptedSound( )
/* */
/* */
Mth::Vector CSoundComponent::GetClosestEmitterPos( Gfx::Camera *pCamera )
if (mp_emitter && pCamera)
return mp_emitter->GetClosestPoint(pCamera->GetPos());
return m_pos;
/* */
/* */
Mth::Vector CSoundComponent::GetClosestOldEmitterPos( Gfx::Camera *pCamera )
if (mp_emitter && pCamera)
// This doesn't take into consideration the old position
return mp_emitter->GetClosestPoint(pCamera->GetPos());
return m_old_pos;
/* */
/* */
bool CSoundComponent::GetClosestDropoffPos( Gfx::Camera *pCamera, Mth::Vector & dropoff_pos )
if (pCamera && mp_proxim_node)
dropoff_pos = mp_proxim_node->GetClosestIntersectionPoint(pCamera->GetPos());
return true;
return false;
/* */
/* */
ObjectSoundInfo *CSoundComponent::GetLoopingSoundInfo( uint32 soundChecksum )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_LOOPING_SOUNDS_PER_OBJECT; i++ )
if ( mSoundInfo[ i ].checksum == soundChecksum )
return &mSoundInfo[ i ];
return ( NULL );
void CSoundComponent::UpdateMutedSounds( void )
int i;
Tmr::Time gameTime;
gameTime = Tmr::GetTime();
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_LOOPING_SOUNDS_PER_OBJECT; i++ )
if ( mSoundInfo[ i ].checksum )
ObjectSoundInfo *pInfo = &mSoundInfo[ i ];
UpdateObjectSound( pInfo );
if ( pInfo->timeForNextDistCheck <= gameTime )
// Dbg_Message( "checking if we need to turn %s on", Script::FindChecksumName( mSoundInfo[ i ].checksum ) );
// see if we're dropoffDist*1.33 from the nearest camera...
// if so, start the sound up again!
float dist;
Gfx::Camera *p_camera = Nx::CViewportManager::sGetClosestCamera( m_pos, &dist );
if ( p_camera && ( dist < ( pInfo->dropoffDist + DIST_FROM_DROPOFF_AT_WHICH_TO_START_SOUND ) ) )
// start the sound playing again on this object:
if ( PlaySound_VolumeAndPan( pInfo->checksum, pInfo->origVolume, pInfo->origPitch, pInfo->dropoffDist, pInfo->dropoffFunction ) )
//Dbg_Message( "sound %s auto on object %x time %d", Script::FindChecksumName( pInfo->checksum ), ( int ) this, gameTime );
ObjectSoundInfo *tempInfo;
Sfx::CSfxManager * sfx_manager = Sfx::CSfxManager::Instance();
tempInfo = sfx_manager->GetObjectSoundProperties( this, pInfo->checksum );
// and set up the targets to match the adjustments the scripts made
// while the sound was turned off:
tempInfo->targetVolume = pInfo->targetVolume;
tempInfo->targetPitch = pInfo->targetPitch;
tempInfo->deltaPitch = pInfo->deltaPitch;
// give it a ramp up in volume, so it doesn't frickin'jump in our faces:
tempInfo->currentVolume = 0.0f;
tempInfo->deltaVolume = tempInfo->targetVolume / 100.0f;
// don't forget to clear the slot to avoid updating it:
pInfo->checksum = 0;
// vary the time between distance checks, depending on how far
// away the object is right now...
pInfo->timeForNextDistCheck = gameTime;
pInfo->timeForNextDistCheck += ( int )( ( 1000.0f * ( dist - pInfo->dropoffDist ) ) / 600.0f );
pInfo->timeForNextDistCheck += 333; // plus a third of a second...
