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2016-02-13 21:39:12 +00:00
Project: Dolphin hw Library
File: hwInit.c
Copyright 1998-2001 Nintendo. All rights reserved.
These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain
proprietary information of Nintendo of America Inc. and/or Nintendo
Company Ltd., and are protected by Federal copyright law. They may
not be disclosed to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form,
in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Nintendo.
$Log: /Dolphin/build/libraries/hw/src/hwInit.c $
52 8/24/01 6:30p Carl
Added more thorough output for GP hang diagnosis.
51 8/22/01 8:26p Carl
BypassWorkaround is now GPHangWorkaround.
Added code for GP hang diagnosis.
50 7/03/01 11:03a Hirose
Deleted obsolete fragment memory management system. Changed viewport
parameters to support Y-scaling modes rather than full-frame AA mode
which requires complicated settings in any case.
49 5/11/01 5:57p Hirose
changed default gamma correction back to 1.0.
48 5/10/01 7:06p Carl
Added comments concerning VI-related settings.
47 11/30/00 6:41p Tian
Fixed memory leak in hwReInit.
46 11/27/00 4:57p Carl
Added hwSetTevColorIn and hwSetTevOp.
45 10/28/00 5:57p Hirose
44 10/27/00 1:47a Hirose
Simplification / Clean up. Removed obsolete flags.
43 10/26/00 10:32a Tian
Added hwReInit and hwEnableBypassWorkaround. When used, the
standard hwBeforeRender and hwDoneRender functions will attempt to
repair the graphics pipe after a timeout.
42 8/27/00 5:45p Alligator
print warning messages through a callback function
41 8/18/00 2:44p Dante
Added !defined(WIN32) directive
40 8/08/00 4:21p Hirose
moved GXDrawDone call from hwSwapBuffers to hwDoneRender
39 8/02/00 3:06p Tian
Allocate framebuffers from beginning of heap to avoid VI bug (FB's must
be in lower 16MB).
38 7/21/00 1:48p Carl
Removed full-frame aa-specific code
(moved back to hw; see frb-aa-full.c).
Added hwSwapBuffers().
37 7/18/00 7:08p Hashida
Fixed a problem that MAC build failed.
36 7/17/00 11:59a Hashida
Added bad memory support.
35 7/07/00 7:09p Dante
PC Compatibility
34 6/26/00 5:43p Alligator
print stats before copy, but still include copy time, lose first
counter on first loop.
33 6/13/00 12:03p Alligator
use hwPrintf *after* sampling stat counters
32 6/12/00 1:46p Alligator
updated hw statistics to support new api
31 6/07/00 10:38a Howardc
add comment about gamma correction
30 6/05/00 1:55p Carl
Added hwDoneRenderBottom
29 5/24/00 3:18a Carl
OddField is gone; use hwDrawField instead.
28 5/24/00 1:02a Ryan
added default gamma setting of 1.7
27 5/19/00 1:09p Carl
GXSetVerifyLevel needed to be #ifdef _DEBUG
26 5/18/00 3:02a Alligator
add hwStat suff, set verify level to 0
25 5/02/00 4:05p Hirose
added function descriptions / deleted tabs
defined some global variables as static
attached prefix to exported global variables
24 4/07/00 5:57p Carl
Updated GXSetCopyFilter call.
23 3/24/00 6:48p Carl
Overscan adjust no longer changes predefined modes.
22 3/23/00 5:26p Carl
Added code to adjust for overscan.
21 3/23/00 1:22a Hirose
changed to call hwPadInit instead of PADInit
20 3/16/00 6:14p Danm
Cleaned up code per code review.
19 2/29/00 5:54p Ryan
update for dvddata folder rename
18 2/29/00 5:05p Danm
Select render mode based on TV format.
17 2/21/00 7:56p Tian
Changed order of PAD and VI init, since PAD requires that VI be
16 2/18/00 6:31p Carl
Changed __SINGLEFRAME #ifdefs to CSIM_OUTPUT
(__SINGLEFRAME is not applicable to library code, only test code).
Removed even/odd field #ifdefs; use OddField variable instead.
15 2/17/00 6:08p Carl
Removed clear from GXCopyDisp at end of single-frame test
14 2/17/00 6:03p Hashida
Changed the way to allocate frame buffer.
13 2/14/00 6:40p Danm
Enabled GXCopyDisp in hwDoneRender.
12 2/12/00 5:16p Alligator
Integrate ArtX source tree changes
11 2/11/00 3:23p Danm
Chaged dst stride on GXCopyDisp from pixel stride to byte stride.
10 2/08/00 1:50p Alligator
do copy in hwInit to clear the color and Z buffer prior to rendering
the first frame.
9 1/28/00 10:55p Hashida
Added VIFlush().
Changed to wait for two frames after tv mode is changed.
8 1/26/00 3:59p Hashida
Changed to use VIConfigure.
