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//* MODULE: Gel/Components
//* FILENAME: AnimationComponent.cpp
//* OWNER: Gary Jesdanun
//* CREATION DATE: 10/24/2002
#include <gel/components/animationcomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/modelcomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/skeletoncomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/suspendcomponent.h>
// TODO: All the network code should
// be at the skater- or the player- level
#include <gel/net/server/netserv.h>
#include <gel/net/client/netclnt.h>
#include <gel/object/compositeobject.h>
#include <gel/scripting/array.h>
#include <gel/scripting/checksum.h>
#include <gel/scripting/script.h>
#include <gel/scripting/struct.h>
#include <gel/scripting/symboltable.h>
#include <gel/scripting/utils.h>
#include <gel/scripting/component.h>
#include <gfx/baseanimcontroller.h>
#include <gfx/bonedanim.h>
#include <gfx/gfxutils.h>
#include <gfx/nx.h>
#include <gfx/nxanimcache.h>
#include <gfx/nxmodel.h>
#include <gfx/pose.h>
#include <gfx/skeleton.h>
#include <sk/gamenet/gamenet.h>
namespace Obj
extern bool DebugSkaterScripts;
// if the animation time increment is too small,
// then ignore it...
const float vMIN_SPEED_THRESHOLD = 0.05f;
// maximum number of degenerate animations
const int vNUM_DEGENERATE_ANIMS = 3;
// maximum number of procedural bones
static bool s_updating_channels = false;
/* */
/* */
// This static function is what is registered with the component
// factory object, (currently the CCompositeObjectManager)
CBaseComponent* CAnimationComponent::s_create()
return static_cast< CBaseComponent* >( new CAnimationComponent );
/* */
/* */
CAnimationComponent::CAnimationComponent() : CBaseComponent()
m_animScriptName = 0;
m_animEventTableName = 0;
m_shouldBlend = false;
m_numProceduralBones = 0;
mp_proceduralBones = NULL;
/* */
/* */
if ( mp_proceduralBones )
delete[] mp_proceduralBones;
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::Reset()
// stops all the animations...
// resets "global" blend parameters
mGotBlendPeriodOut = false;
mBlendPeriodOut = 0.0f;
// reset script animation waits
if (m_animation_script_block_active)
m_animation_script_block_active = false;
if (GetObject()->GetScript())
m_animation_script_unblock_point = 0;
// reset animation frame count
m_last_animation_time = 0.0f;
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::SetAnims( uint32 anim_checksum )
m_animScriptName = anim_checksum;
PlayPrimarySequence( 0, false, 0.0f, 1000.0f, Gfx::LOOPING_HOLD, 0.3f, 1.0f );
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::InitFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams )
Dbg_Assert( pParams );
pParams->GetChecksum( CRCD(0x5b8c6dc2,"animEventTableName"), &m_animEventTableName, false );
uint32 animScriptName;
if ( pParams->GetChecksum( CRCD(0x6c2bfb7f,"animName"), &animScriptName, false ) )
SetAnims( animScriptName );
// safety-check to make sure he doesn't start out in the blair witch position
// (because of our animation LOD-ing system)
// this must be done before the models get initialized?
uint32 defaultAnimName;
if ( pParams->GetChecksum( CRCD(0xeae64b47,"defaultAnimName"), &defaultAnimName, false ) )
SetLoopingType( Gfx::LOOPING_CYCLE, true );
// generally, the blair witch position
PlaySequence( CRCD(0x1ca1ff20,"default") );
// if it's the local skater, then give it some procedural animation as well
// (the decision to do this should really be coming from a higher-level...)
if ( GetObject()->GetID() == 0 )
Dbg_MsgAssert( mp_proceduralBones == NULL, ( "Already has procedural bones!" ) );
mp_proceduralBones = new Gfx::CProceduralBone[vMAXPROCEDURALBONES];
Script::CStruct* pTempParams = new Script::CStruct;
pTempParams->AppendStructure( pParams );
pTempParams->AddChecksum( CRCD(0x7321a8d6,"type"), CRCD(0xfdf0436c,"ProceduralAnim") );
pTempParams->AddChecksum( CRCD(0x3ed7262b,"bone_list"), CRCD(0x5d5c0e72,"procedural_skater_bones") );
initialize_procedural_bones( pTempParams );
delete pTempParams;
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::ToggleFlipState( void )
// Flip the animation to the correct orientation
GameNet::Manager* gamenet_man = GameNet::Manager::Instance();
Net::Client* client = gamenet_man->GetClient( 0 );
this->FlipAnimation( GetObject()->GetID(), !IsFlipped(), client->m_Timestamp, true );
/* */
/* */
CBaseComponent::EMemberFunctionResult CAnimationComponent::CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams, Script::CScript* pScript )
switch ( Checksum )
// @script | Obj_EnableAnimBlending |
// @parm name | enabled | whether the anim blending should be enabled
// peds should disable blending, as a speed optimization
case 0x98a32669: // Obj_EnableAnimBlending
int shouldBlend;
pParams->GetInteger( CRCD(0xaf06447b,"enabled"), &shouldBlend, Script::ASSERT );
EnableBlending( shouldBlend );
// @script | Obj_SetAnimCycleMode |
// @flag off | turn cycle off (otherwise it will turn it on)
case 0x58c52f64: // Obj_SetAnimCycleMode
if ( pParams->ContainsFlag( CRCD(0xd443a2bc,"off") ) )
SetLoopingType( Gfx::LOOPING_HOLD, true );
// maybe we should clear the cycle time or num loops?
// or should we leave it at whatever was set before? hmmm...
SetLoopingType( Gfx::LOOPING_CYCLE, true );
// @script | Obj_PlayAnim |
// @parm name | Anim | animation to play
// @flag wobble | enable wobble
// @parmopt float | BlendPeriod | 0.3f | blend period (default may change)
// @parmopt int | BlendPeriodPercent | | blend period as a percentage of the anim length (20 means "20 percent")
// @parmopt float | speed | 1.0 |
// @flag NoRestart |
// @flag Cycle |
// @flag PingPong |
// @flag Wobble |
// @flag DontInterrupt | Makes further PlayAnims have no effect until the current
// animation has finished.
// @parmopt name | From | | start, end, or current
// @parmopt int | From | | from can be specified as an int (60ths)
// @parmopt name | To | | start, end, or current
// @parmopt int | To | | to can be specified as an int (60ths)
// @flag Backwards | play animation backwards
case 0x2cb9ad09: // Obj_PlayAnim
case 0x0b1e7291: // PlayAnim
PlayAnim( pParams, pScript );
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pPrimaryChannel = get_primary_channel();
if ( pPrimaryChannel && pPrimaryChannel->GetLoopingType() == Gfx::LOOPING_WOBBLE )
// the skater balance trick needs to do some extra stuff to
// handle wobbles, but needs to do it after the anim has been
// launched. the following gives any component a chance to
// handle the wobble first... if it is not handled by the
// time it gets to the animation component, then it's ignored
// (this works for the case of the skater balance trick, because
// it comes early in the component list)
GetObject()->CallMemberFunction( CRCD(0xea6d0efd,"SetWobbleDetails"), pParams, pScript );
case 0xea6d0efd: // SetWobbleDetails
// this is a special case to make sure that the skater balance
// trick component gets a chance to handle wobbles, if such
// a component exists.
return MF_TRUE;
// @script | Obj_AnimComplete | returns true when the object
// is done playing an anim. This is only valid with "hold on
// last frame" animations.
case 0x2889c6c9: // Obj_AnimComplete
case 0x76cc99d5: // AnimFinished
return ( IsAnimComplete() ? CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE : CBaseComponent::MF_FALSE );
// @script | Obj_AnimEquals | True if specified animation is
// the one currently playing on the object, False otherwise
// @uparmopt name | single animation name to check
// @uparmopt [] | array of animation names to check
case 0xb5fb7eb6: // Obj_AnimEquals
case 0x1a0f9646: // AnimEquals
return ( AnimEquals( pParams, pScript ) ? CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE : CBaseComponent::MF_FALSE );
// @script | Obj_GetAnimSpeed |
// the one currently playing on the object
case 0x5195bcbb: // Obj_GetAnimSpeed
pScript->GetParams()->AddFloat(CRCD(0xf0d90109,"speed"), GetAnimSpeed( pParams, pScript ));
// @script | BlendPeriodOut | next call to playanim will use this blend period
// no matter what is specified in the actual call to playanim
// @uparm 1.0 | blend period out value
case 0x68c86aec: // BlendPeriodOut
if (!pParams->GetFloat(NONAME,&mBlendPeriodOut))
Dbg_MsgAssert(0,("\n%s\nBlendPeriodOut requires a floating point value",pScript->GetScriptInfo()));
// Set the flag so that PlayAnim will use mBlendPeriodOut instead next time.
