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2016-02-13 21:39:12 +00:00
// * *
// * Module: *
// * NsCollision *
// * Description: *
// * Written by: *
// * Paul Robinson *
// * Copyright: *
// * 2001 Neversoft Entertainment - All rights reserved. *
// * *
// ********************************************************************************/
// * Includes. *
// ********************************************************************************/
//#include "p_hw.h"
//#include "p_collision.h"
//#include "p_assert.h"
//#include "p_render.h"
//#include "p_prim.h"
// * Defines. *
// ********************************************************************************/
// * Structures. *
// ********************************************************************************/
// * Local variables. *
// ********************************************************************************/
// * Forward references. *
// ********************************************************************************/
// * Externs. *
// ********************************************************************************/
// * *
// * Method: *
// * NsCollision *
// * Inputs: *
// * <none> *
// * Output: *
// * <none> *
// * Description: *
// * *
// ********************************************************************************/
// m_pHead = NULL;
// // Delete all collision structures.
// NsTree * pTree = m_pHead;
// NsTree * pDelete;
// while ( pTree ) {
// pDelete = pTree;
// pTree = pTree->m_pNext;
// delete pDelete;
// }
//void NsCollision::addTree( void * pTree, unsigned int numLeaf, unsigned int numTri, NsDL * pDL )
// NsTree * p = new NsTree( pTree, numLeaf, numTri, pDL );
// p->m_pNext = m_pHead;
// m_pHead = p;
//int NsCollision::findCollision( NsLine * pLine, NsDL::Collision_LineCallback pCb, void * pData )
// int rv = 0;
// NsTree * pTree = m_pHead;
// while ( pTree ) {
// if ( pTree->m_numLeafNodes && pTree->m_numTriangles ) {
// if ( pTree->findCollision( pLine, pCb, pData ) ) {
// rv = 1;
// }
// }
// pTree = pTree->m_pNext;
// }
// return rv;
//NsTree::NsTree( void * pTree, unsigned int numLeaf, unsigned int numTri, NsDL * pDL )
// NsBranch * pBranchNodes;
// NsLeaf * pLeafNodes;
// unsigned int * pTriangleMap;
// // Point up DL.
// m_pDL = pDL;
// // Set pointers & counts up.
// m_numBranchNodes = numLeaf ? numLeaf - 1 : 0;
// m_numLeafNodes = numLeaf;
// m_numTriangles = numTri;
// pBranchNodes = (NsBranch *)pTree;
// pLeafNodes = (NsLeaf *)&pBranchNodes[m_numBranchNodes];
// pTriangleMap = (unsigned int *)&pLeafNodes[m_numLeafNodes];
// // Copy the branch nodes.
// if ( m_numBranchNodes ) {
// m_pBranchNodes = new NsBranch[m_numBranchNodes];
// memcpy ( m_pBranchNodes, pBranchNodes, sizeof ( NsBranch ) * m_numBranchNodes );
// } else {
// m_pBranchNodes = NULL;
// }
// // Copy the leaf nodes.
// if ( m_numLeafNodes ) {
// m_pLeafNodes = new NsLeaf[m_numLeafNodes];
// memcpy ( m_pLeafNodes, pLeafNodes, sizeof ( NsLeaf ) * m_numLeafNodes );
// } else {
// m_pLeafNodes = NULL;
// }
// // Copy the triangle map.
// if ( m_numTriangles ) {
// m_pTriangleMap = new unsigned int[m_numTriangles];
// memcpy ( m_pTriangleMap, pTriangleMap, sizeof ( unsigned int ) * m_numTriangles );
// } else {
// m_pTriangleMap = NULL;
// }
// // Fix branch data.
// {
// unsigned int * p32 = (unsigned int *)m_pBranchNodes;
// unsigned int value;
// for ( unsigned int lp = 0; lp < m_numBranchNodes; lp++ ) {
// value = *p32++;
// m_pBranchNodes[lp].type = (unsigned short)( ( value >> 16 ) & 0x0000ffff );
// m_pBranchNodes[lp].leftType = (unsigned char)( ( value >> 8 ) & 0x000000ff );
// m_pBranchNodes[lp].rightType = (unsigned char)( value & 0x000000ff );
// value = *p32++;
// m_pBranchNodes[lp].leftNode = (unsigned short)( ( value >> 16 ) & 0x0000ffff );
// m_pBranchNodes[lp].rightNode = (unsigned short)( value & 0x0000ffff );
// p32 += 2;
// }
// }
// // Fix leaf data.