7 1/25/00 4:12p Danm
Changed default render mode for all platforms to GXNtsc480IntDf.
6 1/21/00 4:41p Alligator
added even/odd field select for __SINGLEFRAME field tests
5 1/19/00 3:43p Danm
Added GXRenderModeObj *hwGetRenderModeObj(void) function.
4 1/13/00 8:53p Danm
Added GXRenderModeObj * parameter to hwInit()
3 1/13/00 5:55p Alligator
integrate with ArtX GX library code
2 1/11/00 3:18p Danm
Reversed init of VI and GX for single field support
16 11/16/99 9:43a Hashida
Moved DVDInit before using arenaLo.
15 11/01/99 6:09p Tian
Framebuffers no longer allocated if generating CSIM output.
14 10/13/99 4:32p Alligator
change GXSetViewport, GXSetScissor to use xorig, yorig, wd, ht
13 10/07/99 12:14p Alligator
initialize rmode before using it in BeforeRender
12 10/06/99 10:38a Alligator
changed enums for compressed Z format
updated Init functions to make GX_ZC_LINEAR default
11 9/30/99 10:32p Yasu
Renamed and clean up functions and enums.
10 9/28/99 4:14p Hashida
Moved GXCopyDisp to GXDoneRender
9 9/23/99 3:23p Tian
New GXFifo/GXInit APIs, cleanup.
8 9/22/99 7:08p Yasu
Fixed paramter of GXSetViewPort
7 9/22/99 6:12p Yasu
Changed the parameters of GXSetDispCopySrc().
Fixed small bugs.
6 9/21/99 2:33p Alligator
add aa flag, if aa set 16b pix format
5 9/20/99 11:02a Ryan
4 9/17/99 5:24p Ryan
commented GXCopy temporarily
3 9/17/99 1:33p Ryan
update to include new VI API's
2 7/28/99 4:21p Ryan
Added DVDInit() and DVDSetRoot
1 7/20/99 6:06p Alligator
$NoKeywords: $
This hw library provides a common application
framework that is used in all the GX hws distributed
with the Dolphin SDK.
#include <dolphin.h>
#include "p_hw.h"
#include <charpipeline/GQRSetup.h>
#include "libsn.h"
#include "gfx\ngc\nx\nx_init.h"
#include "sys\ngc\p_aram.h"
#include "gfx/ngc/nx/mesh.h"
#include "sys\ngc\p_gx.h"
#include "sys\timer.h"
External functions
//extern void hwUpdateStats ( GXBool inc );
//extern void hwPrintStats ( void );
Global variables
void* hwFrameBuffer1;
void* hwFrameBuffer2;
void* hwCurrentBuffer;
Static variables
static GXBool hwFirstFrame = GX_TRUE;
//static void* DefaultFifo;
static char DefaultFifo[DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);
static GXFifoObj* DefaultFifoObj;
GXRenderModeObj *rmode;
GXRenderModeObj rmodeobj;
Automatic frame skipping to work around GP hang condition.
static BOOL GPHangWorkaround = FALSE;
// used to count missed frames by VI retrace callback handler
static vu32 FrameCount;
static u32 FrameMissThreshold; // number of frames to be considered a timeout
// tokens are used instead of GXDrawDone
#define hw_END_FRAME_TOKEN 0xB00B
// we need to create a thread to catch hangs at high watermark ("overflow")
static OSThread OVThread; // OS data for overflow thread
static u8 OVThreadStack[4096]; // Stack for overflow thread
static u32 fbSize;
Fragmented memory systems
typedef struct
void* start;
void* end;
} meminfo;
Foward references
static void __hwInitRenderMode ( GXRenderModeObj* mode );
static void __hwInitMem ( void );
static void __hwInitGX ( void );
static void __hwInitVI ( void );
//static void __hwInitForEmu ( void );
static void __NoHangRetraceCallback ( u32 count );
static void __NoHangDoneRender ( void );
static void __hwDiagnoseHang ( void );
static void* __hwOverflowThread ( void* param );
extern int resetDown;
void reset_callback( void )
resetDown = 1;
Name: hwInit
Description: This function initializes the components of
the operating system and its device drivers.
The mode parameter allows the application to
override the default render mode. It then allocates
all of main memory except the area for external
framebuffer into a heap than can be managed
with OSAlloc. This function initializes the video
controller to run at 640x480 interlaced display,
with 60Hz refresh (actually, 640x448; see below).
Arguments: mode : render mode
Default render mode will be used when
NULL is given as this argument.