// @script | LoopingAnim | true if the current animation will loop forever
case 0x80fdbdf2: // LoopingAnim
return IsLoopingAnim() ? CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE : CBaseComponent::MF_FALSE;
case 0x42ffc3ce: // GetAnimLength
#ifdef __USER_DAN__
uint32 anim_checksum=0;
pParams->GetChecksum(CRCD(0x98549ba4, "anim"), &anim_checksum);
if (AnimExists(anim_checksum))
pScript->GetParams()->AddFloat(CRCD(0xfe82614d, "Length"), fabs(AnimDuration(anim_checksum)));
// @script | FrameIs | checks if the current frame is equal
// to the specified frame
// @uparmopt 1 | frame number
case 0x922e7d14: // FrameIs
#ifdef __USER_DAN__
float Start,Current,End;
float t=0;
float new_frame=Current-Start;
float old_frame=m_last_animation_time-Start;
if (t==new_frame)
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
if (old_frame<t && t<new_frame)
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
if (new_frame<old_frame && old_frame<t)
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
if (t<new_frame && new_frame<old_frame)
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
return CBaseComponent::MF_FALSE;
// @script | WaitAnim |
// @uparm 0.0 | wait time (default is milliseconds)
// @flag frame | time in frames
// @flag percent | time in percent
// @flag second | time in seconds
// @flag relative |
// @flag fromend |
case 0x74cf5c94: // WaitAnim
#ifdef __USER_DAN__
// printf("WaitAnim\n");
// Script::PrintContents(pParams);
float Start,Current,End;
float t=0;
if (pParams->ContainsFlag(0x4a07c332/*"frame"*/) || pParams->ContainsFlag(0x19176c5/*"frames"*/))
else if (pParams->ContainsFlag(0x9e497fc6/*"percent"*/))
t=Start+(End-Start)*t/100.0f; // Dodgy?
else if (pParams->ContainsFlag(0x49e0ee96/*"second"*/) || pParams->ContainsFlag(0xd029f619/*"seconds"*/))
// t is in seconds, so nothing to do.
// If they did not specify any of the above, then t is in milliseconds, so convert to seconds.
if (pParams->ContainsFlag(0x91a4c826/*"relative"*/))
if (Start<=End)
else if (pParams->ContainsFlag(0xe18cd075/*"fromend"*/))
if (Start<=End)
// Dbg_MsgAssert( m_animation_script_unblock_point>=Start && m_animation_script_unblock_point<=End, ( "WaitAnim time %f out of range of anim (%f %f) in %s", m_animation_script_unblock_point, Start, End, pScript->GetScriptInfo() ) );
if ( !GetObject()->GetScript() )
GetObject()->SetScript(new Script::CScript);
if ((Start<=End && Current>=m_animation_script_unblock_point) || (Start>=End && Current<=m_animation_script_unblock_point))
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
case 0x5f495ae0: // InvalidateCache
int num_channels = m_blendChannelList.CountItems();
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pChannel = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)m_blendChannelList.GetNext();
for ( int i = 0; i < num_channels; i++ )
pChannel = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)pChannel->GetNext();
// @script | Obj_WaitAnimFinished | wait for animation to complete
case 0xb628a959: // Obj_WaitAnimFinished
// @script | AnimExists | returns true if the given anim exists
// @param name | animation to look for
case CRCC(0x9069f357, "AnimExists"):
uint32 anim_name;
pParams->GetChecksum(NO_NAME, &anim_name);
return AnimExists(anim_name) ? CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE : CBaseComponent::MF_FALSE;
case 0x83654874: // AddAnimController
case 0x02565bd1: // SetBoneTransMin
case 0x3e5b6488: // SetBoneTransMax
case 0xc85b9ac0: // SetBoneTransSpeed
case 0x5ee9d5bd: // SetBoneTransCurrent
case 0x5661fb72: // SetBoneTransActive
case 0xa47767f2: // SetBoneRotMin
case 0x987a58ab: // SetBoneRotMax
case 0x599d3707: // SetBoneRotSpeed
case 0x7235daa7: // SetBoneRotCurrent
case 0x53f06acc: // SetBoneRotActive
case 0xc6889e91: // SetBoneScaleMin
case 0xfa85a1c8: // SetBoneScaleMax
case 0xd32c2724: // SetBoneScaleSpeed
case 0xd12b3713: // SetBoneScaleCurrent
case 0xf11daaae: // SetBoneScaleActive
case 0xd63a1b81: // GetPartialAnimParams
case 0xbd4edd44: // SetPartialAnimSpeed
case 0x6aaeb76f: // IncrementPartialAnimTime
case 0xf5e2b871: // ReversePartialAnimDirection
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pPrimaryChannel = get_primary_channel();
if ( pPrimaryChannel )
return pPrimaryChannel->CallMemberFunction( Checksum, pParams, pScript ) ? CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE : CBaseComponent::MF_FALSE;
case 0x986d274e: // RemoveAnimController
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pChannel = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)m_blendChannelList.GetNext();
while ( pChannel )
pChannel->CallMemberFunction( Checksum, pParams, pScript );
pChannel = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)pChannel->GetNext();
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
// @script | Obj_Flip |
case 0x27a98022: // Obj_Flip
ToggleFlipState( );
// @script | Obj_AnimationFlipped |
case 0x6eceb234: // Obj_AnimationFlipped
return ( m_flags & nxANIMCOMPONENTFLAGS_FLIPPED ) ? CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE : CBaseComponent::MF_FALSE;
return CBaseComponent::MF_NOT_EXECUTED;
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::AddAnimController( Script::CStruct* pParams )
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pPrimaryChannel = get_primary_channel();
if ( pPrimaryChannel )
pPrimaryChannel->AddController( pParams );
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::ProcessWait( Script::CScript * pScript )
switch (pScript->GetWaitType())
if (IsAnimComplete())
Dbg_MsgAssert(0,("\n%s\nWait type of %d not supported by CAnimationComponent",pScript->GetScriptInfo(),pScript->GetWaitType()));
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::GetDebugInfo( Script::CStruct* p_info )
#ifdef __DEBUG_CODE__
Dbg_MsgAssert( p_info, ( "NULL p_info sent to CAnimationComponent::GetDebugInfo" ) );
// we call the base component's GetDebugInfo, so we can add info from the common base component
p_info->AddInteger( CRCD(0x87ed8a3f,"m_shouldblend"), m_shouldBlend );
p_info->AddInteger( CRCD(0xa2f4a5ea,"mGotBlendPeriodOut"), mGotBlendPeriodOut );
p_info->AddFloat( CRCD(0xd0902723,"mBlendPeriodOut"), mBlendPeriodOut );
p_info->AddChecksum( CRCD(0xc2fe9f39,"m_animScriptName"), m_animScriptName );
Script::CStruct* p_tempParams = new Script::CStruct;
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pPrimaryChannel = get_primary_channel();
if ( pPrimaryChannel )
pPrimaryChannel->GetDebugInfo( p_tempParams );
p_info->AddStructure( CRCD(0x969f358c,"primary_channel"), p_tempParams );
delete p_tempParams;
/* */
/* */
Gfx::CBlendChannel* CAnimationComponent::get_primary_channel()
// just grab the first item from the list...