// {
// unsigned int * p32 = (unsigned int *)m_pLeafNodes;
// unsigned int value;
// for ( unsigned int lp = 0; lp < m_numLeafNodes; lp++ ) {
// value = *p32++;
// m_pLeafNodes[lp].numPolygons = (unsigned short)( ( value >> 16 ) & 0x0000ffff );
// m_pLeafNodes[lp].firstPolygon = (unsigned short)( value & 0x0000ffff );
// }
// }
// if ( m_pBranchNodes ) delete m_pBranchNodes;
// if ( m_pLeafNodes ) delete m_pLeafNodes;
// if ( m_pTriangleMap ) delete m_pTriangleMap;
// *
// * Line test with polygons in BSP leaf node
// */
//int NsTree::testPolygons( unsigned int numPolygons, unsigned int polyOffset, NsLine * pLine, NsDL::Collision_LineCallback pCb, void * pData )
// unsigned short * polygons = m_pDL->getConnectList();
// unsigned int * polyIndex = m_pTriangleMap;
// NsVector * vertices = m_pDL->getVertexPool();
// while (numPolygons--)
// {
// unsigned short *poly;
// NsTriangle ct;
// float distance;
// unsigned int result;
// // Build the collision triangle.
// poly = polygons + ( *polyIndex * 3 );
// *ct.corner( 0 ) = *(vertices + ( poly[0] * m_pDL->getStride() ));
// *ct.corner( 1 ) = *(vertices + ( poly[1] * m_pDL->getStride() ));
// *ct.corner( 2 ) = *(vertices + ( poly[2] * m_pDL->getStride() ));
// /* Test for collision */
// result = pLine->intersectTriangle( &distance, &ct );
// if (result)
// {
// NsCollisionTriangle tri;
// // Create triangle data.
// NsVector l10;
// NsVector l20;
// l10.sub( *ct.corner(1), *ct.corner(0) );
// l20.sub( *ct.corner(2), *ct.corner(0) );
// tri.normal.cross( l10, l20 );
// tri.normal.normalize();
// tri.vertices[0] = ct.corner( 0 );
// tri.vertices[1] = ct.corner( 1 );
// tri.vertices[2] = ct.corner( 2 );
// tri.point.set( tri.vertices[0]->x, tri.vertices[0]->y, tri.vertices[0]->z );
// tri.index = *polyIndex;
// // Execute callback.
// if ( pCb ) {
// if ( !pCb( pLine, *m_pDL, &tri, distance, pData ) ) {
// /* Early out */
// return 0;
// }
// }
// }
// polyIndex++;
// }
// return 1;
// *
// * Line intersections with collision BSP leaf nodes
// *
// * Early out with NULL if callback returns NULL.
// */
//typedef struct nodeInfo nodeInfo;
//struct nodeInfo
// unsigned int type;
// unsigned int index;
//typedef union NsSplitBits NsSplitBits;
//union NsSplitBits
// float nReal;
// volatile int nInt;
// volatile unsigned int nUInt;
//#define NsCollision_LeafNode (1)
//#define NsCollision_BranchNode (2)
//#define NsCollision_MaxDepth (32)
///* Local macro to aid readability */
//#define PUSH_NODE_INFO(_type, _index, lineStart, lineEnd) \
// { \
// nStack++; \
// nodeStack[nStack].type = (_type); \
// nodeStack[nStack].index = (_index); \
// lineStack[nStack].start = (lineStart); \
// lineStack[nStack].end = (lineEnd); \
// } \
//#define GETCOORD(vect,y) \
// (*(float *)(((unsigned char *)(&((vect).x)))+(unsigned int)(y)))
//int NsTree::findCollision( NsLine * pLine, NsDL::Collision_LineCallback pCb, void * pData )
// // First, calculate the gradient.