Returns: None
void hwInit( GXRenderModeObj *mode )
* Initialize OS *
* Initialize DVD *
* (need to initialize DVD BEFORE program uses *
* arena because DVDInit might change arena lo.) *
* Initialize VI *
* Initialize game PAD (PADInit is called by hwPadInit) *
* Set up rendering mode *
* (which reflects the GX/VI configurations and XFB size below) *
* Initialize memory configuration (framebuffers / heap) *
* Configure VI by given render mode *
* Initialize Graphics *
// Alloc default 256K fifo
// DefaultFifo = OSAlloc(DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE);
DefaultFifoObj = GX::Init(DefaultFifo, DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE);
// Configure GX
* Emulator only initialization portion *
#ifdef EMU
* Start up VI *
// Creates a new thread in order to diagnose hangs during high watermark.
// The thread is suspended by default.
&OVThread, // ptr to the thread obj to init
__hwOverflowThread, // ptr to the start routine
0, // param passed to start routine
OVThreadStack+sizeof(OVThreadStack),// initial stack address
31, // scheduling priority (low)
OS_THREAD_ATTR_DETACH); // detached by default
OSResumeThread(&OVThread); // Allow the thread to run
GQRSetup6( GQR_SCALE_64, // Pos
GQRSetup7( 14, // Normal
// hwEnableGPHangWorkaround( 60 );
// static unsigned long profdata[2048]; // long aligned,
// // 4K to 64K bytes
// if(snProfInit(_4KHZ, profdata, sizeof(profdata)) != 0)
// printf("Profiler init failed\n"); // see SN_PRF<52> in LIBSN.H
// // rest of user code follows on from here...
OSSetResetCallback( reset_callback );
Name: __hwInitRenderMode
Description: This function sets up rendering mode which configures
GX and VI. If mode == NULL, this function use a default
rendering mode according to the TV format.
Arguments: None
Returns: None
static void __hwInitRenderMode( GXRenderModeObj* mode )
// If an application specific render mode is provided,
// override the default render mode
if (mode != NULL)
rmode = mode;
rmode = &GXNtsc480IntDf;
// Trim off from top & bottom 16 scanlines (which will be overscanned).
// So almost all hws actually render only 448 lines (in NTSC case.)
// Since this setting is just for SDK hws, you can specify this
// in order to match your application requirements.
GX::AdjustForOverscan(rmode, &rmodeobj, 0, 16);
rmode = &rmodeobj;
OSReport( "TV format: %d\n", VIGetTvFormat() );
switch (VIGetTvFormat())
case VI_NTSC:
if ( NxNgc::EngineGlobals.use_480p )
rmode->viTVmode = VI_TVMODE_NTSC_PROG;
rmode->xFBmode = VI_XFBMODE_SF;
case VI_PAL:
case VI_EURGB60:
if ( rmode->viTVmode == VI_TVMODE_NTSC_INT )
if ( NxNgc::EngineGlobals.use_60hz )
rmode->viTVmode = VI_TVMODE_EURGB60_INT;
rmode->viTVmode = VI_TVMODE_PAL_INT;
rmode->viYOrigin = 23;
if ( NxNgc::EngineGlobals.use_60hz )
rmode->viTVmode = VI_TVMODE_EURGB60_DS;
rmode->viTVmode = VI_TVMODE_PAL_DS;
rmode->viYOrigin = 23;
if ( NxNgc::EngineGlobals.use_60hz )
rmode->xfbHeight = 448;
rmode->xfbHeight = ( rmode->xfbHeight * 528 ) / 448;
rmode->viHeight = 528;
case VI_MPAL:
rmode = &GXMpal480IntDf;
//OSHalt("hwInit: invalid TV format\n");
// Nintendo's recommended settings.
rmode->viWidth = 650;
rmode->viXOrigin = 35;
Name: __hwInitMem
Description: This function allocates external framebuffers from
arena and sets up a heap
Arguments: None
Returns: None
static void __hwInitMem( void )
void* arenaLo;
void* arenaHi;
arenaLo = OSGetArenaLo();
arenaHi = OSGetArenaHi();
* Allocate external framebuffers *
// In HW1, we should allocate the buffers at the beginning of arena (<16MB)
// Need to do this before OSInitAlloc is called.
fbSize = VIPadFrameBufferWidth(rmode->fbWidth) * rmode->xfbHeight *
hwFrameBuffer1 = (void*)OSRoundUp32B((u32)arenaLo);
hwFrameBuffer2 = (void*)OSRoundUp32B((u32)hwFrameBuffer1 + fbSize);
hwCurrentBuffer = hwFrameBuffer2;
arenaLo = (void*)OSRoundUp32B((u32)hwFrameBuffer2 + fbSize);
// /*----------------------------------------------------------------*
// * Create a heap *
// *----------------------------------------------------------------*/
// // OSInitAlloc should only ever be invoked once.