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pBlendChannel = NULL;
pBlendChannel = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)m_blendChannelList.GetNext();
return pBlendChannel;
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::pack_degenerate_channels()
// this removes all the channels that have expired...
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pChannel = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)m_blendChannelList.GetNext();
while ( pChannel )
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pNext = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)pChannel->GetNext();
if ( !pChannel->IsActive() )
Dbg_MsgAssert(pChannel != get_primary_channel(), ("Removing primary channel"));
Dbg_MsgAssert( !s_updating_channels, ( "Someone is trying to remove an animation channel while in channel update loop" ) );
delete pChannel;
pChannel = pNext;
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::create_new_blend_channel( float blend_period )
// If there are too many channels, get rid of the tail channels
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pChannel = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)m_blendChannelList.GetNext();//Item( 0 );
int channelCount = 0;
while ( pChannel )
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pNext = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)pChannel->GetNext();
if ( channelCount >= vNUM_DEGENERATE_ANIMS )
// remove the tail items
Dbg_MsgAssert( !s_updating_channels, ( "Someone is trying to remove an animation channel while in channel update loop" ) );
delete pChannel;
pChannel = pNext;
// degenerate the existing blend channels
// make the first channel degenerate
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pBlendChannel = m_blendChannelList.CountItems() ? get_primary_channel() : NULL;// (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)m_blendChannelList.GetItem( 0 );
if ( pBlendChannel )
if ( pBlendChannel->Degenerate( blend_period ) )
// degeneration worked, so we want to do this cumulative
// blend value thing (not really sure what it is though)
float cumulative_blend_value = 0.0f;
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pOtherChannels = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)pBlendChannel->GetNext();
while ( pOtherChannels )
// if( !pOtherChannels->IsActive() )
if( pOtherChannels->IsDegenerating() )
cumulative_blend_value +=
* pOtherChannels->GetDegenerationTimeToBlendMultiplier();
pOtherChannels = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)pOtherChannels->GetNext();
float blend_value1 = 1.0f - ( cumulative_blend_value );
pBlendChannel->SetDegenerationTimeToBlendMultiplier( blend_value1 / pBlendChannel->GetDegenerationTime() );
// now add a new channel to the front of the list
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pPrimaryChannel = new Gfx::CBlendChannel( GetObject() );
m_blendChannelList.AddToHead( pPrimaryChannel );
Dbg_MsgAssert( !s_updating_channels, ( "Someone is trying to add an animation channel while in channel update loop" ) );
/* */
/* */
bool CAnimationComponent::AnimEquals( Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript )
uint32 current_animation=GetCurrentSequence();
Script::CComponent *p_comp=NULL;
while (true)
if (!p_comp)
if (p_comp->mNameChecksum==0)
// It's an unnamed component
Script::CArray *p_array=NULL;
if (p_comp->mType==ESYMBOLTYPE_NAME)
// It's an unnamed name. Maybe it's the name of a global array ...
Script::CSymbolTableEntry *p_entry=Script::Resolve(p_comp->mChecksum);
if (p_entry && p_entry->mType==ESYMBOLTYPE_ARRAY)
// It is a global array
// Nope, it's just a name, so see if it is the name of the current animation.
if (p_comp->mChecksum==current_animation)
return true;
else if (p_comp->mType==ESYMBOLTYPE_ARRAY)
if (p_array)
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_array->GetType()==ESYMBOLTYPE_NAME,("\n%s\nAnimEquals: Array must be of names",pScript->GetScriptInfo()));
for (uint32 i=0; i<p_array->GetSize(); ++i)
if (p_array->GetChecksum(i)==current_animation)
return true;
return false;
/* */
/* */
float CAnimationComponent::AnimDuration( uint32 checksum )
Gfx::CBonedAnimFrameData *p_anim = find_actual_anim( checksum );
Dbg_MsgAssert( p_anim, ( "Trying to get duration on an animation that doesn't exist %s %s %s",
Script::FindChecksumName(GetObject()->GetID()) ) );
return ( p_anim->GetDuration() );
/* */
/* */
bool CAnimationComponent::AnimExists( uint32 checksum )
Gfx::CBonedAnimFrameData *p_anim = find_actual_anim( checksum );
return p_anim;
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::AddTime( float incVal )
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pPrimaryChannel = get_primary_channel();
if ( pPrimaryChannel )
pPrimaryChannel->AddTime( incVal );
/* */
/* */
Gfx::CBonedAnimFrameData* CAnimationComponent::find_actual_anim( uint32 checksum )
// need to combine the animation name (Idle)
// with the owner animscript (animload_thps5_human)
// to get the asset name
return Nx::GetCachedAnim( m_animScriptName + checksum, false );
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::PrintStatus()
// for debugging the viewer object
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::Update()
if ( Gfx::CBlendChannel* primary_channel = get_primary_channel() )
m_last_animation_time = primary_channel->GetCurrentAnimTime();
float s, c, e;
primary_channel->GetAnimTimes(&s, &c, &e);
printf("Animation Factor Complete = %f\n", c / (e - s));
if (m_animation_script_block_active)
if ( !GetObject()->GetScript() )
GetObject()->SetScript( new Script::CScript );
// The script should be blocked at this point, if it isn't that must
// be because the script just got reloaded. So clear the m_animation_script_block_active
// flag so that it doesn't get stuck on forever.
if ( !GetObject()->GetScript()->getBlocked() )
m_animation_script_block_active = false;
float start, current, end;
GetPrimaryAnimTimes( &start, ¤t, &end);
if ( ( start <= end && current >= m_animation_script_unblock_point ) || ( start >= end && current <= m_animation_script_unblock_point ) )
m_animation_script_block_active = false;
// Alwyas update the channels
s_updating_channels = true;
int num_channels = m_blendChannelList.CountItems();
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pChannel = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)m_blendChannelList.GetNext();
for ( int i = 0; i < num_channels; i++ )
pChannel = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)pChannel->GetNext();
s_updating_channels = false;
// remove channels which have decided they are complete
// (Mick) If there is a suspend component
// then ask it if we should animate
// This call determines whether the object is sufficiently far away that no animation is disabled,
// or possibly at an intermediate distance, interleaved. The distance from parent object to camera is cached
// for subsequent animation LOD calculations.
bool animate = mp_suspend_component->should_animate( &m_parent_object_dist_to_camera );
if ( animate )
// This call determines whether the object is actually on screen; animation is not requried
// for offscreen objects.
if ( ShouldAnimate() )
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::UpdateSkeleton()
// don't use the animation cache, because
// the viewer object doesn't call Update(),
// which normally is responsible for
// invalidating the cache at the
// appropriate times
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pPrimaryChannel = get_primary_channel();
if ( pPrimaryChannel )
// allows the viewer object to update the skeleton,
// outside of the normal Update() function...
// (the viewer object sometimes suspends the
// component and updates the time manually,
// in which case we'd still need to apply
// the animation to the skeleton...)