// NsVector delta;
// float recip;
// float dydx;
// float dzdx;
// float dxdy;
// float dzdy;
// float dxdz;
// float dydz;
// delta.sub( pLine->end, pLine->start );
// recip = (delta.x != 0.0f) ? (1.0f / delta.x) : 0.0f;
// dydx = delta.y * recip;
// dzdx = delta.z * recip;
// recip = (delta.y != 0.0f) ? (1.0f / delta.y) : 0.0f;
// dxdy = delta.x * recip;
// dzdy = delta.z * recip;
// recip = (delta.z != 0.0f) ? (1.0f / delta.z) : 0.0f;
// dxdz = delta.x * recip;
// dydz = delta.y * recip;
// /* Need data stack for recursion */
// int nStack;
// nodeInfo nodeStack[NsCollision_MaxDepth + 1], node;
// NsLine lineStack[NsCollision_MaxDepth + 1], currLine;
// /* Go down tree recursively */
// node.type = m_pBranchNodes ? NsCollision_BranchNode : NsCollision_LeafNode;
// node.index = 0;
// currLine = *pLine;
// nStack = 0;
// while (nStack >= 0)
// {
// if (node.type == NsCollision_LeafNode)
// {
// NsLeaf * leaf;
// leaf = m_pLeafNodes + node.index;
// if ( !testPolygons( leaf->numPolygons, leaf->firstPolygon, pLine, pCb, pData ) ) {
// return 0;
// }
// /* Unstack */
// node = nodeStack[nStack];
// currLine = lineStack[nStack];
// nStack--;
// }
// else
// {
// NsSplitBits lStart, lEnd;
// NsSplitBits rStart, rEnd;
// NsBranch * branch;
// /* Its a plane, find out which way we need to go */
// branch = m_pBranchNodes + node.index;
// /* Find out where line end points are in relation to the plane
// * Note: leftValue > rightValue as these mean value for left and right
// * sector respectively.
// */
// lStart.nReal = GETCOORD(currLine.start, branch->type)
// - branch->leftValue;
// lEnd.nReal = GETCOORD(currLine.end, branch->type)
// - branch->leftValue;
// rStart.nReal = GETCOORD(currLine.start, branch->type)
// - branch->rightValue;
// rEnd.nReal = GETCOORD(currLine.end, branch->type)
// - branch->rightValue;
// /* First test if it's entirely one side or the other
// * Note that the line can never lie in the plane, because we use
// * the sign bits to determine which sides the ends are on, so zero
// * means on the right.
// */
// if (rStart.nInt < 0 && rEnd.nInt < 0)
// {
// /* totally left */
// node.type = branch->leftType;
// node.index = branch->leftNode;
// }
// else if (lStart.nInt >= 0 && lEnd.nInt >= 0)
// {
// /* totally right */
// node.type = branch->rightType;
// node.index = branch->rightNode;
// }
// else if (!((lStart.nInt ^ lEnd.nInt) & 0x80000000) &&
// !((rStart.nInt ^ rEnd.nInt) & 0x80000000))
// {
// /* Doesn't cross either, sat in overlap regions */
// if (rStart.nInt < rEnd.nInt)
// {
// /* go left, stack right */
// PUSH_NODE_INFO(branch->rightType, branch->rightNode,
// currLine.start, currLine.end);
// node.type = branch->leftType;
// node.index = branch->leftNode;
// }
// else
// {
// /* go right, stack left */
// PUSH_NODE_INFO(branch->leftType, branch->leftNode,
// currLine.start, currLine.end);
// node.type = branch->rightType;
// node.index = branch->rightNode;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// if (((lStart.nInt ^ lEnd.nInt) & 0x80000000) &&
// (rStart.nInt >= 0 && rEnd.nInt >= 0))
// {
// /* crosses left and totally in right */
// NsVector vTmp;
// /* Calculate an intersection point for left plane */
//// _rpLinePlaneIntersectMacro(&vTmp, &currLine, grad,
//// branch->type,
//// branch->leftValue);
// float ld;
// switch ( branch->type ) {
// case 0:
// ld = branch->leftValue - currLine.start.x;
// vTmp.x = branch->leftValue;
// vTmp.y = currLine.start.y + dydx * ld;
// vTmp.z = currLine.start.z + dzdx * ld;
// break;
// case 4:
// ld = branch->leftValue - currLine.start.y;
// vTmp.x = currLine.start.x + dxdy * ld;
// vTmp.y = branch->leftValue;
// vTmp.z = currLine.start.z + dzdy * ld;
// break;
// case 8:
// ld = branch->leftValue - currLine.start.z;
// vTmp.x = currLine.start.x + dxdz * ld;
// vTmp.y = currLine.start.y + dydz * ld;
// vTmp.z = branch->leftValue;
// break;
// }
// if (lStart.nInt < 0)
// {