// arenaLo = OSGetArenaLo();
// arenaHi = OSGetArenaHi();
// arenaLo = OSInitAlloc(arenaLo, arenaHi, 1); // 1 heap
// OSSetArenaLo(arenaLo);
// // Ensure boundaries are 32B aligned
// arenaLo = (void*)OSRoundUp32B(arenaLo);
// arenaHi = (void*)OSRoundDown32B(arenaHi);
// // The boundaries given to OSCreateHeap should be 32B aligned
// OSSetCurrentHeap(OSCreateHeap(arenaLo, arenaHi));
// // From here on out, OSAlloc and OSFree behave like malloc and free
// // respectively
// OSSetArenaLo(arenaLo=arenaHi);
* Allocate ARAM buffers *
ARInit(NULL, 0);
AIInit( NULL );
AXSetMode( AX_MODE_DPL2 );
// Allocate the 1st 1024 bytes for our own use.
NxNgc::EngineGlobals.aram_zero = NsARAM::alloc( aram_zero_size );
// Allocate 2.8mb for the DSP data.
NxNgc::EngineGlobals.aram_dsp = NsARAM::alloc( aram_dsp_size );
// Allocate 32k each for the 3 streams.
NxNgc::EngineGlobals.aram_stream0 = NsARAM::alloc( aram_stream0_size );
NxNgc::EngineGlobals.aram_stream1 = NsARAM::alloc( aram_stream1_size );
NxNgc::EngineGlobals.aram_stream2 = NsARAM::alloc( aram_stream2_size );
// Allocate 32k for the music buffer.
NxNgc::EngineGlobals.aram_music = NsARAM::alloc( aram_music_size );
Name: __hwInitGX
Description: This function performs GX configuration by using
current rendering mode
Arguments: None
Returns: None
static void __hwInitGX( void )
* GX configuration by a render mode obj *
// These are all necessary function calls to take a render mode
// object and set up the relevant GX configuration.
GX::SetViewport(0.0F, 0.0F, (f32)rmode->fbWidth, (f32)rmode->efbHeight,
0.0F, 1.0F);
GX::SetScissor(0, 0, (u32)rmode->fbWidth, (u32)rmode->efbHeight);
GX::SetDispCopySrc(0, 0, rmode->fbWidth, rmode->efbHeight);
GX::SetDispCopyDst(rmode->fbWidth, rmode->xfbHeight);
GX::SetDispCopyYScale((f32)(rmode->xfbHeight) / (f32)(rmode->efbHeight));
GX::SetCopyFilter(rmode->aa, rmode->sample_pattern, GX_TRUE, rmode->vfilter);
// Note that following is an appropriate setting for full-frame AA mode.
// You should use "xfbHeight" instead of "efbHeight" to specify actual
// view size. Since this library doesn't support such special case, please
// call these in each application to override the normal setting.
#if 0
GX::SetViewport(0.0F, 0.0F, (f32)rmode->fbWidth, (f32)rmode->xfbHeight,
0.0F, 1.0F);
if (rmode->aa)
GX::SetPixelFmt(GX_PF_RGB565_Z16, GX_ZC_LINEAR);
GX::SetPixelFmt(GX_PF_RGB8_Z24, GX_ZC_LINEAR);
// GX::SetPixelFmt(/*GX_PF_RGB8_Z24*/GX_PF_RGBA6_Z24, GX_ZC_LINEAR);
// GXSetPixelFmt(/*GX_PF_RGB8_Z24*/GX_PF_RGBA6_Z24, GX_ZC_LINEAR);
* Miscellaneous GX initialization for hws *
* (Since these are not actually necessary for all applications, *
* you may remove them if you feel they are unnecessary.) *
// Clear embedded framebuffer for the first frame
GX::CopyDisp(hwCurrentBuffer, GX_TRUE);
// Verify (warning) messages are turned off by default
#ifdef _DEBUG
// GXSetVerifyLevel(GX_WARN_NONE);
// Gamma correction
// You may want to use 1.7 or 2.2 if all artwork made on PCs
// become darker. However, recommended setting is 1.0.
// 2D Primitives.
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
//#ifdef SHORT_VERT
// // Environment geometry. 1=1.
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_S16, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_CLR0, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_CLR1, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// // Environment geometry. 1=2.
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_S16, 1 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_CLR0, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_CLR1, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// // Environment geometry. 1=4.
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_S16, 2 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_CLR0, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_CLR1, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// // Environment geometry. 1=8.
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_S16, 3 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_CLR0, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_CLR1, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// // Environment geometry. 1=16.
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_S16, 4 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_CLR0, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_CLR1, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// // Environment geometry. 1=32.
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_S16, 5 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_CLR0, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_CLR1, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// // Environment/skinned geometry. 1=64.
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_CLR0, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_CLR1, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
//#endif // SHORT_VERT
// // Environment/skinned geometry. 1=64.
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_S16, 6 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_CLR0, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_CLR1, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_S16, 6 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT1, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0 );
// Environment.