/* */
/* */
bool CAnimationComponent::IsAnimComplete( void )
if ( !get_primary_channel() )
return false;
return get_primary_channel()->IsAnimComplete();
/* */
/* */
bool CAnimationComponent::IsLoopingAnim( void )
if ( !get_primary_channel() )
return false;
return get_primary_channel()->IsLoopingAnim();
/* */
/* */
uint32 CAnimationComponent::GetCurrentSequence( void )
if ( !get_primary_channel() )
return 0;
return get_primary_channel()->GetCurrentAnim();
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::GetPrimaryAnimTimes(float *pStart, float *pCurrent, float *pEnd)
*pStart = 0.0f;
*pCurrent = 0.0f;
*pEnd = 0.0f;
if ( get_primary_channel() )
get_primary_channel()->GetAnimTimes( pStart, pCurrent, pEnd );
/* */
/* */
float CAnimationComponent::GetCurrentAnimTime( void )
if ( !get_primary_channel() )
return 0.0f;
return get_primary_channel()->GetCurrentAnimTime();
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::PlaySequence( uint32 checksum, float BlendPeriod )
#ifdef __NOPT_ASSERT__
if ( !AnimExists( checksum ) )
Dbg_Message( "Couldn't find anim %s\n", Script::FindChecksumName(checksum) );
PlayPrimarySequence( checksum, false, 0.0f, AnimDuration(checksum), Gfx::LOOPING_HOLD, BlendPeriod, 1.0f );
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::PlayPrimarySequence( uint32 animName, bool propagate, float start_time, float end_time, Gfx::EAnimLoopingType loop_type, float blend_period, float speed )
if ( animName == 0 )
animName = CRCD(0x1ca1ff20,"default");
if ( propagate )
GameNet::Manager * gamenet_man = GameNet::Manager::Instance();
GameNet::PlayerInfo* player;
player = gamenet_man->GetPlayerByObjectID( GetObject()->GetID() );
if ( player && player->IsLocalPlayer())
GameNet::MsgPlayPrimaryAnim anim_msg;
Net::MsgDesc msg_desc;
char msg[ Net::Manager::vMAX_PACKET_SIZE ];
char* stream;
int size;
Net::Client* client;
client = gamenet_man->GetClient( player->GetSkaterNumber());
Dbg_Assert( client );
//anim_msg.m_Time = client->m_Timestamp;
anim_msg.m_Index = animName;
anim_msg.m_ObjId = GetObject()->GetID();
anim_msg.m_LoopingType = loop_type;
anim_msg.m_StartTime = (unsigned short )( start_time * 4096.0f );
anim_msg.m_EndTime = ((unsigned short )( end_time * 4096.0f ));
anim_msg.m_BlendPeriod = (unsigned short )( blend_period * 4096.0f );
anim_msg.m_Speed = (unsigned short )( speed * 4096.0f );
stream = msg;
//memcpy( stream, &anim_msg.m_Time, sizeof( unsigned int ));
//stream += sizeof( int );
*stream++ = anim_msg.m_LoopingType;
*stream++ = anim_msg.m_ObjId;
memcpy( stream, &anim_msg.m_Index, sizeof( uint32 ));
stream += sizeof( uint32 );
memcpy( stream, &anim_msg.m_StartTime, sizeof( unsigned short ));
stream += sizeof( unsigned short );
memcpy( stream, &anim_msg.m_EndTime, sizeof( unsigned short ));
stream += sizeof( unsigned short );
memcpy( stream, &anim_msg.m_BlendPeriod, sizeof( unsigned short ));
stream += sizeof( unsigned short );
memcpy( stream, &anim_msg.m_Speed, sizeof( unsigned short ));
stream += sizeof( unsigned short );
size = (unsigned int) stream - (unsigned int) msg;
msg_desc.m_Data = msg;
msg_desc.m_Length = size;
msg_desc.m_Id = GameNet::MSG_ID_PRIM_ANIM_START;
client->EnqueueMessageToServer( &msg_desc );
// GJ: Should this be broken up into two commands/
// to degenerate the old, and start playing the new?
// printf( "Playing anim %s\n", Script::FindChecksumName( animName ), blend_period );
#ifdef __NOPT_ASSERT__
// Define this to disable blending
if ( Script::GetInteger( CRCD(0xf098f123,"disable_blending"), Script::NO_ASSERT ) )
blend_period = 0.0f;
if ( blend_period == 0.0f || !ShouldBlend() )
create_new_blend_channel( blend_period );
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pPrimaryChannel = get_primary_channel();
Dbg_Assert( pPrimaryChannel );
pPrimaryChannel->PlaySequence( animName, start_time, end_time, loop_type, blend_period, speed, IsFlipped() );
add_anim_tags( animName );
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::delete_anim_tags()
Script::CStruct* pTags = GetObject()->GetTags();
if ( pTags )
pTags->RemoveComponent( CRCD(0x5db4115f,"AnimTags") );
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::add_anim_tags( uint32 animName )
Script::CStruct* pAnimTagTable = Script::GetStructure(CRCD(0x95807202,"AnimTagTable"), Script::ASSERT);
if ( pAnimTagTable )
Script::CStruct* pSubStruct;
if ( pAnimTagTable->GetStructure( animName, &pSubStruct, Script::NO_ASSERT ) )
Script::CStruct* pTempStruct = new Script::CStruct;
// add a new anim tags structure to the tags
Script::CStruct* pTags = new Script::CStruct;
pTags->AppendStructure( pSubStruct );
pTempStruct->AddStructurePointer(CRCD(0x5db4115f,"AnimTags"), pTags);
GetObject()->SetTagsFromScript( pTempStruct );
delete pTempStruct;
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::SetWobbleTarget( float alpha, bool propagate )
if ( propagate )
GameNet::Manager * gamenet_man = GameNet::Manager::Instance();
GameNet::PlayerInfo* player;
static unsigned char s_last_alpha = 255;
player = gamenet_man->GetPlayerByObjectID( GetObject()->GetID() );
if ( player && player->IsLocalPlayer())
Net::Client* client;
GameNet::MsgSetWobbleTarget msg;
client = gamenet_man->GetClient( player->GetSkaterNumber() );
Dbg_Assert( client );
if( alpha < 0 )
alpha = 0;
else if( alpha > 1 )
alpha = 1;
//msg.m_Time = client->m_Timestamp;
msg.m_Alpha = (unsigned char ) ( alpha * 255.0f );
msg.m_ObjId = GetObject()->GetID();
if( s_last_alpha != msg.m_Alpha )
Net::MsgDesc msg_desc;
msg_desc.m_Data = &msg;
msg_desc.m_Length = sizeof( GameNet::MsgSetWobbleTarget );
msg_desc.m_Id = GameNet::MSG_ID_SET_WOBBLE_TARGET;
msg_desc.m_Singular = true;
client->EnqueueMessageToServer( &msg_desc );
s_last_alpha = msg.m_Alpha;
if ( get_primary_channel() )
Script::CStruct* pTempParams = new Script::CStruct;
pTempParams->AddFloat( CRCD(0x4d747fa0,"wobbletargetalpha"), alpha );
get_primary_channel()->CallMemberFunction( CRCD(0xd0209498,"setwobbletarget"), pTempParams, NULL );
delete pTempParams;
/* */
/* */
static int s_get_wobble_mask( int variable, float value )
int mask;
mask = 0;
switch( variable )
case GameNet::MsgSetWobbleDetails::vWOBBLE_AMP_A:
if( value == 0.05f )
mask = 0;
else if( value == 0.1f )
mask = 1;
else if( value == 10.1f )
mask = 2;
Dbg_Printf( "value is %f\n", value );
Dbg_Assert( 0 );
case GameNet::MsgSetWobbleDetails::vWOBBLE_AMP_B:
if( value == 0.04f )
mask = 0;
else if( value == 10.1f )
mask = 1;
Dbg_Printf( "VARIABLE: %d Value %f\n", variable, value );
Dbg_Assert( 0 );
case GameNet::MsgSetWobbleDetails::vWOBBLE_K1:
if( value == 0.0022f )
mask = 0;
else if( value == 20.0f )
mask = 1;
Dbg_Printf( "value is %f\n", value );
Dbg_Assert( 0 );
case GameNet::MsgSetWobbleDetails::vWOBBLE_K2:
if( value == 0.0017f )
mask = 0;
else if( value == 10.0f )
mask = 1;
Dbg_Assert( 0 );
case GameNet::MsgSetWobbleDetails::vSPAZFACTOR:
if( value == 1.5f )
mask = 0;
else if( value == 1.0f )
mask = 1;
Dbg_Printf( "value is %f\n", value );
Dbg_Assert( 0 );
Dbg_Assert( 0 );
return mask;
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::SetWobbleDetails( const Gfx::SWobbleDetails& wobble_details, bool propagate )
if ( propagate )
GameNet::Manager * gamenet_man = GameNet::Manager::Instance();
GameNet::PlayerInfo* player;
player = gamenet_man->GetPlayerByObjectID( GetObject()->GetID() );
if ( player && player->IsLocalPlayer())
Net::Client* client;
GameNet::MsgSetWobbleDetails msg;
int mask;
static char s_last_mask = -1;
client = gamenet_man->GetClient( player->GetSkaterNumber() );
Dbg_Assert( client );
//msg.m_Time = client->m_Timestamp;
msg.m_WobbleDetails = 0;
mask = s_get_wobble_mask( GameNet::MsgSetWobbleDetails::vWOBBLE_AMP_A, wobble_details.wobbleAmpA );
msg.m_WobbleDetails |= mask;
mask = s_get_wobble_mask( GameNet::MsgSetWobbleDetails::vWOBBLE_AMP_B, wobble_details.wobbleAmpB );
msg.m_WobbleDetails |= ( mask << 2 );
mask = s_get_wobble_mask( GameNet::MsgSetWobbleDetails::vWOBBLE_K1, wobble_details.wobbleK1 );
msg.m_WobbleDetails |= ( mask << 3 );
mask = s_get_wobble_mask( GameNet::MsgSetWobbleDetails::vWOBBLE_K2, wobble_details.wobbleK2 );
msg.m_WobbleDetails |= ( mask << 4 );
mask = s_get_wobble_mask( GameNet::MsgSetWobbleDetails::vSPAZFACTOR, wobble_details.spazFactor );
msg.m_WobbleDetails |= ( mask << 5 );
msg.m_ObjId = GetObject()->GetID();
// Only propagate if it's actually different from our last wobble details message
if( s_last_mask != msg.m_WobbleDetails )
Net::MsgDesc msg_desc;
msg_desc.m_Data = &msg;
msg_desc.m_Length = sizeof( GameNet::MsgSetWobbleDetails );
msg_desc.m_Id = GameNet::MSG_ID_SET_WOBBLE_DETAILS;
msg_desc.m_Singular = true;
client->EnqueueMessageToServer( &msg_desc );
s_last_mask = msg.m_WobbleDetails;
if ( get_primary_channel() )
Script::CStruct* pTempParams = new Script::CStruct;
pTempParams->AddFloat( CRCD(0xfd266a26,"wobbleAmpA"), wobble_details.wobbleAmpA );
pTempParams->AddFloat( CRCD(0x642f3b9c,"wobbleAmpB"), wobble_details.wobbleAmpB );
pTempParams->AddFloat( CRCD(0x0f43fd49,"wobbleK1"), wobble_details.wobbleK1 );
pTempParams->AddFloat( CRCD(0x964aacf3,"wobbleK2"), wobble_details.wobbleK2 );
pTempParams->AddFloat( CRCD(0xf90b0824,"spazFactor"), wobble_details.spazFactor );
get_primary_channel()->CallMemberFunction( CRCD(0xea6d0efd,"setwobbledetails"), pTempParams, NULL );
delete pTempParams;
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::SetLoopingType( Gfx::EAnimLoopingType looping_type, bool propagate )
if ( propagate )
GameNet::Manager * gamenet_man = GameNet::Manager::Instance();
GameNet::PlayerInfo* player;
static char s_last_type = -1;
player = gamenet_man->GetPlayerByObjectID( GetObject()->GetID() );
if ( player && player->IsLocalPlayer())
Net::Client* client;
GameNet::MsgSetLoopingType msg;
client = gamenet_man->GetClient( player->GetSkaterNumber() );
Dbg_Assert( client );
//msg.m_Time = client->m_Timestamp;
msg.m_LoopingType = looping_type;
msg.m_ObjId = GetObject()->GetID();
if( s_last_type != looping_type )
Net::MsgDesc msg_desc;
msg_desc.m_Data = &msg;
msg_desc.m_Length = sizeof( GameNet::MsgSetLoopingType );
msg_desc.m_Id = GameNet::MSG_ID_SET_LOOPING_TYPE;
client->EnqueueMessageToServer( &msg_desc );
s_last_type = looping_type;
if ( get_primary_channel() )
get_primary_channel()->SetLoopingType( looping_type );
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::ReverseDirection( bool propagate )
Dbg_Assert( !propagate );
if ( get_primary_channel() )
// TODO: eventually turn this into a net message.
// For now, only the viewer objects should be reversing the direction
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::SetAnimSpeed( float speed, bool propagate, bool all_channels )
if ( !get_primary_channel() )
// no primary channel, so do nothing
float cur_speed = get_primary_channel()->GetAnimSpeed();
if( !all_channels && Mth::Abs( cur_speed - speed ) < vMIN_SPEED_THRESHOLD )
if ( propagate )
GameNet::Manager * gamenet_man = GameNet::Manager::Instance();
Net::Client* client;
GameNet::MsgSetAnimSpeed msg;
GameNet::PlayerInfo* player;
player = gamenet_man->GetPlayerByObjectID( GetObject()->GetID() );
if ( player && player->IsLocalPlayer())
client = gamenet_man->GetClient( player->GetSkaterNumber() );
if( client )
Net::MsgDesc msg_desc;
//msg.m_Time = client->m_Timestamp;
msg.m_AnimSpeed = speed;
msg.m_ObjId = GetObject()->GetID();
msg_desc.m_Data = &msg;
msg_desc.m_Length = sizeof( GameNet::MsgSetAnimSpeed );
msg_desc.m_Id = GameNet::MSG_ID_SET_ANIM_SPEED;
client->EnqueueMessageToServer( &msg_desc );
if (all_channels)
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pChannel = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)m_blendChannelList.GetNext();
while ( pChannel )
pChannel->SetAnimSpeed( speed );
pChannel = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)pChannel->GetNext();
get_primary_channel()->SetAnimSpeed( speed );
if (DebugSkaterScripts && GetObject()->GetID() == 0)
printf("%d: Setting Anim Speed: %f\n",(int)Tmr::GetRenderFrame(),speed);
/* */
/* */
float CAnimationComponent::GetAnimSpeed( Script::CStruct* pParams, Script::CScript* pScript )
if ( !get_primary_channel() )
// no primary channel, so do nothing
return 0;
float cur_speed = get_primary_channel()->GetAnimSpeed();
return cur_speed;
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::EnableBlending( bool enabled )
m_shouldBlend = enabled;
/* */
/* */
bool CAnimationComponent::ShouldBlend()
return m_shouldBlend;
/* */
/* */
// Plays an animation given a set of parameters contained in pParams.
// This allows both the skater and other moving objects such as pedestrians to share a common-ish interface.
// Returns the checksum of the animation if it did get successfully played, 0 otherwise.