void CSoundComponent::UpdateObjectSound( ObjectSoundInfo *pInfo )
// adjust pitch and volume, if necessary:
if ( pInfo->targetPitch != pInfo->currentPitch )
pInfo->currentPitch = Mth::FRunFilter( pInfo->targetPitch, pInfo->currentPitch, pInfo->deltaPitch * Tmr::FrameRatio( ) );
if ( pInfo->targetVolume != pInfo->currentVolume )
pInfo->currentVolume = Mth::FRunFilter( pInfo->targetVolume, pInfo->currentVolume, pInfo->deltaVolume * Tmr::FrameRatio( ) );
void CSoundComponent::AdjustObjectSound( Script::CScriptStructure *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript )
#ifndef __PLAT_NGC__
ObjectSoundInfo *pInfo;
float volumePercent = 100.0f;
float pitchPercent = 100.0f;
uint32 soundChecksum;
if ( !pParams->GetChecksum( NONAME, &soundChecksum ) )
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0,( "\n%s\nSound checksum required on Obj_AdjustSound", pScript->GetScriptInfo( ) ));
Sfx::CSfxManager * sfx_manager = Sfx::CSfxManager::Instance();
pInfo = sfx_manager->GetObjectSoundProperties( this, soundChecksum );
if ( !pInfo )
//Dbg_MsgAssert( 0,( "\n%s\nAttempting to adjust object sound that isn't playing.", pScript->GetScriptInfo( ) ));
// Object went out of range, and the sound was stopped.
// Store the current properties, so that when the sound
// is started again the pitch/volume are correct!
// NOTE: If keeping the pitch/volume updated accurately by
// adjusting by deltaPitch and deltaVolume causes noticable
// slowdown, just set the pitch and vol immediately in this
// function if the pInfo comes from the next line:
pInfo = GetLoopingSoundInfo( soundChecksum );
# ifdef __PLAT_XBOX__
if( !pInfo )
# endif
if (!pInfo)
//Dbg_MsgAssert( 0,( "\n%s\nCan't adjust a sound (%s) that was never played on an object.", pScript->GetScriptInfo( ), Script::FindChecksumName(soundChecksum) ));
Dbg_Message("\n%s\nCan't adjust a sound (%s) that was never played on an object.", pScript->GetScriptInfo( ), Script::FindChecksumName(soundChecksum));
if ( pParams->GetFloat( 0x330f3415, &volumePercent ) ) // volumePercent
pInfo->targetVolume = PERCENT( pInfo->origVolume, volumePercent );
if ( !pParams->GetFloat( 0xdaa9a3c2, &pInfo->deltaVolume ) )// volumeStep
// adjust immediately:
pInfo->currentVolume = pInfo->targetVolume;
Dbg_MsgAssert( pInfo->deltaVolume,( "\n%s\nCan't have zero delta volume.", pScript->GetScriptInfo( ) ));
if ( pParams->GetFloat( 0xee616c13, &pitchPercent ) ) // pitchPercent
pInfo->targetPitch = PERCENT( pInfo->origPitch, pitchPercent );
if ( !pParams->GetFloat( 0x7b090774, &pInfo->deltaPitch ) ) // pitchStep
// adjust immediately:
pInfo->currentPitch = pInfo->targetPitch;
Dbg_MsgAssert( pInfo->deltaPitch,( "\n%s\nCan't have zero delta pitch.", pScript->GetScriptInfo( ) ));
#endif // __PLAT_NGC__
void CSoundComponent::SoundOutOfRange( ObjectSoundInfo *pInfo, Tmr::Time gameTime )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_LOOPING_SOUNDS_PER_OBJECT; i++ )
if ( !mSoundInfo[ i ].checksum )
mSoundInfo[ i ] = *pInfo;
mSoundInfo[ i ].timeForNextDistCheck = gameTime + 2000;
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0,( "No empty looping sound slots for (%s) on object... (Limit %d)",
Script::FindChecksumName( pInfo->checksum ) ,MAX_NUM_LOOPING_SOUNDS_PER_OBJECT ));
// Will play a sound, setting the volume and pan according to world position
// from the closest camera(s).
int CSoundComponent::PlaySound_VolumeAndPan( uint32 soundChecksum, float volume, float pitch, float dropoffDist,
EDropoffFunc dropoffFunction, bool noPosUpdate )
Sfx::CSfxManager * sfx_manager = Sfx::CSfxManager::Instance();
Sfx::SoundUpdateInfo soundUpdateInfo;
soundUpdateInfo.volume = volume;
soundUpdateInfo.pitch = pitch;
soundUpdateInfo.dropoffDist = dropoffDist;
soundUpdateInfo.dropoffFunction = dropoffFunction;
#if 0
// TODO: Replay code handling sound components
return ( sfx_manager->PlaySoundWithPos( soundChecksum, &soundUpdateInfo, this, noPosUpdate ) );
} // end of PlaySound_VolumeAndPan( )