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT2, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 2 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 2 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 2 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 2 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 2 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 2 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 2 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT3, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 2 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 4 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 4 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 4 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 4 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 4 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 4 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 4 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT4, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 4 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 6 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 6 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 6 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 6 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 6 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 6 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 6 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT5, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 6 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 8 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 8 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 8 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 8 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 8 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 8 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 8 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT6, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 8 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_F32, 0 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_S16, 14 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 10 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX1, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 10 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX2, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 10 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX3, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 10 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX4, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 10 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX5, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 10 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX6, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 10 );
GX::SetVtxAttrFmt( GX_VTXFMT7, GX_VA_TEX7, GX_TEX_ST, GX_S16, 10 );
Name: __hwInitVI
Description: This function performs VI start up settings that are
necessary at the beginning of each hw
Arguments: None
Returns: None
static void __hwInitVI( void )
u32 nin;
// Double-buffering initialization
hwCurrentBuffer = hwFrameBuffer2;
// Tell VI device driver to write the current VI settings so far
// Wait for retrace to start first frame
// Because of hardware restriction, we need to wait one more
// field to make sure mode is safely changed when we change
// INT->DS or DS->INT. (VIInit() sets INT mode as a default)
nin = (u32)rmode->viTVmode & 1;
if (nin)
Name: __hwInitForEmu
Description: This function performs emulator only portion of
Arguments: None
Returns: None
//static void __hwInitForEmu( void )
// // Set up DVDRoot
//#ifdef MACOS
// DVDSetRoot("DOLPHIN/dvddata/");
//#ifdef WIN32
// unsigned char path[270] = "";
// strcat(path, installPath);
// strcat(path, "/dvddata");
// DVDSetRoot(path);
Basic hw framework control functions
Name: hwBeforeRender
Description: This function sets up the viewport to render the
appropriate field if field rendering is enabled.
Field rendering is a property of the render mode.
Arguments: None
Returns: None
void hwBeforeRender( void )
#ifndef EMU
if (GPHangWorkaround)
// This will overwrite the end frame token from the previous frame.
// Reset the counters for post-hang diagnosis.
#endif // !EMU
// Set up viewport (This is inappropriate for full-frame AA.)
if (rmode->field_rendering)
0.0F, 0.0F, (float)rmode->fbWidth, (float)rmode->efbHeight,
0.0F, 1.0F, VIGetNextField());
0.0F, 0.0F, (float)rmode->fbWidth, (float)rmode->efbHeight,
0.0F, 1.0F);
// Invalidate vertex cache in GP
#ifndef EMU
// Invalidate texture cache in GP
#endif // !EMU
Name: hwDoneRender
Description: This function copies the embedded frame buffer (EFB)
to the external frame buffer (XFB) via GXCopyDisp,
and then calls hwSwapBuffers.
Arguments: None
Returns: None
void hwDoneRender( bool clear )
// GP hang workaround version (Turned off by default)
if (GPHangWorkaround)
// ASSERTMSG(!hwStatEnable,
// "DEMOStats and GP hang diagnosis are mutually exclusive");
// Statistics support (Turned off by default)
// if (hwStatEnable)
// {
// GXDrawDone(); // make sure data through pipe
// hwUpdateStats(GX_TRUE); // sample counters here
// hwPrintStats(); // don't include time to print stats
// GXDrawDone(); // make sure data through pipe
// hwUpdateStats(GX_FALSE); // reset counters here, include copy time
// }
// Set Z/Color update to make sure eFB will be cleared at GXCopyDisp.
// (If you want to control these modes by yourself in your application,
// please comment out this part.)
// Issue display copy command
GX::CopyDisp( hwCurrentBuffer, ( clear ) ? GX_TRUE : GX_FALSE );
// Wait until everything is drawn and copied into XFB.
// Set the next frame buffer
Name: RADDEMOLockBackBuffer
Description: This function returns the back buffer info, so that you
can write right into it.
int hwLockBackBuffer( void ** buf_addr, unsigned int * width, unsigned int * height )
if ( buf_addr )
*buf_addr = hwCurrentBuffer;
if ( width )
*width = rmode->fbWidth;
if ( height )
*height = rmode->xfbHeight;
return( 1 );
Name: RADDEMOUnlockBackBuffer
Description: This function returns the back buffer info, so that you
can write right into it.
void hwUnlockBackBuffer( int updated )
if ( updated )
DCStoreRange( hwCurrentBuffer, fbSize );
Name: hwSwapBuffers
Description: This function finishes copying via GXDrawDone, sets
the next video frame buffer, waits for vertical
retrace, and swaps internal rendering buffers.
Arguments: None
Returns: None
void hwSwapBuffers( void )
// Display the buffer which was just filled by GXCopyDisplay
// If this is the first frame, turn off VIBlack
hwFirstFrame = GX_FALSE;
// Tell VI device driver to write the current VI settings so far
// Wait for vertical retrace.