// (This feature is used by some debug code in the CSkater's PlayAnim script command)
uint32 CAnimationComponent::PlayAnim(Script::CStruct *pParams, Script::CScript *pScript, float defaultBlendPeriod )
if (Gfx::CBlendChannel* primary_channel = get_primary_channel())
m_last_animation_time = primary_channel->GetCurrentAnimTime();
if (m_dont_interrupt && !IsAnimComplete())
return 0;
if ( !has_anims() )
// some items don't have animation data associated with it yet...
return 0;
uint32 AnimChecksum=0;
pParams->GetChecksum( CRCD(0x98549ba4,"Anim"), &AnimChecksum );
if ( !AnimChecksum )
Dbg_MsgAssert(0,("\n%s\nobj: %s\nPlayAnim requires an anim name",Script::FindChecksumName(GetObject()->GetID()),pScript->GetScriptInfo()));
float Speed=1.0f;
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD(0xf0d90109,"Speed"), &Speed );
uint32 CurrentAnimChecksum = GetCurrentSequence();
if ( AnimChecksum == CRCD(0x230ccbf4,"Current") )
AnimChecksum = CurrentAnimChecksum;
if (CurrentAnimChecksum==AnimChecksum)
if ( pParams->ContainsFlag( CRCD(0xfe09fe09,"NoRestart") ) )
// Return without doing anything, since the user specified NoRestart, and the
// current anim is the same as the requested one.
return 0;
if ( !AnimExists( AnimChecksum ) )
#ifdef __NOPT_ASSERT__
if ( Script::GetInt( CRCD(0x56d4128e,"AssertOnMissingAnims"), Script::NO_ASSERT ) )
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "*** Anim %s (%s) was not defined for object %s!",
Script::FindChecksumName(GetObject()->GetID() ) ) );
else if ( Script::GetInt( CRCD(0xf42cb81a,"WarnOnMissingAnims"), Script::NO_ASSERT ) )
Dbg_Message( "*** Anim %s (%s) was not defined for object %s!",
Script::FindChecksumName(GetObject()->GetID() ) );
// by default, a missing anim will play the christ-pose anim
AnimChecksum = CRCD(0x1ca1ff20,"default");
float BlendPeriod=defaultBlendPeriod;
float BlendPeriodPercent=0.0f;
if (mGotBlendPeriodOut)
// If a BlendPeriodOut command was issued, use that value to override any
// value specified by PlayAnim.
// but clear the flag for next time.
else if (pParams->GetFloat(CRCD( 0x4f3abd6c,"BlendPeriodPercent"), &BlendPeriodPercent) )
BlendPeriod = AnimDuration(AnimChecksum) * (BlendPeriodPercent/100.0f);
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD(0x8f0d24ed,"BlendPeriod"), &BlendPeriod );
float Duration=AnimDuration(AnimChecksum);
float From=0;
float Current=0;
float To=Duration;
if ( pParams->ContainsFlag( CRCD(0x099371ae,"SyncToPreviousAnim") ) )
float Dummy, PreviousAnimCurrent, PreviousAnimDuration;
GetPrimaryAnimTimes(&Dummy, &PreviousAnimCurrent, &Dummy);
PreviousAnimDuration = AnimDuration(CurrentAnimChecksum);
pParams->GetFloat(CRCD(0x4b4a153a, "EffectivePreviousAnimDuration"), &PreviousAnimDuration);
Current = Mth::Clamp(PreviousAnimCurrent / AnimDuration(CurrentAnimChecksum), 0.0f, 1.0f) * Duration;
if ( pParams->ContainsFlag( CRCD(0xf8cfd515,"Backwards") ) )
Current = -(Duration - Current);
else if ( pParams->ContainsFlag( CRCD(0xff5ac79e, "SyncToReversePreviousAnim") ) )
float Dummy, PreviousAnimCurrent, PreviousAnimDuration;
GetPrimaryAnimTimes(&Dummy, &PreviousAnimCurrent, &Dummy);
PreviousAnimDuration = AnimDuration(CurrentAnimChecksum);
pParams->GetFloat(CRCD(0x4b4a153a, "EffectivePreviousAnimDuration"), &PreviousAnimDuration);
Current = Mth::Clamp((PreviousAnimDuration - PreviousAnimCurrent) / PreviousAnimDuration, 0.0f, 1.0f) * Duration;
if ( pParams->ContainsFlag( CRCD(0xf8cfd515,"Backwards") ) )
Current = -(Duration - Current);
// Need TempCurrent, so that it doesn't conflict with regular Current
// which is possibly modified in the above "SyncToPreviousAnim" code block
float TempCurrent;
float Dummy;
Gfx::GetTimeFromParams( &From, &To, TempCurrent, Duration, pParams, pScript );
Gfx::EAnimLoopingType LoopingType;
Gfx::GetLoopingTypeFromParams( &LoopingType, pParams );
m_dont_interrupt=pParams->ContainsFlag( CRCD(0x84f13067,"DontInterrupt") );
#ifdef __NOPT_ASSERT__
if ( Script::GetInt( CRCD(0xca108bce,"DebugAnims"), false ) )
if ( GetObject()->GetID() == 0 )
printf( "DebugAnims: Playing skater anim %s\n", Script::FindChecksumName(AnimChecksum) );
if (DebugSkaterScripts && AnimChecksum && GetObject()->GetID() == 0)
printf("%d: Playing anim '%s'\n",(int)Tmr::GetRenderFrame(),Script::FindChecksumName(AnimChecksum));
PlayPrimarySequence( AnimChecksum, true, From, To, LoopingType, BlendPeriod, Speed );
if (Current != 0.0f)
if ( GetObject()->GetID() == 0 )
printf("Anim = %s\n", Script::FindChecksumName(AnimChecksum));
printf("From = %f\n", From);
printf("To = %f\n", To);
printf("Duration = %f\n", Duration);
printf("Current = %f\n", Current);
printf("Speed = %f\n", Speed);
printf("BlendPeriod = %f\n", BlendPeriod);
uint32 PartialAnim;
if (pParams->GetChecksum(CRCD(0x6c565f57, "PartialAnimOverlay"), &PartialAnim))
Script::CStruct* pPartialAnimParams = new Script::CStruct;
uint32 partial_anim_id;
if (pParams->GetChecksum(CRCD(0xf0ce9e0f, "PartialAnimOverlayId"), &partial_anim_id))
pPartialAnimParams->AddChecksum(CRCD(0x40c698af, "Id"), partial_anim_id);
pPartialAnimParams->AddChecksum(CRCD(0x7321a8d6, "Type"), CRCD(0x659bf355, "PartialAnim"));
pPartialAnimParams->AddChecksum(CRCD(0x6c2bfb7f, "AnimName"), PartialAnim);
pPartialAnimParams->AddFloat(CRCD(0x46e55e8f, "From"), From);
pPartialAnimParams->AddFloat(CRCD(0x28782d3b, "To"), To);
pPartialAnimParams->AddChecksum(NO_NAME, CRCD(0xd029f619, "Seconds"));
pPartialAnimParams->AddFloat(CRCD(0x230ccbf4, "Current"), Current);
pPartialAnimParams->AddFloat(CRCD(0xf0d90109, "Speed"), Speed);
switch (LoopingType)
pPartialAnimParams->AddChecksum(NO_NAME, CRCD(0x4f792e6c, "Cycle"));
pPartialAnimParams->AddChecksum(NO_NAME, CRCD(0x3153e314, "PingPong"));
pPartialAnimParams->AddChecksum(NO_NAME, CRCD(0x6d941203, "Wobble"));
delete pPartialAnimParams;
#ifdef __NOPT_ASSERT__
if ( GetObject()->GetID() == 0 && Script::GetInt( CRCD(0xca108bce,"DebugAnims"), false ) )
printf( "DebugAnims: Playing skater partial anim overlay %s\n", Script::FindChecksumName(PartialAnim) );
if (DebugSkaterScripts && PartialAnim && GetObject()->GetID() == 0)
printf("%d: Playing partial anim overlay '%s'\n",(int)Tmr::GetRenderFrame(),Script::FindChecksumName(PartialAnim));
return AnimChecksum;
/* */
/* */
// static workspace data
static Gfx::CPose sBlendPoses[vNUM_DEGENERATE_ANIMS];
static float sBlendValues[vNUM_DEGENERATE_ANIMS];
static Gfx::CPose sResultPose;
/* */
/* */
void blend( Gfx::CPose* pPoseList, float* blendVal, int numBones, Gfx::CPose* pResultPose, int numBlendChannels )
// the blend value of the primary animation
// should be 1.0, since it's active.