// /* stack right go left */
// PUSH_NODE_INFO(branch->rightType,
// branch->rightNode,
// currLine.start, currLine.end);
// node.type = branch->leftType;
// node.index = branch->leftNode;
// currLine.end = vTmp;
// }
// else
// {
// /* stack left go right */
// PUSH_NODE_INFO(branch->leftType,
// branch->leftNode, vTmp,
// currLine.end);
// node.type = branch->rightType;
// node.index = branch->rightNode;
// }
// }
// else if (((rStart.nInt ^ rEnd.nInt) & 0x80000000) &&
// (lStart.nInt < 0 && lEnd.nInt < 0))
// {
// /* crosses right and totally in left */
// NsVector vTmp;
// /* Calculate an intersection point for right plane */
//// _rpLinePlaneIntersectMacro(&vTmp, &currLine, grad,
//// branch->type,
//// branch->rightValue);
// float ld;
// switch ( branch->type ) {
// case 0:
// ld = branch->rightValue - currLine.start.x;
// vTmp.x = branch->rightValue;
// vTmp.y = currLine.start.y + dydx * ld;
// vTmp.z = currLine.start.z + dzdx * ld;
// break;
// case 4:
// ld = branch->rightValue - currLine.start.y;
// vTmp.x = currLine.start.x + dxdy * ld;
// vTmp.y = branch->rightValue;
// vTmp.z = currLine.start.z + dzdy * ld;
// break;
// case 8:
// ld = branch->rightValue - currLine.start.z;
// vTmp.x = currLine.start.x + dxdz * ld;
// vTmp.y = currLine.start.y + dydz * ld;
// vTmp.z = branch->rightValue;
// break;
// }
// if (rStart.nInt < 0)
// {
// /* stack right go left */
// PUSH_NODE_INFO(branch->rightType,
// branch->rightNode, vTmp,
// currLine.end);
// node.type = branch->leftType;
// node.index = branch->leftNode;
// }
// else
// {
// /* stack left go right */
// PUSH_NODE_INFO(branch->leftType,
// branch->leftNode, currLine.start,
// currLine.end);
// node.type = branch->rightType;
// node.index = branch->rightNode;
// currLine.end = vTmp;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// /* Must cross both planes */
// NsVector vLeft, vRight;
// float ld;
// /* Calc intersections at planes */
//// _rpLinePlaneIntersectMacro(&vLeft, &currLine, grad,
//// branch->type,
//// branch->leftValue);
// switch ( branch->type ) {
// case 0:
// ld = branch->leftValue - currLine.start.x;
// vLeft.x = branch->leftValue;
// vLeft.y = currLine.start.y + dydx * ld;
// vLeft.z = currLine.start.z + dzdx * ld;
// break;
// case 4:
// ld = branch->leftValue - currLine.start.y;
// vLeft.x = currLine.start.x + dxdy * ld;
// vLeft.y = branch->leftValue;
// vLeft.z = currLine.start.z + dzdy * ld;
// break;
// case 8:
// ld = branch->leftValue - currLine.start.z;
// vLeft.x = currLine.start.x + dxdz * ld;
// vLeft.y = currLine.start.y + dydz * ld;
// vLeft.z = branch->leftValue;
// break;
// }
//// _rpLinePlaneIntersectMacro(&vRight, &currLine, grad,
//// branch->type,
//// branch->rightValue);
// switch ( branch->type ) {
// case 0:
// ld = branch->rightValue - currLine.start.x;
// vRight.x = branch->rightValue;
// vRight.y = currLine.start.y + dydx * ld;
// vRight.z = currLine.start.z + dzdx * ld;
// break;
// case 4:
// ld = branch->rightValue - currLine.start.y;
// vRight.x = currLine.start.x + dxdy * ld;
// vRight.y = branch->rightValue;
// vRight.z = currLine.start.z + dzdy * ld;
// break;
// case 8:
// ld = branch->rightValue - currLine.start.z;
// vRight.x = currLine.start.x + dxdz * ld;
// vRight.y = currLine.start.y + dydz * ld;
// vRight.z = branch->rightValue;
// break;
// }
// if (lStart.nInt < 0)
// {
// /* Stack right, go left */
// PUSH_NODE_INFO(branch->rightType,
// branch->rightNode, vRight,
// currLine.end);
// node.type = branch->leftType;
// node.index = branch->leftNode;
// currLine.end = vLeft;
// }
// else
// {
// /* Stack left, go right */
// /* Calc intersection for left plane and stack */
// PUSH_NODE_INFO(branch->leftType,
// branch->leftNode, vLeft,
// currLine.end);
// node.type = branch->rightType;
// node.index = branch->rightNode;
// currLine.end = vRight;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// /* All done */
// return 1;