// VIWaitForRetrace();
// Swap buffers
if(hwCurrentBuffer == hwFrameBuffer1)
hwCurrentBuffer = hwFrameBuffer2;
hwCurrentBuffer = hwFrameBuffer1;
Name: hwSetTevColorIn
Description: This function is a Rev A compatible version of
GXSetTevColorIn. It will set the swap mode if
one of TEXC/TEXRRR/TEXGGG/TEXBBB is selected.
It doesn't error check for multiple swaps, however.
Note that it is available for Rev A or Rev B.
For Rev A, it is defined as an inline in hw.h.
Arguments: Same as GXSetTevColorIn
Returns: None
#if ( GX_REV > 1 )
void hwSetTevColorIn(GXTevStageID stage,
GXTevColorArg a, GXTevColorArg b,
GXTevColorArg c, GXTevColorArg d )
// u32 swap = 0;
// if (a == GX_CC_TEXC)
// { swap = GX_CC_TEXRRR - 1; }
// else if (a >= GX_CC_TEXRRR)
// { swap = a; a = GX_CC_TEXC; }
// if (b == GX_CC_TEXC)
// { swap = GX_CC_TEXRRR - 1; }
// else if (b >= GX_CC_TEXRRR)
// { swap = b; b = GX_CC_TEXC; }
// if (c == GX_CC_TEXC)
// { swap = GX_CC_TEXRRR - 1; }
// else if (c >= GX_CC_TEXRRR)
// { swap = c; c = GX_CC_TEXC; }
// if (d == GX_CC_TEXC)
// { swap = GX_CC_TEXRRR - 1; }
// else if (d >= GX_CC_TEXRRR)
// { swap = d; d = GX_CC_TEXC; }
// GXSetTevColorIn(stage, a, b, c, d);
// if (swap > 0)
// GXSetTevSwapMode(stage, GX_TEV_SWAP0,
// (GXTevSwapSel)(swap - GX_CC_TEXRRR + 1));
Name: hwSetTevOp
Description: This function is a Rev-A compatible version of
GXSetTevOp. It will set the swap mode if
GX_CC_TEXC is selected for an input.
Note that it is available for Rev A or Rev B.
For Rev A, it is defined as an inline in hw.h.
Arguments: Same as GXSetTevOp
Returns: None
#if ( GX_REV > 1 )
//void hwSetTevOp(GXTevStageID id, GXTevMode mode)
// GXTevColorArg carg = GX_CC_RASC;
// GXTevAlphaArg aarg = GX_CA_RASA;
// if (id != GX_TEVSTAGE0) {
// carg = GX_CC_CPREV;
// aarg = GX_CA_APREV;
// }
// switch (mode) {
// case GX_MODULATE:
// hwSetTevColorIn(id, GX_CC_ZERO, GX_CC_TEXC, carg, GX_CC_ZERO);
// GXSetTevAlphaIn(id, GX_CA_ZERO, GX_CA_TEXA, aarg, GX_CA_ZERO);
// break;
// case GX_DECAL:
// hwSetTevColorIn(id, carg, GX_CC_TEXC, GX_CC_TEXA, GX_CC_ZERO);
// GXSetTevAlphaIn(id, GX_CA_ZERO, GX_CA_ZERO, GX_CA_ZERO, aarg);
// break;
// case GX_BLEND:
// hwSetTevColorIn(id, carg, GX_CC_ONE, GX_CC_TEXC, GX_CC_ZERO);
// GXSetTevAlphaIn(id, GX_CA_ZERO, GX_CA_TEXA, aarg, GX_CA_ZERO);
// break;
// case GX_REPLACE:
// break;
// case GX_PASSCLR:
// hwSetTevColorIn(id, GX_CC_ZERO, GX_CC_ZERO, GX_CC_ZERO, carg);
// GXSetTevAlphaIn(id, GX_CA_ZERO, GX_CA_ZERO, GX_CA_ZERO, aarg);
// break;
// default:
// ASSERTMSG(0, "hwSetTevOp: Invalid Tev Mode");
// break;
// }
Name: hwGetRenderModeObj
Description: This function returns the current rendering mode.
It is most useful to inquire what the default
rendering mode is.
Arguments: None
Returns: None
GXRenderModeObj* hwGetRenderModeObj( void )
return rmode;
Name: hwGetCurrentBuffer
Description: This function returns the pointer to external
framebuffer currently active. Since this library
swiches double buffer hwFrameBuffer1/hwFrameBuffer2,
the returned pointer will be one of them.
Arguments: None
Returns: None
void* hwGetCurrentBuffer( void )
return hwCurrentBuffer;
GP hang work-around auto-recovery system
Name: hwEnableGPHangWorkaround
Description: Sets up the DEMO library to skip past any GP hangs and
attempt to repair the graphics pipe whenever a timeout
of /timeoutFrames/ occurs. This will serve as a
temporary work-around for any GP hangs that may occur.