Dbg_Assert( blendVal[0] == 1.0f );
float totalBlendVal = 0.0f;
for ( int i = 1; i < numBlendChannels; i++ )
if ( blendVal[i] )
totalBlendVal += 1.0f;
float degenerateBlendTotal = 0.0f;
for ( int i = 1; i < numBlendChannels; i++ )
degenerateBlendTotal += blendVal[i];
// normalize them so that they all add up to total blend value
blendVal[0] = totalBlendVal - degenerateBlendTotal;
// Scan through the sets of frames, interpolating between the 2 based on the blend values.
float sum = 0.0f;
int i0, i1;
for ( i1 = (numBlendChannels - 1); i1 > 0; --i1 )
float blend1 = blendVal[i1];
if ( blend1 )
blend1 += sum;
i0 = i1 - 1;
while(( blendVal[i0] <= 0.0f ) && ( i0 > 0 ))
float blend0 = blendVal[i0];
sum += blendVal[i1];
// Need to normalise blend0 and blend1 so they sum to 1.0.
blend0 /= ( blend0 + blend1 );
blend1 = 1.0f - blend0;
Mth::Quat* pRotations0 = pPoseList[i0].m_rotations;
Mth::Quat* pRotations1 = pPoseList[i1].m_rotations;
Mth::Vector* pTranslations0 = pPoseList[i0].m_translations;
Mth::Vector* pTranslations1 = pPoseList[i1].m_translations;
for( int b = 0; b < numBones; b++ )
*pRotations0 = Mth::FastSlerp( *pRotations0, *pRotations1, 1.0f - blend0 );
*pTranslations0 = Mth::Lerp( *pTranslations0, *pTranslations1, 1.0f - blend0 );
// copy the values into the result pose:
Mth::Quat* pSrcQuat = &pPoseList[0].m_rotations[0];
Mth::Vector* pSrcVector = &pPoseList[0].m_translations[0];
Mth::Quat* pDstQuat = &pResultPose->m_rotations[0];
Mth::Vector* pDstVector = &pResultPose->m_translations[0];
memcpy( pDstQuat, pSrcQuat, numBones * sizeof(Mth::Quat) );
memcpy( pDstVector, pSrcVector, numBones * sizeof(Mth::Vector) );
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::get_blend_channel( int blendChannel, Gfx::CPose* pResultPose, float* pBlendVal )
float blendVal = 0.0f;
Gfx::CBlendChannel* pBlendChannel = NULL;
if ( 1 || ShouldBlend() )
Dbg_MsgAssert( blendChannel >= 0 && blendChannel < (int)m_blendChannelList.CountItems(), ( "out of range blend channel %d (0-%d)", blendChannel, m_blendChannelList.CountItems() ) );
pBlendChannel = (Gfx::CBlendChannel*)m_blendChannelList.GetItem(blendChannel);
blendVal = pBlendChannel->GetBlendValue();
Dbg_MsgAssert( blendChannel != 0 || blendVal == 1.0f, ( "Expected primary channel to have a blend value of 1.0f" ) );
switch ( blendChannel )
case 0:
pBlendChannel = get_primary_channel();
blendVal = 1.0f;
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "Invalid blend channel %d", blendChannel ) );
if ( blendVal <= 0.0f )
// GJ TODO: I'm not sure why this case happens,
// but it happened on THPS4 as well... i should
// look into this at some point...
*pBlendVal = 0.0f;
Gfx::CSkeleton* pSkeleton = NULL;
pSkeleton = mp_skeleton_component->GetSkeleton();
if ( !pBlendChannel->GetPose( pResultPose ) )//,
// pSkeleton ) )
// couldn't find pose...
// if it's the primary animation, assert
if ( blendChannel == 0 )
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "No primary animation found! Is %08x/%s playing a default animation?", GetObject()->GetID(), Script::FindChecksumName(m_animScriptName) ) );
*pBlendVal = blendVal;
/* */
/* */
bool CAnimationComponent::ShouldAnimate()
#if 1
// The model will be inactive if off the screen
Nx::CModel* p_model = mp_model_component->GetModel();
return ( p_model && p_model->GetActive() );
// Old version, kind of mixed up
// this function will eventually be used to LOD
// our animations (i.e. updating every Nth frame
// based on distance)
// if we did this, we would want to make sure that
// the model's update function to be called at least
// once to sync up the skeleton initially (we don't
// want to do it in the constructor, because then
// there's an order dependency on the components)
// GJ: Checking whether the model is visible
// is a speed optimization, but it's ugly
// because it makes this component dependent on the
// model component... Eventually, I'd like to
// find a more elegant solution
// update the skeleton, if it exists
Nx::CModel* p_model = mp_model_component->GetModel();
if ( p_model && p_model->GetActive() )
Mth::Vector sphere = p_model->GetBoundingSphere();
printf ("sphere = (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)\n",sphere[X],sphere[Y],sphere[Z],sphere[W]);
// GJ: The bounding sphere may have a position
// offset built into it, so need to factor that in
Mth::Vector pos = GetObject()->GetPos() + sphere;
pos[W] = 1.0f;
// Mick: This visibility test always returns true
// when in split screen mode
if ( !Nx::CEngine::sIsVisible( pos,sphere[3] ) )
return false;
// for now, just always animate, even if no model, or the model is inactive !?
return true;
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::update_skeleton()
if ( has_anims() )
Gfx::CSkeleton* pSkeleton = NULL;
pSkeleton = mp_skeleton_component->GetSkeleton();
if ( !pSkeleton )
// Set the current view distance for the skeleton so that it may decide on an appropriate set of
// bones to use in the animation.
pSkeleton->SetBoneSkipDistance( m_parent_object_dist_to_camera );
int numBlendChannels = m_blendChannelList.CountItems();
for ( int blendChannel = 0; blendChannel < numBlendChannels; blendChannel++ )
// this wil loop through each blend channel's animation channels
get_blend_channel( blendChannel, &sBlendPoses[blendChannel], &sBlendValues[blendChannel] );
// TODO: Here, we could run any controllers that need to act on the final, post-blend pose...
if( numBlendChannels > 1 )
blend( &sBlendPoses[0], &sBlendValues[0], pSkeleton->GetNumBones(), &sResultPose, numBlendChannels );
pSkeleton->Update( &sResultPose );
// In the case that there is just one blend channel, there is no requirement to call the blend
// function, which will needlessly copy the quaternion and translation values for each bone from
// the sBlendPoses buffer to the sResultPose buffer. Just use the sBlendPoses buffer directly.