Arguments: timeoutFrames The number of 60hz frames to wait in
hwDoneRender before aborting the
graphics pipe. Should be at least
equal to your standard frame rate
(e.g. 60hz games should use a value of 1,
30hz games should use a value of 2)
Returns: None
void hwEnableGPHangWorkaround ( u32 timeoutFrames )
#ifdef EMU
#pragma unused (timeoutFrames)
if (timeoutFrames)
// ASSERTMSG(!hwStatEnable,
// "DEMOStats and GP hang diagnosis are mutually exclusive");
GPHangWorkaround = TRUE;
FrameMissThreshold = timeoutFrames;
VISetPreRetraceCallback( __NoHangRetraceCallback );
// Enable counters for post-hang diagnosis
hwSetGPHangMetric( GX_TRUE );
GPHangWorkaround = FALSE;
FrameMissThreshold = 0;
hwSetGPHangMetric( GX_FALSE );
VISetPreRetraceCallback( NULL );
Name: __NoHangRetraceCallback
Description: VI callback to count missed frames for GPHangWorkaround
Arguments: Unused
Returns: None
static void __NoHangRetraceCallback ( u32 count )
// #pragma unused (count)
Name: __NoHangDoneRender
Description: Called in lieu of the standard hwDoneRender if
GPHangWorkaround == TRUE.
Uses a token to check for end of frame so that we can
also count missed frames at the same time.
Arguments: None
Returns: None
static void __NoHangDoneRender()
BOOL abort = FALSE;
GX::CopyDisp(hwCurrentBuffer, GX_TRUE);
GX::SetDrawSync( hw_END_FRAME_TOKEN );
FrameCount = 0;
while( (GX::ReadDrawSync() != hw_END_FRAME_TOKEN ) && !abort )
if (FrameCount >= FrameMissThreshold)
OSReport("---------WARNING : ABORTING FRAME----------\n");
abort = TRUE;
hwReInit(rmode); // XXX RMODE?
// re-enable counters for post-hang diagnosis
hwSetGPHangMetric( GX_TRUE );
Name: hwSetGPHangMetric
Description: Sets up the GP performance counters in such a way to
enable us to detect the cause of a GP hang. Note that
this takes over the performance counters, and you cannot
use GXSetGPMetric or GXInitXFRasMetric while you have
hwSetGPHangMetric enabled.
Arguments: enable: set to GX_TRUE to enable the counters.
set to GX_FALSE to disable the counters.
Returns: None
void hwSetGPHangMetric( GXBool enable )
#ifdef EMU
#pragma unused (enable)
if (enable)
// Ensure other counters are off
Name: __hwDiagnoseHang
Description: Reads performance counters (which should have been set
up appropriately already) in order to determine why the
GP hung. The counters must be set as follows:
GXSetGPHangMetric( GX_TRUE );
The above call actually sets up multiple counters, which
are read using a non-standard method.
Arguments: None
Returns: None
static void __hwDiagnoseHang()
u32 xfTop0, xfBot0, suRdy0, r0Rdy0;
u32 xfTop1, xfBot1, suRdy1, r0Rdy1;
u32 xfTopD, xfBotD, suRdyD, r0RdyD;
GXBool readIdle, cmdIdle, junk;
// Read the counters twice in order to see which are changing.
// This method of reading the counters works in this particular case.
// You should not use this method to read GPMetric counters.
GX::ReadXfRasMetric( &xfBot0, &xfTop0, &r0Rdy0, &suRdy0 );
GX::ReadXfRasMetric( &xfBot1, &xfTop1, &r0Rdy1, &suRdy1 );
// XF Top & Bot counters indicate busy, others indicate ready.
// Convert readings into indications of who is ready/idle.
xfTopD = (xfTop1 - xfTop0) == 0;
xfBotD = (xfBot1 - xfBot0) == 0;
suRdyD = (suRdy1 - suRdy0) > 0;
r0RdyD = (r0Rdy1 - r0Rdy0) > 0;
// Get CP status
GX::GetGPStatus(&junk, &junk, &readIdle, &cmdIdle, &junk);
OSReport("GP status %d%d%d%d%d%d --> ",
readIdle, cmdIdle, xfTopD, xfBotD, suRdyD, r0RdyD);
// Depending upon which counters are changing, diagnose the hang.
// This may not be 100% conclusive, but it's what we've observed so far.
if (!xfBotD && suRdyD)
OSReport("GP hang due to XF stall bug.\n");
else if (!xfTopD && xfBotD && suRdyD)
OSReport("GP hang due to unterminated primitive.\n");
else if (!cmdIdle && xfTopD && xfBotD && suRdyD)
OSReport("GP hang due to illegal instruction.\n");
else if (readIdle && cmdIdle && xfTopD && xfBotD && suRdyD && r0RdyD)
OSReport("GP appears to be not hung (waiting for input).\n");
OSReport("GP is in unknown state.\n");
Name: __hwOverflowThread
Description: This thread is designed to detect a hang when the main
thread is suspended due to the high watermark interrupt.