pSkeleton->Update( &sBlendPoses[0] );
/* */
/* */
bool CAnimationComponent::FlipAnimation( uint32 objId, bool flip, uint32 time, bool propagate )
if( propagate )
GameNet::Manager * gamenet_man = GameNet::Manager::Instance();
GameNet::PlayerInfo* player;
player = gamenet_man->GetPlayerByObjectID( objId );
if( player && player->IsLocalPlayer())
Net::Client* client;
GameNet::MsgFlipAnim msg;
Net::MsgDesc msg_desc;
client = gamenet_man->GetClient( player->GetSkaterNumber());
Dbg_Assert( client );
msg.m_ObjId = objId;
msg.m_Flipped = flip;
//msg.m_Time = time;
msg_desc.m_Data = &msg;
msg_desc.m_Length = sizeof( GameNet::MsgFlipAnim );
msg_desc.m_Id = GameNet::MSG_ID_FLIP_ANIM;
client->EnqueueMessageToServer( &msg_desc );
bool oldFlipped = m_flags & nxANIMCOMPONENTFLAGS_FLIPPED;
SetFlipState( flip );
return oldFlipped;
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::SetFlipState( bool shouldFlip )
// TODO: should actually be in blend channel code
// since we want certain blend channels to be flipped
// (the animation component will still need to know
// which flip state to make new channels)
m_flags |= ( shouldFlip ? nxANIMCOMPONENTFLAGS_FLIPPED : 0 );
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::destroy_blend_channels()
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::initialize_procedural_bones( Script::CStruct* pParams )
Script::CArray* pArray;
pParams->GetArray( CRCD(0x3ed7262b,"bone_list"), &pArray, Script::ASSERT );
for ( uint32 i = 0; i < pArray->GetSize(); i++ )
this->InitializeProceduralBone( pArray->GetChecksum(i) );
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::update_procedural_bones()
int numProceduralBones = this->GetNumProceduralBones();
Gfx::CProceduralBone* p_current_procedural_bone = this->GetProceduralBones();
for ( int i = 0; i < numProceduralBones; i++ )
// TODO: Factor in the frame rate...
if ( p_current_procedural_bone->transEnabled )
p_current_procedural_bone->currentTrans += p_current_procedural_bone->deltaTrans;
p_current_procedural_bone->currentTrans[X] = (int)p_current_procedural_bone->currentTrans[X] & 0xfff;
p_current_procedural_bone->currentTrans[Y] = (int)p_current_procedural_bone->currentTrans[Y] & 0xfff;
p_current_procedural_bone->currentTrans[Z] = (int)p_current_procedural_bone->currentTrans[Z] & 0xfff;
if ( p_current_procedural_bone->rotEnabled )
p_current_procedural_bone->currentRot += p_current_procedural_bone->deltaRot;
p_current_procedural_bone->currentRot[X] = (int)p_current_procedural_bone->currentRot[X] & 0xfff;
p_current_procedural_bone->currentRot[Y] = (int)p_current_procedural_bone->currentRot[Y] & 0xfff;
p_current_procedural_bone->currentRot[Z] = (int)p_current_procedural_bone->currentRot[Z] & 0xfff;
if ( p_current_procedural_bone->scaleEnabled )
p_current_procedural_bone->currentScale += p_current_procedural_bone->deltaScale;
p_current_procedural_bone->currentScale[X] = (int)p_current_procedural_bone->currentScale[X] & 0xfff;
p_current_procedural_bone->currentScale[Y] = (int)p_current_procedural_bone->currentScale[Y] & 0xfff;
p_current_procedural_bone->currentScale[Z] = (int)p_current_procedural_bone->currentScale[Z] & 0xfff;
/* */
/* */
bool CAnimationComponent::InitializeProceduralBone( uint32 boneName )
if ( m_numProceduralBones >= vMAXPROCEDURALBONES )
Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "Too many procedural bones" ) );
return false;
Gfx::CProceduralBone* pBone = &mp_proceduralBones[m_numProceduralBones];
pBone->m_name = boneName;
pBone->transEnabled = false;
pBone->rotEnabled = true;
pBone->trans0[X] = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0x802638f7,"trans_min_x"), Script::NO_ASSERT );
pBone->trans0[Y] = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0xf7210861,"trans_min_y"), Script::NO_ASSERT );
pBone->trans0[Z] = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0x6e2859db,"trans_min_z"), Script::NO_ASSERT);
pBone->trans0[W] = 1.0f;
pBone->trans1[X] = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0x5d39cfda,"trans_max_x"), Script::NO_ASSERT );
pBone->trans1[Y] = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0x2a3eff4c,"trans_max_y"), Script::NO_ASSERT );
pBone->trans1[Z] = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0xb337aef6,"trans_max_z"), Script::NO_ASSERT );
pBone->trans1[W] = 1.0f;
pBone->currentTrans = Mth::Vector(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
pBone->deltaTrans = Mth::Vector(32.0f,32.0f,32.0f,0.0f);
pBone->rot0[X] = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0x2dafa9c5,"rot_min_x"), Script::NO_ASSERT ) * 2.0f * Mth::PI / 4096.0f;
pBone->rot0[Y] = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0x5aa89953,"rot_min_y"), Script::NO_ASSERT ) * 2.0f * Mth::PI / 4096.0f;
pBone->rot0[Z] = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0xc3a1c8e9,"rot_min_z"), Script::NO_ASSERT ) * 2.0f * Mth::PI / 4096.0f;
pBone->rot0[W] = 1.0f;
pBone->rot1[X] = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0xf0b05ee8,"rot_max_x"), Script::NO_ASSERT ) * 2.0f * Mth::PI / 4096.0f;
pBone->rot1[Y] = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0x87b76e7e,"rot_max_y"), Script::NO_ASSERT ) * 2.0f * Mth::PI / 4096.0f;
pBone->rot1[Z] = Script::GetFloat( CRCD(0x1ebe3fc4,"rot_max_z"), Script::NO_ASSERT ) * 2.0f * Mth::PI / 4096.0f;
pBone->rot1[W] = 1.0f;
pBone->currentRot = Mth::Vector(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
pBone->deltaRot = Mth::Vector(32.0f,32.0f,32.0f,0.0f);
pBone->scale0[X] = 1.0f; //Script::GetFloat("scale_min_x",Script::NO_ASSERT) * 2.0f * Mth::PI / 4096.0f;
pBone->scale0[Y] = 1.0f; //Script::GetFloat("scale_min_y",Script::NO_ASSERT) * 2.0f * Mth::PI / 4096.0f;
pBone->scale0[Z] = 1.0f; //Script::GetFloat("scale_min_z",Script::NO_ASSERT) * 2.0f * Mth::PI / 4096.0f;
pBone->scale0[W] = 1.0f;
pBone->scale1[X] = 1.0f; //Script::GetFloat("scale_max_x",Script::NO_ASSERT) * 2.0f * Mth::PI / 4096.0f;
pBone->scale1[Y] = 1.0f; //Script::GetFloat("scale_max_y",Script::NO_ASSERT) * 2.0f * Mth::PI / 4096.0f;
pBone->scale1[Z] = 1.0f; //Script::GetFloat("scale_max_z",Script::NO_ASSERT) * 2.0f * Mth::PI / 4096.0f;
pBone->scale1[W] = 1.0f;
pBone->currentScale = Mth::Vector(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
pBone->deltaScale = Mth::Vector(32.0f,32.0f,32.0f,0.0f);
return true;
/* */
/* */
Gfx::CProceduralBone* CAnimationComponent::GetProceduralBoneByName( uint32 boneName )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_numProceduralBones; i++ )
if ( boneName == mp_proceduralBones[i].m_name )
return &mp_proceduralBones[i];
return NULL;
/* */
/* */
int CAnimationComponent::GetNumProceduralBones()
return m_numProceduralBones;
/* */
/* */
Gfx::CProceduralBone* CAnimationComponent::GetProceduralBones()
return mp_proceduralBones;
/* */
/* */
bool CAnimationComponent::IsFlipped()
/* */
/* */
void CAnimationComponent::Finalize()
mp_skeleton_component = GetSkeletonComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
mp_suspend_component = GetSuspendComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
mp_model_component = GetModelComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
/* */
/* */