If the GP hangs during this time, it is not typically
recoverable. However, we can still diagnose it.
Arguments: None
Returns: None
void* __hwOverflowThread( void* param )
// #pragma unused (param)
GXBool overhi, junk;
u32 count;
OSTick tick1, tick2;
// There are at least two reasons why this thread may run:
// 1. Main thread suspended during high watermark.
// 2. Main thread suspended during GXDrawDone.
// Low watermark and GP finish can suspend this thread.
while (1)
// Wait for an overflow (hit to high watermark) to occur.
GX::GetGPStatus(&overhi, &junk, &junk, &junk, &junk);
while (!overhi);
// If GP hang workaround is off, don't do anything.
if (!FrameMissThreshold)
// Get a reading for this overflow and the current tick.
count = GX::GetOverflowCount();
tick1 = OSGetTick();
// Wait until either we time-out or until the next overflow.
// One frame is approximately 17 milliseconds.
do {
tick2 = OSGetTick();
} while (
OSTicksToMilliseconds(tick2 - tick1) < FrameMissThreshold * 17 &&
count == GX::GetOverflowCount() );
// Exiting the above loop does not imply a hang.
// We must check the overflow status once more to be certain.
GX::GetGPStatus(&overhi, &junk, &junk, &junk, &junk);
// If a new overflow started, then start timing again from the top.
if (!overhi || count != GX::GetOverflowCount())
// We timed out. Report and diagnose the hang.
OSReport("---------WARNING : HANG AT HIGH WATERMARK----------\n");
// We cannot easily recover from this situation. Halt program.
OSHalt("Halting program");
Name: hwReInit
Description: Re-initializes the graphics pipe. Makes no assumptions
about the Fifo (allowing you to change it in your program
if needed).
Arguments: mode render mode object
Returns: None
void hwReInit( GXRenderModeObj *mode )
// If an application specific render mode is provided,
// override the default render mode
if (mode != NULL)
rmode = mode;
rmode = &GXNtsc480IntDf;
// Trim off from top & bottom 16 scanlines (which will be overscanned).
// So almost all hws actually render only 448 lines (in NTSC case.)
// Since this setting is just for SDK hws, you can specify this
// in order to match your application requirements.
GX::AdjustForOverscan(rmode, &rmodeobj, 0, 16);
rmode = &rmodeobj;
OSReport( "TV format: %d\n", VIGetTvFormat() );
switch (VIGetTvFormat())
case VI_NTSC:
if ( NxNgc::EngineGlobals.use_480p )
rmode->viTVmode = VI_TVMODE_NTSC_PROG;
rmode->xFBmode = VI_XFBMODE_SF;
case VI_PAL:
if ( rmode->viTVmode == VI_TVMODE_NTSC_INT )
if ( NxNgc::EngineGlobals.use_60hz )
rmode->viTVmode = VI_TVMODE_EURGB60_INT;
rmode->viTVmode = VI_TVMODE_PAL_INT;
rmode->viYOrigin = 23;
if ( NxNgc::EngineGlobals.use_60hz )
rmode->viTVmode = VI_TVMODE_EURGB60_DS;
rmode->viTVmode = VI_TVMODE_PAL_DS;
rmode->viYOrigin = 23;
if ( NxNgc::EngineGlobals.use_60hz )
rmode->xfbHeight = 448;
rmode->xfbHeight = ( rmode->xfbHeight * 528 ) / 448;
rmode->viHeight = 528;
case VI_MPAL:
rmode = &GXMpal480IntDf;
OSHalt("hwInit: invalid TV format\n");
rmode->viWidth = 650;
rmode->viXOrigin = 35;
// // Create a temporary FIFO while the current one is reset
// GXFifoObj tmpobj;
// char* tmpFifo = new char[64*1024];
// // Get data on current Fifo.
// GXFifoObj* realFifoObj = GXGetCPUFifo();
// void* realFifoBase = GXGetFifoBase(realFifoObj);
// u32 realFifoSize = GXGetFifoSize(realFifoObj);
// // Abort the GP
// GXAbortFrame();
// GXInitFifoBase( &tmpobj, tmpFifo, 64*1024);
// GXSetCPUFifo(&tmpobj);
// GXSetGPFifo(&tmpobj);
// /*----------------------------------------------------------------*
// * Initialize Graphics again
// *----------------------------------------------------------------*/
// __hwInitRenderMode(mode);
// // This will re-initialize the pointers for the original FIFO.
// DefaultFifoObj = GXInit(realFifoBase, realFifoSize);
// __hwInitGX();
// // NOTE: the VI settings do not necessarily have to be reset, but
// // just to be safe, we do so anyway
// VIConfigure(rmode);
// __hwInitVI();
// // remove the temporary fifo
// delete tmpFifo;
void hwGXInit( void )